Students in the JK-4 Distance Learning Cohort will access and print their learning plans through this web page and/or electronically through Seesaw. Related handouts and worksheets will be electronically distributed by the classroom teacher or you can pick them up at the Brandon Valley Intermediate School (BVIS) In the event you need hard-copy materials, contact your child’s teacher to schedule a pick-up at BVIS.
Each Distance Learning Plan (DLP) contains a teacher created instructional video in the upper left corner designed to give students and parents a quick overview of the content and assignments for the week. You can expect your child’s teacher to share additional instructional videos, offer live instruction, and/or help sessions via Zoom.
Students will independently work on assignments and maintain contact with their teachers using web-based class sessions, email, text messages, and phone calls. Parents and guardians are requested to serve as learning guides for their children, especially at the elementary level. Teachers will be available from 7:45 am - 3:45 pm on weekdays. If you need assistance, please create a help ticket by clicking the button below the teacher’s name.
Completed assignments can be submitted electronically to teachers through Seesaw (JK-4) or dropped off at the Intermediate School between 7:45 AM - 3:45 PM. Assignments submitted electronically will result in more timely feedback from teachers. Refer to the distance learning plans to determine which assignments to submit.
Students in grades 5-6 will electronically access their learning plans through this webpage by clicking on the subject link below their teacher’s name.
Students will independently work on assignments and maintain contact with their teachers using web-based class sessions, email, text messages, and phone calls. Teachers will be available from 7:45 am - 3:45 pm on weekdays. If you need assistance, please create a help ticket by clicking the button below the teacher’s name.
Completed assignments should be submitted electronically to teachers through Google Classroom. Refer to the distance learning plans to determine which assignments to submit.
Distance Learning Cohort students in grades 5-6 can access their learning plans and electronically submit their assignments to their teachers by clicking on the subject link below their teacher’s name. Weekly learning plans are posted every Friday by 4:00 pm.