Brandon Valley School District

Substitute Teaching Information



If you were a substitute that was board approved or worked in the Brandon Valley School District during the last three semesters, you do NOT need to reapply online to sub for this school year.  You are eligible and ready to sub!  You should already be active in the Frontline call list.  If you are not on the call list, or if you are uncertain whether you need to reapply to sub, please contact Jennifer Swenson at 605-582-2049.

Annually, all substitutes are required to complete the substitute training packet.  This information will be emailed to you before the start of the school year.



Please complete the “Substitute” online application found here.  The online application is available approximately mid-July through mid-March.

Complete the following forms and email them to 
You will need to SAVE the forms to your device before you fill them out.  Once you have them filled out and saved, email the forms (and additional requested documents) to

·         W-4 (complete only if new applicant) 

·         I-9 (complete only if new substitute or changes have occurred); BVSD will need copies of the following documents submitted.  We will eventually need to view the original documents, but for now you can scan and email them: 
        - social security card, and  
        - driver’s license or passport

·         Direct Deposit Form – payments will be electronically credited to your bank account.  Please attach a voided check.  If depositing to a savings account, please have the bank print a copy of the account information (we will not accept a deposit slip).

·         SDRS Verification Form – All substitutes must submit this form (regardless of employment / retirement benefit status).

The following will need to be completed and dropped off at the Central Office (300 S. Splitrock Blvd, Brandon, SD 57005):

·         Criminal Background Check and payment - If you already have a background check on file @ BVSD (from volunteering or student teaching) please call Jennifer at 605-582-2049.

Once the above paperwork has been submitted, new substitute applicants must be approved by the BVSD Board of Education.  These meetings are typically on the second and fourth Mondays of the month.  Approximately one week after board approval, you will receive an email inviting you to set up your account in Frontline (information below).  After you set up your Frontline account, you will be eligible to sub.

The Brandon Valley School District is transitioning to remote training for our new substitutes.  The training packet will be emailed to you after your substitute application has been submitted.  Remote training must be completed before you substitute in any BV schools.  Please contact Sherri Nelson (582-6035) if you have questions about the training materials.


All substitutes need to review the following information:

·         Substitute Handbook

·         Frontline Sub QuickStart Guide & Training

     Frontline is the absence management system used by BVSD to fill substitute teaching jobs.  Substitutes are enrolled in Frontline by the school district, only after board approval.  One to two weeks after board approval, you will receive an email with your Frontline account login information (check your email spam folder).   At that time you will start receiving automated phone calls for substitute teaching positions.  Log into your web based Frontline account to view your PIN (needed to access automated phone calls) and to configure automated call settings.

Please contact Jennifer Swenson (582-2049) with all other questions.