January 13, 2014 | January 27, 2014 |
February 24, 2014 | |
April 21, 2014 (special) |
June 9, 2014 (special) |
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 8th of December, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant Principal Mark Schlekeway, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Curriculum Director Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of November 10, 2014 and November 24, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of November, 2014 showed receipts of 5,573,575.03 and disbursements of $3,691,130.45, leaving a balance of $17,012,698.61. The General Fund had receipts of $3,102,541.26, and disbursements of $2,040,670.68, leaving a balance of $5,366,065.25. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $1,116,590.04 and disbursements of $79,871.65, leaving a balance of $1,773,935.30. Special Education Fund had receipts of $647,266.82 and disbursements $397,752.60, leaving a balance of $270,613.67. Pension Fund had receipts of $111,547.10 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $373,202.25. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $594,781.29 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $688,160.28. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $250.00 and disbursements of $1,302.50, leaving a balance of $26,197.72, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $688.50 and disbursements of $1,171,533.00, leaving a balance of $8,515,524.14.
The November, 2014 payroll totaled $1,746,097.11, of which $871,174.35 was instructional, $423,450.45 was support services, $42,931.13 was co-curricular, $312,481.27 was Special Education, $95,114.91 was Food Service, and $945.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of November, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent Pappone reported on a presentation on the Smarter Balanced Achievement tests that he recently reviewed. These new test scores are going to be presented differently than the former Dakota Step test scores were presented. There are four levels that are represented on the Smarter Balanced Achievement Tests with Level Four being the most advanced and proficient understanding of the common core state standards; Level Three is adequate understanding and ability to apply; Level Two is a partial understanding and ability to apply; and Level One is minimal understanding and ability to apply. Pappone reminded the Board that last year was the pilot year of this new Smarter Balanced Achievement testing and the scoring is significantly different; the Board, teachers, and the public need to be prepared for a different view of the testing results when they arrive.
Business Manager Paul Lundberg presented the per pupil spending comparisons for FY2014 as tabulated by the Educational Statistics Digest. This compares the per pupil spending levels of School Districts throughout South Dakota. Brandon Valley ranks 142 out of 151 schools districts. This report shows that we had an increase in per pupil spending from last year of 6.4%, however we still maintain an efficient utilization of the dollars that are allocated to us while still maintaining respectable salary policies and programs. The Brandon Valley FY2014 cost per pupil was $6,789 versus the state of South Dakota average of $8,040.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott spoke on various Brandon Valley High School activities at tonight’s meeting. The biggest news that Talcott reported on was that the Brandon Valley High School placed in the top five of the large school categories in the “State Farm Celebrate My Drive” contest, assuring our District of one of the $100,000 prizes. Of the total grant, 10% ($10,000) of this grant is required to be used toward Driver’s safety and will be used toward scholarships for Driver’s Education classes; 10% ($10,000) will be given to the Brandon Area Food Pantry; 20% ($20,000) will be given to the Elementary school student councils; 20% ($20,000) will be given to the Middle School; with the remaining 40% ($40,000) to be used for the Brandon Valley High School.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson reported that the BVMS annual dodge ball tournament was recently held with 56 teams participating. He also reminded the Board of upcoming concerts as well as other end of semester events for the Middle School.
Assistant Middle School Principal Nick Skibsted presented information regarding the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) SmartLab for the new intermediate school. Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the proposal for the Brandon Valley Intermediate School STEM SmartLab (without options) at a cost of $166,146. Motion carried.
Child Nutrition Director Gay Anderson presented a pilot program for Brandon
Elementary called Second Chance Breakfast. Due to low numbers of
participation rate for breakfast, this program would create a separate
opportunity for students after the bell has rung, to eat at the designated
milk break time. This will assure that more students could eat breakfast.
This meal would include milk, which would also reduce the amount of students
that are on free or reduced meals from having to pay for that milk at the
morning break. The request is that the board eliminate any cost for free and
reduced students during this pilot program.
Wellness survey results were also
reviewed this evening by Mrs. Anderson. This questionnaire focused on
morning snacks, food/non-food parties, and shared snacks. The survey
results show support in serving morning non-shared snacks.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland
to pilot the Second Chance Breakfast program at Brandon Elementary beginning
the second semester of the 2014-15 school year, including waiving the fees.
Motion carried.
Curriculum Director Marge Hauser presented changes she would like to implement to the curriculum adoption/implementation cycle for English/Language Arts and Math. Hauser believes that the District needs to split the adoption money between ELA and Math both this fiscal year and the 2015-16 fiscal year in order to purchase some ELA and some Math in both years to ensure that we receive the most up-to-date curriculum that is prepared with common core standards in mind. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the changes to the curriculum adoption cycle as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded
by Schroeder to approve the following general business item:
Approve letter of engagement with DA Davidson & Co. to prepare information
for general obligation refunding bonds, Series 2015.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Laurie Gratz as a substitute for the 2014-15
school year.
Approve recommendation to approve unpaid leave request from January 22 –
February 3, 2015 (9 days) from Cathy Smith, ASL Communication Facilitator.
Approve recommendation to approve unpaid leave request from December 8 -10,
2014 (3 days).
from Lori Crumb, part-time VSE Child Nutrition worker.
Motion carried.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following items:
Thank you from Barb Langner for the plant received while she is recovering
from her surgery.
Thank you from Kristin Hofkamp for the plant sent in celebration of the
birth of their son, Daniel.
Thank you from Curt Blackburn for the plant received during his illness.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Schroeder,
seconded by Ode to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of January,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 24th of November, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson reported on the findings of the recent Department of Special Education on-site review. A few minor requirements were presented to the department overall, however, the findings were very positive. The board congratulated Mrs. Heidenson on the positive review again this year.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Schroeder to approve the following general business items:
Approve grant summary of the South Dakota Association of Middle Level
Educators (SDAMLE) for $500 as submitted by Jason Bisbee.
Approve donation agreement with SMART Technologies in conjunction with
Teaching Excellence Award on behalf of South Dakota Teacher of the Year
winner, Al Hogie.
Approve request from Laura Baker and Anne Chambers to pursue South Dakota
Association of Middle Level Educators (SDAMLE) Award of Excellence Grant.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve resignation submitted by Laura Baker from Assistant Marching Band Director at
the end of the 2014-15 school year, contingent upon finding a suitable
Approve Maggie Bryan and Stacey Wiese as substitutes for the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Michael Heesch, BVHS night custodian,
$12.70/hour (plus $.50/hour night differential pay), effective November 24,
Approve the following custodial substitutes for the 2014-15 school year:
Scott Hubers and Gwynne Anderson.
Approve resignation submitted by Gail Grace, FAE part-time Child Nutrition,
effective October 17, 2014.
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Central Office and Board of Education was reviewed. They included the
following item:
Thank you from Marsha Weiland, Founder of Decoding Dyslexia, for allowing
IDA-UMB and Decoding Dyslexia present and providing information on dyslexia.
Board reports were presented. On behalf of the City Affairs & Legislation Committee, Board Member Sandy Klatt and Superintendent David Pappone reported on the Associated School Board of South Dakota (ASBSD) Delegate Assembly findings and resolutions at the recent meeting.
On behalf of the Child Nutrition/Wellness Committee, Board Member Sandy Klatt reported on a conference that she and Paula Gordon were to attend in Pierre recently. This conference was cancelled due to weather, however, in lieu of this cancellation, Paula Gordon, Gay Anderson, Jennifer Swenson and Sandy Klatt set up a teleconference with one of the presenters regarding different ideas on including available snacks at the elementary schools along with providing an approved snack list. The Wellness Committee will be reviewing this information.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of December,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 10th of November, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant Principal Mark Schlekeway, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of October 14, 2014 and October 27, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of October, 2014 showed receipts of $1,389,168.36 and disbursements of $3,586,515.05, leaving a balance of $15,130,254.03. The General Fund had receipts of $1,125,261.07, and disbursements of $1,836,634.57, leaving a balance of $4,303,194.67. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $56,153.98 and disbursements of $125,111.31, leaving a balance of $737,216.91. Special Education Fund had receipts of $163,108.78 and disbursements $361,581.58, leaving a balance of $21,099.45. Pension Fund had receipts of $5,404.63 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $261,745.15. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $28,851.38 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $93,378.99. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $9,500 and disbursements of $250.00, leaving a balance of $27,250.22, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $888.52 and disbursements of $1,262,937.59, leaving a balance of $9,686,368.64.
The October, 2014 payroll totaled $1,438,787.11, of which $745,711.71 was instructional, $335,250.54 was support services, $46,128.13 was co-curricular, $246,831.07 was Special Education, $64,865.66 was Food Service, and $0.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of October, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent David Pappone presented a review of a request from a parent who had asked for the School District to review the elementary playground equipment for safety. This parent asked when and how often the district looked at the safety of the playground equipment. We have started to review all of the climbing apparatus type equipment on our playgrounds. We have moved to the rubber surfacing materials that the equipment sits on, so it is not the rubber service that is under question, but perhaps the height of some of the climbing apparatus needs attention. Operations Manager Ty Hentschel has measured the heights of the different playground equipment and will compare that with the guidelines from the National Safety Council to be sure that we have safe playgrounds for our students. As an added measure, from an outside source, we have requested that our insurance company to send out one of their safety experts to review this information as well. We have also asked our nurses to supply us with information on how many accidents occur on the climbing apparatus. The result of this investigation will be reviewed and we may remove some of the equipment or adjust some of the heights of some of this equipment based on our findings. Pappone will keep the board apprised of this action.
School Improvement Plans for the 2014-15 school year were presented from the Brandon Valley High School, Brandon Valley Middle School, Brandon Elementary School, Robert Bennis Elementary, Fred Assam Elementary School, and Valley Springs Elementary by school administration and reviewed by the Board of Education.
Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson reported that the Special Services Department had an Accountability Review last week, which went very well.
Board member Sandy Klatt discussed the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) Delegate Assembly Standing Legislative Resolutions and ASBSD Standing Positions. Klatt will be attending the ASBSD Delegate Assembly on behalf of the Brandon Valley School District on Friday, November 21st in Pierre and will report back at the November 24th Board of Education Meeting.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Ode to approve the following general business items:
Approve recommendation to approve Title I, Part A Comparability Report as of
September 30, 2014.
Approve Agreement for Professional Service by and between the Brandon Valley
High School and Stockwell Engineers for parking lot entrance designs for
Fred Assam Elementary and the Brandon Valley High School.
Approve administrative guidelines for parent notification as presented.
Approve school counseling internship agreement with South Dakota State
University (SDSU) for Amanda Steever at Fred Assam Elementary pending
successful completion of background check.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Mary Beth Farley, BVHS Long Term Substitute –
English/American History, effective November 4, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Danielle Schmidt as a substitute for the
2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to transfer Matthew Lentz from BVHS evening custodial
position to BE Custodial Supervisor, $14.40/hour, effective November 10,
Approve recommendation to hire Michelle Brady, part-time FAE Child Nutrition
Worker, 3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective November 17, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Joel Keyman, Custodial Substitute, effective
Motion carried.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following items:
October 2014 Building Permits.
Thank you from Todd and Roxie Geerdes for the flowers sent on the passing of
Todd’s mother, LaDonn Geerdes.
Thank you from FFA Horse Team (Allison, Krista, Natalie, and Karlie) for
allowing them to compete in Louisville, Kentucky at the National FFA
Convention and Career Show.
Thank you from Sue Hegland regarding co-sponsoring the movie event “Journey
into Dyslexia” on October 20, 2014.
Board reports were presented. Board Member Sandy Klatt reported that the Child Nutrition/Wellness Committee will be meeting on November 18, 2014. The committee will discuss information gleaned from a seminar that Klatt and Instructor Paula Gordon are attending on November 17th in hopes to enhance the District’s Wellness Policy in regards to snacks, along with reviewing the recent survey results that was circulated to our district patrons. The committee plans to discuss the implementation of information from the seminar and survey review.
Board Member Sue Hegland reported on the Student Activities, Curriculum and Technology Committee. This committee continues to meet monthly. Reading and Math are the curriculum adoptions that the committee is reviewing right now for the upcoming years. With Common Core changing, Math is the first adoption that is being reviewed, but this has been very challenging with updated curriculum for the new Common Core standards that still being developed. Flexibility may be necessary while we wait for curriculum to be developed fully. Pilot programs will be important to utilize as we move forward.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of December,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th of October, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
High School Science Instructors Justin Lovrien, Louisa Otto, Mark Griebel,
and Lisa Fuccello, along with High School Principal Gregg Talcott were in
attendance at tonight’s Board of Education meeting to review and discuss the
High School Science Flexbooks, which have been utilized at Brandon Valley
High School for four years.
Talcott also
shared the success of the Dance Team, who has just won their first ever
State Championship this past weekend, along with numerous team conference
championships that have been crowned this fall as well. The Marching Band
will wrap up their season this evening with their Indoor Marching Band
On November
14, 2014, State Farm will be contacting our School District to let us know
where we placed for the “Celebrate My Drive” campaign that was just
completed. Talcott thanked the whole School District and the Brandon
community for their support!
Superintendent Pappone reported that we have an official fall enrollment from the State of South Dakota Department of Education at 3,639.46. This number represents an increase of 54 students, which is short 66 students of the 120 student growth that was projected. The 2014-15 budget was built on the 120 student increase. Pappone referred to the current budget that shows a planned deficit of $254,000 and now another $315,000 additional shortfall with this lower enrollment, which is 1.5% of the projected spending. This increases the total deficit for FY2015 to be almost $570,000. That being said, Pappone reminded the Board although that sounds like a lot of money, on a $20 million dollar budget, that is really not a lot of money. With half of that deficit already planned, Pappone stated that the District was conservative on projected revenue, so hopefully there will be more revenue than we have projected as has been the pattern, so that will make up part of that deficit. Secondly, our current reserve is nearly $6 million which is 30% of our current spending and that is too high, so the District is making a commitment to spending that down. With this healthy reserve, this enrollment change helps to continue to spend down the reserve. Pappone stated that if this continues to be an on-going issue for the District, the next step would be to modify next year’s budget to help absorb whatever portions of this deficit is deemed appropriate. Pappone stated that Business Manager Lundberg is confident we can make these budget numbers work.
As instructed by the Board of Education at the last regular meeting, Pappone prepared and presented two new school year 2015-16 calendars that shows the school year starting later than our current start date, but still before Labor Day. The first calendar shows a start date of August 31, with school ending on May 27th. This calendar includes 2 snow days, no Martin Luther King Day or Native American Day as holidays, and a shorter winter break. The second calendar option presented shows the school year starting on August 26th, with all other items being the same as the first option but includes a full two weeks during winter break, and the last day of school would be May 27th. Both calendars could easily be modified, but shows the basis of flexibility within the calendar. A longer winter break helps to give two weeks of review time once students return before the end of the semester upon returning to school in January. Pappone will be meeting with the liaison committee to go over these latest options and then will be presenting them to District patrons for their input.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Ode to approve the following general business items:
Approve recommendation for snow removal service for the 2014-15 school year
by continuing our services with Soo Sanitary Service, LLC.
Approve recommendation for event participation agreement by and between
Sanford Frontiers and the Brandon Valley School District to move one
basketball game, BV versus Watertown, to the Pentagon. Brandon Valley will
retain the gate at that event.
Approve recommendation to purchase two small passenger vehicles: one 2015
Chevrolet Suburban and one 2015 Express 2500 Passenger Van for a total cost
of $62,601.75 (Budget ~ $75,000).
Approve the Student Teaching Agreement by and between South Dakota State
University and the Brandon Valley School District.
Approve recommendation for authorization to apply for the National Clean
Diesel Rebate Program 2014 School Bus Replacement Funding Opportunity.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Douglas Larson, Custodial Substitute,
$10/hour, effective immediately.
Approve six (6) days of leave without pay submitted by Francena Eagle,
part-time High School Child Nutrition worker.
Approve Jodi Myers as a 2014-15 substitute.
Approve resignation of Joel Keyman BE Custodial Supervisor, effective
Friday, November 7, 2014.
Motion carried.
Board reports were presented. Renee Ullom thanked Operations Manager Ty Hentschel for taking herself and Board Member Sue Hegland on a tour of the new Intermediate school recently. Ullom found it very interesting and exciting to view the progress.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m. Motion carried.
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of November,
The regular meeting of
the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on
the 14th of October, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School
Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode,
Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: Sue Hegland. Also present were
Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School
Principal Gregg Talcott, Activities Director Randy Marso, Assistant Middle
Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley
Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary
Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster,
Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn
Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the
regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of September 8, 2014 and September 22, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of September, 2014 showed receipts of $1,260,276.95 and disbursements of $3,875,086.49, leaving a balance of $17,327,600.72. The General Fund had receipts of $1,080,337.09, and disbursements of $1,988,543.83, leaving a balance of $5,014,568.17. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $20,480.48 and disbursements of $228,324.28, leaving a balance of $806,174.24. Special Education Fund had receipts of $146,380.88 and disbursements $373,226.75, leaving a balance of $219,572.25. Pension Fund had receipts of $1,744.99 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $256,340.52. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $9,267.21 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $64,527.61. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $1,015.00 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $18,000.22, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $1051.30 and disbursements of $1,284,991.63, leaving a balance of $10,948.417.71.
The September, 2014 payroll totaled $1,479,563.37, of which $736,404.56 was instructional, $376,524.56 was support services, $38,512.63 was co-curricular, $253,167.55 was Special Education, $74,954.07 was Food Service, and $0.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of September, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent David Pappone will be
attending the Systems Change Conference and the State Teacher of the Year
banquet in Pierre, SD this week. BV High School Math Instructor, Al Hogie,
the regional teacher of the year, is in the running for the State Teacher of
the Year, and Pappone will also be attending that event while in Pierre.
Congratulations and good luck to Mr. Hogie.
The Buildings and
Ground Committee recently met to look at some of the potential projects.
Since some of the projects require some design work, a list of projects was
developed by this committee and have started the design work on three
different projects: 1) High School Secure Entrances, which may or may not
include a new chorus room and updates to the PAC dressing rooms; 2) Football
Stadium/Track Renovations including restroom facilities, concession stand,
lighting, etc.; 3) Maintenance/Grounds building.
presented a draft of the administrative notification guidelines concerning
use of parent notification systems. In reviewing the process, Pappone
outlined what he feels would be appropriate to notify our parents and staff
about safety. These guidelines have been reviewed by the Administrative
Council and the Safety Committee. Pappone requested input from the Board of
Education regarding these guidelines. After discussion on specifics on
these guidelines, Board Member Klatt asked that the revised version come
back to the Board for official approval at the next regularly scheduled
Pappone presented and reviewed a sample 2015-16 school calendar, illustrating a post Labor Day start. This calendar reflects a school year ending around the 1st of June. A high percentage of the teachers Pappone spoke to would prefer a later start, but not after Labor Day. Pappone stated that there are a lot of factors to consider regarding a school calendar, from instruction time, to testing schedules, to practice and sporting schedules, to game and state tournament schedules. BV staff would like to see a different calendar for review that shows a later school start date, but still beginning school before Labor Day. Sandy Klatt thanked Pappone for his research and requested that we talk to BV Teachers and Coaches as well as developing an additional calendar starting later than we currently start, but still starting before Labor Day. Schroeder, Ode and Ullom also agreed that developing a second calendar for review would be helpful. Pappone agreed and will be working on such a calendar for future BOE review.
