2012 Board Minutes

January 9, 2012

January 23, 2012

February 13, 2012

February 27, 2012

March 12, 2012

March 26, 2012

April 9, 2012

April 23, 2012

May 14, 2012

May 29, 2012

June 11, 2012

June 25, 2012

July 16, 2012

August 13, 2012

August 27, 2012

September 10, 2012

September 24, 2012

September 27, 2012

October 8, 2012

October 22, 2012

November 13, 2012

November 26, 2012

December 11, 2012




















December 11, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 11th of December, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  None.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.  

Jay Rasmussen called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

          Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of November 13, 2012 and November 26, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Jim Bruget, BV Booster Club President, recently met with Daktronics and discussed sponsor time on the proposed Video Display Board in the new gymnasium in the Activities Center in the Brandon Valley High School.   To clarify what “sponsor time” means, Daktronics explained to the Booster Club that each sponsor is going to get a certain amount of time that displays on the sign during any given event, separate from the static display.  Bruget presented this information to the Board of Education because this is something different than was originally presented at the initial presentation.  Daktronics feels that this advertising needs to be present with this type of display and the Booster Club feels that if this advertising is done correctly, it would be acceptable.  Superintendent Pappone would like to see the proposal/contract that the Booster Club will present to advertisers to make sure it is clear what is being offered.  Pappone also believes the school district administration needs to review and approve the contract that will be offered to sponsors/advertisers.      

        Chris Limmer, representing the Brandon Area Soccer Association, reported that High School Soccer will not be offered through the South Dakota State Soccer Association after the 2014 season.  This decision was made because some school districts have sanctioned soccer.  Limmer is requesting that the Brandon Valley Board of Education revaluate sanctioning the soccer program through the Brandon Valley School District.  He reminded the board that previously he had presented a five-year transition plan for providing a sanctioned sport, and that the plan for that transition could still be put in place in order to keep soccer going past the 2014 season. 

        Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the Sioux Falls Construction Co. invoice in the amount of $194,482.34.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Hegland, Ullom, Klatt, Ode; nay: none;  abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried. 

        Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

        The cash report for the month of November, 2012 showed receipts of $5,340,602.64 and disbursements of $2,174,754.24, leaving a balance of $10,066,744.64.  The General Fund had receipts of $2,966,194.32, and disbursements of $1,626,045.20, leaving a balance of $5,768,558.23.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $1,123,864.73 and disbursements of $56,584.58, leaving a balance of $2,068,009.77.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $575,751.21 and disbursements $291,286.63, leaving a balance of $899,457.97.  Pension Fund had receipts of $111,628.84 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $577,246.28.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $563,163.54 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $943,867.70.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $1,665.34, leaving a balance of $8,777.18. 

        The November, 2012 payroll totaled $1,287,502.78, of which $667,768.59 was instructional, $325,095.93 was support services, $30,595.50 was co-curricular, $204,732.69 was Special Education, and $59,310.07 was Food Service. 

        Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of November, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reminded the board that in the board packet this week are individual school improvement plans for review.  Also, the USDA has offered some flexibility in the grain and protein limits that have been in the school lunch program.  This flexibility is being offered at least through this year in the Food Service Program.  Food Service Director, Gay Anderson, will present more information to the Board regarding this flexibility in a future board meeting.   Lastly, Pappone presented a chart showing per student allocations.   

Operations Manager Todd Williams discussed the Brandon Valley High School Parking Lot.  The District has retained $45,000  from the parking lot project completed this summer.  At the end of the project this summer, certain “compression tests” fell short of the contracted compression level.  To correct this issue, the parking lot will be given a seal coat and will be restriped in the summer of 2013 at no additional cost to the District. 

At the previous regular Board of Education meeting, the Brandon Valley School Board, along with Activities Director Randy Marso, discussed the future change of High School football reclassifications, adding the 11AAA class. As requested at the last meeting, Mr. Marso and Superintendent Pappone provided a list of pros and cons of this reclassification, input from BV patrons through Pappone’s weekly “Supe’s On” article, and opinions of current coaches.  Although it was not unanimous, it was an overwhelmingly strong opinion to stay 11AAA.    It is Mr. Marso’s recommendation that we stay at the 11AAA class for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years.  Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to remain at the 11AAA football classification as presented.  Motion carried. 

Superintendent Pappone presented the 2012 Official Election Ballot for the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) Southeastern Region Board of Directors.  The two candidates nominated are Neil Putnam, Mitchell School District, and Kathy Greeneway, Yankton School District.  Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to cast the Brandon Valley School District’s ballot for Neil Putnam, Mitchell School District.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Approve the following open enrollments for 2012-13:  #13-166 and 13-167.
Approve request from Jon Button to support the Brandon Valley Ski/Snowboard Program by allowing the use of a bus for transportation to Great Bear Ski Resort.
Approve Fiscal Year 2012 Audit Report as prepared by Quam & Berglin, CPA.
Recommendation to approve RTI Grant Agreements (2013G-376, Brandon Valley Middle School; 2013G-366, Brandon Elementary) by and between the Division of Educational Services & Support and the Brandon Valley School District for the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel items:
Recommendation to approve Kacy Utter as a substitute for the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to approve Bernard V. Citta, Transportation Substitute for the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

The following personnel item was reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Request for 8 weeks of maternity leave from Jessica Henson, BVHS Secretary, effective on or about January 1, 2013. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following item:
November 2012 Building Permits. 

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

            Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. to discuss communication from legal counsel regarding property purchase agreement per SDCL 1-25-2(3).  Motion carried. 

            The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:43 p.m. 

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the purchase of a future school site of 20.802 acres of land, Tract 9 of Burkman Addition in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S ½ NW ¼) of Section 36, Township 102 North, Range 48 West of the 5th P.M., Minnehaha County, South Dakota, for $520,050.00 from John and Crystal Burkman.  Motion carried. 

  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.  Motion carried.

Signed __________________________________
 Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of January, 2013.



November 26, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 26th of November, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

High School Principal Gregg Talcott presented the 2011 South Dakota Board of Regents Transition Report and the Brandon Valley High School Summary of that report to the Board of Education.   

The Brandon Valley School Board, along with Activities Director Randy Marso discussed the future change of High School football reclassifications, adding the 11AAA class.  This new class includes the eight largest South Dakota High Schools; Brandon Valley is number eight on that list.  Recently, O’Gorman has requested to petition up from 11AA to the new 11AAA classification, leaving Brandon Valley with a choice to remain in the 11AAA class, or to petition down to 11AA.  If Brandon Valley chooses to remain in the 11AAA class, the choice to petition down would then be passed to Watertown, followed by Aberdeen Central. 
            Upon the Board’s request, Mr. Marso will provide a list that he has developed of pros and cons of this reclassification along with his recommendation.  The Board also requested the opinion from current coaches and players.  Pappone will request input from BV patrons through his weekly “Supe’s On” article.  Marso did state that the scheduling and budget of the football program does not change significantly in either class.  The Board plans to vote on a decision at the next regular Board of Education meeting.

           At the previous regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, the BV Booster Club presented the Board with a capital improvement item of a Video Display Board in the new gymnasium in the Activities Center in the Brandon Valley High School.  The Booster Club has received a complete package proposal from Daktronics at a cost of $189,900 and is proposing 8 – 12 sponsors to fund the cost over a five year period of time.  At the end of the five years the display would be paid for and would be the property of the Brandon Valley School District.  Superintendent Pappone stated that one of the underlying requests with this proposal is that we allow advertising within the building which has not been past school district philosophy.   The Board has reviewed the information from the previous meeting and is making a decision on whether they will allow advertising in the Activities Center.  Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ullom to approve advertising in the Activities Center to support the purchase of this Video Display Board.  
            Discussion was then heard.  Hegland appreciates the hard work of the Booster Club in all they do for our students; however she has two concerns regarding the proposed advertising for the Video Display Board project.   Philosophically, she disagrees on using adverting to get “stuff” at a School District.  She is uneasy that we are setting a precedent in opening up our School District for advertising.   Secondly, her concern is in regard to the relationships we currently have with the businesses that support the BV School District.  She believes we have a lot of support from individuals, businesses, and companies that want to partner with us to support our students in the areas of sports, band, projects, etc.  She feels that they do it now without looking for any economic gain.  She feels that selling advertising space may change the relationship we have with our patrons from a social to economic aspect, which she feels is not the direction that should taken as a School District. 
            Ullom has also struggled with this decision, stating that she believes that “we don’t have to do what everyone else does”.   In regard to the advertising, it is Ullom’s opinion that the District does it all the time.   We have banners of business supporters at the band suppers, playbills for theater performances that we sell advertisements for parents, families, and businesses, as well as band directory advertisers, and football and baseball field advertisements.  Although these “sponsors” don’t do it for economic gain, she believes that these are forms of advertisements that are already happening around the District. 
            Ode added that he believes the cost of this project is astronomical, but believes it would do wonders for the gym.  He believes that an advertiser may find that the obstruction of the bang board (at the proposed site of the Video Display Board) would make it hard for an advertiser’s message to be seen. 
            Klatt agreed that Mr. Ode had excellent points, but feels that is not a Board concern, but the Booster Club’s job, to sell to prospective advertisers.  Klatt sees a lot of advertising throughout the District as well, and finds this just another type of advertising.  She also believes that this could be a mechanism for businesses to be able to support the School District with advertising funds, where they were not able to do so prior because of limitations on funds to donate.   

          Rasmussen stated that he was formerly against advertising around the district, but has adjusted his opinion on this issue to support the advertising.

            On a roll call vote, the following voted aye to approve advertising for this project:  Klatt, Ullom, Rasmussen; nay:  Hegland, Ode.  Motion carried.

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the following general business items:
Approve participation in the Operation of a Professional Development District in conjunction with the School of Education at the University of South Dakota as presented.
Approve recommendation to approve the revised Birth to Three Provider Agreement by and between the Brandon Valley School District and the South Dakota Department of Education dated November 5, 2012.
Approve open enrollments as follows:  13-164, 13-165, and 13-166 (within District).
Approve request authorization to apply for and make use of South Dakota’s funding of the National Clean Diesel Rebate Program, Round five.
Approve recommendation to approve Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU) Mini Grant Application for $2,000 as submitted by Kim Krueger, Brandon Valley Middle School Life Skills Instructor.
Motion carried.

Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel item:
Approve resignation submitted by Joyce Cook, Transportation, effective immediately.
Motion carried. 

The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Request for 6 weeks of maternity leave from Mandy Lodmel, FAE Special Education Teacher, effective on or about January 17, 2013. 

Board Reports were heard.  Jay Rasmussen reported on the recent Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) Delegate Assembly that he attended on behalf of the BV School District.  The four key areas that the ASBSD is going to concentrate their political efforts on this legislative session are School Funding, Common Core Academic Standards, State Education Mandates, and School Nutrition.   

Travel Reports were heard. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 11th day of December, 2012.



November 13, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of November, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  Sue Hegland.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, and Director of Instruction Marge Hauser.  

Jay Rasmussen called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried. 

        Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ullom to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of October 8, 2012 and October 22, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

        Jim Bruget, BV Booster Club President, asked for Board of Education consideration on a Booster Club capital improvement item of a Video Display Board in the new gymnasium in the Activities Center in the Brandon Valley High School.  This project is a large format LED video display approximately 8’7” x 14’ long which would be incorporated into the scoreboards and timers, taking the place of the current scoreboard at the south side of the gym adjacent to the mural.  The Booster Club has been working with Daktronics and the complete package includes the board, high definition cameras, control systems, installation, and training.  The Booster Club is always interested in what we are giving back to the athletes.  To that end, this display would be used for introduction of players, statistics, cheer prompts, etc., for Girls and Boys Basketball, Wrestling, and Cheer and Dance competitions.  It can also benefit the school district beyond athletics.  It could also be used for graduation, school assemblies, and lectures for school and community groups.   It would also allow the camera work and video display information etc., to be done by students for training.  The Booster Club has received a complete package proposal from Daktronics at a cost of $189,900 and is proposing 8 – 12 sponsors to fund the cost over a five year period of time.  At the end of the five years the display would be paid for and would be the property of the Brandon Valley School District.  Superintendent Pappone stated that one of the underlying requests with this proposal is that we allow advertising within the building which has not been past school district philosophy.   The Board will review the information distributed at tonight’s meeting and action will be taken at a future regular board meeting. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

The cash report for the month of October, 2012 showed receipts of $1,682,721.93 and disbursements of $2,174,754.24, leaving a balance of $6,900,896.24.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,260,139.92, and disbursements of $1,687,889.33, leaving a balance of $4,428,409.11.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $156,835.64 and disbursements of $204,197.98, leaving a balance of $1,000,729.62.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $172,739.00 and disbursements $282,666.93, leaving a balance of $614,993.39.  Pension Fund had receipts of $15,404.25 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $465,617.44.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $77,603.12 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $380,704.16.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $10,442.52. 

The October, 2012 payroll totaled $1,249,855.51, of which $657,777.84 was instructional, $305,919.33 was support services, $35,742.50 was co-curricular, $195,356.07 was Special Education, and $55,159.77 was Food Service. 

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ullom to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of October, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone offered congratulations to the Brandon Valley Football team for their outstanding season and their performance at the Championship game in the Dome.  The school and community are extremely proud of the entire football program! 

Fred Assam Elementary Principal, Susan Foster, reported that this week is American Education week.   She stated that FAE will celebrate under the theme “Respect For All.”  Activities are scheduled throughout the week.   

Robert Bennis Elementary Principal, Karen Heyden, also reported on American Education week activities. First Lady, Mrs. Linda Daugaard, was a special guest that read to students at each of our elementary buildings.   

The Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) proposed Standing Positions and Resolutions were presented and reviewed.  Board President Jay Rasmussen will represent the Brandon Valley School Board at the Delegate Assembly being held in Pierre, South Dakota on Friday, November 16, 2012. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Recommendation to approve Snow Removal Service quote for the 2012-13 to Dick Woelber – Sioux Sanitary Service as presented.
Recommendation to approve proposal to utilize Brandon Valley Middle School space for Afterschool Services provided by Volunteers of America for 6th – 8th grade students as presented.
Recommendation to approve ad hoc committee recommendation for planning processes for identifying strategic initiatives as presented.
Recommendation to approve intent to participate in East Dakota Educational Cooperative (EDEC) for the 2013-14 school year as presented.
Approve the following open enrollments for 2012-13:  #13-161, 13-162, and 13-163.
Approve Title I, Part A Comparability Assurances as presented.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the following personnel items:
Recommendation to hire Jennifer Kranz, FAE Special Education Educational Assistant, $11.25/hour, 38.75 hours/week, including bus monitor duties, effective October 29, 2012.
Recommendation to hire Ed Murtha, Assistant BVMS Wrestling Coach, 6% of BA Step 10 - $2,189.00, beginning with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to approve Shon Sundem as a substitute custodian for the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to approve Emily Janssen as a substitute for the 2012-13 school year.   
Motion carried.

The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Request for 12 weeks of maternity leave from Ashley Matzke, BE 4th grade teacher, effective on or about January 28, 2013.
Request for 10 weeks of maternity leave from Nicole Jellema, BE 2nd grade teacher, effective on or about January 5, 2013. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
October 2012 Building Permits.

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

            Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to go into Executive Session at 7:08 p.m. to discuss contractual matters regarding possible purchase of real estate property per SDCL 1-25-2(3).  Motion carried. 

            The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:31 p.m. 

  Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m.  Motion carried.

                Signed __________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of December, 2012.



October 22, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 22nd of October, 2012 at the Valley Springs Elementary Music Building with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

Superintendent David Pappone presented the School Performance Index.  This is the first year of the School Performance Index from the South Dakota Department of Education which is based on the new South Dakota Accountability model.   Scores are reported by buildings only and there is no total District score.  The following are the individual school scores for the Brandon Valley School District; all scores are out of a possible 100.  Robert Bennis Elementary: 93.99; Valley Springs Elementary:  89.31; Fred Assam Elementary:  89.3; Brandon Elementary 88.71; Brandon Valley Middle School: 87.61; and Brandon Valley High School:  83.68.  Although there is no easy way to review and compare these scores with other schools and districts, compared with similar sized schools and districts, these scores are all outstanding.  Pappone congratulated all schools on their testing success. 

Superintendent Pappone presented the 2013-14 school calendar for approval.  Next year’s calendar has school beginning Wednesday, August 21st with graduation scheduled for Sunday, May 18, 2014.   Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the 2013-14 Brandon Valley School District calendar as presented.  Motion carried. 

Ad hoc Committee member Sue Hegland presented a report on future strategic planning and the role this committee plans to have.  On behalf of the committee, Hegland recommended that we proceed on the basis of our Core Operating Principal, our Belief Statement, and our Mission Statement.  The committee agrees that these ideals are a good solid starting point for any future planning.  Starting with long-term planning and also identifying our biggest opportunities, the committee would like to survey all employees and patrons of the Brandon Valley School District and then take some of those ideas to begin the planning process.  No action will be taken on this recommendation until the next regular board meeting.  The committee will also begin working on a preliminary survey for review at the next meeting. 

The Associated School Board of South Dakota (ASBSD) Delegate Assembly is being held in Pierre, South Dakota, on November 16, 2012.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to elect Jay Rasmussen as delegate to this assembly on behalf of the Brandon Valley School District.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the following general business item:
      Approve the following open enrollment applications:  13-158, 13-159, and 13-160.
Motion carried.

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
1.    Approve the following substitutes for the 2012-13 school year: Gary Stensaas, Hilary Sperlich, Debra McCoy, and Cynthia Schwarz.
    Approve recommendation to hire Taylor Wegner, FAE Custodian – $11.75/hour, plus $.50/hour night differential pay, effective November 1, 2012.
    Approve recommendation to hire Paul Dezotell, Assistant HS Fall Play Director, BA Base, $1,813.00.
    Approve recommendation to hire Victoria Oye, Child Nutrition Substitute.
    Approve resignation from Jennifer Kielman, FAE SS Educational Assistant, effective October 26, 2012.
Motion carried. 

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
    Thank you from Vic and Karen Heyden for the plant sent in memory of their granddaughter, Kaitlyn Heyden. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
                                        Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of November, 2012.



October 8, 2012

    The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 8th of October, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  None.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

    Jay Rasmussen called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

            Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of September 10, 2012 and September 24, 2012, and special meeting minutes of September 27, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

            Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

            The cash report for the month of September, 2012 showed receipts of $1,659,920.58 and disbursements of $2,166,148.16, leaving a balance of $7,392,928.55.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,486,232.07, and disbursements of $1,706,745.12, leaving a balance of $4,856,158.52.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $28,590.76 and disbursements of $160,053.37, leaving a balance of $1,048,091.96.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $128,134.19 and disbursements $298,550.21, leaving a balance of $724,921.32.  Pension Fund had receipts of $2,794.13 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $450,213.19.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $14,169.43 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $303,101.04.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $799.46, leaving a balance of $10,442.52. 

            The September, 2012 payroll totaled $1,305,726.54, of which $658,283.72 was instructional, $341,113.09 was support services, $31,374.50 was co-curricular, $205,526.61 was Special Education, $68,724.62 was Food Service, and $704.00 was Student Activities. 

            Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of September, 2012.  Motion carried. 

    Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reported that the Fall Enrollment number is approximately 3,500, with the actual enrollment number yet to be finalized.  The USDA visit, including a student/parent forum, that was planned this week has been canceled.  Congresswoman Kristi Noem is still planning to visit with Brandon Valley students and then will also meet with Child Nutrition Director Gay Anderson and Pappone on Wednesday, October 10th.   The District will also be hosting a meeting of area Child Nutrition Directors with South Dakota Secretary of Education Melody Schopp that same day.
              With Election Day looming, Pappone reminded patrons of upcoming District Legislative forums being held around our area.   

Brandon Valley High School Principal Gregg Talcott reported on the following:
       The first “Challenge Day” event was recently held after a home volleyball game.
       A big “thank you” to the 5th Quarter community organizers that have been hosting events for our students after football games this fall.
       Talcott and BVHS Counselor Michelle Stemwedel will be attending the annual ESD Principal/Counselor meeting Wednesday, October 10th.   

Director of Instruction Marge Hauser reported on the progress of the Common Core Standards. 

