FILE: JA | Student Policies Goals |
FILE: JB | Equal Educational Opportunities |
FILE: JBA | Anti-Bullying/Harassment of Students |
FILE: JC | School Attendance Areas |
FILE: JC-E | Map of School Attendance Areas |
FILE: JC-E 1 | Map of City of Brandon |
FILE: JC-E 2 | Map of Brandon Valley School District |
FILE: JE | Compulsory Student Attendance |
FILE: JEAA | Students Alternative Instruction |
FILE: JEB | Entrance Age |
FILE: JEC | School Admissions |
FILE: JECA | Admission of Resident Students |
FILE: JECAA | New Residents |
FILE: JECAAA | Transfers from Non-accredited Schools |
FILE: JECB | Admission of Nonresident Students |
FILE: JECBA | Admission of Exchange Students |
FILE: JECBR | Open Enrollment - Administrative Regulation |
FILE: JECC | Assignment of Students to School |
FILE: JECE | Student Withdrawal from School |
FILE: JED | Student Absences and Excuses |
FILE: JEDA | Truancy |
FILE: JEDB | Student Dismissal Precautions |
FILE: JED-R | Regulations Pertaining to All Absences |
FILE: JEE | Student Attendance Accounting |
FILE: JEG | Public School Exemption/Home School Students |
FILE: JF | Student Rights and Responsibilities |
FILE: JFA | Student Due Process Rights |
FILE: JFB | Crisis Management Team Guidelines (also CD, EBCE, GBB, KBCAA) |
Appendix A Crisis Situation Media Parameters | |
Appendix B Principal's Role | |
Appendix C Teacher's Role | |
Appendix D Guidance Role | |
Appendix E Role of Secretarial Staff | |
Appendix F How to Comfort | |
FILE: JFBB | Wellness Policy (Also CDB, EBD, GBBB, KBD) |
FILE: JFC | Student Conduct |
FILE: JFCA | Student Dress Code |
FILE: JFCC | Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles |
FILE: JFCC-R | Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles |
FILE: JFCF | Hazing |
FILE: JFCG | Smoking by Students |
FILE: JFCH/JFCI | Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Students |
FILE: JFCI | Student Drug Use |
FILE: JFCJ | Dangerous Weapons in the School |
FILE: JFCK | Use of personal Electronic Devices and Cell Phones at School |
FILE: JFE | Pregnant/Married Students |
FILE: JFG | Interrogations and Searches |
FILE: JFH | Student Complaints and Grievances |
FILE: JG | Student Discipline |
FILE: JGA | Prohibition of Corporal Punishment |
FILE: JGD/JGE | Student Suspension/Expulsion |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(1) | Notice of Hearing |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(2) | SD Codified Laws (SDCL) 13-32-4 |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(3) | Hearing Procedure |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(4) | Waiver of Hearing Form |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(5) | Opening Statements by Board President |
FILE: JGD/JGE-E(6) | Findings of Fact |
FILE: JHC | Nursing Services |
FILE: JHCA | Physical Examination |
FILE: JHCB | Immunization Policy |
FILE: JHCC | Student Communicable Diseases |
FILE: JHCC-R | Student Communicable Diseases Guidelines |
FILE: JHCD | Medications |
FILE: JHCDA | Student Self-Administration of Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medication |
Medication and Treatment Authorization Form |
FILE: JHCDB | Epinephrine Auto-Injectors |
FILE: JHCDE | Administration of Medical Cannabis to Qualifying Students |
FILE: JHCE | Exposure Control: Employee/Student Regulations |
FILE: JHD | Student Psychological Services |
FILE: JHFA | Supervision of Students |
FILE: JHFB | Student Safety Patrol |
FILE: JHG | Reporting Child Abuse |
FILE: JI | Student Awards and Scholarships |
FILE: JL | Student Gifts and Solicitations |
FILE: JLG | Instruction/Programs for Homeless Students |
FILE: JLG-R | Instruction/Programs for Homeless Students |
FILE: JN | Student Fees, Fines, and Charges |
FILE: JO | Student Records |
FILE: JOA | Student Directory Information |
FILE: JOA-E | Notification to Parents – Release of Certain Information |
FILE: JOA-N | FERPA Notice - Student Directory Information |
FILE: JOB | Student Surveys |
FILE: JOB-N | Notification of Rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) |
FILE: JO-N | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) |
FILE: JO-R | Confidentiality |
FILE: JO-R(1) | Authorization for Disclosure of Information |