Pappone also provided the legislative resolutions that will be presented in the upcoming legislative session and reminded the Board of Education that Board Member Sandy Klatt is the Board’s delegate assembly representative. Pappone requested that the board review these resolutions and give any direction that would be important to Mrs. Klatt as our representative.
Lastly, Pappone reported on his recent visit to Denver, Colorado, with Board Member Sue Hegland, to see a SmartLab. This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) lab is something that the School District is considering for the Intermediate School. Pappone was very impressed with this learning environment.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott reviewed the latest High School events, including Homecoming and Challenge Day events. He also reminded all to vote for “Celebrate my Drive”, which is a grant promotion powered by StateFarm. This program promotes driver safety. By visiting the website www.celebratemydrive.com and voting for the Brandon Valley High School, the school could win 1 of 90 $25,000 grants, 1 of 10 $100,000 grants, or 1 of 2 grand price concerts with The Band Perry. If BV would be a winner of any grant money, 10% of the proceeds would go toward Driver Safety, 10% would be designated to go to the Brandon Area Food Pantry, and the other funds would be divided among our four elementary schools, our Middle School, and our High School. Each eligible voter is allowed one vote per email address per day from Wednesday, October 15th through Friday, October 24th.
Middle School Assistant Principal Nick Skibsted reported that a meeting was recently held regarding the upcoming Math Adoption and the Middle School curriculum direction. A scheduled visit to the Harrisburg School District later this week will give the committee a chance to view a new curriculum.
Activities Director Randy Marso congratulated the Boy’s Golf Team on their recent success as the 2014 State Boys Champions! Brandon Valley has a total of five conference championships this year thus far with (hopefully) more to come as this fall sports season winds down.
Motion by Ode, seconded
by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Approve recommendation to terminate agreement #715159 – Brandon Safe Routes
to School.
Approve Project Skills Agreement by and between the Brandon Valley School
District #49-2 and the South Dakota Division of Rehabilitation Services.
Approve Certificate of Substantial Completion for the Valley Springs
Elementary School Fire Escape received from Architecture Incorporated.
Approve change order #3 to Peska Construction for $15,052.00 (required due
to change in smartboard manufacturer’s design).
Recommendation to approve the agreement with South Dakota State University
concerning a supervised agricultural education student teacher.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation of resignation by Dennie Klutman, BE part-time Child
Nutrition, effective October 9, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Michael Heesch, Custodial Substitute.
Approve recommendation to hire Cathy VanLoh, RBE/BVMS Custodian,
$12.70/hour, effective 10/21/2014.
Approve recommendation for the following substitutes for the 2014-15 school
year: Kylie Beck, Jami Dubs, Alyce Haugan, Kayla O’Connell, Deb Roach,
Kimberly Moots, and Mary Farley.
Motion carried.
The following personnel
item was reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve maternity leave request from Jill Flint, BE 3rd grade
teacher, on or about December 11, 2014 for approximately 10 weeks.
Approve maternity leave request from Megan Mueller, BE Special Education
Teacher, on or about January 5, 2015 for approximately 8 weeks.
Approve maternity leave re quest leave from Lindsey Block, RBE Special
Education Educational Assistant, on or about January 30, 2015 for 6 to 8
Approve adoption leave request submitted by Anne Peters, RBE Special
Education Teacher, to be gone from October 14, 2014 through November 9,
Approve adoption leave request submitted by Diane (HS English Teacher) and
Troy Sturgeon (MS Teacher), to be gone from November 4, 2014 through
November 19, 2014. Mrs. Sturgeon has also requested unpaid leave under FMLA
from November 20, 2014 through January 19, 2014.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
September 2014 Building Permits.
Thank you from the girls soccer team of 2014.
Thank you from Tyson Metzger and Family for the plant sent in honor of his
new daughter, Ellie.
Board reports were presented. Board Member Klatt reported on a recent Child Nutrition/Wellness Committee meeting. This committee has been working on revisions to a survey with the anticipation of making that survey public to our district patrons very soon.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt,
seconded by Ode to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of November,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 22nd of September, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Karen Kluin - RBE Reading Specialist, Jesse Rasmussen - BE Reading Specialist, Jennifer VanDyke - FAE Reading Specialist, Tanya Palmer - VSE Principal and Reading Specialist, and Becky Mohr - MS Reading Specialist presented the Reading Protocol-Response to Intervention (RtI) report.
Superintendent Pappone began discussion for the 2015-16 School Calendar. Pappone recently sent out a survey through School Reach to BV parents on the preference of a school start date. Of those responding, 67% wanted school to start after Labor Day with only 11% preferring to start in mid-August as we are currently doing. Board Member Sandy Klatt requested how BV Administrators and Coaches would feel about an after Labor Day start date. Pappone stated that staff will have opportunity to preview the calendar through the liaison committee meetings and the staff development group in their upcoming meetings. Pappone also stated that athletic practices, including Middle School athletics, would begin their practices before school started if school would start after the Labor Day holiday. This would also include having some athletic contests before the first day of classes. Conversely, this schedule would match up better with track season, as track goes through the month of May. Board Member Sandy Klatt believes that the Administration should develop a calendar that would show a start date after Labor Day and let patrons, administrators, teachers and coaches have a chance to review the implications of such a start. Board Member Susan Hegland requested that the Administration proceed with creating a calendar with a start date beginning after Labor Day. Since the 2015-16 school year is the latest day that Labor Day can be, Hegland also requested that the Administration draft a calendar for the 2016-17 school year showing an earlier Labor Day holiday.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Schroeder to approve the following general business items:
Approve Student Teaching Agreement by and between South Dakota State
University (SDSU) and the Brandon Valley School District.
Approve request submitted by Laura Baker and Anne Chambers to pursue a Sioux
Falls Community Foundation Excellence in Education grant.
Approve request submitted by Jon Button representing the Ski/Snowboard
Program and the use of a bus to transport participants.
Approve Classified Staff Handbook revisions as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve resignation of Nicolle Hutchinson, Special Services (BE)
Communication Facilitator, effective Friday, September 19, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire James Vanderburg, Transportation Driver,
effective upon completion of employment requirements.
Approve recommendation to hire Dan Murtha, BVMS Assistant Wrestling Coach –
6.0% of BA Step Three ~ $2,164.00, effective for the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Lorraine Osheim, Long-term substitute for
Kristin Hofkamp, RBE 3rd grade, effective on or about November
28, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Terri Pieters, Long-term substitute for Sarah
Schroeder, VSE Special Education teacher, effective on or about January 25,
Approve recommendation to hire Cathy Smith, Special Services (BE)
Communication Facilitator, $23.00/hour ~ 35 hours/week, effective September
23, 2014,
Approve the following lane changes: Teresa Bastian-BA+15 to MS; Adam Bobzien-BA
to BA+15; Carolyn Ebright-MA+15 to MA+30; Kristin Hofkamp-MA to MA+15;
Daniel Klumper-BA to BA+15; Megan Mueller-BA+15 to MA; Jonathan Peters-BA to
BA+15; Andrea Pudwill-BA to BA+15; Kory Scholten-BA to BA+15; Elizabeth
Rus-MA+15 to MA+30; Ty Tietjen-BA to BA+15; and Kathleen Woodard-MA to
Approve recommendation to hire the following long term substitutes as
Jana Carlson for Mandy Lodmel, VSE Special Education Teacher, on or about
January 13, 2015;
Sheila Samsel for Megan Mueller, BE Special Education Teacher, on or about
January 6, 2015; and Cindy Schlimgen for Julie Sandine, BE Early Childhood
Teacher, on or about January 6, 2015.
Approve resignation of Taylor Wegner, RBE/MS Custodian, effective Friday,
September 26, 2014.
Motion carried.
The following personnel
items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve maternity leave request from Julie Sandine, BE Early Childhood
Teacher, on or around December 25, 2014 for eight weeks.
Approve maternity leave request from Alyssa Blake, BE 4th Grade
Teacher, on or around October 22, 2014 for six weeks.
Approve maternity leave request from Sarah Schroeder, VSE Special Education
Teacher, on or about January 25, 2015 for eight weeks.
Approve maternity leave request from Mandy Lodmel, FAE Special Education
Teacher, on or about January 13, 2015 for six weeks.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
Thank you from Wanda Logan for the plant sent for a speedy recovery.
Thank you from Paula Hahn for the plant sent wishing her a speedy recovery.
Paula also thanks everyone for their support and kind words.
Board reports were presented. Gregg Ode requested an update from Operations Manager, Ty Hentschel, on the Brandon Valley Intermediate School construction project. Mr. Hentschel reported on the on-going progress of the construction stating that he would be happy to walk anyone through this current project. To date, the project is on-schedule. The overall schedule of the “skin” of the building is to have that completed by Christmas time.
Sue Hegland reported on a recent Student Activities, Curriculum and Technology meeting where Intermediate School Curriculum was reviewed. The BVIS will be set up as neighborhoods or teams, transitioning from Elementary and preparing for Middle School. The administration is also considering a new approach to technology in the new school. More information will be forthcoming on this approach.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of October,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 8th of September, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of August 11, 2014 and August 25, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Schroeder to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of August, 2014 showed receipts of $1,581,639.11 and disbursements of $4,654,836.59, leaving a balance of $19,942,410.26. The General Fund had receipts of $1,393,090.55, and disbursements of $2,135,257.82, leaving a balance of $5,922,774.91. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $26,022.81 and disbursements of $1,058,399.03, leaving a balance of $1,014,018.04. Special Education Fund had receipts of $149,169.71 and disbursements $844,814.57, leaving a balance of $446,418.12. Pension Fund had receipts of $1,946.68 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $254,595.53. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $10,378.19 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $55,260.40. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $7,575.11, leaving a balance of $16,985.22, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $1,031.174 and disbursements of $608,790.06, leaving a balance of $12,232,358.04.
The August, 2014 payroll totaled $1,189,658.30, of which $582,681.97 was instructional, $407,423.34 was support services, $26,414.95 was co-curricular, $160,984.37 was Special Education, $5,276.67was Food Service, and $6,877.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of August, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent Pappone reported that the short fall that the district had for the Feeding South Dakota Backpack Program has been filled through generous donations from patrons of our district. Pappone thanked Sandy Klatt for her efforts in getting the word out for the need for additional sponsors and to all who have donated to make that program accessible for our students.
Pappone also reported that he recently sent out an email to all families of the District of a Pertussis incident. Brandon Valley was notified from the South Dakota Department of Health that two of our students had been exposed to Pertussis and both of those students were receiving an anti-biotic to keep from being contagious. Because there is an incubation period, those students were in school and could have been infectious during part of that time; therefore, Pappone sent out a school-reach email making parents aware of this incident. The email also contained information on the importance of vaccination against this disease, along with early detection and the importance of getting medical attention in case of exposure.
Lastly, Pappone presented the 2013-14 Accountability Report. There was very little change in the report this year due to this being a pilot year of a new reporting system. This report is available to view at the South Dakota Department of Education web-site or at the Brandon Valley School District Central Office.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson reported that on September 9, 2014 the Middle School will be holding grade level assemblies based on Diversity. Secondly, the ESD Middle School principals are planning on meeting October 15, 2014 in Huron. The Middle School PTSO is meeting for the first time this evening. Lastly, Thorson reported that the Middle School (8th grade) has been chosen to participate in the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) testing, which is scheduled for March 3, 2015.
Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson reported that Brandon Valley is up for the Department of Education Accountability Review this year. It is scheduled for November 4-6, 2014 to review our special education program. Preparation has already begun for that review.
The following board policies were given a second reading by the Board of
Education. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt, to approve these policies
as presented:
Proposed Policy JHCDB – Epinephrine Auto Injectors
Proposed Policy JHCD – Student Self-administration of Asthma or anaphylaxis
Proposed Policy JHCDA-E – Authorization for Asthma or Anaphylaxis
Self-Administered Medication and Proposed Policy JHCD-E – Consent for
Mediation Administration Form.
Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to appoint Board Member Sandy Klatt as the delegate and Board Member Sue Hegland as the alternate delegate, to the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) delegate assembly. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder,
seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Approve change order #2 to Peska Construction for $5,521.00.
Recommendation to approve sale of surplus materials at auction with the City
of Sioux Falls.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation hire Domonie Kromann, Long-term substitute for VSE
Second Grade for Wanda Logan who is out on medical leave.
Approve recommendation for the following substitutes for the 2014-15 school
year: Brittany Bolter, Duane Fiala, Sonya Herbert, Angela Jameson, Megan
Kremin, Connie Lees, Deb McCoy, Terry Gillespie, Shirley Miller, JoLene
Murrne, Laura Peschong, Dean Pierson, Doug Riter, Anita Shearer, Karen Smook,
Hillary Sperlich and Marcella Stoltenberg.
Approve recommendation to hire Christopher White, Quiz Bowl Advisor, 2.5% of
BA Step Base - $879.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kimberly Kelly, Long-term substitute for BE
Fourth Grade for Alyssa Blake who will be out on maternity leave.
Motion carried.
The following personnel
item was reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve maternity leave request from Kristin Hofkamp, RBE Third Grade, on or
around November 28, 2014 for eight weeks.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
August 2014 Building Permits.
Board reports were presented. Sue Hegland updated the Board on the recent Student Activities, Curriculum and Technology Committee meeting. Mrs. Hauser updated the committee on curriculum development. This is the year that the district will review Language Arts adoption. The Math adoption is on-going and many new technology purchases have arrived and are being put to use for this new school year.
Travel reports were reviewed.
by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m. Motion
Signed __________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of October,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 25th of August, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott presented the Advanced Options (alternate pathways) offered to High School students at the Brandon Valley High School during the school year. Those options include Rising Scholars, Off-site Dual Enrollment, College Level Examination Program, Honors Courses, Internships, and Accelerated Options.
The following board policies were given a first reading by the Board of
Proposed Policy JHCDB – Epinephrine Auto Injectors
Proposed Policy JHCD – Student Self-administration of Asthma or anaphylaxis
Proposed Policy JHCDA-E – Authorization for Asthma or Anaphylaxis
Self-Administered Medication
Proposed Policy JHCD-E – Consent for Mediation Administration Form
The following board policies were given a second reading by the
Board of Education. Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder, to approve this
policy as presented:
Proposed revision of Policy IKA – Grading Systems to change to
standards-based reporting for grades K and 1
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Ode to approve the following general business items:
Approve Combined Application to State of South Dakota Department of
Education Child & Adult Nutrition Services for participation in Special
Nutrition and Food Distribution Programs.
Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Teri Dieters, VSE Grade two – long-term
Approve recommendation to approve the following 2014-15 substitutes as
follows: Austin Albers, Tami Broekemeier, Julie Brummels, Jana Carlson,
Kaye Coburn, Richard Coots, Josh Dieters, Bonnie Fjerestad, Karissa Flier,
Angela Gingles, Nancy Gonseth, Barbara Hansen, LaDell Hanson, Megan Harskamp,
Lanette Henrickson, Jed Huisman, Kayla Jensen, Joshua Johansen, Andrea
Johnson, Kimberly Kelly, Lilian Keough, Holly King, Billy Kirch, Janna Kloth,
Jessica Knutson, Penny Malsom, Kathy Metzger, Rebecca Munsch, Lorraine
Osheim, Annette Peterson, Margaret Quimby, Alecia Rayhons, Lisa Reinschmidt,
John Rothenberger, Sheila Samsel, Cindy Schlimgen, Dian Schroeder, Cynthia
Schwarz, Ron Shomion, Jacque Terveer-Gonseth, Sara Tiffany, Hazel VanHove,
Connie VanDenOever, Lori Weber and Ginger Wells.
Approve recommendation to hire Sharon Schwebach, BVMS Assistant Play
Director – 1.5% of BA Step Base ~ $527.10, effective for the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Leslie Stusiak-Drew, BVHS Assistant Oral
Interpretation Coach – 6.5% of BA Step Base ~ $2,284.00, effective for the
2014-15 school year.
Approve termination of Alison Clyde, part-time BVMS Child Nutrition,
effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Lesley Nelson, part-time BVMS Child
Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective August 26, 2014.
Approve request from Karen Reisch, BVHS Special Education Educational
Assistant, for five (5) unpaid days leave for the dates of February 2-6,
Motion carried.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
Thank you from Amy Frantzen for the plant sent as she was recovering for
Thank you from the Prayer Breakfast Committee – Paul VanDeBerg, for all the
support, use of the commons area, and equipment, and for attending the
Board reports were presented. Renee Ullom reported on the Alternative Education Committee. This Board recently had a meeting and things are running smoothly at the start of this new school year.
Gregg Ode reported on the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Update on the BV Intermediate School includes block being put up and structural steel being erected. Ode also has heard of young kids running around the construction area over the weekends. He urged parents and students to keep watchful eye and to stay out of the construction area for everyone’s safety.
Sandy Klatt reported that the Child Nutrition Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, August 26th in the HS Community Room at noon to discuss putting together a survey to parents in the district regarding a snack policy.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of September,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 11th of August, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Motion by Klatt seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Schroeder to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 14, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of July, 2014 showed receipts of $1,938,739.85 and disbursements of $4,547,420.76, leaving a balance of $23,015,607.74. The General Fund had receipts of $1,519,265.27, and disbursements of $1,523,375.66, leaving a balance of $6,664,942.18. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $26,959.05 and disbursements of $1,287,669.94, leaving a balance of $2,046,394.26. Special Education Fund had receipts of $374,301.56 and disbursements $305,301.38, leaving a balance of $1,142,062.98. Pension Fund had receipts of $2,695.90 and disbursements of $325,721, leaving a balance of $252,648.85. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $14,391.71 and disbursements of $670,966.25, leaving a balance of $44,882.21. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $11,422.43, leaving a balance of $24,560.33, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $1,126.36 and disbursements of $422,964.10, leaving a balance of $12,840,116.93.
The July, 2014 payroll totaled $1,076,599.05, of which $582,473.14 was instructional, $283,271.77 was support services, $25,572.83 was co-curricular, $169,778.89 was Special Education, $5,163.92 was Food Service, and $10,338.50 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of July, 2014. Motion carried.
Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster gave a report on the Teacher Evaluation Pilot. She presented “The Framework for Teaching” as the guide that all teachers followed during the evaluation of the pilot program. The 2014-15 school year will be a year of planning with this program for all grade levels, with full implementation of the program for the 2015-16 school year.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent Pappone presented a copy of the School and Public Lands Letter to the board of education dated July 30, 2014, stating that our February 2015 payment will be close to what BV budgeted for the 2014-15 school year from this fund.
Pappone also updated the board on enrollment numbers. Things are currently in a state of flux until our actual first day of school; however, BVSD numbers show 19 students short of our projected district-wide enrollment. The final fall enrollment count is reported at the end of September.
Pappone presented to the board “Back to school” welcome letters and schedules of events for the rest of this first week back for teachers. Starting on Tuesday, August 12th new teacher orientation begins. An all staff lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13th in the HS Commons at noon and Pappone invited the board to attend any and all events held during these first days.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott reminded the board that the senior leadership retreat was held last week with approximately 110 in-coming seniors in attendance. Freshman Unity Day is scheduled for Wednesday, August 13th, from 2 – 8:30 p.m. Schedule changes are underway.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson stated that the Middle School held a Peer Helpers Day today with 27 students from grades 6-8 in attendance. Thursday, August 14th is a new student orientation day, followed by the 6th grade open house that evening. The evening of Tuesday, August 19th will be the 7th and 8th grade open house.