  After the recent Strategic Planning training meeting, Board President Rasmussen recommended that a strategic planning ad hoc committee be formed.  This ad hoc committee would consist of two present board members to develop the process and make recommendations for future goal setting.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to appoint an ad hoc committee of the board with Sue Hegland and Renee Ullom to develop future recommendations for the strategic planning process to move the Brandon Valley School District forward.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general business items:
     Recommendation to approve Cooperative Agreement between the Brandon Valley School District and the State of South Dakota Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services, and Division of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired.
    Recommendation to approve Excellence in Education Grant Application to the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation for the Brandon Valley Middle School.
    Recommendation to approve open enrollment 13-157 (within district).
    Approve amendment #1 to the agreement between Carroll Institute and the Brandon Valley School District to provide additional days for alcohol and drug abuse prevention during the 2012-13 school year at no additional cost to the District.
    Recommendation to approve agreement between the Brandon Valley School District and Inter-Lake Community Action Partnership Head Start Pre-Birth to Five Program.
 Motion carried. 

            Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
    Approve request for five days of unpaid leave in February for Sonja Schmeling, BVMS Child Nutrition Services.
    Approve recommendation to terminate Gary Hektner, FAE Custodian.
    Approve recommendation to hire the following 2012-13 substitutes:  Paula Hartman, Kathy Metzger, and Christine Solheim.
Motion carried. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
    September 2012 Building Permits.
    Thank you from Adam, Dana, Taylor and Keaton Huisman for the flowers sent for the birth of their daughter and sister, Zoey.

            Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:59 p.m.  Motion carried.

    Signed ___________________________________
                                                Business Manager 

    Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of November, 2012.



September 27, 2012

A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th day of September, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room, Brandon, SD with the following members present:  Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  none.   Also present were Superintendent David M. Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

 President Jay Rasmussen called the special meeting to order.

 The meeting was called for the purpose of Strategic Planning Training.  Julie Ertz from the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) was present to lead the Brandon Valley School District Board of Education and Administration through a framework for future strategic planning.

 Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.  Motion carried.

Signed ___________________________________
                                                Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of October, 2012.



September 24, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 24th of September, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

High School Principal Gregg Talcott reported that Homecoming 2012 was successful, capped off by a football win against the Mitchell Kernals.   Talcott along with BVHS parents and students also presented an overview of the Challenge Day event that was recently held at the High School. 

Jay Rasmussen reminded the Board of the Strategic Planning Meeting coming up this Thursday, 6:30 p.m., to be held in the Brandon Valley High School Community Room.

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Approve revised Memorandum of Agreement for Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System.
Approve application for Donation for Organization/Agency (RBE) from Sioux Valley Energy Customers’ Trust.
Approve grant application from Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation for Boost Up/S.M.A.R.T.
Approve the following open enrollment applications:  13-154, 13-155, and 13-156.
Motion carried.

 Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Approve request for a BVMS part-time Child Nutrition position.
Approve recommendation to hire Mona Decker, BVMS Child Nutrition – 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective September 18, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Kimberly Vermeer, BVMS Child Nutrition – 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour.
Approve recommendation to hire Jennie Dean, BVMS Child Nutrition – 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective September 25, 2012.
Approve the following substitute for the 2012-13 school year: Cindy Schlimgen.
Approve recommendation to approve the following requests for Lane Changes as presented:
                        Kent Anderson              MA+15 to MA+30
                        Laura Baker                  BA to BA+15
                        Joli Bruggeman             MA+15 to MA+30
                        Tom Grode                   MA+15 to MA+30
                        Katie Jurgensen            MA+15 to MA+30
                        Leah Lockner                BA to BA+15
                        Michelle Lubinus            BA to BA+15
                        Nicholas Massmann       BA+15 to MA
                        Dean Pierson                MA to MA+15
                        Molly Ring                     MA to MA+15
                        Mark Stadem                MA+15 to MA+30
                        Diane Sturgeon            BA to BA+15
                        Sara Weber                  BA+15 to MA

 Approve revised Title I contracts for the following tutors who have met the 18 credit hour requirements:
                        Julie Forbes                  $20.63/hour
                        Marette Grage              $20.47/hour
                        Roxie Rauk                   $22.57/hour
                        Jody Woehl                  $20.47/hour
Motion carried. 

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following items:
Thank you from Lindsey, Josh and Vanessa Smith for the plant sent for the birth of their son and brother, Nathan.        

2.    Thank you from Matt and Meliya Resse for the plant sent for the birth of their twins..

Travel Reports were reviewed.   

Sue Hegland reported on a recent Curriculum meeting. 

Renee Ullom reported on a recent East Dakota Educational Cooperative (EDEC) meeting. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of October, 2012.




September 10, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 10th of September, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  None.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.   

Jay Rasmussen called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of August 13, 2012 and August 27, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

        The cash report for the month of August, 2012 showed receipts of $1,424,777.44 and disbursements of $3,636,876.65, leaving a balance of $7,899,146.13.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,254,105.07, and disbursements of $1,859,708.21, leaving a balance of $5,076,671.57.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $18,693.62 and disbursements of $1,068,870.27, leaving a balance of $1,179,554.57.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $140,650.64 and disbursements $699,498.98, leaving a balance of $895,337.34.  Pension Fund had receipts of $1,869.31 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $447,419.06.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $9,458.80 and disbursements of $0, leaving a balance of $288,931.61.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $8,789.19, leaving a balance of $11,241.98. 

        The August, 2012 payroll totaled $1,012,522.28, of which $535,804.31 was instructional, $292,088.57 was support services, $25,565.85 was co-curricular, $143,189.07 was Special Education, $8,586.48 was Food Service, and $8,008.00 was Student Activities. 

        Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of August, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone briefly discussed the District’s increasing enrollments, which are above last year by approximately +131 students for the year.   A Strategic Planning Training session has been scheduled for Thursday, September 27th at 6:30 p.m. at the High School Community Room.  The trainer is from the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD). 
            Brandon Valley High School Principal Gregg Talcott gave a brief overview of the High School’s recent Challenge Day.  A group of students and parents will be attending the next regularly scheduled board of education meeting to share the experience firsthand.
            Brandon Valley High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson reminded the Board that this is Homecoming week and there are events planned every day.  The culmination of the week’s events are on Friday where there are several class activities, a speaker, class meetings incorporating Challenge Day events, and ending the day with the Class Olympics.  Coronation is at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 13th in the Performing Arts Center, and the football game will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday against the Mitchell Kernals; followed by a dance in the High School Commons.  This year’s senior class theme is “Pay it Forward”.  The charitable cause selected for this year’s Homecoming events are programs at Volunteers of America (VOE).  To that end, donations of toys, games, etc., will be collected and placed on the stage during coronation that will later be forwarded for use for programs at VOE.        
            Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson thanked the Board of Education for the building improvements that were accomplished this summer at Valley Springs Elementary.  She also personally invited Board members to the 90th anniversary celebration that is scheduled at VSE being held on Friday, October 12th at 1:00 p.m. 

A recommendation was presented to approve Open Enrollments #13-152 and 13-153.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve these open enrollments as presented.  Motion carried. 

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel item:
Approve recommendation to hire the following 2012-13 substitutes:  Julie Brummels, Juliann Ditlvenson, Joy Hembel, Donna Lease, and Jerry Gladis.
Motion carried.

The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
1.    Request for 6 weeks of maternity leave from Julie Sandine, BE ECH Teacher, effective on or about November 28, 2012.
2.    Request for 6 weeks of maternity leave from Amy Lupkes, HS Guidance Counselor, effective on or about October 23, 2012. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
1.    August 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Ally Dykstra regarding her opportunity experience HOBY 2012.
Thank you from Erin Buse regarding her opportunity to experience HOBY 2012. 

Board Member Sue Hegland reported that the first curriculum meeting of the school year will be held this week. 

         Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of October, 2012.



August 27, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th of August, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, Gregg Ode, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

Administrative Reports were presented.  Operations Manager Todd Williams reported on the progress of the 2012-13 Capital Projects.  Williams reported that there were a total of 41 projects and 9 of those projects are incomplete at this time.  Those 9 projects will be completed throughout the year.   

High School Principal Gregg Talcott reported that the High School will be hosting Challenge Days on Tuesday, September 4th, and Thursday, September 6th.  The Sioux Empire United way is providing the funding for these Challenge Days, which is a program that came out of California, and centers around bullying prevention.  Juniors and seniors (maximum students of 100) and 25 adults (teachers, staff members, and parents) will be at the High School from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., to participate during these Challenge Days.
            Talcott also reviewed the Brandon Valley High School achievement results, including ACT scores and advanced placement test results.  He also updated the Board on the Rising Scholars program (the new college credit courses offered at the High School through Northern State University), and a Career and Technical Academy update.  All 30 slots the School District has purchased at the Academy are being utilized by BV students.

 Superintendent David Pappone discussed the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) Strategic Planning Training availability dates.  Pappone will be emailing board members on September dates that are available for a three-hour training.  Pappone asked that the Board members respond via email regarding their availability so that this training can be scheduled in the near future.
            At the last regular board meeting, a question was raised on how many years an ELL/ESL student, on average, could be in that program before testing proficient in English.  After some research, which Pappone provided to the Board members, he learned that an 8-11 year old student can take 5-7 years to test at grade level, depending on how much formal schooling the student may have had in their native language.  He also learned that some students never test to their grade level.  Pappone found that there are many variables in any such formula, and there is no real average.
            Lastly, Pappone reviewed some District-wide achievement data. 

Middle School Principal Dan Pansch thanked the Board for the support of the right turn lane that was just constructed at the intersection into the school.  Early reports show that this has eased the traffic congestion. 

A recommendation for a contract change order (#4) for parking lot improvements was presented to the board.  This change order is to approve the work that was completed at the Middle School for the additional turn lane at the entrance.  The net increase of the change is $44,426.25.  Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland, to approve the contract change order #4 for parking lot improvements as presented.   On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Klatt, Hegland, Ode, Ullom; nay: none; abstained: Rasmussen.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve the following general business items:
Approve the following open enrollment applications:  13-135, 13-144, 13-145, 13-146, 13-147, 13-148, 13-149, 13-150, and 13-151.
Approve recommendation for application for an out-of-state music contest/festival travel to non-border states (Gator Bowl/Jacksonville, Florida – December 31, 2012 to January 1, 2013.)
Approve official application for a grant for an IPAD and applications submitted by Terri Jensen, Autism Consultant as presented.
Approve Open Enrollment – Transfer of Athletic Eligibility.
Approve recommendation to award fuel bid to Midway Services for a margin of $0.02 on all fuels.
Approve Combined Application to the State of South Dakota Department of Education Child and Adult Nutrition Services for participation in Special Nutrition and Food Distribution Programs as presented.
Motion carried.

