Brandon Valley School District
School Board Policy Index

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SECTION A:  Foundations and Basic Commitments
Section A describes the district's legal role in providing public education and the underlying principles on which the district operates.  The policies in this section provide a setting for all the school board's other policies.

SECTION B:  School Board Governance and Operations
Section B relates to the school board - how it is elected, organized; how it conducts its meetings and operates.  This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.

SECTION C:  General School Administration
Section C describes the school district's management, the administrative structure, school building and department administration.  It also is the location for personnel policies that pertain to the superintendent.

SECTION D:  Fiscal Management
Section D describes district fiscal affairs and the management of district funds.  Statements relating to the financing of school construction, however, are filed in the F (Facilities Development) section.

SECTION E:  Support Services
Section E describes non-instructional services and programs, including most of those that fall in the area of business management such as safety, buildings and management (not construction), transportation, food services.

SECTION F:  Facilities Development
Section F relates to school construction, remodeling and modernizing, temporary facilities and facilities retirement plans.

SECTION G:  Personnel
Section G relates to personnel policies.  This section has three main subdivisions:  subsection GB presents policy topics that pertain to all employees; subsection GC is for policies that pertain to professional personnel who must hold certification by the state to serve in their positions; subsection GD is for policies pertaining to support or non-certified personnel.

SECTION H:  Negotiations
Section H describes the process of negotiating with staff units recognized by the school board.

SECTION I:  Instruction
Section I describes the instructional program:  basic programs, special programs, activities programs, instructional resources, academic achievement.

SECTION J:  Students
Section J relates to student issues - admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare services.  However, all policies pertaining to the instruction of students, and extracurricular programs and the curriculum are filed in the I (Instruction) section.

SECTION K:  School-Community Relations
Section K describes relations with the general public and with other community and public agencies except other educational agencies and groups.

SECTION L:  Education Agency Relations
Section L describes the district's relationship with other education agencies - other school districts, regional or service districts, private schools, colleges and universities, educational research organizations, and state and national education agencies.