Middle School Principal Nick Skibsted updated the board on the “Power of ICU” program. The 2013-14 school year was a pilot year for this program that targets students with missing assignments and helps these students, along with teachers and administrators, track and help to complete these missing assignments. The MS plans to host this program again in the 2014-15 school year.
Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster reported on the Backpack program. The BV School District works with Feeding South Dakota and promotes the weekend food program for students in the district. At this year’s prayer breakfast, donations were accepted for this program. Donations can be made one of two ways: visiting the Feeding South Dakota web-page and designate a gift for the Brandon Valley School District, or drop off a check payable to the BV School District at our District Office with the “back pack program” on the memo line. Schroeder suggested that some of the individual school’s Trust & Agency accounts that have extra funds could make a donation. It takes about $150 to sponsor a student for the year and Brandon Valley has 120+ students participating in the program.
Director of Instruction, Marge Hauser updated the board on the upcoming Teacher In-service and workshop days. She also updated the board regarding the new Technology Coaches along with some of the different curriculum workshops that have been presented over the summer. A substitute teacher in-service was held today with 30+ substitutes in attendance. New teachers will begin this week on Tuesday, August 12th, with all staff returning for in-service/workshop days the remaining of this week. Ms. Hauser will be back at the next board meeting to report on how all this training took place.
The following board policies were discussed:
Proposed Policy JHCDB – Epinephrine Auto Injectors
Proposed Policy JHCD – Student Self-administration of Asthma or anaphylaxis
Proposed Policy JHCDA-E – Authorization for Asthma or Anaphylaxis
Self-Administered Medication
Proposed Policy JHCD-E – Consent for Mediation Administration Form.
The following board policies were given a first reading by the Board of
1. Proposed revisions of Policy IKA – Grading Systems (to
change to standards-based reporting for grades K and First)
The following board policies were given a second reading by the Board of
Education. Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode, to approve these policies
as presented:
Proposed Policy IL – Testing Programs (Replaces current policy IL)
Proposed Policy ILB – State Required Assessments (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JO – Student Records (Replaces current policy JO)
Proposed revision of Policy JO-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA); Notice of Rights – Student Records
Proposed revision of Policy (and title) JOA – Student Directory Information
(Formerly titled Student Recruitment – Access to Students and Director
Proposed Policy JOA-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA);
Notice – Student Directory Information (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB – Student Surveys (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB-N – Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA); Notice
of Rights – Student Surveys (New Policy)
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Recommendation to approve additional changes to the 2014-15 Student
Recommendation to approve National Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal
Participation Agreement and Resolution Authorizing Participation by and
between the National Purchasing Cooperative and the Brandon Valley School
District #49-2.
Approve resolution to postpone implementation of changes to Board Policy
JFBB – Wellness Policy, approved on July 14, 2014, and refer to the Wellness
Committee for further consideration and recommendation.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to increase Melinda Winter – BVHS Sign Language
Instructor – from 3 classes per day to 4 classes per day. New salary set at
$30,371.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Randall Hoek, Custodial Substitute.
Approve recommendation to hire Jennifer Smedsrud, Instructional Technology
Coach, $17.50/hour, five hours per week, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve resignation of Kelly Kirlin, FAE part-time Child Nutrition worker,
effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Kelly Kirlin, FAE Educational Assistant,
$12.15/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jeri Dieters, BVHS Special Education
Educational Assistant, 36.25/week, $12.15/hour, effective with the 2014-15
school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Douglas Petersen, RBE Special Education
Educational Assistant, 36.25/week, $12.15/hour, effective with the 2014-15
school year.
Approve resignation from Angela Jameson, FAE part-time Child Nutrition,
effective July 24 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Molly McFarland, BVHS Educational Assistant
(Library), $12.15/hour, 18.75 hours/week, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve resignation of Sherri Garner, FAE Educational Assistant, effective
July 28, 2014.
Approve resignation of Sheri Schlotman, FAE part-time Child Nutrition,
effective August 1, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire David Pierson, FAE Educational Assistant,
$12.15/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Betsy Cody, Long-term substitute at BVMS – 8th
Grade Reading/Foreign Language for approximately 4-6 weeks, beginning August
19, 2014.
Approve resignation of Julie Brummels, FAE Educational Assistant, effective
Approve resignation of Teresa Martin, RBE Special Education Educational
Assistant, effective August 7, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Alison Clyde, part-time BVMS Child Nutrition,
3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Sarah McCarthy, part-time FAE Child
Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Anita King, Child Nutrition Substitute,
effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kristina Hauser, part-time VSE Child
Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Lindsey Block, RBE Special Education
Educational Assistant, 35/week, $12.15/hour, effective with the 2014-15
school year.
Motion carried.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
July 2014 Building Permits.
Board reports were presented. Gregg Ode updated the Board on the Buildings and Grounds. All “summer” projects are being wrapped up before next week’s start of school with the exception of the Robert Bennis Elementary Gym floor, which is slated to be finished by Labor Day weekend.
Renee Ullom reported on Alternative Education regarding a recent
EDEC meeting. Ullom also stated that the Child Nutrition/Wellness Committee
will be holding a meeting soon.
reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt,
seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of September,
The annual meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:00 p.m. on the 14th of July, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle Principal Nick Skibsted, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the Annual Budget Hearing to order and welcomed everyone to the Annual Budget Hearing that preceded the Board of Education annual meeting at 6:00 p.m., presented by Business Manager Paul Lundberg. No one from the public spoke for or against the proposed budget.
Renee Ullom called the annual meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Susan Hegland was sworn in and took the Oath of Office for a 3-year term on the Board of Education for the Brandon Valley School District 49-2.
Superintendent David Pappone presided over the meeting for the election of Board Chairperson.
Motion by Sandy Klatt, seconded by Susan Hegland to nominate Renee Ullom as Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2014-15 school year. There being no further nominations, Superintendent Pappone ended nominations. Motion carried.
Renee Ullom presided over the meeting as the newly elected chairperson.
Motion by Sandy Klatt, seconded by Gregg Ode to nominate Sue Hegland as Vice Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2014-15 school year. There being no further nominations, Chairperson Ullom ended nominations. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to adopt the following regular procedures for 2014-15
Board of Education meetings:
Meeting dates
and times: 6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month except
July and December where there is one meeting held on the second Monday of
the month and Tuesday meetings on October 14, 2014 and May 26, 2015.
place: All meetings to be held at the Brandon Valley High School Community
Order of roll
call: Motion, second and alternating.
Name of
Official Newspaper: Brandon Valley Challenger.
Name of
Official Depositories: First National Bank, Home Federal Bank.
Committee appointments:
Alternative Education:
Chairperson – Renee Ullom
Alternate – Sue Hegland
Buildings and Grounds:
Chairperson – Gregg Ode
Member – Cary Schroeder
C) Child
Nutrition and Wellness:
Chairperson – Sandy Klatt
Member – Cary
City Affairs
and Legislation:
Chairperson – Sandy Klatt
Member – Sue Hegland
Chairperson – Sue Hegland
Member – Gregg Ode
Activities, Curriculum, and Technology:
Chairperson – Sue Hegland
Member – Renee Ullom
Chairperson – Gregg Ode
– Renee Ullom
Chairperson – Cary Schroeder
Member – Sandy Klatt
Board reimbursement rate for 2014-15 - $60.00/meeting.
Authorize the Business Manager to:
Invest temporary excess funds.
Make temporary interfund transfers when necessary.
Make debt service payments as due throughout the year.
Approve Business Manager Bond of $300,000.
Designate Business Manager as custodian for all accounts and administration
of trust and agency accounts.
Appointment of federal Programs coordinators as follows:
Lyn Heidenson, Special Services Director ~ Coordinator of Title
I and Section 504 ~ Coordinator of Homeless Education
Ty Hentschel, Operations Manager ~ Coordinator for ADA
David Pappone, Superintendent ~ Coordinator for Title IX, School
Lunch Agreement, and all other Federal Programs
Acknowledge for the record the following annual notices:
a. Non-discrimination
1. General Statement
2. Equal Educational Opportunities
3. Section 504
4. Grievance Procedure for Brandon Valley
required by Title IX
b. Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and
Secondary Schools
c. Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA)
Directory Information
d. Notification of Rights under the Protection of Pupil
Rights Amendment (PPRA)
e. Instruction/Programs for Homeless Students
f. Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of June 9, 2014 and June 23, 2014, and Special Meeting of June 9, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of June, 2014 showed receipts of $2,664,881.09 and disbursements of $2,820,169.04, leaving a balance of $25,624,288.65. The General Fund had receipts of $1,710,731.04, and disbursements of $1,510,752.45, leaving a balance of $6,647,535.75. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $363,896.43 and disbursements of $107,307.68, leaving a balance of $3,328,105.15. Special Education Fund had receipts of $359,992.19 and disbursements $468,033.54, leaving a balance of $1,073,062.80. Pension Fund had receipts of $36,159.26 and disbursements of $119,733.00, leaving a balance of $576,190.77. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $192,963.15 and disbursements of $456,077.53, leaving a balance of $701,456.75. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $4,499.84, leaving a balance of $35,982.76, and Capital Projects Fund has receipts of $1,139.02 and disbursements of $153,765.00, leaving a balance of $13,261,954.67.
The June, 2014 payroll totaled $1,360,774.64, of which $696,398.59 was instructional, $384,677.37 was support services, $29,679.94 was co-curricular, $205,308.60 was Special Education, $42,640.14 was Food Service, and $2,070.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of June, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were presented. Superintendent Pappone presented a copy of the SD Policy on Exempt Fundraisers-USDA Regulation Compliance. Regulations state that “food authorities” need to set a policy regarding fundraisers that involve the selling of food during the school day. Our state has decided that each organization can have one 1-day fundraiser selling food in school. There are several exemptions to this rule, such as band frozen food sales, FFA fruit sales, cookie dough sales, etc.; because those are handled outside of the school day and they are not intended for consumption during the school day. Pappone stated that the things it does eliminate, for example, is a student council that might sell candy bars in the morning to students, or sucker sales, etc. This policy is a state policy and we are obligated to follow it. We will continue to learn along the way as we figure out what counts and what is exempt from this rule. It also can affect the concession stand if the stand is open and available to students before a half hour at the end of the school day.
Congratulations to Sandy Klatt, who won the election for the seat on the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA). Pappone is confident that Sandy will represent all the schools in South Dakota well.
Pappone attended the City of Brandon’s Planning and Zoning meeting last week. This committee also serves as the Board of Adjustment. As BV was getting plans ready for the Intermediate School, it came to our attention that there is a restriction in our zoning district that restricts front yard parking. That is mostly designed for homeowners, however, there is no exception in the zoning ordinance for other uses (i.e., churches, schools). Because of that ordinance, the District had to ask for a variance to allow us to construct the school as designed with parking in the “front yard” of the building. Pappone forwarded a letter designating what areas to consider for a variance showing areas of parking, dropping off and picking up, and drainage considerations that were taken into consideration when designing the parking areas for this school. The Board of Adjustment voted to approve our variance, which Pappone stated is a rare thing. We did have city support for this variance and Pappone thanked Bryan Read and the City of Brandon for accommodating our variance request.
Lastly, Pappone presented an invitation from the First National Bank of Sioux Falls event to the Board of Ed.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott reported that many parents/students have been in touring/registering this summer. Schedules are complete and have become available to all students. Talcott also discussed the Trust and Agency fund as it relates to the High School.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson reported that new students have been registering every week, with sixth grade being the class to watch. He has discussed the enrollment numbers with his staff and they all know that this will be a challenging size/space year, but knowing that only one year before the Intermediate School will open to relieve this issue is helpful.
Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster reported on the Trust and Agency fund for her school as well.
The following board policy was discussed:
Proposed revisions of Policy IKA – Grading Systems (to change to
standards-based reporting for grades K and First)
The following board policies were given a first reading by the Board of
1. Proposed Policy IL – Testing Programs (Replaces current
policy IL)
Proposed Policy ILB – State Required Assessments (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JO – Student Records (Replaces current policy JO)
Proposed revision of Policy JO-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA); Notice of Rights – Student Records
Proposed revision of Policy (and title) JOA – Student Directory Information
(Formerly titled Student Recruitment – Access to Students and Director
Proposed Policy JOA-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA);
Notice – Student Directory Information (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB – Student Surveys (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB-N – Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA); Notice
of Rights – Student Surveys (New Policy)
Sue Hegland raised questions on the policy rewrite of JOA-Student Directory Information (#5 above). Her questions centered on the need for a student’s date of birth and place of birth. She wanted to know if it was our designation or if it was required by the state. Pappone stated that it was our request for that information. It is Hegland’s concern that with the amount of identity theft at this time, she wanted to redraft this policy to exclude the birth date and place of birth for our students. After discussion, motion made by Hegland to redraft Policy JOA-Student Directory Information to remove the date and place of birth request. The Motion died for lack of a second.
The following board policies were given a second reading by the
Board of Education. Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt, to approve these
policies as presented:
Proposed Policy JECB - Open Enrollment Policy (Replaces current policy JECB)
Proposed revision of Policy JECB-R - Administrative Regulation, Criteria for
Open Enrollment Recommendations
Proposed revision of Policy INDA/INDB - Patriotic Exercises/Flag Displays
Proposed Policy BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest (Replaces current
policy BBFA)
Proposed revision of Policy CDB - Wellness Policy (Also EBD, GBBB, JFBB, and
Motion carried.
The 2014-15 district budgets and associated tax requests were presented as follows:
General Fund $20,899,000
Capital Outlay Fund $ 4,053,000
Special Education Fund $ 4,740,000
Pension Fund $ 458,000
Bond Redemption Fund $ 2,404,000
Food Service Fund $ 2,148,000
General Fund $20,645,000
Capital Outlay Fund $ 4,053,000
Special Education Fund $ 4,426,000
Pension Fund $ 405,000
Bond Redemption Fund $ 2,355,000
Food Service Fund $ 2,148,000
General Fund $ 1.782 per $1,000 of Total
Valuation (Maximum)
$ 4.252 per $1,000 of Owner-Occupied Valuation (Maximum)
$ 9.106 per $1,000 of Other Valuation (Maximum)
Capital Outlay Fund $ 3.00 per $1,000 of Total Valuation
Special Education Fund $ 1.278 per $1,000 of Total Valuation
Pension Fund $ 0.30 per $1,000 of Total Valuation
Bond Redemption Fund $2,100,000
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the 2014-15 district budgets (attached) and associated tax requests as presented. Motion carried.
The following 2013-14 budget changes/supplements were presented:
Out of District Placements-tuition 22(E)-4900-370 $135,000 (+55,000)
-To account for increased tuition fees
Debt Service – Interest 30(E)-5000-620 $953,000 (+83,000)
-To account for interest expense on Brandon Valley Intermediate School bond issue.
Donated Food/Commodities 51(R)-4820 $200,000 (+75,000)
Purchased Food/Commodities 51(E)-2560-461 $200,000 (+75,000)
-To account for increased federal commodity allocations in 2013-14.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the budget changes/supplements as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Child Nutrition Price recommendations for the 2014-15 school year are as
follows: K-5 Breakfast ~ $1.60 (+ .10), K-5 Lunch ~ $2.55 (+.10); 6-8
Breakfast ~ $1.75 (+ .10), 6-8 Lunch ~ $2.80 (+ .10); 9-12 Breakfast ~ $1.80
(+ 10), 9-12 Lunch ~ $2.85 (+.10); Adult meal ~ $3.40 (+ .10), and Milk ~
$.45 (+.05).
Approve renewal of membership with the Associated School Boards of South
Dakota (ASBSD) for the 2014-15 school year in the amount $3,034.41.
Approve recommendation to accept low bid for Office supplies from Brown &
Saenger ~ $38,484.01.
Approve recommendation to accept split bid award for Classroom Furnishings
as follows: ATD-American ~ $620.55, Brown & Saenger ~ $10,563.48; and
School Specialty ~ 18,028.84; Total Bid = $29,209.87.
Approve Consolidated Application (Title IA $292,193 and Title IIA $79,430)
for the 2014-15 school year.
Adopt tuition rate of $4,781 per student for the 2014-15 school year.
Approve 2014-15 mileage rate at .05 over state rate: .42¢/mile; and 2014-15
meal reimbursement rates as follows: (in-state) Breakfast - $5,
Lunch - $9, Dinner - $12; (out-of state) Breakfast - $8, Lunch - $11,
Dinner - $17.
Approve 2014-15 listing of District employees’ salaries for publication (see
Approve open enrollments as follows: #15-77, 15-78, 15-79, 15-80, and 15-81.
Approve recommendation for 2014 Summer OT/PT contract for services as
follows: OT $1,900 (2014), $2,700 (2015); Total OT = $4,600. PT Services:
$2,700 (2014), $3,100 (2015); Total PT = $5,800. Total due on or before
July 15, 2014 ~ $10,400.
Approve 2014-15 Student Handbook changes as presented.
Approve Brandon Valley Intermediate change orders #1, #2, and #3 for a net
deduct of ($9,950).
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Matthew Gappa, BE – 3rd Grade, BA
Step 10 ~ #38,264.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve resignation from Kristi Jaraczeski, BVMS part-time Child Nutrition,
effective immediately.
Approve eight (8) days of unpaid personal leave from Megan Osheim, FAE – 1st
Grade, September 9-18, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Paul Scott, District Grounds worker,
$12.70/hour, effective July 15, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Mike Zerr, JV Girls Basketball Coach, 10% of
BA Step 4 ~ $3,639, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Trev Fletcher, Assistant Girls Soccer Coach,
8.5% of BA Step Base ~ $2,987, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve 2014-15 Classified Personnel Hiring Schedule as presented.
Approve recommendation to hire Kristi Christensen, part-time BVMS Child
Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve resignation from Mary Mallett, BE part-time Child Nutrition,
effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Darla Kjelden, part-time BE Child Nutrition,
3.75 hours/day, $11.30/hour, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Motion carried.
Communications received by the Central Office and Board of
Education were reviewed. They included the following item:
June 2014 Building Permits.
Board reports were presented. Gregg Ode reported that the BV
Intermediate School is taking good shape. About 75% of the footings have
been dug and about 50% of the footings are poured. A new approach is being
constructed on Sioux Boulevard to ease student drop off and pick up.
Renee Ullom reported on Alternative Education. Their annual
organizational meeting will be held this month.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 11th day of August, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 23rd of June, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone discussed the
An English Language Learners (ELL)
Report was included for Board members with tonight’s agenda for their
review. This report shows that five ELL students tested proficient and
“tested out” of the program this last school year. The speaking and
listening portion of the scores were higher than the writing skills. Our
ELL instructor, Christine Murtha, will be working more intensely on the
writing skills of the ELL program. There were approximately 43 students in
the program for the 2013-14 school year and that is the same number we are
expecting for the 2014-15 school year.
Pappone also presented the board with
a copy of a letter of support for the COPS Grant that the Brandon Police
Department is completing. This is the grant that the police department is
preparing to help support a second resource officer for the Brandon Valley
School District.