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel items:
Approve recommendation to add full-time educational assistant for ELL/ESL program.
Approve recommendation to hire Elizabeth Lubbers, BVHS long-term substitute, $85/day for first 15 days, $95/day thereafter, effective August 20, 2012.
Approve resignation/retirement from William Dickey, Transportation, effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Gary Hektner, FAE Custodian, $11.75/hour, plus $.50/hour night differential pay, effective September 4, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Dirk Johnson, Transportation full-time Bus Driver, effective August 20, 2012.
Approve the following substitutes for the 2012-13 school year:  Karlyn Beenblossom, Cheryl Carlson, Jana Carlson, Richard Coots, Rachel Erpelding, Sheila Finch, Bonnie Fjerestad, Robert Forster, Nicholas Gannon, Angela Gingles, Kristine Goeden, Jacque Terveer-Gonseth, Barbara Hansen, Robin Hansen, LaDell Hanson, Jed Huisman, Kimberly Kelly, Holly King, Jody Lambert, Penny Malsom, Jolene Murren, Laura Peschong, Timothy Pulkrabek, Lisa Reinschmidt, John Rothenberger, Sheila Samsel, Melissa Spainhower, Martha Quimby, Diane Schroeder, Anita Shearer, Jessica Simmons, Gwen Smith, Marcie Stoltenberg, Jennifer Swenson, Nancy Winker, Karel Amend, Kaye Coburn, Kara McFadden, Nancy Rubin, Courtney Boom, and Ron Shomion.
Approve recommendation to hire Nancy Gonseth, FAE ELL/ESL full-time educational assistant, $11.25/hour, effective 8/29/2013.
Motion carried.

The following personnel item was reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Request for maternity leave for Tanya Palmer, BE/VSE Reading Specialist, on or about October 19, 2012, with an anticipated return on or about January 2, 2012. 

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
Thank you from Dean Pierson for the plant sent in memory of the passing of his father, Bill Pierson..

          Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Motion carried.

Signed ___________________________________
                                        Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of September, 2012.



August 13, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of August, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, Sue Hegland, and Sandy Klatt.  Absent:  None.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 16, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the Sioux Falls Construction Co. invoice in the amount of $316,109.78.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Hegland, Ullom, Klatt, Ode; nay: none; abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried. 

        Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the bills and claims as submitted, less the Sioux Falls Construction Co. invoice, (see attached). Motion carried. 

        The cash report for the month of July, 2012 showed receipts of $1,334,043.69 and disbursements of $3,465,554.40, leaving a balance of $10,111,245.34.  The General Fund had receipts of $969,662.69, and disbursements of $1,353,589.67, leaving a balance of $5,682,274.71.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $15,533.95 and disbursements of $1,102,729.45, leaving a balance of $2,229,731.22.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $339,376.07 and disbursements $271,852.51, leaving a balance of $1,454,185.68.  Pension Fund had receipts of $1,553.38 and disbursements of $130,555.00, leaving a balance of $445,549.75.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $7,917.60 and disbursements of $594,556.25, leaving a balance of $279,472.81.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $12,271.52, leaving a balance of $20,031.17. 

        The July, 2012 payroll totaled $961,970.83, of which $502,538.83 was instructional, $281,877.30 was support services, $23,625.85 was co-curricular, and $137,844.88 was Special Education, and $5,138.97 was Food Service, and $10,945.00 was Student Activities. 

        Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of July, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone provided an updated 2012-13 Master Agreement to each Board Member. 
            Next, Mr. Pappone addressed the Board about strategic planning training for the 2012-13 school year.  Some previous planning included a Facilities Needs Assessment plan and a Trigger for the Organizational Chart.  We also have a technology plan in place and all of our buildings have school improvement plans in place.  Pappone spoke to an Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) trainer that has a training session specific to a strategic plan.  Pappone has heard that this is an excellent introduction to strategic planning, and would like to schedule a time when the majority of the board could attend such training.  It can be scheduled within our District and is relatively inexpensive.  Pappone will move ahead and schedule a time that works for everyone.
            Pappone provided the latest enrollment figures.  With the addition of a new Kindergarten section/teacher (requested in tonight’s general business), we feel comfortable with our class size numbers given our budget restrictions.  The incoming Kindergarten class is now over 300 students; the Middle School is at 800 students, and the High School is at 971 students.  The A/O program has 8 students (from other Districts) which are not included in our count.  So far, the total enrollment is 3,555 (including the Early Childhood (ECH) program).  Our child count does not include ECH, therefore our certified count is 3,517, compared to last year’s 3,373, which, as of today, gives us a net of 144 new students.  We budgeted for 115 new students.
            Pappone reported that last year we had approximately 24 English Language Learners (ELL) students with 3 testing out of the program.  That gives us 21 returning ELL students, with 14 additional new students so far to begin the 2012-13 school year.  A total of 35 students is too many students for our one ELL instructor.  Our current plan is to recommend a full-time ELL Educational Assistant at our next regular board meeting to assist our certified teacher with these students.  Most ELL students are elementary age and are located at Fred Assam Elementary. 
            Other enrollment challenges include the High School senior class and the Middle School 8th grade where there is also a concern with large class sizes.   Both HS and MS Special Education program numbers are also very high.  We will particularly watch the 8th grade class as the school year begins and assess teaching needs as enrollment settles down.
            Pappone presented the final version of the District Report Card.  This report card will be “live” on the Department of Education web-site beginning August 14th.
            Lastly, Pappone explained a letter he wrote to the City of Brandon stating that it is the School District’s intention to develop a band practice area where the current skateboard park is located.  He asked the City of Brandon to remove the skate park either this fall or early next spring.

Marge Hauser, Director of Instruction, reported to the board on the upcoming schedule.  A substitute in-service was held today, new teacher’s will be in all day on Wednesday.  All other staff will begin Thursday. 

Randy Marso, Activities Director, reported that all fall sports practices are underway and Brandon Valley hosted their first event, the Brandon Valley Golf invite.  The boys golf team did very well, and may have shot an all-time state record for the four team members (279) at today’s meet, taking first at today’s event! 

          The following Board Policies were presented for a second reading and adoption:
            AGA – Contested Hearings
            BD – Notification of School Board Meetings

            GCDB – Background Check
            GCPD – Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
            IIBG – Internet Safety Policy
            JEAA – Students Alternative Instruction
            JECB – Open Enrollment
            JEG – Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
            JFA – Student Due Process Rights
            JFCK – Cell Phones and Portable Digital Media Devices
            KBAA – Public Records
            KBAA-R – Public Records
            Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve these policies as presented.  Motion carried.

        A recommendation was presented to approve changes for the 2012-13 Student Handbook.  Very few changes were made, mostly editorial and wording changes.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to approve the 2012-13 Student Handbook changes as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:              
Approve revised License Agreement by and between The McGreevy Corporation and the Brandon Valley School District as presented.
Approve administrative recommendations on the following open enrollments:  Approve #13-117, 13-118, 13-119, 13-120, 13-121, 13-122, 13-123,  13-124, 13-125, 13-126, 13-127, 13-128, 13-129, 13-130, 13-131, 13-136, 13-137, 13-138, 13-139, 13-140, 13-141, 13-142, and 13-143.  Deny #13-134.
Adopt agreement for surplus property auction services.
Approve Computer Based Interventions for Individuals with ASD and Other Developmental Disabilities Grant from the University of South Dakota.
Motion carried.

            A recommendation was presented to add a 1.0 FTE Kindergarten teacher position at Brandon Elementary due to increased enrollment numbers in that class.  Motion by Klatt, seconded by Ullom to approve the recommendation for the additional Kindergarten section and the recommendation to hire Jennifer Grothe, BE Kindergarten teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970, effective with the 2012-13 school year.  Motion carried. 

            Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the following personnel items:
Approve recommendation to hire Melanie Sittig, Flag Corp Advisor, 6.5% of BA Step Base ~ $2,143.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Marette Grage, Assistant (JV) High School Volleyball Coach, 10% of BA Step Base ~ $3,297.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation from Barb Unzen, FAE Kitchen Manager, effective July 23, 2012.
Approve resignation/retirement from Helen Jacobson from the Transportation Department effective immediately.
Approve recommendation to hire Heather Schreiber, FAE Kitchen Manager, $12.75/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Matthew Rabine, BVHS Long-Term English/American History Substitute, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation from Deb Black, FAE Custodian, effective August 13, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Jody Woehl, BE Title I Tutor, Step 2 $16.47/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Mikel C. Armitage, Substitute Bus Driver, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jeffrey A. Nelson, Substitute Bus Driver, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jeanne M. Angelo, Substitute Bus Driver, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Request for 10 weeks of maternity leave from Amy Behrens, BE/RBE Educational Assistant, effective on or about September 17, 2012.
Request for adoption leave from Diane Sturgeon, HS English/History Teacher, beginning August 20, 2012 and returning November 9, 2012. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
July 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Shelly and Paul Berg for the plant sent for the birth of their son, Kellen.

            Travel reports were reviewed.

            Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of September, 2012.



July 16, 2012

The annual meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 16th of July, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland (via conference call).  Absent:  None.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Director of Instruction Marge Hauser, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jean Bender welcomed everyone to the Annual Budget Hearing that preceded the Board of Education annual meeting at 6:00 p.m., presented by Business Manager Paul Lundberg. 

Jean Bender called the annual meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Gregg Ode and Sandy Klatt were sworn in and took the Oath of Office for a 3-year term on the Board of Education for the Brandon Valley School District 49-2.    

Superintendent David Pappone presided over the meeting for the election of Board Chairperson. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to nominate and cast a unanimous ballot for Jay Rasmussen as Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2012-13 school year.  Motion carried. 

