Renee Ullom and her family have lived in the Brandon Valley School District since 1992. Renee, an RN, PA-C and her husband, Ron, a Senior Fire Safety Technician, are both employed at Sanford USD Medical Center in Sioux Falls. They have two daughters; Haley graduated from USD in 2019 with her MBA and is currently employed at CorTrust Bank as an AVP/Assistant BSA Officer. Emily graduated from USF 2022, majoring in Nursing and is currently employed at Sanford USD Medical Center as a Float RN. Renee continues to support the BVHS Marching Lynx Band Program by helping with the Turkey Supper & Indoor Marching Show. She was active for many years in the BV Fine Arts Boosters, helping with the musicals, and the Brandon/Valley Springs/Garretson Girl Scouts. She will serve as chair of the Alternative Education Committee and Child Nutrition and Wellness Committee, and as a member of the Personnel Welfare Committee. She is the Board Chairperson of Teachwell Solutions, also known as East Dakota Educational Cooperative.