The Associated School Boards of South
Dakota (ASBSD) convention on August 7-8, 2014 is fast approaching. Pappone
requested that current Board Members let him know as soon as possible if
they will be attending so that we can take advantage of the Early Bird
The following board policies were discussed:
Proposed Policy IL – Testing Programs (Replaces current policy IL)
Proposed Policy ILB – State Required Assessments (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JO – Student Records (Replaces current policy JO)
Proposed revision of Policy JO-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA); Notice of Rights – Student Records
Proposed revision of Policy (and title) JOA – Student Directory Information
(Formerly titled Student Recruitment – Access to Students and Director
Proposed Policy JOA-N – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA);
Notice – Student Directory Information (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB – Student Surveys (New Policy)
Proposed Policy JOB-N – Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA); Notice
of Rights – Student Surveys (New Policy)
The following board policies were given a first reading by the
Board of Education:
Proposed Policy JECB - Open Enrollment Policy (Replaces current policy JECB)
Proposed revision of Policy JECB-R - Administrative Regulation, Criteria for
Open Enrollment Recommendations
Proposed revision of Policy INDA/INDB - Patriotic Exercises/Flag Displays
Proposed Policy BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest (Replaces current
policy BBFA)
Proposed revision of Policy CDB - Wellness Policy (Also EBD, GBBB, JFBB, and
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general
business items:
Approve School Nurse Job Description as presented.
Approve open enrollments #15-72, 15-73, 15-74, 15-75, and 15-76.
Approve recommendation to accept copier paper bid submitted by Brown and
Saenger for $24.60/case, 1,400 cases for a total purchase cost of $34,440.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve resignation submitted by Jill Flint, JV Girls Basketball Coach,
effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Chris Dummermuth, Head HS Girls Tennis Coach,
12.5% of BA Step 10 - $4,828.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Noah Leners, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach,
8.5% of BA Step 1 - $2,079.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Brenda Waterbury, Destination Imagination
Advisor, 5.5% of BA Step 8 - $3,012.00, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Michael Weeldreyer, Head MS Wrestling Coach,
6.5% of BA Step 2 - $2,324, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Maggie Youngberg, Assistant HS Volleyball
Coach, 8.5% of BA Step Base - $2,987, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve resignation submitted by Lisa Smith, Assistant Oral Interpretation
Advisor, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to approve unpaid leave request from Brandon
Elementary Custodian, Loralie Aljets for five days (June 23-27, 2014).
Approve recommendation to hire Katie Hartz, HS Guidance Counselor, MA Step
3, $36,715.00, plus 10 days extended contract - $2,028.00, total contract of
$38,743.00, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Motion carried.
Communication received by the Central Office and Board of Education was
reviewed. They included the following items:
Thank you from Gail Bauer for the Teacher Recognition Banquet where she was
honored as a retiree.
Thank you from Jill Flint regarding the wonderful dinner, Brandon Bucks for
her years of service presented at the Teacher Recognition Banquet.
Thank you from Merle Horst for the plant sent in honor of his mother, Mary
J. Horst.
Thank you from Lyn Heidenson for the plan sent wishing her a speedy recovery
from recent surgery.
Board Reports were presented. Gregg Ode updated the BOE on a recent Buildings and Grounds meeting the new Brandon Valley Intermediate School progress to date. Superintendent Pappone also updated on progress from the Robert Bennis gym floor project as well as the High School HVAC project.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode to adjourn the meeting at
6:50 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of July, 2014.
A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 7:20 p.m. on the 9th day of June, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
The following items were
discussed, with no action being taken:
testing of all employees/students
Drug dog
searches in the schools
Understanding what the Administration needs/wants that will make a
difference in student achievement
Communications between the Board of Education and Administration
Administrative updates during the second meeting of the month
driven governance
Ullom requested all in attendance develop a list of things that you are
wanting to expand your knowledge/learning in the next twelve months
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of July, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 9th of June, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: none. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of May 12, 2014 and May 27, 2014, as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of May, 2014 showed receipts of $6,691,485.74 and disbursements of $2,014,473.66 leaving a balance of $25,779,576.66. The General Fund had receipts of $3,524,785.56, and disbursements of $1,592,516.20, leaving a balance of $6,447,557.22. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $1,463,562.66 and disbursements of $86,014.42, leaving a balance of $3,071,516.40. Special Education Fund had receipts of $774,892.50 and disbursements $325,672.86, leaving a balance of $1,181,104.15. Pension Fund had receipts of $146,355.92 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $659,764.51. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $781,036.50 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $964,571.13. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $-250.00 and disbursements of $8,752.01, leaving a balance of $40,482.60. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $1,102.60 and disbursements of $1,518.17, leaving a balance of $13,414,580.65.
The May, 2014 payroll totaled $1,340,534.70, of which $691,590.77 was instructional, $317,547.56 was support services, $29,703.69 was co-curricular, $231,723.73 was Special Education, $62,263.95 was Food Service, and $7,705.00 was Driver’s Education.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of May, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone discussed the
Pappone read a thank you from Nick Stroh, YMCA Camp Director.
During last week’s tornado warning, the Brandon Vallley High School
accommodated 350 campers from the Leif Erickson Day Camp. Mr. Stroh thanked
Dr. Talcott and the HS staff for the shelter in what was a potentially
dangerous situation for their campers!
Pappone also
presented the annual report from Carroll Institute Services from the 2013-14
school year.
The annual
Anti-Bullying/Harassment report was reviewed. An updated
Anti-Bullying/Harassment policy was adopted in the summer of 2009 with the
2009-10 school year the first year of its implementation. This report also
included the previous three years of reports for comparison purposes. The
number of formal written complaints was higher this year, returning to the
2010-11 levels; however the informal complaints this year were down from the
previous reporting years. The report shows that the actions taken regarding
the formal written complaints were 100% successful, while the informal
complaints were successful in all but 2 situations. Those 2 situations took
on-going intervention. While no amount of bullying or harassment is
acceptable, the reported incidence of bullying and harassment is low in our
District. The fact that administrators report interventions to have been
effective in most instances without recurring complaints is also a positive
result. Board Member Hegland asked if this report was broken down by grade
level. Pappone stated that it is reported by building, not grade. The
formal complaints are mostly coming from the grade school level, and the
informal complaints are evenly spread throughout the buildings. There are
significant differences among buildings. The MS and one of the Elementary
Schools has significantly more informal complaints, and Pappone stated that
in the analysis of that information is how different Administrators look at
the complaints as far as what is reportable and what is not. Although the
School District tries to guide all Administrators to the same definition of
a complaint, it is still subjective in nature. Hegland agreed and feels it
would be helpful to know where we are being successful with our intervention
on bullying. Pappone believes that the report shows that as our students
get older, they find better ways to get along with each other, and the
reports decrease. Pappone stated that the District will continue to
implement the Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy with the goal of continuing to
reduce incidents in future years.
Pappone presented the 2014 Convention Programming Schedule and
asked that the Board Members contact the Central office with a confirmation
of their attendance. The convention is Thursday and Friday, August 7-9,
Lastly, Pappone presented an updated Elementary Class Sizes as
of June 6, 2014. This report shows individual section sizes for class size
High School Principal Gregg Talcott presented the Class of 2014 Graduation and Post High School Report. There were 219 total (213 Spring/6 Mid-Year) graduates. This was a smaller class in comparison to last year, however, we have an incoming Freshman group of 275 and a current Sophomore group of 275, so we see the direction that classes are growing. There is 67.1% of the class of 2014 planning on attending college in 2014-15.
The following board policies were discussed:
Proposed Policy JECB - Open Enrollment Policy (Replaces current
policy JECB)
Proposed revision of Policy JECB-R - Administrative Regulation,
Criteria for Open Enrollment Recommendations
Proposed revision of Policy INDA/INDB - Patriotic Exercises/Flag
Proposed Policy BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest
(Replaces current policy BBFA)
Proposed revision of Policy CDB - Wellness Policy (Also EBD,
A public hearing was held to discuss the Application for a Waiver from an Administrative Rule to offer Algebra I in the Middle School for High School credit. No one from the public spoke for or against the waiver. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the Application for a Waiver from an Administrative Rule as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the Administrative
recommendations for the 2014 Official Runoff Election Ballot for the South
Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) as follows: Large School
Group Board of Education – Sandy Klatt; and Division III Representative –
Mike Lodmel. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general
business items:
Approve administrative recommendation to approve the following open
enrollments as presented: #15-03, 15-05, 15-06, 15-14, 15-19, 15-27, 15-30,
15-31, 15-34, 15-35,15-36, 15-37, 15-44, 15-50A,15-62, 15-63, 15-64, 15-65,
15-67, 15-68, 15-69, 15-70, and 15-71; and approve administrative
recommendation to deny the following open enrollment as presented: #15-17,
15-28, and 15-29.
Approve recommendation of the Intergovernmental Agreement between SD
Department of Social Services and the Brandon Valley School District #49-2
for administrative outreach and case management through early periodic
screening, diagnosis, and treatment.
Approve recommendation of the School Board Resolution authorizing membership
in the South Dakota High School Activities Association for the period of
July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 for the Brandon Valley School District
and the Brandon Valley High School.
Approve recommendation of the 2014-15 Special Education 611 and 619 IDEA
Grant as presented.
Approve recommendation of the grant applications for funding for Fuel Up to
Pay 60 for Brandon, Valley, Robert Bennis, and Fred Assam Elementaries as
Approve recommendation of the quote for undyed E-10 and undyed diesel fuels
from Howes Oil for a margin of $0.01 on all fuels as presented.
Approve recommendation of the low bid for the Indoor Resilient Athletic
Surfacing and Installation at Robert Bennis Elementary Gym for $133,000 as
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve resignation submitted by Tonya Smith, BE Third grade teacher,
effective with the 2013-14 school year, including liquidated damages of
Approve recommendation to hire Matthew Christensen, Instructional Technology
Coach, $17.50/hour (five hours per week), effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Leah Lockner, Instructional Technology Coach,
$17.50/hour (five hours per week), effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Daniel Klumper, Instructional Technology
Coach, $17.50/hour (five hours per week), effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Dian Versteeg, Instructional Technology
Coach, $17.50/hour (five hours per week), effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Danylle Rozier, Elementary Computer Teacher,
MA Step Five, $37,422, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jerrid VanSloten, BE Kindergarten Second
Grade Teacher, BA Step Base, $35,140, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Jennifer Christensen, ELL Educational
Assistant, $11.75/hour, 35 hours/ week (based on the 2013-14 salary
schedule), effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Wendy Olson, VSE Special Education
Educational Assistant, $11.75/hour, 35 hours/week (based on the 2013-14
salary schedule), effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Nicole Anderson-Gappa, 0.5 FTE FAE Jr.
Kindergarten Teacher, BA+15 Step 10, $19,530, effective with the 2014-15
school year.
Approve resignation of Amy Lupkes, BVHS Guidance Counselor, effective at the
end of the 2013-14 school year, including liquidated damages of $500.00.
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Central Office and Board of Education was reviewed. They included the
following items:
May 2014 Building Permits.
Thank you from Jan Pappone and the family of Jack Jones for the flowers,
cards, and thoughtfulness at the recent passing of her father.
Thank you from Chelsea VanLeur and family for the plant that was sent on the
recent birth of her son, Wyatt.
Board Reports were presented. Sandy Klatt reported that the Safety Committee met this past month regarding the request from a parent concern addressed at a recent Board of Education meeting. The committee discussed current board policy and other board policies that are in place. The committee also learned from the School Resource Officer (SRO), Wade Else, that he will be attending a School Safety Conference. The committee decided that SRO Wade Else should have further discussion with colleagues about the issue of student safety, and particularly student safety at a non-school sponsored event to see what other officers and school districts do in regard to this issue. Officer Else will report back to the Safety committee upon his return. We also learned that Brandon Police Chief Dave Kull is applying for a COPS grant. The Safety Committee concurred that if the police force would receive this grant, the School District would entertain negotiations to add another SRO to the staff. This grant, if awarded, would cover about 75% of that additional officer and the remaining 25% would need to be covered by the City of Brandon and the Brandon Valley School District cooperatively.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Renee Ullom reported that immediately following tonight’s board meeting, a work session will be held to discuss Brandon Valley’s Core Operating Principle and associated goals.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at
7:14 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of July, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th of May, 2014 at the Brandon Valley Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, Director of Curriculum Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Child Nutrition Director, Gay Anderson reported on Wellness, Nutrition and Policy Recommendations. Mrs. Anderson stated that because of the daily changes to lunch regulations and food allergies, she has met with BV Administrators and it is their recommendation that we update Board Policy in regard to all foods in the classroom. Mr. Pappone requested that Anderson prepare a policy to the board to update this new recommendation.
Anderson shared that we had a successful pilot of Finger Scanning for school meal purchases at Fred Assam Elementary earlier this school year. The main purpose of this program is to ensure accuracy and improve speed in the lunch line check out. The Child Nutrition Department will be implementing the Finger Scanning District-wide in the fall, with mass communication explaining the scanning in our back-to-school registration information, school newsletters, emails, etc., including the option to opt out of the Finger Scanning if a family/student would so choose. A student that would choose to opt out of the Finger scanning would continue to use their PIN instead. Last week’s enrollment at the BV Middle School has been deleted and we will restart the process in the fall.
Lastly, Anderson also updated the Board on District Wellness and introduced Marge Hauser and Jodi Ackerman as part of the “Alliance for Healthier Generations” team members. Hauser and Ackerman will be a big part of the implementation process of a District-wide staff wellness program.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business
Approve the following East Dakota Education Coop contracts for the 2014-15
school year outlined as follows:
Occupational Therapy Services, $151,500
Physical Therapy Services, $168,000
High Impact/Career Academy, $113,658
Transition Advantage/Project Search, $30,900
and Autism Specialist Services, $73,500
Grand Total of $537,558
Approve administrative recommendations to approve the following open
enrollments: #15-53, 15-54, 15-55, 15-56, 15-57, 15-58, 15-59, 15-60, and
15-61; and deny the following open enrollments: #15-41 and 15-52.
Approve recommendation to join a consortium for the purpose of receiving
federal career and technical education funds under Title I-Part C of the
Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006. Funds allocated
to the Brandon Valley School District for the 2014-15 school year total
Approve agreement for Challenge Day Program at Brandon Valley High School
for October 1-2, 2014 at a cost of $3,300/day and travel and lodging
expenses to be determined.
Approve recommendation to accept low bid for a Diesel Tractor from Pfeifer
Implement Company, Inc., for $49,865.94. Included with this low bid are two
additional features: Cast Rear Rims for $925, and Snow Blower Cutting Edge
for $185; Total bid: $50,975.94.
Approve recommendation to approve a split bid for custodial supplies:
Heartland Paper Company for $15,031.20 and Hillyard, Inc., for $56,855.24;
Total bid: $71,866.54.
Approve recommendation to approve low bid for Robert Bennis Elementary
Playground Resurfacing from Recreation Brands Group for $74,905.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Schroeder to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation submitted by Nancy Gonseth, FAE ELL Educational
Assistant, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve resignation submitted by Lavonne Schrader, RBE part-time Child
Nutrition Worker, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Nicolle Hutchinson, Communication
Facilitator, $23/hour, 35 hours/week, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Jeff Ganschow, Assistant MS Boys Basketball
Coach, 6% of BA Step 10 - $2,317, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Noel Sunne, Assistant MS Girls Basketball
Coach, 6% of BA Step Base - $2,108, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Michael Weeldreyer, Head MS Wrestling Coach,
6.5% of BA Step 2 - $2,324, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Merissa Kringen, Assistant Competition Cheer
Coach, 8.5% of BA Step Base - $2,987, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Maggie Youngberg, Assistant HS Volleyball
Coach, 8.5% of BA Step Base - $2,987, effective with the 2014-15 school
Approve recommendation to hire Matt Mueller, Assistant HS Track and Field
Coach, 8.5% of BA Base - $2,987, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire the following individuals for summer
custodial employment: Misti Becker (BVMS) - $11.00/hour; Susan Fritz (BVMS)
- $11.00/hour; Laurie Love (BVMS) - $11.00/hour; Jo Roozenboom (VSE) -
$11.00/hour; Jocelyn Sperlich (RBE) - $11.00; Cindy Murphy (BE) -
$10.50/hour; and Francena Eagle (FAE) - $10.00/hour.
Approve recommendation to Hire Marlon Mollet, Head Girl’s Soccer Coach,
12.5% of BA Step Base - $4,393, effective with the 2014-15 school year, and
contingent upon completion of SDHSAA coaching requirement.
Approve recommendation to Hire Chris Limmer, Head Boy’s Soccer Coach, 12.5%
of BA Step Base - $4,393, effective with the 2014-15 school year, and
contingent upon completion of SDHSAA coaching requirement.
Approve resignation/retirement submitted by James Wenzlaff, Grounds Worker,
effective June 13, 2014.
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Central Office and Board of Education was reviewed. They included the
following items:
Thank you from Gerald Schettler for the gift and the Brandon Bucks for his
35 years with the District
Thank you from Patsy Terveer for the commemorative apple and the Brandon
Bucks for her years of service.
Thank you from Pam Eitreim for Teacher of the Year and Retirement banquet.
Also thank you for the bell for my retirement and voting for me as a
runner-up for Teacher of the Year.
Thank you from Dian Versteeg, Deb Swanson, Chad Garrow, Allen Hogie, Diann
Terpstra, Shelly Berg, Michelle Stemwedel, Amy Frantzen, and Katie Jurgensen
for the Recognition Banquet and the Brandon Bucks.
Thank you from Cheryl Hartog for the clock and the Brandon Bucks celebrating
her 15 years with the District.
Thank you from Matt Christensen for the fantastic Teacher of the Year Award.
Thank you from Deb Rothenberger for the banquet, gift, and Brandon Bucks.
Thank you from Randy Marso and the Marso Family for the flowers and support
during Randy’s mother, Betty Marso, illness and passing.
Thank you from Lavonne Schrader for the plant sent to her while in the
Thank you from Jill Nuebel for the meal, the silver apple, and the Brandon
Thank you from Cindy Feyereisen for the pleasant evening and gifts in
honoring her years of service.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Board reports were presented. Gregg Ode gave an update on the Brandon Valley Intermediate School and thanked all those that were in attendance at the formal ground breaking which was held just prior to tonight’s board meeting at 5:30 on the building site.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of June, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 12th of May, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: none. Also present were Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, High School Assistant Principal Mark Schlekeway, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Assistant Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of April 14, 2014 and April 28, 2014, as well as the minutes of the special meeting of April 21, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Matt Henning, a Robert Bennis Elementary parent of a kindergartener was present at tonight’s meeting, asking for clarification of school district policy on notifying parents of dangerous incidents at school; specifically the incident that occurred at a recent Family Fun Night. Mr. Henning had seen the police at the school that evening, but was unaware of what was going on that night. Later, he heard on the news that a student had brought a pellet gun to the event. Board president Ullom stated that the Board of Education is often not aware of such incidents so as to remain impartial should a grievance come to them that they would need to address. She also stated that our school building administrators are given latitude as to how they address different incidents that occur in their buildings. Since this was a PTA sponsored event, Ullom also stated that is another difference that added to the complexity of the situation. It was not held during the regular school day and was sponsored by the PTA.
Mr. Henning believes that by not notifying the parents and in turn, the parents finding out of the incident on the local news, this is not good for anyone. Mrs. Hegland thanked Mr. Henning for addressing the board and understands his concern; Hegland asked what Mr. Henning’s desire is from tonight’s meeting. Henning stated that he is asking that safety concerns be addressed equally for school sponsored and non-school sponsored events and that parents should be notified of situations that put student’s in danger. The board asked that Mr. Henning make his concerns and requests known in writing so that they can be forwarded to the safety committee. Board Member Sandy Klatt promised Mr. Henning that the Board will address the policy as it pertains to safety issues during the school day and when the buildings are used by other groups outside the school day and will address the concerns that have been shared this evening.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of April, 2014 showed receipts of $1,625,838.53 and disbursements of $2,330,575.16 leaving a balance of $21,102,564.58. The General Fund had receipts of $1,249,546.18, and disbursements of $1,644,771.73, leaving a balance of $4,515,287.86. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $126,845.57 and disbursements of $193,817.77, leaving a balance of $1,693,968.16. Special Education Fund had receipts of $167,956.76 and disbursements $335,937.66, leaving a balance of $731,884.51. Pension Fund had receipts of $12,684.55 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $513,408.59. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $67,678.62 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $183,534.63. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $49,484.61. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $1,126.85 and disbursements of $156,048.00, leaving a balance of $13,414,996.22.