Jay Rasmussen presided over the meeting as the newly elected chairperson. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to nominate and cast a unanimous ballot for Renee Ullom as Vice Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2012-13 school year.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Klatt to adopt the following regular procedures for 2012-13 Board of Education meetings:
            Meeting dates and times:  6:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month except July and December where there is one meeting held on the second Monday of the month and Tuesday meetings on November 13, 2012 and December 11, 2012.
            Meeting place:  Brandon Valley High School Community Room, Valley Springs Elementary Band Room (4th Monday of October and April).
            Order of roll call:  Motion, second and alternating.
            Name of Official Newspaper: Brandon Valley Challenger – Prairie Publications, Dell Rapids.
            Name of Official Depositories: First National Bank, Home Federal Bank.
            Board Committee appointments:

Alternative Education:

     Chairperson – Renee Ullom
     Alternate – Sue Hegland
Buildings and Grounds:

     Chairperson – Gregg Ode
     Member – Jay Rasmussen
           C)          Child Nutrition and Wellness:
    Chairperson – Renee Ullom
     Member – Sandy Klatt
City Affairs and Legislation:

      Chairperson – Jay Rasmussen
      Member – Sandy Klatt
Personnel Welfare:

     Chairperson – Sue Hegland
     Member – Gregg Ode
Student Activities, Curriculum, and Technology:

      Chairperson – Sue Hegland
      Member –  Renee Ullom

      Chairperson – Gregg Ode
                    Member – Sandy Klatt
                H)      Safety:
                        Chairperson – Renee Ullom
                         Member – Sue Hegland

Board reimbursement rate for 2012-13 - $45.00/meeting.
Authorized the Business Manager to:

Invest temporary excess funds.
Make temporary interfund transfers when necessary.
Make debt service payments as due throughout the year.
Approve Business Manager bond of $300,000.
Designate Business Manager as custodian for all accounts and administration of trust and agency accounts.
Appointment of federal Programs coordinators as follows:

            Lyn Heidenson, Special Services Director ~ Coordinator of Title I and Section 504 ~ Coordinator of Homeless Education
            Todd Williams, Operations Manager ~ Coordinator for ADA Accessibility
            David Pappone, Superintendent ~ Coordinator for Title IX, School Lunch Agreement, and all other Federal Programs

Acknowledge for the record the following annual notices:

            a.         Non-discrimination
                        1.         General Statement
                        2.         Equal Educational Opportunities
                        3.         Section 504
                        4.         Grievance Procedure for Brandon Valley required by Title IX
            b.         Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
            c.          Family Educational Rights and Privacy ACT (FERPA) Directory Information
            d.         Notification of Rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
            e.         Instruction/Programs for Homeless Students – JLG-R
            f.          Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
            g.         IIBG – Internet Safety Policy

Motion carried.

Motion by Ode seconded by Ullom to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of June 11, 2012 and June 25, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Klatt, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted, less the Sioux Falls Construction Co. invoice, (see attached). Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the Sioux Falls Construction Co. invoice in the amount of $587,832.21.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Hegland, Ullom, Ode, Klatt; nay: none; abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried. 

The cash report for the month of June, 2012 showed receipts of $2,986,812.87 and disbursements of $2,275,901.87, leaving a balance of $12,242,756.05.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,734,175.34, and disbursements of $1,408,006.34, leaving a balance of $6,065,527.51.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $547,844.12 and disbursements of $164,949.35, leaving a balance of $3,316,926.72.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $369,846.95 and disbursements $217,763.46, leaving a balance of $1,386,662.12.  Pension Fund had receipts of $54,701.73 and disbursements of $107,683.00, leaving a balance of $575,225.55.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $275,875.83 and disbursements of $374,993.77, leaving a balance of $866,111.46.  Enterprise Fund had receipts of $4,368.93 and disbursements of $2,505.95, leaving a balance of $32,302.69. 

The June, 2012 payroll totaled $1,105,490.97, of which $627,479.63 was instructional, $302,453.46 was support services, $26,694.49 was co-curricular, and $137,239.14 was Special Education, and $9,424.25 was Food Service, and $2,200.00 was Student Activities. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of June, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reminded the Board of Education of the upcoming Associated School Boards of South Dakota and School Administrators of South Dakota (ASBSD/SASD) convention registration deadline.    All Board members are encouraged to attend.  The convention is being held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center August 8-10, 2012. 

Pappone also presented the Next Generation Accountability Model to the board in the board packets this evening.  This new model outlines how the state is going to hold school districts accountable and is complex and interesting.  This model moves away from the former “No Child Left Behind” model, which just focused on graduation rates, attendance, and Dakota Step test scores.  The new model integrates some of those areas but also integrates measures of effectiveness of teachers and principals and a school climate score.  The Federal Department of Education has approved this model knowing that the state is still working on identifying specific measures on some of these areas.  Every school building will get their own score and then rank all school buildings in the state.   The plan is to have this model fully implemented by the 2014 school year. 

Pappone reported that the High School Parking Lot is progressing very well.  The project is ahead of schedule at this time.  The south parking lot was completed in time for Prairie Repertory Theater performances this July, leaving the remainder of the parking lot to be completed.  The BV High School Band is beginning preparations for the 2012-13 marching band season and the BV Football Camp is scheduled for this week.   All students will be monitored closely in this recent heat as they prepare for their upcoming seasons. 

The new Director of Instruction, Marge Hauser, was in attendance at this evening’s meeting and introduced herself to the Board.  Welcome! 

            The following Board Policies were presented for a first reading:
            AGA – Contested Hearings
            BD – Notification of School Board Meetings

            GCDB – Background Check
            GCPD – Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
            IIBG – Internet Safety Policy
            JEAA – Students Alternative Instruction
            JEBC – Open Enrollment
            JEG – Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
            JFA – Student Due Process Rights
            JFCK – Cell Phones and Portable Digital Media Devices
            KBAA – Public Records
            KBAA-R – Public Records

A change order was presented for the High School Parking Lot Project.  Items listed in this change order are to remove and replace a concrete stoop ~ $5,821.76, and replace two valve boxes ~ $700.00, for a total change order request of $6,521.76.  Motion by Ullom, seconded by Klatt to approve change order #3 for the High School Parking Lot Project with a net change in contract price of $6,521.76.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Ullom, Klatt, Ode, Hegland; nay: none; abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried. 

The 2012-13 district budgets and associated tax requests were presented as follows:

            General Fund                                        $18,374,000

            Capital Outlay Fund                              $  3,733,000
            Special Education Fund                         $  3,886,000
            Pension Fund                                       $     249,000 
            Bond Redemption Fund                        $  2,008,000
            Food Service Fund                                $  1,847,000


            General Fund                                        $18,243,000

            Capital Outlay Fund                              $  3,736,000
            Special Education Fund                         $  3,886,000
            Pension Fund                                        $     368,000
            Bond Redemption Fund                        $  2,008,000
            Food Service Fund                                $  1,887,000

              TAX LEVY REQUESTS

            General Fund                            $ 2.322 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

              4.029 per $1,000 of Owner-Occupied Valuation
               8.628 per $1,000 of Other Valuation

            Capital Outlay Fund                  $  3.00 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

            Special Education Fund             $  1.20 per $1,000 of Total Valuation
            Pension Fund                           $  0.30 per $1,000 of Total Valuation
            Bond Redemption Fund                        $2,000,000

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the 2012-13 district budgets (attached) and associated tax requests as presented.  Motion carried. 

Child Nutrition Price recommendations for the 2012-13 school year are as follows:  K-5 Breakfast ~ $1.45 (+.05), K-5 Lunch ~ $2.35 (+.05); 6-8 Breakfast ~ $1.60 (no increase), 6-8 Lunch ~ $2.60 (no increase); 9-12 Breakfast ~ $1.65 (+.05), 9-12 Lunch ~ $2.65 (+.05); Adult meal Breakfast ~ $1.95 (+.05), and Adult meal Lunch ~ $3.20 (+.10).  Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the child nutrition meal price recommendations as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:
Approve renewal of membership with the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) for the 2012-13 school year.
Approve Special Education Grant Application for Part B-IDEA 611 and 619 for the 2012-13 school year.
Approve Consolidated Application (Title IA $260,400 and Title IIA $81,201) for the 2012-13 school year.
Adopt tuition rate of $4,522 per student for the 2012-13 school year.
Approve 2012-13 mileage rate at .05 over state rate:  .42¢/mile; and 2012-13 meal reimbursement rates as follows:  (in-state) Breakfast - $5, Lunch - $9, Dinner - $12; (out-of state) Breakfast - $8, Lunch - $11, Dinner - $17.
Approve 2012-13 listing of District employees’ salaries for publication (see attached).
Approve Youth Frontiers, Inc., Responsibility Retreat Contract.
Approve prime vendor contract for Child Nutrition Program.
Approve internship agreement for school psychologist intern from South Dakota State University.
Approve the following open enrollments:  #13-85, 13-101, 13-102, 13-105, 13-109, 13-112, 13-113,  13-114, 13-115, 13-116, 13-117, 13-118, and 13-119.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Klatt to approve the following personnel items:

Recommendation to hire Chuck Henson, Assistant Technology Coordinator, $36,000/year, effective July 24, 2012.
Approve resignation from Tammy Broekemeier, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation from Connie Waldner, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Bobby Klumper, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Susan Gustaf, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Francena Eagle, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Angel Dunham, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to contract for services with East Dakota Educational Cooperative (EDEC) for an Autism Specialist ~ $68,600, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jeanette Hanson, High School Administrative Assistant, 10 month position, $12.00/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Amy Glammeier, FAE Title I Tutor, Base $16.37/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Leah Williamson, FAE Title I Tutor, Base $16.37/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Wilma Kirkeby, HS/MS Library Educational Assistant, $11.25/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Mary Michelle Thue, BVHS part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Denise Edwards, FAE part-time Child Nutrition, 3.75 hours/day, $10.50/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

         The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Transfer of Deb Black from FAE Custodian to FAE full-time Child Nutrition, $10.75/hour, effective with the 2012-3 school year.
Transfer of Cheryl Hartog from BVHS part-time Child Nutrition to BVHS full-time cook, effective with the 2012-13 school year. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
June 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Sarah Andera and family for the plan sent to celebrate their adoption of their daughter, Grace.
Thank you from the Brandon Valley Chamber of Commerce – Kim Cerwick, for opening the school to the Tour de Kota bikers.  

Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m.  Motion carried.
            Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of August, 2012.



June 25, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 25th of June, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: Jean Bender and Renee Ullom.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as amended.  Motion carried. 