The April, 2014 payroll totaled $1,363,530.74, of which $709,450.99 was instructional, $323,808.66 was support services, $29,001.69 was co-curricular, $236,214.08 was Special Education, and $65,055.32 was Food Service.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of April, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Business Manager Paul Lundberg reported
that Sue Hegland was the only person that took out and returned a petition
for this year’s lone seat on the school board, therefore, she will be
reinstated for another three years in July.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott reminded the Board that
this is that last week of activities for the Brandon Valley Class of 2014,
which will host commencement exercises on Sunday, May 18th at
2:00 p.m. in the High School Activities Center.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson reported that the recent 6th grade Wax Museum was held and proceeds from this year’s events of $4,800 are being donated to the United Way.
Tanya Palmer, Valley Springs Elementary Principal, along with 5th grade students demonstrated simple machines, Rube Goldberg inventions.
Ty Hentschel, District Operations Manager updated the Board on the Brandon Valley Intermediate School’s recent progress.
Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg presented the 2014-15 proposed district budget. (See attached)
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Hegland to approve the Administrative recommendations for the 2014 Official Election Ballot for the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) as follows: Native American Representative – Dr. Roger Bordeaux; West River At-Large – Steve Morford (running unopposed); Large School Group Board of Education – Sandy Klatt; and Division III Representative – Mike Lodmel. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the Administrative recommendations for the 2014 Official Amendment Ballots (#1 - #5) as presented for the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) as follows: Amendment #1 – Yes; Amendment #2 – Yes; Amendment #3 – Yes; Amendment #4 – No; and Amendment #5 – No. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general
business items:
Approve the following new staffing recommendations: Two (2) Special
Services Educational Assistants; One (1) ASL Communication Facilitator with
a recommended starting wage of $23/hour; One (1) Elementary Computer
Teacher; Additional Part-time Child Nutrition Secretary (changing the
current part-time CNS secretary position to a full-time position). All
positions effective for the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to accept the low bid for High School HVAC, Fire
Protection, and Lighting upgrades from Beck & Hofer Construction for a Base
Bid of $442,000 with Alternate #1 for $35,000. Total bid of $477,000.
Approve administrative recommendation to approve the following open
enrollments as presented: #15-01, 15-02, 15-07, 15-08, 15-09, 15-11,
15-13, 15-16, 15-25, 15-26,15-42, 15-43, 15-45, 15-46, 15-47, 15-48, 15-50,
and 15-51; and approve administrative recommendation to deny the following
open enrollment as presented: #15-49.
Approve administrative salary recommendation effective for the 2014-15
school year as follows:
3.5% across the board increase
Continue one-time bonus from 2013-14 (paid in November, 2014) of
New one-time bonus (paid in April, 2014) of $1,200/Administrator
Total salary package increase of 4.8%
Approve classified wage and salary recommendation effective for the 2014-15
school year as follows:
3.5% across the board increase
Continue one-time payment (paid in November, 2014) of $450 per full time
classified employee and $300 per part time regularly employed classified
New one-time payment (paid in April, 2015) as follows:
$600 – full-time, 12-month employees
$400 – full-time, school time employees
$250 – part-time staff
Total salary package of 5.0%
Approve additional technology purchases for the 2014-15 school year as
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Schroeder to approve the
following personnel items:
Approve appointment of Nick Skibsted to the Intermediate School Principal
position effective with the 2015-16 school year, to include a $5,000 stipend
payable in the 2014-15 school year for planning for the new school.
Approve recommendation to hire Andrea Brown, VSE Third grade teacher, MA
Step 10, $39,513, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Brian Iverson, 0.5 FTE FAE Art teacher, BA
Step Base, $17,570 effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Caitlyn Swisher, BVMS Family and Consumer
Science teacher, BA Step 1, $35,440, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Amy Nolz, BE Jr. Kindergarten teacher, BA
Step Base, $35,140, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Erica Kline, BE Kindergarten teacher, BA Step
Base, $35,140, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Chelsea Mattson, BE Kindergarten teacher, BA
Step Base, $35,140, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve resignation of Jessica Simmons, District Destination Imagination
Coordinator, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve resignation of Jud Bergan, District Quiz Bowl Coordinator, effective
at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve resignation of Jesse Gladis, BE Second Grade Teacher and Head Girl’s
Tennis Coach, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kate Bergstrom, 0.5 FTE FAE Physical
Education teacher, MA+15 Step 10, $19,996, effective with the 2014-15 school
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Central Office and Board of Education was reviewed. They included the
following items:
April 2014 Building Permits.
Board Reports were presented. Sue Hegland reported on the Student Activities, Curriculum and Technology Committee met this past month. Safety Committee will be convened to meet regarding this evening’s request.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. to discuss Superintendent’s contract per SDCL 1-25-2(4). Motion carried.
The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:50 p.m.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve a salary increase for the Superintendent to include a 3.5% increase for the 2014-15 school year, a one-time bonus (paid in November, 2014) of $800, and a second one-time bonus (paid in April, 2015) of $1,200. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at
7:52 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of June, 2014.
April 28, 2014
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 28th of April, 2014 at the Valley Springs Elementary Band Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, MS Principal Brad Thorson, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder, to approve the agenda as revised. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business
Approve the terms of the 2014-15 Negotiated Agreement as tentatively agreed
upon by the Brandon Valley Education Association and the Brandon Valley
Board of Education negotiations team. As 2014-15 was monetary negotiations
only, the agreement for teachers is outlined as follows:
3.5% across the board pay increase
$250/teacher (FTE) (additional money allocated by the South Dakota
Continue the one-time bonus of $500/teacher (November 25, 2014)
Additional one-time bonus of $600/teacher (April 25, 2015)
Approve years of service milestones (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35) at $10/year of
service, to be paid in May of the milestone year, in the form of Brandon
Bucks certificates, effective May of 2014.
Approve additional extra-curricular positions: Head Boys and Girls Soccer
Coaches, and Assistant Boys and Girls Soccer Coaches.
Speech Pathologist was added to the Master Agreement as a recognized group
with a licensing equalization payment of $500 every fifth year.
Eliminated one in-service/workshop day that was in the 2013-14 calendar.
Approve administrative recommendation to deny open enrollment #15-10.
Approve the Department of Education, Division of Career and Technical
Education memorandum of understanding by and between the Department of
Education, Division of Career and Technical Education, and the Brandon
Valley School District regarding dual credit course work for high school
Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder,
seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
Approve job description for Instructional Technology Coach.
Authorize hiring five (5) Instructional Technology Coaches, effective for
the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Christopher White, BVHS Math, MA Step 10 -
$38,397.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule) effective with the 2014-15
school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jennifer Smedsrud, BVMS 7th Grade
English/Language Arts, MA Step 10 - $38,397.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring
schedule) effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kelsey Hoff, BVMS 8th Grade Math,
BA Step 5 - $35,566.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule) effective with
the 2014-15 school year.
Approve resignation of Ashley Matzke, BE 4th Grade Teacher,
effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve resignation of Brady Olson, BVMS Play Advisor, effective at the end
of the 2013-014 school year, contingent on finding a suitable replacement
Approve resignation of Whitney Stoeser, BE Jr. Kindergarten Teacher (.5 FTE)
and FAE PE Teacher (.5 FTE), effective at the end of the 2013-14 school
Approve recommendation to hire Stephanie Sinclair, School Psychologist, MA
Step 4 - $45,344.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule) effective with
the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jeff Ganschow, FAE 3rd
Grade Teacher, BA Step 10 - $37,498.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring
schedule) effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Timothy Gebhart, BE 5th Grade, MA
Step Base - $34.601.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule) effective with
the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Alyssa Blake, BE 4th Grade
Teacher, MA Step 5 - $36,287.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule)
effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Rebecca VanRoekel, BVMS 6th Grade
Math, MA Step 9 - $37,935.00 (based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule)
effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire the following individuals for summer
employment: Christine Murtha - $11.00/hour; Adam Bauer - $10.50/hour; Zach
Flanigan - $10.50/hour; Shelby Swenson - $10.00/hour; Dylan Tibke -
$10.00/hour; Spencer Myrlie - $10.00/hour; and Jim Wenzlaff - $10.00/hour.
Motion carried.
The following personnel
items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve transfer of Katee Lane from VSE 3rd Grade Teacher to BE 4th
Grade Teacher, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve transfer of Heidi Meier from BE Kindergarten Teacher to BE 1st
Grade Teacher, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of
Education this 12th day of May, 2014.
A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 21st day of April, 2014 at the Brandon Valley School District George A. Gulson Administration Center with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The Board of Education reviewed
the following base bids for the Brandon Valley Intermediate School
construction project:
Construction $13,065,000
GA Johnson
Construction $12,742,000
Gil Haugan
Construction $12,349,500
Rule Construction $12,445,000
Carlson Company $12,815,000
Hoogendoorn Construction $12,174,000
Construction $11,966,000
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the low bid from Peska Construction - $11,966,000 plus alternate #1 - $116,000, alternate #2 - $12,800, alternate #3 – $51,000, and alternate #5 - $82,000, for a total contract - $12,227,800. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of
Education this 12th day of May, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 14th of April, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: Gregg Ode. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, High School Assistant Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Assistant Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, District Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of March 10, 2014 and March 24, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of March, 2014 showed receipts of $2,191,175.31 and disbursements of $2,352,124.81 leaving a balance of $21,807,301.21. The General Fund had receipts of $1,421,814.65, and disbursements of $1,819,227.86, leaving a balance of $4,910,513.41. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $50,100.88 and disbursements of $109,631.39, leaving a balance of $1,760,940.36. Special Education Fund had receipts of $687,637.13 and disbursements $179,455.56, leaving a balance of $899,865.41. Pension Fund had receipts of $4,634.50 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $500,724.04. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $24,743.68 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $115,856.01. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $1,055.00 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $49,484.61. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $1,189.47 and disbursements of $243,810.00, leaving a balance of $13,569,917.37.
The March, 2014 payroll totaled $1,392,577.79, of which $692,127.44 was instructional, $378,624.55 was support services, $33,041.19 was co-curricular, $229,546.23 was Special Education, and $59,238.38 was Food Service.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of March, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone provided the Board with a draft copy of an Instructional Technology Coach job description. Last year, BV hired a Technology Integrationalist, and now we are looking to hire Technology Coaches with the expectations that this position would use up to 3 planning periods per week and on average 2 hours extra time after school. They would be available to the staff in their building for instructional technology. It is our proposal that these employees will be paid on the extra-curricular schedule, with that pay being negotiated with the Brandon Valley Education Association (BVEA).
Negotiations with the Brandon Valley Education Association (BVEA) are scheduled on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, at 6 p.m. at the Central Office conference room with the Personnel Committee and the Central Office team to represent the board.
Bids for the Intermediate School will be opened on Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 3 p.m. Pappone shared that both the Pierre School District and the Brookings School District had recently received higher than expected bids on recent building projects, however our architect is cautiously optimistic that our bid will still be within the budget that we projected. A special Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 21st at 6:30 p.m., to approve the bids for the Intermediate School. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Conference Room.
Teacher of the Year Selection Committee, which involves the Personnel Committee, is scheduled to meet April 25th. The Staff Appreciation/Retirement/Recognition/Teacher of the Year Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6th, at 6 p.m. in the High School Commons. Tickets will be arriving in the mail shortly. Pappone encouraged all to attend.
Middle School Principal Brad Thorson reported that the Middle School will be holding the annual Sixth Grade Wax Museum on Tuesday and Thursday, April 22nd and 24th from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Also, Thorson announced that the BVMS annual Spring Fling Talent Show and Dance will be held the evening of April 25th. Lastly, he reported that the smarter-balance testing is currently taking place at the Middle School and has been going very smoothly thus far.
Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster introduced FAE 5th Grade teacher Mr. Jon Peters along with two 5th grade students, Kennedy Nuebel and Paige Rist. They shared a school project that FAE has been working on regarding a small donation that they received that has grown into a large donation to Sanford Children’s Hospital.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general
business items:
Approve Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Services agreement by and between
Carroll Institute and the Brandon Valley School District, $4,000 payable in
10 monthly payments of $400 each due by the 25th of each month,
effective 9/1/2014 through 6/30/2015.
Approve contract with Tom Henderson/Restoration Generation honorarium of
$1,000 to speak for Freshman Unity Day.
Approve administrative recommendation to approve the following open
enrollments as presented: #15-38, 15-39, 15-40 and 14-43.
Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve resignation of Megan VanderHaar, VSE second grade teacher, effective
at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement by Gail Bauer, VSE Special Education
Educational Assistant, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve salary adjustment for Gay Anderson, Child Nutrition Director, for a
$2,000 annualized pay increase upon completing the School Nutrition
Specialist Credential.
Approve recommendation for an unpaid leave of absence of five days
(5/19-23/2014) requested by Sara Rief, BVMS Special Education Educational
Approve recommendation to hire Alyssa Hansen, RBE first grade teacher, BA
Step 1, $34,300 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective with the
2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jayna Specht, RBE second grade teacher, BA
Step Base, $34,000 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective with the
2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Amanda Maycroft, BVMS eighth grade science
teacher, BA Step 3, $34,913 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective
with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Angie Kautz, FAE second grade teacher, BA
Step 5, $35,566 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective with the
2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kyla Kemp, FAE second grade teacher, BA Step
Base, $34,000 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective with the
2014-15 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Sarah Harte, FAE fourth grade teacher, MA
Step 9, $37,935 based on the 2013-14 hiring schedule, effective with the
2014-15 school year.
Approve resignation of Kayla Jensen, BE first grade, effective at the end of
the 2013-14 school year and rescind the non-renewal action from March 24,
2014 Board of Education meeting.
Motion carried.
The following personnel
items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve transfer of Leah Williamson from FAE Jr. Kindergarten to FAE
Kindergarten, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve transfer of Kimberly Becker from BE first grade teacher to FAE first
grade teacher, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve transfer of Noel Sunne from FAE fifth grade teacher to FAE fourth
grade teacher, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Approve request from Shelly Berg of six weeks of maternity leave beginning
on or about May 17, 2014.
Approve transfer of Kim Skibsted from BVMS Family and Consumer Science/Heath
teacher to BVMS-7th grade Language Arts teacher, effective with
the 2014-15 school year.
Approve transfer of Katie Price from BVMS Language Arts teacher to BVHS
English teacher, effective with the 2014-15 school year.
Communication received by
the Central Office and Board of Education was reviewed. They included the
following items:
March 2014 Building Permits.
Thank you from Nancy Gonseth for the kind gesture of remembrance of her
mother, Darlene Denger.
Thank you from Brenda Waterbury for the beautiful plant sent while she was
recovering from surgery.
Board Reports were
presented. Sandy Klatt reported on the National School Board Association’s
74th annual Conference in New Orleans that she and Sue Hegland
recently attended. They are very thankful to be allowed to attend the
conference and also for the great district that they represented there.
Sue Hegland
echoed Sandy’s comments and also shared how impressive some of the many
keynote speakers were at this convention. One of the most powerful
statements that Mrs. Hegland heard was “The world doesn’t care what you
know…it cares what you do with what you know”. Again, she was thankful for
the opportunity to attend.
Hegland also
reported that the Student Activities, Curriculum & Technology Committee met
this week and they are doing a lot of work to try to identify the next steps
for adoption of the Math program. They will continue to meet monthly now to
prepare for this adoption.
Renee Ullom
thanked all Brandon Valley Staff for being willing to push the envelope, to
be open to change, and to have the passion to do what they do every day.
She spoke for the entire board on the pride that they have for what the
Brandon Valley staff does each and every day!
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of
Education this 12th day of May, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 24th of March, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, Assistant High School Principal Mark Schlekeway, Activities Director Randy Marso, MS Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant MS Principal Nick Skibsted, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The 2014-15 proposed Capital Outlay Budget and Projects were presented for review by Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel. Formal approval will take place in the July annual meeting; however, preliminary approval allows the School District to let bids for the large projects presented. Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to give preliminary approval to the Capital Outlay Budget as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the following general business
Approve recommendation to approve $60,155 for the fire escape at Valley
Springs Elementary submitted by Golden Rule Construction with project to
begin immediately.
Approve engagement letter from Quam & Berglin, P.C., to provide audit
services to the Brandon Valley School District for the year ended June 30,
Approve open enrollments as follows: #15-32 and 15-33.
Approve agreement between Youth Frontiers and Brandon Valley High School for
the Wisdom Retreat on April 1, 2014.
Motion carried.
Superintendent Pappone outlined the following administrative recommendations
for new staffing for the 2014-15 school year as follows:
5.0 FTE Elementary Classroom Teachers (FAE)
0.5 FTE Elementary Physical Education Teacher (FAE)
0.5 FTE Elementary Art Teacher (FAE)
1.0 FTE Middle School Science Teacher
1.0 FTE Middle School English/Language Arts Teacher
High School Soccer Coaches (4)
High School Assistant Track & Field Coach
High School Assistant Competitive Cheer Coach
1.0 FTE School Psychologist
1.0 FTE ASL Interpreter
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the administrative
recommendation for new staffing for the 2014-15 school year as presented.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Misti Becker, Freshman
Volleyball Coaching position, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Jack Mueller, BVMS Match
Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Jesse Johnson, RBE 2nd
Grade Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Kendra Namanny, BVMS
Math/Spelling Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Jennifer Grothe, Brandon
Elementary Kindergarten Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Board of Education was reviewed. They included the following item:
Thank you from Ty Hentschel and family for the expression of sympathy sent
in memory of his father.
Board reports were presented. Sue Hegland reported that the Student Activities, Curriculum & Technology Committee met recently and they are continuing to discuss the Math adoption. Hegland also reported that she and Sandy Klatt will be attending the National School Board Convention in two weeks and they are looking forward to learning as much as possible and get new ideas at this national forum.
Renee Ullom reported on the Alternative Education Committee. With new administration taking over in the recent past, they are working on streamlining meetings, evaluations, etc.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to go into Executive Session at 7:04 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel per SDCL 1-25-1(1). The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:15 p.m. Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to not renew the contract of BE Elementary Teacher Kayla Jensen. All saying aye, motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to go into Executive Session at 7:16 p.m. for the purpose of discussing contract negotiations per SDCL 1-25-2(4). Motion carried. The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 8:05 p.m.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 8:06 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the annual superintendent evaluation per SDCL 1-25-2(1). Motion carried. The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 8:37 p.m.
Motion by Klatt, seconded
by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ____________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of
Education this 14th day of April, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 10th of March, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, High School Assistant Principal Mark Schlekeway, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Assistant Principal Nick Skibsted, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, District Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of February 10, 2014 and February 24, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of February, 2014 showed receipts of $9,843,940.44 and disbursements of $2,345,466.84 leaving a balance of $21,968,250.71. The General Fund had receipts of $1,407,541.54, and disbursements of $1,678,338.94, leaving a balance of $5,307,926.62. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $80,851.60 and disbursements of $133,884.51, leaving a balance of $1,820,470.87. Special Education Fund had receipts of $163,090.57 and disbursements $346,054.37, leaving a balance of $391,683.84. Pension Fund had receipts of $8,037.51 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $496,089.54. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $42,859.71 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $91,112.33. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $36,920.00 and disbursements of $1,564.02, leaving a balance of $48,429.61. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $8,105,269.51 and disbursements of $185,625.00, leaving a balance of $13,812,537.90.
The February, 2014 payroll totaled $1,405,665.40, of which $698,412.51 was instructional, $356,526.56 was support services, $31,493.21 was co-curricular, $245,467.51 was Special Education, and $73,765.61 was Food Service.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of February, 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone reported on the latest progress regarding the Brandon Valley Intermediate School. Recent meetings with the Architect and Engineers estimate the budget to be $13.5 million. The bid specifications will be done and out by March 21st, with a bid opening on April 17th. Monday, April 21st at 6:30 p.m. a short board of education meeting will be held to review and approve the bid.
Pappone presented a summary of new proposed regulations for food service. The USDA has proposed additional inclusions that must be included in our Wellness Policy. There are a lot of new restrictions and things that must be included in these guidelines. Pappone invited the Board to review these guidelines as they are open to comment and he stated that we will be commenting on them.
Pappone presented a synopsis prepared by Activities Director, Randy Marso, of adding Rapid City Central and Stevens to the ESD Conference for Football only. Superintendents and Activities Directors of the ESD met in Mitchell a few weeks ago and the result of the meeting was that an invitation was extended to the Rapid City Schools to join the ESD Conference for football. There are lots of issues going on with the SDHSAA with revising AAA and AA and football in general, and one of the proposals is that they would take over scheduling. This is our effort to keep control of our own schedule. When this comes to fruition, BV would be playing all AAA teams and that is what our coaches want. We opted for the AAA division and this addition of the Rapid City teams will continue this AAA schedule. In the ESD, there will be two divisions, AA and AAA. The ESD AAA division will be Aberdeen, Brandon Valley, Rapid City Central, Rapid City Stevens, and Watertown. The ESD AA division will be Brookings, Harrisburg, Huron, Pierre and Yankton. This provides two different ESD Championships available. Since BV is also a member of the Metro Conference, BV will play all four of the Sioux Falls Schools. This will take place beginning with the 2015-16 school year.
Lastly, in Legislative updates, Pappone has listened to the revenue estimates that have been given to the appropriations committee. The Bureau of Finance and Management revised the FY14 and FY15 estimates down for this current FY and are revising their estimate down $5.8 million, which is about .25%, and for FY15 they have revised their estimate down $6 million. The biggest players in the decreases are the Bank Franchise Tax and Unclaimed Property Receipts. In general, they painted a very good picture and they believe the economy will continue to accelerate its growth by the end of FY15. Pappone believes the 3% proposed increase is still a solid number.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the
following general business items:
Approve Membership Agreement for Eastern South Dakota Food Buying Group.
Approve contract by and between Youth Frontiers, Inc. and the Brandon Valley
High School to conduct a Responsibility Retreat on August 4, 2014, for a fee
of $2,875.00.
Approve agreement by and between Architecture Incorporated and the Brandon
Valley School District for the design of the Brandon Valley Intermediate
Approve administrative recommendation to deny open enrollment #14-141.
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire James Wrigg, Transportation Substitute.
Approve recommendation to hire the following substitute for the 2013-14
school year: Lillian Keough.
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Central Office was reviewed. They included the following item:
February 2014 Building Permits.
Board Reports were presented. Renee Ullom reported that there is a Curriculum Meeting on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, with Marge Hauser and Reading Specialists. Ullom also reported that Alternative Education had a recent graduate from McCrossan’s Boys Ranch, and all seems to be going well.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of April, 2014.
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 24th of February, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, Activities Director Randy Marso, MS Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant MS Principal Nick Skibsted, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Superintendent Pappone presented the Administrative Review for school year 2013-14 from the South Dakota Department of Education that recently conducted a federal review of our Child Nutrition Programs. Child Nutrition Director, Gay Anderson, also thanked the 46 men and women who feed all the students at Brandon Valley daily. She also thanked the teachers and administrators for all the support they offer to the Child Nutrition Program. According to Anderson, approximately 68 staff hours went in to preparing for this review, including completing a 75 page pre-assessment/assessment report supplying information of all aspects of our program. Pappone commended Anderson and her staff, along with our teachers and staff that support our Child Nutrition Program, on such a very good review.
Pappone reviewed the Brandon Valley School District’s 2014-15 Capital Outlay funding for Technology Proposals estimated to cost $266,200. The District solicited technology proposals (receiving 25 in total) requesting instructional technology. These proposals were reviewed and scored by three University Professors. The ten winning proposals are as follows: HS Ag, HS Science, BE 5th Grade Math, HS English 101/201, ELL, HS Spanish, FAE 1st Grade, VSE K-2, FAE Kindergarten, and VSE 3-5. A tentative total budget of $430,000 has been set aside for 2014-15 technology proposals, and Pappone anticipates making a future recommendation as part of the regular Capital Outlay budget process to invest the remaining dollars (approximately $163,800) in making technology generally more accessible in the district. Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to fund the 2014-15 Capital Outlay funding for the ten technology proposals as presented for a total estimated cost of $266,200. Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland,
seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Approve recommendation of the following substitutes for the 2013-14 school
year: Valerie Kosek, Rachel VanHeel, Robert Goheen, Terry Gillespie, and
Karen Smook.
Approve recommendation to accept resignation of Taya Sazama, BVHS English
Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Motion carried.
Communication received by
the Board of Education was reviewed. They included the following items:
Thank you from Jill Pederson for the plant sent in memory of her mother,
Marlene Hage.
Thank you from Stacey Smith and family for the plant sent for the birth of
their new son, Jacob.
Thank you from Sara and Brian Weber for the plant sent for the birth of
their new son, Nolan.
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m.
Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of March,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 10th of February, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, District Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of January 13, 2014 and January 27, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of January, 2014 showed receipts of $1,473,672.54 and disbursements of $2,004,321.21 leaving a balance of $14,469,777.11. The General Fund had receipts of $1,264,539.71, and disbursements of $1,575,006.61, leaving a balance of $5,578,724.02. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $49,332.00 and disbursements of $129,510.15, leaving a balance of $1,873,503.78. Special Education Fund had receipts of $129,301.57 and disbursements $291,521.70, leaving a balance of $574,647.64. Pension Fund had receipts of $4,708.61 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $488,052.03. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $25,019.51 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $48,252.62. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $690.00 and disbursements of $1,370.75, leaving a balance of $13,703.63. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $81.14 and disbursements of $6,912.00, leaving a balance of $5,892,893.39.
The January, 2014 payroll totaled $1,290,848.75, of which $674,429.84 was instructional, $351,003.40 was support services, $29,609.93 was co-curricular, $198,235.88 was Special Education, and $37,569.70 was Food Service.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of January 2014. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone reported that a team from the South Dakota Department of Education was in our buildings today conducting a federal review of our Child Nutrition Programs and will most likely finish up tomorrow. Child Nutrition Director, Gay Anderson will submit a report after this review is completed and full results are available.
Pappone also reported on recent Legislative news, including good news today on the Minor Boundary Bill, House Bill #1073. This Bill was passed in the house today. Also House Bill #1093, dealing with the start date of school, has been defeated leaving local control to remain with the school districts. And lastly, school funding is still under discussion but always continues to the last day, therefore, in approximately three weeks, we should know how future funding will look.
Appointments were made to the area Equalization Boards. Meeting dates and
times as listed:
Brandon, Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 6:00 p.m. – Sandy Klatt
Splitrock Township, Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 7:00 p.m. – Gregg Ode
Valley Springs, Monday, March 17, 2014, 6:45 p.m. – Renee Ullom
Sioux Falls, Wednesday/Friday, March 19/21, 2014 (time to be determined) –
Cary Schroeder
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general
business items:
Approve Driver’s Education fee of $250 beginning with the 2014 class.
Approve agreement between El Riad Shrine and the Brandon Valley High School
for lease of said premises for the sum of $1,300 (with additional fee of
$200 for the day if clean-up is performed on Sunday).
Approve open enrollment #15-22, 15-23, and 15-124. Rescind open
enrollment: #8-40.
Approve recommendation to reject all bids for window replacement at Valley
Springs Elementary.
Approve recommendation to accept bid submitted by North Central Bus Sales
for two new Blue Bird school busses at a cost of $193,945.00 total for both
Approve recommendation for Program Purchases from East Dakota Cooperative
for the 2014-15 school year for a total of $573,458, as follows:
Occupational Therapy (325 days) - $151,500
Physical Therapy (293 days) - $168,000
Autism Specialist (183 days) - $73,500
Transition Advantage (5 slots) - $61,800
High Impact/Career Academy (19 slots @ $5,982/each) - $113,658, and
Membership dues - $5,000
Motion carried.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the following
personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Dennis Lee Smith, Transportation Substitute.
Approve recommendation to hire the following substitutes for the 2013-14
school year: Colby Peterson and Marie Hansen.
Approve recommendation to hire Melissa Bennett, Custodial Substitute.
Motion carried.
Communications received
by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed. They included
the following items:
January 2014 Building Permits.
Thank you from Sarah, Luke, and Kamryn Darling for the plant received on the
birth of son and brother Carter Darling.
Thank you from the family of Larry Peterson (father-in-law to Amy Lupkes)
for the expression of sympathy.
Thank you from Elizabeth Rus for the continued support of the school
counseling programs.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m.
Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of March,
Renee Ullom called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
High School Principal Gregg Talcott introduced the new High School Counselor Sonja Merrigan and John Christopherson, a father of a BVHS Junior, to report on a new program that has started at the High School. WATCH D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) is a K-12 program that could expand to other schools, but has been started this year in the High School aimed at getting Dads involved in the school. Currently, 25 Dads are involved in this group.
Superintendent Pappone gave an update on the progress of the Intermediate School. An updated building site plan was presented at tonight’s meeting. There will be a shared bus drop off area between the current Robert Bennis Elementary School and the new Intermediate School. The floor plan has also undergone more adjustments since the beginning of this process that Pappone believes supplies all the needs required/requested of our new building. There may still be a little more “tweaking” of both the building site and floor plans, however, Pappone believes this building site and floor plan is very close to complete. Construction bidding will begin in March.
Business Manager Paul Lundberg presented the per pupil spending comparisons for FY2013 as tabulated by the Educational Statistics Digest. This compares the per pupil spending levels of School Districts throughout South Dakota. Brandon Valley ranks 149 out of 151 schools districts. This report shows that we have an efficient utilization of the dollars that are allocated to us while still maintaining respectable salary policies and programs. Our cost per pupil is $6,381 versus the state of South Dakota average of $7,739.
Business Manager Paul Lundberg reviewed the Brandon Valley School District’s 2014-19 Five Year Plan. This plan can be viewed in its entirety at www.brandonvalleyschools.com on the Business Office tab.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general
business item:
Approve administrative recommendation to deny open enrollment #14-140.
Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel
Approve recommendation to hire Jeremy J. Smith, Transportation Substitute,
effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Cindy Schwartz, FAE long-term Educational
Assistant substitute for Stacy Smith, $10,00/hour for 15 days, $10.25/hour
for 16+ days, effective immediately.
Approve recommendation of the following substitutes for the 2013-14 school
year: Don Wells, Anna Olson, Jared Ailts, Jen Christensen, Grant Nustad,
and Amanda Lohr.
Approve recommendation to accept resignation/retirement of Dean Pierson,
BVHS Math Teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Paul Scott, Custodial Substitute,
$10.00/hour, effective immediately.
Motion carried.
The following personnel item was reviewed by the Board of Education for
information only:
Approve transfer of Kristin Hofkamp, RBE 1st Grade to RBE 3rd Grade
beginning with the 2014-15 school year.
Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed. They
included the following item:
Thank you from the Valley Springs Elementary Staff and Students to the Board
of Education for their time, energy and caring for District staff and
Travel reports were reviewed.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Motion carried.
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of February,
The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of January, 2014 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, Gregg Ode, Sandy Klatt, and Cary Schroeder. Absent: None. Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Brad Thorson, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Tanya Palmer, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Ty Hentschel.
Renee Ullom called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Schroeder to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 9, 2013 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Klatt, seconded by Schroeder to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.
The cash report for the month of December, 2013 showed receipts of $8,922,092.92 and disbursements of $3,382,151.64 leaving a balance of $15,000,425.78. The General Fund had receipts of $1,890,171.07, and disbursements of $1,754,135.39, leaving a balance of $5,889,190.92. Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $455,689.99 and disbursements of $111,188.89, leaving a balance of $1,983,681.93. Special Education Fund had receipts of $335,348.25 and disbursements $355,204.84, leaving a balance of $736,867.77. Pension Fund had receipts of $45,569.12 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $483,343.42. Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $241,977.74 and disbursements of $1,108,010.53, leaving a balance of $23,233.11. Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $14,384.38. Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $5,953,336.75 and disbursements of $53,612.50, leaving a balance of $5,899,724.25.
The December, 2013 payroll totaled $1,417,118.59, of which $599,223.85 was instructional, $472,393.45 was support services, $27,065.01 was co-curricular, $245,699.29 was Special Education, and $72,736.99 was Food Service.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of December 2013. Motion carried.
Administrative reports were heard. Superintendent Pappone recognized the School Board during this School Board Recognition Week and personally thanked the board for all they do to make the Brandon Valley School District the best! Secondly, Pappone offered a brief update on the Intermediate School. The Administrative team has been working diligently to finalize the floor plan and the site layout for the building and we are very close to having a finalized plan. Great progress is being made and the Architect assures us that we are on track for a March bid.
Business Manager Paul Lundberg presented the Standard & Poor’s Rating on the Capital Outlay Certificate. We received a AA stable rating on these bonds as well as our General Obligation Bonds. This rating is very, very good, and reflects very well on the Brandon Valley School District. Lundberg requested that the board review this rating.
The following board policy was presented for a second reading at tonight’s meeting: Policy CDB (Also EBD, GBBB, JFBB, KDB) – Wellness Policy. Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the updated Policy CDB as presented. Motion carried.
Superintendent Pappone thanked Business Manager Lundberg and his staff on preparing a clean audit. Business Manager Paul Lundberg presented the Fiscal Year 2013 Audit Report prepared by Quam & Berglin, Certified Public Accounts. Motion by Schroeder, seconded by Klatt to accept the FY13 Audit Report as presented. Motion carried.
Business Manager Paul Lundberg presented the following Parameters Resolution pertaining to the District’s issuance of Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates to fund the remaining portion of the costs for the 5-6 Intermediate School. Motion by Klatt to approve the following Resolution :
WHEREAS, the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2 is
authorized by the provisions of SDCL §13-16-6.2 to issue limited tax capital
outlay certificates to fund the acquisition or construction of real
property, plant and equipment; and
WHEREAS, the School Board has determined that is necessary and in the best
interest of the School District to issue limited tax capital outlay
certificates of the School District for the purpose of providing funds to
(1) finance a portion of the costs of constructing, equipping and furnishing
a grades 5-6 intermediate school and (2) pay the costs of issuing the
Section 1.1. Definition of Terms.
In addition to the words and terms elsewhere defined in this Resolution, the following words and terms as used herein, whether or not the words have initial capitals, shall have the following meanings, unless the context or use indicates another or different meaning or intent, and such definitions shall be equally applicable to both the singular and plural forms of any of the words and terms herein defined:
“Act” means collectively SDCL Chapter 6-8B and Title 13, as amended.
“Authorized Officer of the School District” means the President of the School Board and the Business Manager, or, in the case of any act to be performed or duty to be discharged, any other member, officer, or employee of the School District then authorized to perform such act or discharge such duty.
“Bond Counsel” means Meierhenry Sargent LLP, a firm of attorneys recognized as having experience in matters relating to the issuance of state or local governmental obligations.
“Book-Entry Form” or “Book-Entry System” means a form or system, as applicable, under which physical Certificate certificates in fully registered form are issued to a Depository or to its nominee as Registered Owner, with the certificated Certificates being held by and “immobilized” in the custody of such Depository, and under which records maintained by persons, other than the School District or the Registration Agent, constitute the written record that identifies, and records the transfer of the beneficial “book-entry” interests in those Certificates.
“Business Manager” means the Business Manager of the School District appointed pursuant to the provisions of South Dakota Codified Laws Title 13 or, in the absence of such appointment or in the event the person so appointed is unable or incapable of acting in such capacity, the person appointed by the School Board to perform the duties otherwise performed by the Business Manager, or his or her designee.
“Certificates” means not to exceed $8,200,000 in aggregate principal amount of Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates, Series 2014, dated Closing Date, or such other designation or date as shall be determined by the School Board pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof, authorized and issued under this Certificate Resolution.
“Certificate Payment Date” means each date on which interest, or both principal and interest, shall be payable on the Certificates so long as any of the Certificates shall be outstanding.
“Certificate Purchase Agreement” means the agreement between the School District and the Underwriter for the purchase of the Certificates.
“Certificate Resolution” means this Resolution, duly adopted by the School Board on the date hereof, as it may be amended from time to time.
“Certificateholder”, “Holder” and “Registered Owner” means the registered owner of a Certificate, including any nominee of a Depository.
“Closing Date” means the date the Certificates are exchanged for value.
“Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the applicable regulations of the United States Department of Treasury promulgated thereunder as in effect on the date of issuance of the Certificates.
“Depository” means any securities depository that is a clearing agency under federal laws operating and maintaining, with its participants or otherwise, a Book-Entry System, including, but not limited to DTC.
“DTC” means the Depository Trust Company, a limited purpose company organized under the laws of the State of New York, and its successors and assigns.
“DTC Participant(s)” means securities brokers and dealers, banks, trust companies and clearing corporations that have access to the DTC system.
“District” means the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2.
“Interest Payment Dates” means each February 1 and August 1 commencing August 1, 2014.
“Letter of Representation” means the Issuer Letter of Representations or Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations to DTC of the School District.
“Official Statement” and “Preliminary Official Statement” means that Official Statement and Preliminary Official Statement described in Section 8.2 hereof pertaining to the sale of the Certificates.
“Original Issue Discount or OID” means an amount by which the par value of a security exceeds it public offering price at the time of its original issuance.
“Original Issue Premium or OIP” means the amount by which the public offering price of a security at the time of its original issuance exceeds its par value.
“Outstanding,” “Certificates Outstanding,” or “Outstanding Certificates” means, as of a particular date all Certificates issued and delivered under this Resolution except: (1) any Certificates paid or redeemed or otherwise canceled by the School District at or before such date; (2) any Certificate for the payment of which cash, equal to the principal amount thereof with interest to date of maturity, shall have theretofore been deposited prior to maturity by the School District for the benefit of the Owner thereof; (3) any Certificate for the redemption of which cash, equal to the redemption price thereof with interest to the redemption date, shall have theretofore been deposited with the Registration Agent and for which notice of redemption shall have been mailed in accordance with this Resolution; (4) any Certificate in lieu of or in substitution for which another Certificate shall have been delivered pursuant to this Resolution, unless proof satisfactory to the School District is presented that any Certificate, for which a Certificate in lieu of or in substitution therefor shall have been delivered, is held by a bona fide Underwriter, as that term is defined in Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State, as amended, in which case both the Certificate in lieu of or in substitution for which a new Certificate has been delivered and such new Certificate so delivered therefor shall be deemed Outstanding; and, (5) any Certificate deemed paid under the provisions of Article VII of this Resolution, except that any such Certificate shall be considered Outstanding until the maturity or redemption date thereof only for the purposes of being exchanged, transferred, or registered.