The following policies were reviewed and discussed:
            JECB – Open Enrollment
            KBAA – Public Records
            KBAA-R – Public Records-regulation
            BD – Notification of School Board Meetings
            JEAA – Students Alternative Instruction
            JEG – Public School Exemption/Home School Students
            JFCK – Cell Phones and Portable Digital Media Devices
            GCDB – Background Checks
            JFA – Student Due Process Rights
            GCPA – Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
            AGA – Contested Hearings

Superintendent Pappone stated that the Federal Government has changed the requirements for the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and those changes need to be incorporated into our current Internet Safety Policy (IIBG) and adopted by July 1, 2012.  Pappone is requesting a temporary adoption of the updated policy so that Brandon Valley is in compliance with the federal requirement, with the understanding that the policy will be permanently adopted using the regular policy adoption process at subsequent board meetings.   Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to temporarily adopt Policy IIBG – Internet Safety Policy, to meet the statutory timeline.  Motion carried. 

Business Manager Paul Lundberg reported that a bid was recently requested for a rubber tile resurfacing for the Brandon Elementary playground.  This is a much safer and cleaner surface and very similar to the surface that is at Fred Assam Elementary.  The resurfacing low bid is $191,712.41 and was presented at this evening’s meeting.   The budget for this project is $150,000 ($75,000 from 2011-12 and $75,000 from 2012-13) with the overage coming from Capital Outlay reserves or under spending of current year projects.    Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to accept low bid for playground resurfacing at Brandon Elementary submitted by Cunningham Associates for $191,712.41.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the following general business items:
1.      Approve agreement between East Dakota Educational Cooperative and the Brandon Valley School District for occupational and physical therapy services for the summer of 2012 for $11,595.00.
Approve bills and claims as submitted (see attached).
Motion carried.

Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation of Marie Fritz, Speech Pathologist/Autism Specialist, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year subject to liquidated damages of $500.00.
Approve recommendation to hire Stacie Long, BVMS Educational Assistant, $11.25/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following items:
Thank you from Dennis Wrede for making his retirement a memorable experience.
Thank you from Rodney and Beckie Freeman for the very kind expression of sympathy on the loss of their son, Rodney Freeman III..

          Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
                                        Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of July, 2012.



June 11, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 11th of June, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Middle School Assistant Principal Randy Hill, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

 Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Ode, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of May 14, 2012 and May 29, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried.

          Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the bills and claims (minus the Sioux Falls Construction invoice) as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.

         Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the Sioux Falls Construction billing in the amount of $56,103.55 as submitted.  On a roll call vote, voting aye: Ullom, Hegland, Ode, and Bender; nay: none; abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried.

         The cash report for the month of May, 2012 showed receipts of $5,510,188.01 and disbursements of $1,957,478.10, leaving a balance of $11,531,845.05.  The General Fund had receipts of $2,888,314.34, and disbursements of $1,514,879.67 leaving a balance of $5,739,358.54.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $1,168,977.70 and disbursements of $158,337.49, leaving a balance of $2,934,031.95.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $644,254.86, and disbursements $283,016.23, leaving a balance of $1,234,578.63.  Pension Fund had receipts of $116,897.85, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $628,206.82.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $589,158.26, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $965,229.40.   Enterprise Fund had receipts of $2,585.00 and disbursements of $1,244.71 leaving a balance of $30,439.71.

         The May, 2012 payroll totaled $1,227,771.65, of which $636,976.47 was instructional, $310,251.09 was support services, $27,297.79 was co-curricular, $198,290.70 was Special Education, $54,449.60 was Food Service, and $506 was Student Activities.

         Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of May, 2012.  Motion carried.

         Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reviewed the Elementary class-size enrollment for the 2012-13 school year as of 5/31/12.  Pappone noted specifically the size of the Kindergarten classes right now at RBE and BE are all at 24 with several students on the waiting list.  Twenty-four is the “unofficial” cap for a Kindergarten class at this time.  Enrollment is on-track to be at the projected 115 additional students needed for our budget purposes.  Secondly, Pappone presented a HS parking lot update.  Islands and curbs were being poured today and the work is proceeding as scheduled.  Lastly, Pappone presented the annual Anti-Bullying/Harassment report.  An updated Anti-Bullying/Harassment policy was adopted in the summer of 2009 with the 2009-10 school year the first year of its implementation.  This is now our third year of reporting.  The number of formal written complaints is down from 28 last year to 5 this year.  The total number of investigations was virtually the same as last year.  While no amount of bullying or harassment is acceptable, the reported incidence of bullying and harassment is low in our District.  The fact that administrators report interventions to have been effective in most instances without recurring complaints is also a positive result.  Pappone stated that the District will continue to implement the Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy with the goal of continuing to reduce incidents in future years.   

A recommendation to approve Change Order #1 for the Brandon Valley High School Parking Lot Improvements for a reclamation credit of $44,000.00 was presented at the May 29, 2012 meeting.  Change Order #2 was presented at tonight’s meeting which includes an adjustment of +$9,009.20 in storm sewer work, along with a credit of $2,015 to adjust a manhole and to connect unforeseen roof drains on the East side of the building needing to be connected to the new storm sewer system, resulting in a total credit of $6,994.20 for Change order #2.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve Change Orders #1 and #2 as presented.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Hegland, Ullom, Ode, and Bender; voting nay: none; abstaining: Rasmussen.  Motion carried.

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general business items:
Recommendation to approve SDHSAA 2012 Official Runoff Election Ballot, voting for Mark Hofer from Sioux Falls Roosevelt High School, as Division I representative.
Recommendation to approve the following open enrollments: #13-107, 13-108, 13-110, and 13-111.
Recommendation to approve East Dakota Education Cooperative (EDEC) Program Services for the 2012-13 school year as follows:  Occupational Therapy Services:  $127,205.00; Physical Therapy Services: $139,050.00; High Impact/Career Academy:  $107,160.00; Transition Advantage/Project Search:  $43,800.00.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Resignation of Penny Bennett, part-time VSE Child Nutrition worker, effective immediately.
Recommendation to hire Lilian Z. Keough, part-time VSE Educational Assistant, $11.25/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve additional part-time FAE Child Nutrition worker to open second serving line, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Kendra Sheets, BE Kindergarten Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Ardis I. Moeller, FAE School Nurse, $30,087.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Tanya Jacobson, part-time FAE Child Nutrition worker, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Resignation of Dacid Boehrns, BVHS Special Education Educational Assistant and Assistant VB Coach, effective immediately.
Recommendation to approve request for unpaid leave for Teresa Bastian on August 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, November 14, and 15 (8 total unpaid days) to attend colloquium training as she works toward her Masters in School Psychology.
Recommendation to transfer Karin Reisch, from BVHS Child Nutrition to BVHS Special Services Educational Assistant, 36.25 hours/week, $11.25/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Micki Leesch, BVHS Special Education Educational Assistant, 36.25 hours/week, $11.25/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to transfer Marette Grage, BVMS Educational Assistant to BVMS Title I Tutor, BA Step 2 - $16.47/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

         The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Transfer of Karin Reisch from BVHS Child Nutrition to Special Education Educational Assistant, effective with the 2012-3 school year.
Transfer of Sandy Aichele from part-time BVHS Child Nutrition Worker to part-time VSE Child Nutrition Worker, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Susan Nifong from BVHS Special Education Educational Assistant to BE Special Education Educational Assistant, effective with the 2012-13 school year.           

         Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
May, 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Brady Olson for the awards banquet.
Thank you from Steve Skalland for the plant he received wishing him a speedy recovery from his surgery. 

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                    Signed ________________________________
 Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 16th day of July, 2012. 



May 29, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 29th of May, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: Gregg Ode.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, and Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson.

 Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Ullom, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

 Superintendent Pappone reported that the District has two open seats on the Board and have had only two petitions filed for those seats:  Gregg Ode and Sandy Klatt.  Those individuals will be installed as new board members at our annual meeting in July, which will be held July 16, 2012.

Bender congratulated the Brandon Valley Lynx track team on their great season.

 A recommendation to approve Change Order #1 for the Brandon Valley High School Parking Lot Improvements for a reclamation credit of $44,000.00 was presented at this evening’s meeting.  Pappone explained that the original specifications for this project called for bringing in all new base material for the parking lot, specified to be crushed concrete.  After analyzing what is in the existing base of our asphalt, it was determined that we could reuse some of our current base material, resulting in this credit.

 Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the following general business items:
Recommendation to approve the following open enrollments:  #13-86, 13-98, 13-99, 13-100, 13-103, 13-104, and 13-106.
Recommendation to approve authorization of membership in the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
Approve agreement by and between Carroll Institute and the Brandon Valley School District for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Services from September 1 2012 through June 30, 2013 - $5,120.00.
Approve Classified Personnel Hiring Schedule for 2012-13 as presented.
Approve Master Agreement modification for Title I Tutors as follows:  “The district will pay a $4.00 per hour premium for Title I Tutors who have or obtain 18 credit hours that would apply toward a reading minor at an accredited university.  Transcript evidence of these credits must be supplied prior to the first day of school to earn the premium for the first semester or prior to January 1st to earn the premium for second semester.”
Motion carried.

 Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation of Kara McFadden, BE Special Education Educational Assistant, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of Julie Palmlund, BE Title I Tutor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Samuel Kruse, BVMS Computer/Reading Teacher, BA+15, Step 8 - $36,056.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation of Pam Miller, BVHS Secretary, effective June 1, 2012.
Approve resignation of Marissa Kaffar, BE Kindergarten Teacher effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year subject to liquidated damages of $300.00.
Approve recommendation to hire Sharon K. Schwebach, District Elementary Librarian, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Elanor Lundin, BVMS Band Director (one-year position), BA Step 1 - $33,270.00, Middle School Band, 6% of BA Step 1 - $1,996.00, Assistant Marching Band, 10% of BA Step 1 - $3,327.00, Total contract - $38,593.00, effective for the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Maternity leave request of eight (8) weeks from Lindsey Smith, VSE Elementary Teacher, effective on or about September 13, 2012. 

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
Thank you from Nancy Brown on being recognized for 20 years of service, a delicious meal, and great entertainment.
Thank you from Sara Stone for the wonderful dinner provided at the awards banquet and for the gift received for her 10 years of service.
Thanks you from Connie VanDenOever for the complimentary tickets for the awards banquet, the delicious meal and great entertainment, along with the silver apple recognizing her 25 years of service.
Thank you from Becky Mohr for the recognition of 25 years of service, the delicious banquet, great entertainment, and the very special bell.