“Person” means an individual, partnership, corporation, trust, or unincorporated organization, or a governmental entity or agency or political subdivision thereof.
“President” means the president of the School Board elected pursuant to the provisions of SDCL Chapter 13-8 or his or her designee acting on his or her behalf.
“Project” means the construction, equipping and furnishing of a grades 5-6 intermediate school.
“Purchase Agreement” means the Certificate Purchase Agreement authorized pursuant to and described in Section 8.1 hereof by and between the School District and the Underwriter.
“Rating Agency” means Moody's Investors Services, Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC and Fitch Ratings LTD.
“Record Date” means the fifteenth day (whether or not a business day) of the calendar month next preceding an interest payment date.
“Registration Agent” means the Business Manager or any Registration Agent appointed by the Business Manager its successor or successors hereafter appointed in the manner provided in Article VI hereof.
“Resolution” means this Certificate Resolution.
“Schedule” the schedule which indicates the principal and interest payments on the Certificates.
“School Board” means the School Board of the School District elected pursuant to the provisions of the SDCL Title 13.
“School District” means the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2.
“Underwriter” means D.A. Davidson & Co., Omaha, Nebraska acting for and on behalf of itself and such securities dealers as it may designate.
“Vice-President” means the Vice-President of the School Board who may act for the president in the absence of the President.
Section 1.2. References to Resolution.
The words “hereof”, “herein”, “hereunder”, and other words of similar import refer to this Certificate Resolution as a whole.
Section 1.3. References to Articles, Sections, Etc.
References to Articles, Sections, and other subdivisions of this Resolution are to the designated Articles, Sections, and other subdivisions of this Resolution as originally adopted.
Section 1.4. Headings.
The headings of this Resolution are for convenience only and shall not define or limit the provisions hereof.
Section 2.1.
It is hereby found and determined by the School Board as follows:
(a) The principal amount of the Certificates does not exceed one and one half percent (1 1/2%) of the assessed valuation of the District;
(b) The District has developed and maintained a five-year plan on the annual projected revenues and annual projected expenditures for the capital outlay fund;
(c) The School District hereby determines that all limitations upon the issuance of Certificates have been met and the Certificates are being authorized, issued and sold in accordance with the provisions of the Act and this Resolution.
Section 3.1. Authority.
In order to (i) fund the acquisition and construction of the Project and (ii) pay costs incident to the sale and issuance of the Certificates, there shall be issued pursuant to, and in accordance with, the provisions of the Act, this Resolution, and other applicable provisions of law Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates, Series 2014 of the School District in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $8,200,000.
Section 3.2. Pledge.
The taxing powers, not to exceed three dollars per thousand of taxable valuation, of the School District shall be and they are hereby irrevocably pledged to the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on each and all of the Certificates as such principal and interest respectively become due. Pursuant to SDCL § 13-16-10, the School District does hereby pledge and provide for an annual tax sufficient to pay principal and interest on the Certificates when due.
Section 3.3. Levy of Taxes.
The District does hereby provide for an annual levy, not to exceed three dollars per thousand of the taxable valuation of the School District, to produce collected taxes, taking into consideration an amount necessary to provide for delinquencies, reasonable reserve and mandatory early redemption, to pay principal and interest on the Certificates when due. The Business Manager is directed to provide the County Auditor of Minnehaha County with the Schedule. The Schedule is made a part of this Resolution as if stated in full and shall be open to public inspection at the office of the Business Manager. Said levies shall be irrepealable so long as any of the Certificates or interest thereon shall remain unpaid, except that the School Board of the District and the Auditor shall have the power to reduce the levy as provided by SDCL §13-16-11.
Section 4.1. Authorized Certificates.
The aggregate principal amount of Certificates that may be issued under this Certificate Resolution shall not exceed Eight Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,200,000).
Section 4.2. Form of Certificates; Execution.
(a) The Certificates are issuable only as fully registered Certificates, without coupons, in any denomination and one single Certificate may represent installments of principal maturing on more than one date. All Certificates issued under this Resolution shall be substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein as fully as though copied.
(b) The Certificates shall be executed in such manner as may be prescribed by applicable law in the name and on behalf of the School District with the manual or facsimile signature of the President of the School Board, attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Business Manager, and approved as to form and countersigned by a Resident Attorney by his manual or facsimile signature.
(c) In the event any officer whose manual or facsimile signature shall appear on any Certificate shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of such Certificates, such manual or such facsimile signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if he or she had remained in office until such delivery. Any Certificate may bear the facsimile signature of, or may be manually signed by, such individuals who, at the actual time of the execution of such Certificate, were the proper officers of the School District to sign such Certificates, although on the date of the adoption by the School District of this Resolution, such individuals may not have been such officers.
Section 4.3. Maturities, Interest Rates, and Certain Other Provisions of Certificates.
(a) The Certificates shall become due and payable as set forth in the Certificate Purchase Agreement. The Certificates may be sold with O.I.P. and/or O.I.D
(c) The Certificates shall be designated “Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates, Series 2014,” or such other designation as shall be determined by the School Board pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof. The Certificates shall bear interest from their date or from the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, until the principal amount of the Certificates is paid, such interest (computed upon the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months) being payable on Interest Payment Dates. Interest on each Certificate shall be paid by wire transfer, check or draft of the Paying Agent, payable in lawful money of the United States of America, to the person in whose name such Certificate is registered at the close of business on the Record Date. The principal of the Certificates shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal office of the Paying Agent on the Certificate Payment Date. Each Certificate shall state that it is issued pursuant to SDCL 6-8B.
(d) The Registration Agent shall make all interest payments with respect to the Certificates on each interest payment date directly to the registered owners as shown on the Certificate registration records maintained by the Registration Agent as of the close of business on the Record Date by wire transfer, check or draft mailed to such owners at their addresses shown on said Certificate registration records, without, except for final payment, the presentation or surrender of such registered Certificates, and all such payments shall discharge the obligations of the School District in respect of such Certificates to the extent of the payments so made. Payment of principal of and premium, if any, on the Certificates shall be made upon presentation and surrender of such Certificates to the Registration Agent as the same shall become due and payable.
Section 4.4. Negotiability of Certificates.
All Certificates issued under this Resolution shall be negotiable, subject to the provisions for registration and transfer contained in this Resolution and in the Certificates.
Section 4.5. Registration, Transfer and Exchange of Certificates.
(a) The Certificates are transferable only by presentation to the Registration Agent by the registered owner, or his legal representative duly authorized in writing, of the registered Certificate(s) to be transferred with the form of assignment on the reverse side thereof completed in full and signed with the name of the registered owner as it appears upon the face of the Certificate(s) accompanied by appropriate documentation necessary to prove the legal capacity of any legal representative of the registered owner. Upon receipt of the Certificate(s) in such form and with such documentation, if any, the Registration Agent shall issue a new Certificate or Certificates to the assignee(s) in $5,000 denominations, or integral multiples thereof, as requested by the registered owner requesting transfer. The Registration Agent shall not be required to transfer or exchange any Certificate during the period commencing on a Record Date and ending on the corresponding interest payment date of such Certificate, nor to transfer or exchange any Certificate after the publication of notice calling such Certificate for redemption has been made, nor to transfer or exchange any Certificate during the period following the receipt of instructions from the School District to call such Certificate for redemption; provided, the Registration Agent, at its option, may make transfers after any of said dates. No charge shall be made to any registered owner for the privilege of transferring any Certificates, provided that any transfer tax relating to such transaction shall be paid by the registered owner requesting transfer. The person in whose name any Certificate shall be registered shall be deemed and regarded as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes and neither the School District nor the Registration Agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary whether or not any payments due on the Certificates shall be overdue. Certificates, upon surrender to the Registration Agent, may, at the option of the registered owner, be exchanged for an equal aggregate principal amount of Certificates of the same maturity in any authorized denomination or denominations.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the Certificates shall be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, which will act as securities depository for the Certificates. References in this Section to a Certificate or the Certificates shall be construed to mean the Certificate or the Certificates that are held under the Book-Entry System. One Certificate for each maturity shall be issued to DTC and immobilized in its custody. Unless otherwise provided herein, a Book-Entry System shall be employed, evidencing ownership of the Certificates in authorized denominations, with transfers of beneficial ownership effected on the records of DTC and the DTC Participants pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC.
Each DTC Participant shall be credited in the records of DTC with the amount of such DTC Participant’s interest in the Certificates. Beneficial ownership interests in the Certificates may be purchased by or through DTC Participants. The holders of these beneficial ownership interests are herein referred to as the “Beneficial Owners.” The Beneficial Owners shall not receive the Certificates representing their beneficial ownership interests. The ownership interests of each Beneficial Owner shall be recorded through the records of the DTC Participant from which such Beneficial Owner purchased its Certificates. Transfers of ownership interests in the Certificates shall be accomplished by book entries made by DTC and, in turn, by DTC Participants acting on behalf of Beneficial Owners. SO LONG AS CEDE & CO., AS NOMINEE FOR DTC, IS THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE CERTIFICATES, THE REGISTRATION AGENT SHALL TREAT CEDE & CO., AS THE ONLY HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATES FOR ALL PURPOSES UNDER THIS RESOLUTION, INCLUDING RECEIPT OF ALL PRINCIPAL OF, PREMIUM, IF ANY, AND INTEREST ON THE CERTIFICATES, RECEIPT OF NOTICES, VOTING AND REQUESTING OR DIRECTING THE REGISTRATION AGENT TO TAKE OR NOT TO TAKE, OR CONSENTING TO, CERTAIN ACTIONS UNDER THIS CERTIFICATE RESOLUTION.
Payments of principal, interest, and redemption premium, if any, with respect to the Certificates, so long as DTC is the only owner of the Certificates, shall be paid by the Registration Agent directly to DTC or its nominee, Cede & Co., as provided in the Letter of Representation. DTC shall remit such payments to DTC Participants, and such payments thereafter shall be paid by DTC Participants to the Beneficial Owners. Neither the School District nor the Registration Agent shall be responsible or liable for payment by DTC or DTC Participants, for sending transaction statements or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing records maintained by DTC or DTC Participants.
In the event that (1) DTC determines not to continue to act as securities depository for the Certificates or (2) the School District determines that the continuation of the Book-Entry System of evidence and transfer of ownership of the Certificates would adversely affect their interests or the interests of the Beneficial Owners of the Certificates, the School District may discontinue the Book-Entry System with DTC. If the School District fails to identify another qualified securities depository to replace DTC, the School District shall cause the Registration Agent to authenticate and deliver replacement Certificates in the form of fully registered Certificates to each Beneficial Owner.
Section 4.6. Mutilated, Lost, Stolen, or Destroyed Certificates.
(a) In the event any Certificate is mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed, the School District may execute, and upon the request of an Authorized Officer of the School District the Registration Agent shall authenticate and deliver, a new Certificate of like maturity, interest rate, and principal amount, and bearing the same number (but with appropriate designation indicating that such new Certificate is a replacement Certificate) as the mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificate, in exchange for the mutilated Certificate or in substitution for the Certificate so destroyed, lost, or stolen. In every case of exchange or substitution, the Certificateholder shall furnish to the School District and the Registration Agent: (1) such security or indemnity as may be required by them to save each of them harmless from all risks, however remote; and, (2) evidence to their satisfaction of the mutilation, destruction, loss, or theft of the subject Certificate and the ownership thereof. Upon the issuance of any Certificate upon such exchange or substitution, the School District and the Registration Agent may require the Owner thereof to pay a sum sufficient to defray any tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed in relation thereto and any other expenses, including printing costs and counsel fees, of the School District and the Registration Agent. In the event any Certificate which has matured or is about to mature shall become mutilated or be destroyed, lost, or stolen, the School District may, instead of issuing a Certificate in exchange or substitution therefor, pay or authorize the payment of the same (without surrender thereof except in the case of a mutilated Certificate) if the Owner thereof shall pay all costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by the School District and the Registration Agent in connection herewith, as well as a sum sufficient to defray any tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed in relation thereto and shall furnish to the School District and the Registration Agent such security or indemnity as they may require to save them harmless and evidence to the satisfaction of the School District and the Registration Agent the mutilation, destruction, loss, or theft of such Certificate and of the ownership thereof.
(b) Every Certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall constitute an additional contractual obligation of the School District (whether or not the destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificate shall be found at any time to be enforceable) and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Resolution equally and proportionately with any and all other Certificates duly issued under this Resolution.
(c) All Certificates shall be held and owned upon the express condition that the provisions of this Section are exclusive, with respect to the replacement or payment of mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen Certificates, and, to the maximum extent legally permissible, shall preclude all other rights or remedies, notwithstanding any law or statute now existing or hereafter enacted to the contrary.
Section 4.7. Authentication.
The Registration Agent is hereby authorized to authenticate and deliver the Certificates to the Underwriter or as it may designate upon receipt by the School District of the proceeds of the sale thereof, to authenticate and deliver Certificates in exchange for Certificates of the same principal amount delivered for transfer upon receipt of the Certificate(s) to be transferred in proper form with proper documentation as hereinabove described. The Certificates shall not be valid for any purpose unless authenticated by the Registration Agent by the manual signature of an officer thereof on the certificate set forth herein on the Certificate form.
The Registration Agent is hereby authorized to take such actions as may be necessary from time to time to qualify and maintain the Certificates for deposit with DTC, including but not limited to, wire transfers of interest and principal payments with respect to the Certificates, utilization of electronic book entry data received from DTC in place of actual delivery of Certificates and provision of notices with respect to Certificates registered by the DTC (or any of its designees identified to the Registration Agent) by overnight delivery, courier service, telegram, telecopy or other similar means of communication. No such arrangements with DTC may adversely affect the interest of any of the Owners of the Certificates, provided, however, that the Registration Agent shall not be liable with respect to any such arrangements it may make pursuant to this section.
Section 4.9. Rating Agency.
The District may authorize the retention of a Rating Agency to rate the Certificates.
Section 4.10. Underwriter.
The District has retained D. A. Davidson & Co. as Underwriter.
Section 4.10. Bond Counsel.
The District has retained Meierhenry Sargent LLP as Bond Counsel.
Section 5.1. Redemption.
The Certificates shall be redeemable as set forth in the Certificate Purchase Agreement.
Section 5.2. Notice of Redemption.
(a) Notice of call for redemption, whether optional or mandatory, shall be given by the Registration Agent on behalf of the District not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the date fixed for redemption by sending an appropriate notice to the registered owners of the Certificates to be redeemed by first-class mail, postage prepaid, at the addresses shown on the Bond registration records of the Registration Agent as of the date of the notice; but neither failure to mail such notice nor any defect in any such notice so mailed shall affect the sufficiency of the proceedings for redemption of any of the Certificates for which proper notice was given. The Registration Agent shall mail said notices, in the case of mandatory redemption of term Certificates, as and when provided herein and in the Certificates, and, in the case of optional redemption, as and when directed by the District pursuant to written instructions from an Authorized Representative of the District given at least forty-five (45) days prior to the redemption date (unless a shorter notice period shall be satisfactory to the Registration Agent).
(b) Each notice required by this Section shall state: (1) the Certificates to be redeemed identified by CUSIP number and called amounts of each bond (for partial calls), date of issue, interest rate, and maturity date; (2) the date fixed for redemption; (3) that such Certificates will be redeemed at the principal corporate trust office of the Registration Agent; (4) the redemption price to be paid; and, (5) that from and after the redemption date interest thereon shall cease to accrue. If at the time of notice of optional redemption, the District shall not have deposited with the Registration Agent monies sufficient to redeem all the Certificates called for optional redemption, such notice may state that it is conditional, that is, subject to the deposit of the redemption monies with the Registration Agent not later than the opening of business on the redemption date, and such notice shall be of no effect unless monies are so deposited.
Section 5.3. Payment of Redeemed Certificates.
(a) If notice of redemption shall have been given in the manner and under the conditions provided in Section 5.2 hereof and if on the date so designated for redemption the Registration Agent shall hold sufficient monies to pay the redemption price of, and interest to the redemption date on, the Certificates to be redeemed as provided in this Resolution, then: (1) the Certificates so called for redemption shall become and be due and payable at the redemption price provided for redemption of such Certificates on such date; (2) interest on the Certificates so called for redemption shall cease to accrue; and, (3) such Certificates shall no longer be Outstanding or secured by, or be entitled to, the benefits of this Resolution, except to receive payment of the redemption price thereof and interest thereon from monies then held by the Registration Agent.
(b) If on the redemption date, monies for the redemption of all Certificates or portions thereof to be redeemed, together with interest thereon to the redemption date, shall not be held by the Registration Agent so as to be available therefor on such date, the Certificates or portions thereof so called for redemption shall continue to bear interest until paid at the same rate as they would have borne had they not been called for redemption and shall continue to be secured by and be entitled to the benefits of this Resolution.
Section 6.1. Appointment and Acceptance of Duties.
(a) The School District hereby authorizes the Business Manager to appoint the Registration Agent with respect to the Certificates and authorizes and directs the Registration Agent to maintain Certificate registration records with respect to the Certificates, to authenticate and deliver the Certificates as provided herein, either at original issuance, upon transfer, or as otherwise directed by the School District, to effect transfers of the Certificates, to give all notices of redemption as required herein, to make all payments of principal and interest with respect to the Certificates as provided herein, to cancel and destroy Certificates which have been paid at maturity or upon earlier redemption or submitted for exchange or transfer, to furnish the School District at least annually a certificate of destruction with respect to Certificates canceled and destroyed, and to furnish the School District at least annually an audit confirmation of Certificates paid, Certificates Outstanding and payments made with respect to interest on the Certificates. The President and the Business Manager, or either of them is hereby authorized to execute and the Business Manager is hereby authorized to attest such written agreement between the School District and the Registration Agent as they shall deem necessary or proper with respect to the obligations, duties and rights of the Registration Agent. The payment of all reasonable fees and expenses of the Registration Agent for the discharge of its duties and obligations hereunder or under any such agreement is hereby authorized and directed.
Section 6.2. Permitted Acts and Functions.
The Registration Agent may become the Owner of any Certificates, with the same rights as it would have if it were not a Registration Agent. The Registration Agent may act as a purchaser or fiscal agent in connection with the sale of the Certificates or of any other securities offered or issued by the School District.
Section 6.3. Resignation or Removal of the Registration Agent and Appointment of Successors.
(a) The Registration Agent may at any time resign and be discharged of the duties and obligations created by this Resolution by giving at least sixty (60) calendar days’ written notice to the Business Manager. The Registration Agent may be removed at any time by the Business Manager, provided that such removal does not constitute a breach of any contractual agreement with any such Registration Agent, by filing written notice of such removal with such Registration Agent. Any successor Registration Agent shall be appointed by the Business Manager and shall be a trust company or a bank having the powers of a trust company, having a combined capital, surplus, and undivided profits aggregating at least Seventy-Five Million Dollars ($75,000,000), willing to accept the office of Registration Agent on reasonable and customary terms and authorized by law to perform all the duties imposed upon it by this Resolution.