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 6:37 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter per SDCL 1-25-2(1) and (4).  Motion carried. 

The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 6:52 p.m. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the non-qualified, deferred compensation agreement with Superintendent David Pappone.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 p.m.  Motion carried.

  Signed _______________________________

  Approved by the Board of Education this 11th day of June, 2012.



May 14, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 14th of May, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Middle School Assistant Principal Randy Hill, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

 Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Ullom, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of April 9, 2012 and April 23, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried.

         Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried.

         The cash report for the month of April, 2012 showed receipts of $1,742,878.06 and disbursements of $1,958,429.69, leaving a balance of $8,079,135.14.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,402,644.06, and disbursements of $1,544,372.91 leaving a balance of $4,365,923.87.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $101,164.66 and disbursements of $120,699.55, leaving a balance of $1,923,391.74.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $169,213.24, and disbursements $291,911.65, leaving a balance of $873,340.00.  Pension Fund had receipts of $10,116.50, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $511,308.97.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $51,249.60, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $376,071.14.   Enterprise Fund had receipts of $8,490.00 and disbursements of $1,445.58 leaving a balance of $29,099.42. 

        The April, 2012 payroll totaled $1,293,643.71, of which $644,801.73 was instructional, $348,348.20 was support services, $32,520.06 was co-curricular, $203,681.27 was Special Education, and $64,292.45 was Food Service. 

        Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of April, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reminded everyone of the Brandon Valley High School graduation this Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.  Also, with the all-day Kindergarten program beginning with the 2012-13 school year, the District will only be offering two sections of Jr. Kindergarten, which saves the school district approximately $25,000


District Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull reported that the report card committee has recently met and will be meeting again next fall to update the format of our current report to show more information to parents when they receive these report cards.


Activities Director Randy Marso reported that Brandon Valley hosted ESD Conference Tennis at the Brandon Valley School District Tennis Complex last Friday with a  3rd place finish by our boys team, the highest our boys team has ever finished.  On Saturday, our track team traveled to Yankton to compete in the ESD Conference Meet.  At that meet, the girl’s team finished in 4th place and the boys finished in 1st place, which was Brandon Valley’s first ever boy’s team track conference win.  With the boy’s track first place win, Brandon Valley received the first ever boys all-sports championship in the ESD Conference.  Marso congratulated all coaches, student athletes, and especially our male athletes involved in these “firsts” to bring home these very prestigious awards! 

Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg presented the 2012-13 proposed district budget.  (see attached) 

Chuck Parsons, First National Bank in Sioux Falls, readdressed the Board of Education tonight regarding the topic of Affinity debit cards the bank would like to make available with the Brandon Valley logo for its customers.  The bank would rebate back to the School District ten cents on every signature transaction (estimated to be approximately $1,000/year).  Per Board President Bender’s request, Mr. Parsons presented an agreement outlining the terms of this offer.  Bender stated that since there is no trademark on the “Lynx Logo”, many entities have used the logo without asking for permission, not to mention that the First National Bank has been a great partner to our District over the years.  Nevertheless, Bender feels there are issues that it raises that haven’t had to be raised before. 

Board Member Hegland thanked the First National Bank for their continued partnership with the District but has some concerns about the perception of our constituents about this “partnership” between the First National Bank and the Brandon Valley School District to provide some kind of service or product, when it is really just a First National Bank product.  Hegland wants to make sure those lines are clearly drawn on this type of endeavor.

Bender has been conflicted with the fact that she feels that it may appear that we are promoting the First National Bank with the idea.  She stated that if it were up to her, she would like to keep all advertising out of the school district.  After other discussion, President Bender opened the floor for a motion.  Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode, to approve the Affinity Card Proposal from First National Bank in Sioux Falls.  On a roll call vote, voting aye:  Rasmussen, Ode, Ullom; nay:  Hegland, Bender.  Motion passes. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:
Contract #2012G-719: Support Attendance at the South Dakota Early Childhood Conference by and between the Brandon Valley School District and South Dakota Department of Education.
Recommendation to approve the State of South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation Association of School Boards User Agreement by and between the Brandon Valley School District and the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation.
Recommendation to accept low bid from Contract Paper Group, Inc., for copier paper for the 2012-13 school year, $24/97/case; total purchase of $34,958.00.
Recommendation to accept low bid from DeMoulin Brothers and Co., for High School Band Uniforms for the 2012-13 school year; total of $92,591.03.
Recommendation to accept low and complete bid  from Brown & Saenger for Classroom Furnishings for the 2012-13 school year; total of $52,195.24.
Administrative recommendation of Lisa Engels of West Central as the district’s vote for a candidate for the SDRS Board of Trustees.
Recommendation to approve the Sioux Falls Girls Chorale After School Choir Program at Brandon Elementary School in conjunction with the Youth Enrichment Services program beginning with the 2012-13 school year.
Administrative recommendation for the 2012 Official Election Ballot for the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) of Brad Thorson of Brandon Valley for the Division I Representative, and a “yes” vote on Amendment #1.
License agreement by and between Avera McKennan and the Brandon Valley School District for improvements to real estate for the purpose of parking spaces to be used by the school district.
Administration recommendation of the following open enrollments: #13-01, 13-03, 13-09, 13-12, 13-14, 13-15, 13-16, 13-21, 13-24, 13-25, 13-27, 13-34, 13-36, 13-37, 13-38, 13-39, 13-41, 13-42, 13-45,    13-46, 13-50, 13-51, 13-52, 13-57, 13-61, 13-68, 13-69, 13-70, 13-71, 13-72, 13-87, 13-88, 13-91,    13-93, 13-94, 13-95, 13-96, and 13-97; and administrative recommendation to deny the following open enrollment:  #13-92.
Sioux Valley-Southwestern Electric Tract 1 Utility Easement by and between the Brandon Valley School District and Sioux Valley-Southwestern Electric.
Sioux Valley-Southwestern Electric Tract 2 Utility Easement by and between the Brandon Valley School District and Sioux Valley-Southwestern Electric.
Recommendation to accept low and complete bid from Hillyard for Custodial Supplies for the 2012-13 school year; total of $52,611.95.
Recommendation to approve revised version of 2012-13 Brandon Valley School District Calendar incorporating two additional days of professional development on January 3-4, 2012, pushing the last day of classes to May 21, 2012.
Approve use of facilities with fee waived and NovaNet software for Volunteers of America summer credit recovery program at the Brandon Valley High School beginning summer of 2012.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
Recommendation to hire Cassie Uithoven, RBE First Grade Teacher,  BA Step 1 - $33,270.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Katie Price, BVMS Language Arts/Reading Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, and Assistant Girls Tennis Coach, 6.5% of BA Step Base - $2,143.00; total contract of $35,113.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Michael Zerr, BVMS Science Teacher, BA Step Base - $ 32,970.00, Assistant Freshman Football Coach, 8% of BA Step 1 - $2,662.00, and Assistant Boys Tennis Coach, 6.5% of BA Step 2 - $2,182.00; total contract of $37,814.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Resignation of Amy DeNomme, District Elementary Librarian, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Recommendation to hire Lindsey Miller, BE Fifth Grade Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Sarah Darling, BE First Grade Teacher, BA Step 3 - $33,877.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Bill Freking, Assistant Football Coach, 10% of BA Step 10 - $3,648.00, and Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, 10% of BA Step 10 - $3,648.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Todd Geerdes, Head Girls Golf Coach, 12.5% of BA Step Base - $4,121.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Scott Giles, Assistant Middle School Girls Basketball Coach, 6% of BA Step 4 - $2,052.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Jeff Lockner, Assistant Girls Golf Coach, 6.5% of BA Step Base - $2,143.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Tyson Metzger, Assistant Middle School Track and Field Coach, 6% of BA Step Base - $1,978.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Resignation of Kelly Scholten, Assistant Football Coach, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Recommendation to hire Laura Schanafelt, RBE First Grade Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Dacia Boehrns, Assistant High School Volleyball Coach, 10% of BA Step 1 - $3,327.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Marge Hauser, Director of Instruction, 232 work days - $76,000.00, effective July 1, 2012.
Resignation of Sara Bauld, MS Special Education teacher, recently transferred to MS computer Teacher, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Recommendation to hire Noele Bentele, BE/FAE Jr. Kindergarten Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, Middle School Assistant Track and Field Coach, 6% of BA Step Base - $1,978.00; total contract of $34,948.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Recommendation to hire Amanda Henning, Middle School Child Nutrition Manager, $12.75/hour, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Resignation of Jaren Guetter, Assistant High School Fall Play Director, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Recommendation to hire Sherri Jergenson, BE Vocal Music Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Contract extension for Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson and assign additional duties:  new contract of 232 work days - $94,498.00, effective July 1, 2012.
Recommendation to hire Kristal Perrine, Middle School Special Education Teacher, BA Step 5 - $34,534.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve the following individuals for summer employment:

Custodial:       Misti Becker                  $8.75/hour
                                    Susan Fritz                   $8.75/hour
                                    Joan Krueger                $8.75/hour
                                    Eric Ode                       $8.25/hour
                                    Jo Roozenboom           $8.75/hour

            Grounds:      Christine Murtha           $8.75/hour
                                    Andrew Bauer               $8.75/hour
                                     Phillip Murtha               $8.50/hour
                                     Nathan Hauge              $8.50/hour

            Maintenance: Aldon Myrlie                 $8.75/hour
                                       Emily Carroll               $8.25/hour

Motion carried.

 The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Transfer of Debra Jones from FAE 3rd Grade to FAE 4th Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Susan Nifong from part-time Early Childhood Educational Assistant to full-time HS Special Education Educational Assistant, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Ruth Meyer from part-time VSE Educational Assistant to full-time BE Educational Assistant, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Jesse Miller to a one-year full-time BVHS Band Instructor position, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Laura Baker to a one-year half-time BVHS and half-time BVMS Band Instructor position, effective with the 2012-13 school year.           

 Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
April, 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Sandy Cummings for the “wonderful dinner” and for the silver apple for the 25 years with the school district.
Thank you from Kim Kueter for the awards banquet, the apple presented to her for the 20 years with school district, and for the great honor to be nominated for teacher of the year.
Thank you from Sheri McNamara for having the banquet, for the excellent food, and the gift she received for 20 years of service to the school district.
Thank you from Bonnie Fjerestad for the school bell in recognition of her retirement, great entertainment, and awards presented.  