(b) In the event of the resignation or removal of the Registration Agent, such Registration Agent shall pay over, assign and deliver any monies and securities held by it as Registration Agent, and all books and records and other properties held by it as Registration Agent, to its successor, or if there be no successor then appointed, to the Business Manager until such successor be appointed.
Section 6.4. Merger or Consolidation of Registration Agent.
Any corporation or association into which the Registration Agent may be converted or merged, or with which it may be consolidated, or to which it may sell or transfer its trust business and assets as a whole, or substantially as a whole, or any corporation or association resulting from any such conversion, sale, merger, consolidation, or transfer to which it is a party shall be and become successor Registration Agent hereunder and shall be vested with all the trusts, powers, discretion, immunities, privileges, and other matters as was its predecessor, without the execution or filing of any instrument or any further act, deed, or conveyance on the part of any of the parties hereto, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Upon any such conversion, merger, consolidation, sale or transfer, the Business Manager shall have the right and option, upon notice to such converted, merged, consolidated or acquiring entity, to remove such entity and appoint a successor thereto pursuant to the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 6.3 hereof.
This Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Certificates permits the issuance of additional capital outlay certificates payable from the Capital Outlay Fund of the District, provided that the School Board first determines that a Capital Outlay Fund tax levy of not more than $3 per $1,000 of assessed valuation will afford debt service coverage for all outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates, plus the additional capital outlay certificates proposed to be issued, of at least 1.25 times. The property tax levy for any such additional certificates, together with the levy for then all outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates described herein and any other Capital Outlay Fund purposes, would be limited to $3 per $1,000 in total. Such additional certificates would have a parity claim with all the then outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates against property tax revenues received into the Capital Outlay Fund of the District.
Section 8.1. Sale of Certificates.
The Certificates shall be sold to the Underwriter at a price to be set forth in the Certificate Purchase Agreement. The President and the Business Manager, or either of them, are authorized to make such changes in the structuring of the terms and sale of the Certificates as they shall deem necessary. The form of the Certificate set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto shall be conformed to reflect any changes, if any, as hereinbefore mentioned. The President and the Business Manager, or either of them, are hereby authorized to execute and the Business Manager is authorized to attest the Certificate Purchase Agreement with the Underwriter providing for the purchase and sale of the Certificates. The Certificate Purchase Agreement shall be in form and content acceptable to the President and Business Manager, the execution thereof by either of them to constitute conclusive evidence thereof; provided the Certificate Purchase Agreement effects the sale of the Certificates in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution, and is not inconsistent with the terms hereof. The President and the Business Manager are authorized to cause the Certificates to be authenticated and delivered by the Registration Agent to the Underwriter and to execute, publish, and deliver all certificates and documents, including the Official Statement, and closing certificates and documents, as they shall deem necessary in connection with the sale and delivery of the Certificates.
The President, Business Manager, and the Underwriter are hereby authorized and directed to provide for the preparation and distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement describing the Certificates (the “Preliminary Official Statement”). After the Certificates have been sold, the President and Business Manager shall make such completions, omissions, insertions and changes in the Preliminary Official Statement not inconsistent with this Resolution as are necessary or desirable to complete it as a final Official Statement for purposes of Rule 15c2-12(e)(3) of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
To comply with paragraph (b) (3) of Rule 15c2‑12 of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Rule”) and with Rule G‑32 and all other applicable rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, the School District agrees to deliver to the Underwriter, the Official Statement (which shall be a final official statement, as such term is defined in the Rule, as of its date) in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB.
Section 8.3. Disposition of Certificate Proceeds.
The proceeds of the sale of the Certificates shall be deposited in the Capital Outlay Fund and shall be used to provide funds to: (1) finance a portion of the costs of constructing, equipping and furnishing a grades 5-6 intermediate school and (2) pay the costs of issuing the Certificates.
Section 8.4. Tax Matters.
(a) The School District covenants and agrees with the registered owners from time to time of the Certificates that it will not take or permit to be taken by any of its officers, employees or agents any action which would cause the interest on the Certificates to become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes under the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations (the “Regulations”), and covenants to take any and all actions within its powers to ensure that the basic interest on the Certificates will not become includable in gross income for federal income tax purposes under the Code and the Regulations.
(b) The President and the Business Manager, being the officers of the District charged with the responsibility for issuing the Certificates pursuant to this Resolution are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Underwriter thereof a certificate in accordance with the provisions of Section 148 of the Code, and Section 1.148-2(b) of the Regulations, stating that on the basis of facts, estimates and circumstances in existence on the date of issue and delivery of the Certificates, it is reasonably expected that the proceeds of the Certificates will be used in a manner that would not cause the Certificates to be “arbitrage bonds” within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and the Regulations.
(c) The District further certifies and covenants as follows with respect to the requirements of Section 148 of the Code that the District reasonably expects, as of the Closing Date, that the aggregate face amount of all tax exempt bonds (other than private activity bonds) issued by it and all subordinate entities during the calendar year of 2014 will not exceed $15,000,000.
(d) The District shall file with the Secretary of the Treasury a statement concerning the Certificates containing the information required by Section 149(e) of the Code.
(e) Pursuant to Section 265(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Code, the District hereby designates the Certificates as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. The District hereby represents that it does not anticipate that obligations bearing interest not includable in gross income for purposes of federal income taxation under Section 103 of the Code (including refunding obligations as provided in Section 265 (b) (3) of the Code and including “qualified 501 (c) (3) bonds” but excluding other “private activity bonds,” as defined in Sections 141(a) and 145(a) of the Code) will be issued by or on behalf of the District and all “subordinate entities” of the District in 2014 in an amount greater than $10,000,000.
Section 9.1. Failure to Present Certificates.
(a) Subject to the provisions of Section 4.6 hereof, in the event any Certificate shall not be presented for payment when the principal or redemption price hereof becomes due, either at maturity or at the date fixed for prior redemption thereof or otherwise, and in the event monies sufficient to pay such Certificate shall be held by the Registration Agent for the benefit of the Owner thereof, all liability of the School District to such Owner for the payment of such Certificate shall forthwith cease, determine, and be completely discharged. Whereupon, the Registration Agent shall hold such monies, without liability for interest thereon, for the benefit of the Owner of such Certificate who shall thereafter be restricted exclusively to such monies for any claim under this Resolution or on, or with respect to, said Certificates.
(b) If any Certificate shall not be presented for payment within a period of six years following the date when such Certificate becomes due, whether by maturity or otherwise, the Registration Agent shall, subject to the provisions of any applicable escheat or other similar law, pay to the School District any monies then held by the Registration Agent for the payment of such Certificate and such Certificate shall (subject to the defense of any applicable statute of limitation) thereafter constitute an unsecured obligation of the School District.
Section 9.2. Payments Due on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
In any case where the date of maturity or interest on or principal of any Certificates, or the date fixed for redemption of any Certificates, shall be a Saturday or Sunday or shall be, at the place designated for payment, a legal holiday or a day on which banking institutions similar to the Registration Agent are authorized by law to close, then the payment of the interest on, or the principal, or the redemption price of, such Certificate need not be made on such date but must be made on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday or a day upon which banking institutions similar to the Registration Agent are authorized by law to close, with the same force and effect as if made on the date of maturity or the date fixed for redemption, and no interest shall accrue for the period after such date.
Section 9.3. Miscellaneous Acts.
The appropriate officers of the School District are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to do any and all such acts and things, and to execute, acknowledge, deliver, and, if applicable file or record, or cause to be filed or recorded, in any appropriate public offices, all such documents, instruments, and certifications, in addition to those acts, things, documents, instruments, and certifications hereinbefore authorized and approved, as may, in their discretion, be necessary or desirable to implement or comply with the intent of this Resolution, or any of the documents herein authorized and approved, or for the authorization, issuance, and delivery by the School District of the Certificates.
Section 9.4. Amendment.
The School Board is hereby authorized to make such amendments to this Resolution as will not impair the rights of the Certificateholders.
Section 9.5. No Recourse Under Certificate Resolution or on Certificates.
All stipulations, promises, agreements, and obligations of the School District contained in this Resolution shall be deemed to be the stipulations, promises, agreements, and obligations of the School District and not of any officer, director, or employee of the School District in his or her individual capacity, and no recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates or for any claim based thereon or this Resolution against any officer, director, or employee of the School District or against any official or individual executing the Certificates.
Section 9.6. Partial Invalidity.
If any one or more of the provisions of this Resolution, or of any exhibit or attachment thereto, shall be held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, by final decree of any court of lawful jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, or of any exhibit or attachment thereto, but this Resolution, and the exhibits and attachments thereto, shall be construed the same as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein, or therein, as the case may be.
Section 9.7. Continuing Disclosure.
The School District hereby covenants and agrees that it will provide financial information and material event notices as required by Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities Exchange Commission for the Certificates. The President is authorized to execute at the Closing of the sale of the Certificates, an agreement for the benefit of and enforceable by the owners of the Certificates specifying the details of the financial information and material event notices to be provided and its obligations relating thereto. Failure of the School District to comply with the undertaking herein described and to be detailed in said closing agreement, shall not be a default hereunder, but any such failure shall entitle the owner or owners of any of the Certificates to take such actions and to initiate such proceedings as shall be necessary and appropriate to cause the School District to comply with its undertaking as set forth herein and in said agreement, including the remedies of mandamus and specific performance. The President is authorized to execute any amendments as he or she deems necessary to comply with any rules of regulations adopted by the SEC.
Section 9.8. Conflicting Resolutions Repealed.
All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.
Section 9.9. Post Issuance Compliance.
The School District does hereby adopt Meierhenry Sargent Post Issuance Compliance Manual procedures with regard to the Certificates. The School District appoints the Business Manager as the chief compliance officer.
Section 9.10. Effective Date.
This Resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption, the welfare of the School District requiring it.
Said motion was seconded by Member Schroeder and upon vote being taken the following voted AYE: Klatt, Schroeder, Hegland, Ode, and Ullom; and the following voted NAY: None.
Motion carried.
No. |
$ .00 |
Interest Rate |
Maturity Date |
Certificate Date |
% |
, 2014 |
Registered Owner: Cede & Co.
55 Water Street, 1st Floor.
New York, New York 10041
Tax ID #13-2555119
Principal Amount: AND NO\100 DOLLARS
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate did exist, have happened, been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law.
This Certificate shall not be valid or become obligatory for any purpose or be entitled to any benefit or security under the Resolution until it shall have been authenticated by the execution by the Registrar of the certificate of authentication endorsed hereon.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the School District has caused this Certificate to be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of its President of the School Board of the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2 and to be countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of its Business Manager all as of the Certificate Date specified above.
Resident Attorney |
BRANDON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 49-2, South Dakota By: President of the School Board
This Certificate is a Certificate of the series designated therein and has been issued under the provisions of the within-mentioned Resolution and the date of its authentication is _____________, 2014.
The First National Bank in Sioux Falls
Paying Agent and Registrar
By: _________________________________
Authorized Officer
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2, Brandon (the “School District”), in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, hereby acknowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay the Principal Amount, to the Registered Owner mentioned above in lawful money of the United States of America, together with interest thereon from the Certificate Date mentioned above at the Interest Rate mentioned above. The interest hereon is payable _________________, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 (each an “Interest Payment Date”) in each year to maturity or earlier redemption by wire transfer, check or draft mailed to the Registered Owner at its address as it appears on the Certificate registration books of the School District maintained by The First National Bank in Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, South Dakota as Certificate Registrar and Paying Agent (the “Registrar”), on the close of business on the fifteenth day (whether or not a business day) of the calendar month next preceding each interest payment date. The principal hereof due at maturity or upon redemption prior to maturity is payable at the office of Registrar upon presentation and surrender of this Certificate at maturity or upon earlier redemption. The principal of, premium (if any) and interest on this Certificate is payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, at the time of payment, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts.
This Certificate is one of an authorized issue of Certificates limited in aggregate principal amount to a maximum of $8,200,000 (the “Certificates”) all of like date and tenor except as to maturity, interest rates and privileges of redemption, the proceeds of which, combined with interest earnings, will be used to: (1) finance a portion of the costs of constructing, equipping and furnishing a grades 5-6 intermediate school and (2) pay the costs of issuing the Certificates pursuant to a resolution duly and regularly adopted by the School District (the “Certificate Resolution”). The Certificates are subject to all the provisions and limitations of the Certificate Resolution and Chapters 13-16 and 6-8B, South Dakota Codified Laws, as amended. The District has levied an irrepealable Capital Outlay levy in an amount not to exceed three dollars per thousand of taxable valuation for the payment of the Certificates.
The Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Certificates permits the issuance of additional capital outlay certificates payable from the Capital Outlay Fund of the District, provided that the School Board first determines that a Capital Outlay Fund tax levy of not more than $3 per $1,000 of assessed valuation will afford debt service coverage for all outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates, plus the additional capital outlay certificates proposed to be issued, of at least 1.25 times. The property tax levy for any such additional certificates, together with the levy for then all outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates described herein and any other Capital Outlay Fund purposes would be limited to $3 per $1,000 in total. Such additional certificates would have a parity claim with all the then outstanding Capital Outlay Certificates against property tax revenues received into the Capital Outlay Fund of the District.
This Certificate is transferable by the registered holder hereof in person or by his attorney duly authorized in writing at the office of the Certificate Registrar in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but only in the manner, subject to the limitations and upon payment of the charges provided in the Certificate Resolution, and upon surrender and cancellation of this Certificate. Upon such transfer a new Certificate or Certificates of authorized denomination of the same maturity and for the same aggregate principal amount will be issued to the transferee in exchange therefore.
The School District and the Certificate Registrar may deem and treat the registered holder hereof as the absolute owner hereof and neither the School District nor the Certificate Registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.
The School District has in the Resolution designated such issue of Certificates as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” pursuant to Section 265(b)(3)(B)(III) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2
Minnehaha County, South Dakota
Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates, Series 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We have acted as bond counsel in connection with the issuance by the Brandon Valley School District No. 49-2 (the “Issuer”) of $___________ Limited Tax Capital Outlay Certificates, Series 2014, dated ________, (the “Certificates”). We have examined such certified proceedings and other papers as we deem necessary to render this opinion.
As to questions of fact material to our opinion, we have relied upon the certified proceedings and other certifications of public officials furnished to us, without undertaking to verify such facts by independent investigation.
Based upon the foregoing, we are of the opinion that, under existing law:
1. The Issuer is duly created and validly existing as a body corporate and politic and public instrumentality of the State of South Dakota with the corporate power to adopt and perform the Resolution and issue the Certificates.
2. A Resolution has been duly adopted by the Issuer on _____________ ___ 2014 and constitutes a valid and binding limited obligation of the Issuer enforceable upon the Issuer.
3. The Resolution levies ad valorem taxes not in excess of three dollars per thousand annually upon all of the taxable property in the District, for the capital outlay fund of the District, from which fund, said Certificates and interest thereon are payable.
4. The Certificates have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Issuer and are valid and binding limited obligations of the Issuer, payable solely from the sources provided therefore in the Resolution.
5. The interest on the Certificates is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and is not an item of tax preference for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax imposed on individuals and corporations; it should be noted, however, that for the purpose of computing the alternative minimum tax imposed on certain corporations as defined for federal income tax purposes, such interest is taken into account in determining adjusted current earnings. The opinions set forth in the preceding sentence are subject to the condition that the Issuer comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Certificates in order that interest thereon be, or continue to be, excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes. The Issuer has covenanted to comply with each such requirement. Failure to comply with certain of such requirements may cause the inclusion of interest on the Certificates in gross income for federal income tax purposes to be retroactive to the date of issuance of the Certificates. We express no opinion regarding other federal tax consequences arising with respect to the Certificates.
6. Under existing law, the interest on the Bonds is includible in “taxable income” for the State of South Dakota income tax purposes when the recipient is a “financial institution” as defined by Chapter 10-43, South Dakota Codified Laws, according to present state laws, regulations and decisions. We express no further opinions regarding other South Dakota tax consequences arising with regard to the Bonds.
7. The Certificates are qualified tax-exempt obligations within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code.
It is to be understood that the rights of the holders of the Certificates and the enforceability thereof may be subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other similar laws affecting creditors' rights heretofore or hereafter enacted to the extent constitutionally applicable and that their enforcement may be subject to the exercise of judicial discretion in accordance with general principles of equity and subject to regulatory requirements under the laws of the United States and of the State of South Dakota.
Meierhenry Sargent LLP
(Form of Assignment)
FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto
the within Certificate and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints
attorney to transfer the within Certificate on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises.
NOTICE: The signature to this Assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Certificate in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatever.
Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business
Acknowledge receipt of bargaining notification for the Brandon Valley
Education Association.
Approve request from Jon Button – Ski Program Coordinator, requesting
support of the Brandon Valley Ski/Snowboard Program by allowing the use of a
bus for transportation to Great Bear.
Approve 2014 School Board Election date of Tuesday, June 17, 2014.
Approve open enrollment #14-133, 14-134, 14-135, 14-136, and 14-139. Deny
open enrollments: #14-137 and 14-138.
Approve proposed 2014-15 Brandon Valley School District Calendar as
Motion carried.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel
Approve half year lane changes as follows: Mark Griebel, BA+15 to MA and
Laura Baker, BA+15 to MA.
Approve recommendation to hire Andrew Bauer, full-time Grounds Employee,
$12.25/hour, effective January 14, 2014.
Approve recommendation to hire Kevin Mickelsen, full-time FAE Custodian,
$12.25/hour plus .50¢/hour night differential pay, effective January 14,
Approve resignation/retirement submitted by Pam Eitreim, BE 4th
grade teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Approve the following substitutes for the 2013-14 school year: Jessica
Hager, Jeremy Smith, and Tami Broekemeier.
Approve half-year payment of $500 to Gay Anderson for completion of 60 hours
of college credit per prior agreement.
Approve recommendation to hire Garey Moore, part-time BVHS Child Nutrition -
$10.90/hour, effective January 6, 2014.
Approve $4/hour pay increase for Leah Jorgensen, Title I Tutor, recognizing
18 hours of credit in reading.
Approve resignation submitted by Phillip Andela, RBE 3rd grade
teacher, effective at the end of the 2013-14 school year.
Recommendation to hire Briana Weber, Long-term substitute for 7th
Grade English at BVMS for approximately six weeks, beginning on or about
February 7, 2014.
Approve request from Lynn Bartscher for unpaid leave from February 3 – 10,
2014 (6 days).
Motion carried.
The following personnel
items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Approve maternity leave request from Abby Klumper on or around March, 2014
for ten weeks.
Communications received
by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed. They included
the following items:
December 2013 Building Permits.
Thank you from Melissa Garrow, Wendy Bunker, Margi Hanson, Renae Peyton, and
Ardis Moeller regarding using the Skyward Health Module. It has enhanced
documentation of daily office visits, medication disbursement, student
immunizations, and health screenings.
Thank you from Francena Eagle for the plan sent to her while she was
Thank you from Paul Hahn and the Raymond R. Goedtke Family for the plant
sent in memory of her father.
Board reports were presented. Gregg Ode offered a question regarding school nutrition. He has heard that the USDA has changed the nutritional values for the school lunch program and wants to know when that will come into effect at Brandon Valley and how will it affect our budget. Pappone stated that BV is already operating under the changes required and should see no significant changes.
Renee Ullom reported on the Alternative Education committee and stated that the East Dakota Education Cooperative yearly audit is complete as well.
Travel Reports were reviewed.
Motion by Ode, seconded
by Schroeder to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried.
Signed __________________________________
Business Manager
Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of February,