    Board reports were heard:  Personnel Welfare – Jean Bender reported that this committee will have a short meeting after tonight’s board meeting to work out some final language for the Negotiated Agreement regarding Title I Tutors. 

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Superintendent’s contract per SDCL 1-25-2(1).  Motion carried. 

The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 8:10 p.m. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve Superintendent Pappone’s contract for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years as provided.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m.  Motion carried.

Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 11th day of June, 2012.



April 23, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 23rd of April, 2012 at the Valley Springs Elementary School with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

Chuck Parsons, First National Bank in Sioux Falls, addressed the Board of Education tonight regarding the topic of vanity debit cards the bank would like to make available with the Brandon Valley logo for its customers.  The bank would rebate back to the School District ten cents on every signature transaction (estimated to be approximately $1,000/year).  Board President Bender requested that the bank draw up an agreement outlining the terms of this offer and bring back to the Board for review at a future meeting. 

            A bid recommendation for the Brandon Valley High School Parking Lot improvement project was reviewed.  Project Manager Jon Brown with Stockwell Engineers presented the bid project and six very competitive bids that were received in Brandon Valley’s Central Office today.  Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the unit price bid from Black-Top Paving Company with a base bid of $1,168,065.61, with an Alternate #1 of $19,000.00 (for lighting), for a total bid of $1,187,065.61.   On a roll call vote, voting aye: Ode, Hegland, Ullom and Bender; nay: none; abstain: Rasmussen.  Motion carried.  

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:
Approve a change in date for the annual meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education from Monday July 9, 2012 to Monday, July 16, 2012.
Recommendation to approve Quam & Berglin, P.C., Certified Public Accountants, to conduct the FY 2012 annual school audit.
Approve wage and salary recommendations by Superintendent Pappone as follows: 
Increase Classified salaries by 2.5%
Increase Administrative salaries by 2.5%
Increase Child Nutrition Director salary by 2.5%.  In addition, add 10 work days to the Child Nutrition Director position, increasing the new position to 224 days/$43,397.00 for the 2012-13 school year.
Authorize salary range of $70,000-$80,000 for the Curriculum/Staff Development Director vacancy, including a change in contract length to 260 days with four weeks’ vacation and eight holidays and change the title to the position to Director of Instruction.
Approve open enrollments: #12-182, 13-73, 13-74, 13-75, 13-76, 13-77, 13-78, 13-80, 13-81, 13-82, 13-83 and 13-84.
Motion carried.

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation of Tanya Czepull, Curriculum Director, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of LaRae Swenson, FAE Special Education Educational Assistant, effective 3/26/2011.
Approve resignation of Laura Welch, HS Special Education Teacher/8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of Craig Nelson, BVMS Social Studies Teacher/Head Girls Golf Coach/Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Kendra Namanny, Head Middle School Volleyball Coach, 6.5% of BA Step 10 - $2,371.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Katee Lane, Head Competitive Cheer Coach, 12.5% of BA Step 4 - $4,275.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Aaron Carroll, Assistant Middle School Volleyball Coach, 6% of BA Step 1 - $1,996.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Christine Murtha, K-12 ELL/ESL Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Mandy Lodmel, FAE Special Education Teacher, MA Step 9 - $36,920.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Sarah Jarding, RBE Special Education Teacher, BA Step Base - $32,970.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
11.  Approve recommendation to hire JoAnn Presler, FAE Second Grade Teacher, MA+15 Step 10 - $37,848.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Sara Newlon, BVMS Language Arts/Reading Teacher, BA+15 Step 2 - $33,877.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Jennifer Kielman, FAE Special Education Educational Assistant, $11.00/hour, effective May 1, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Maggie Youngberg, BVHS Special Education Teacher, MA Step Base - $33,570.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire April Verburg, FAE/VSE Vocal Music Teacher, BA Step 2 - $33,570.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Erin Rieff, BE/VSE Elementary Art Teacher, BA Step 8 - $35,650.00, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation of Aaron Carroll from MS Assistant Track & Field Coach at the end of the 2011-12 school year, contingent on finding a suitable replacement.
Approve resignation of Mark Jelen, Assistant Technology Coordinator, effective April 20, 2012.
Approve resignation/retirement of Alice Jacobson, Transportation-Bus Driver, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Motion carried.

 The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Transfer of Marissa Kaffar from BE and RBE Jr. Kindergarten to BE Kindergarten, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Nicole Jellema from BE 5th Grade to BE 2nd Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Heidi Meier from BE 1st Grade to BE Kindergarten, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Bill Freking from BE 2nd Grade to RBE 4th Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Andrea Pudwill from RBE 3rd Grade to RBE Kindergarten, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
6.    Transfer of Sue Dekker from RBE 1st Grade to RBE Kindergarten, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Involuntary Transfer of Tonya Smith from VSE 3rd Grade to BE 3rd Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Phillip Andela from RBE 1st Grade to RBE 4th Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Jill Pederson from RBE 4th Grade to RBE 3rd Grade, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Mary Gile from BVMS Computer/Reading Teacher to District Elementary Computer Teacher, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
11.  Transfer of Sara Bauld from BVMS Special Education Teacher to BVMS Computer/Reading Teacher, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Transfer of Jeff Lockner from BVMS Language Arts/Reading Teacher to BVMS Social Studies/Reading Teacher, effective with the 2012-13 school year.

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
Thank you from the Gene Bennett Family for support during Gene’s illness and subsequent death. 

Board reports were heard:  Personnel Welfare – Jean Bender reported that this committee will be meeting this week with the Teacher of the Year committee. 

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter per SDCL 1-25-2(1).  Motion carried. 

The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:20 p.m. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to grant a one-year sabbatical leave to Brandon Valley High School Band Director, Kevin Kessler, for the 2012-13 school year.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m.  Motion carried.

        Signed _________________________________
                                         Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of May, 2012.



April 9, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 9th of April, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

        Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of March 12, 2012 and March 26, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

        Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

        The cash report for the month of March, 2012 showed receipts of $1,174,268.04 and disbursements of $1,828,170.52, leaving a balance of $8,999,082.16.  The General Fund had receipts of $919,209.49, and disbursements of $1,307,955.82 leaving a balance of $4,507,652.72.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $48,312.54, and disbursements of $251,747.15, leaving a balance of $1,942,926.63.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $158,919.76, and disbursements $268,467.55, leaving a balance of $996,038.41.  Pension Fund had receipts of $4,226.86, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $501,192.47.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $21,544.39, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $324,821.54.   Enterprise Fund had receipts of $22,055.00, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $22,055.00. 

        The March, 2012 payroll totaled $1,198,157.53, of which $634,867.74 was instructional, $299,879.72 was support services, $29,520.30 was co-curricular, $186,379.33 was Special Education, and $47,510.44 was Food Service. 

        Motion by Ode, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of March, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone offered an update on a recent State Accreditation Review.  The South Dakota Department of Education reported some minor issues to address, including tracking down two student birth certificates and purchasing some fire proof cabinets to store permanent records more safely.  The District will now write a letter of response to the SD DOE on how these items will be addressed.  Overall, it was a clean visit with thanks going to all Administrators’ and their secretaries for keeping our offices in such a clean and organized fashion.  Finally, two of our High School Students have been chosen as Academic All-Stars ~ congratulations to Courtney Carlson and Haley Naasz!
            Other District “good news” reported by Pappone included the Destination Imagination program advancing one RBE Elementary team to the National competition, another successful BVHS Musical, “Seussical the Musical”, performed last weekend, and the Band Turkey supper that is scheduled to be held on April 14, 2012.

The first item of general business centered on the proposal of an All-Day Kindergarten program being implemented District-wide.  Board President Jean Bender reported that an overview was submitted to the school board regarding the All-Day Kindergarten program.    Superintendent Pappone discussed an updated finance plan for this program, which lowers the needed funds to $55,000 for the 2012-13 school year, dropping the need for an additional P.E. Instructor.  Pappone explained that this finance plan does make trade-offs to make this program addition, namely consolidating the 5th grades in VSE from two classes to one, and no addition of a MS teacher as previously budgeted. 
        Board Vice President Jay Rasmussen thanked the Administration and Teachers for all their hard-work, dedication, and research over the years and for providing this information so that the Board can make the best decision for the students in the Brandon Valley School District.  He applauded the passion presented on both sides of this issue.  He reminded all that the Board needs to make the best decision for all BV students, and that the decision to move forward with the all-day option will come with costs in larger class sizes and monies from elsewhere.  Rasmussen believes the most important part of the success of our students is our teachers, and believes the more time our students spend with these teachers is very important.  The common core standards demand more teacher student interaction as well.  Rasmussen believes that all-day kindergarten should be implemented at this time, but stated that it is not the fix-all.  We need to continue to improve an already successful school district, and when funds allow, we need to reduce our student-teacher ratios.  We also need to attack other key learning areas.  Rasmussen is confident that Brandon Valley will continue to set the bar high and that students are up for this challenge and that the Brandon Valley community will be there to support this mission.  Rasmussen supports all-day Kindergarten with the understanding that, when we can, we need to back-fill the resources that we took from to implement this.
        Board Member Gregg Ode also commented that because of our progress in providing buildings for our elementary students, that the board now owes it to the BV Community to support what they strongly believe, that being all-day kindergarten.  He believes that the board has reviewed the financial aspect of this decision and with the administrative input, we are on the right track and all-day kindergarten is the best bet for this community.
        Board Member Renee Ullom believes that it was 2004 when she first began looking at this issue.  At that time, she was on the half-day side.  But since reviewing more information on this subject, what tips the scale for her is what our teachers have to say about the program.  They need the full-day to teach the common core standards and Ullom believes we need to listen to our experts, our teachers. 
        Board Member Sue Hegland agrees with many comments previous board members have made.  She reminded the board that she has been a long-time supporter of a half-day program.  She continues to wrestle with the decision when she reviews how we are going to continue to meet the needs of all our students.  As others stated, the common core standards are what pushed her to lean toward an all-day kindergarten program.  The standards seem to be written for an all-day program and based on that, she believes we should move to an all-day program as well.  She cautioned that, as Board Member Rasmussen stated, this is not a magic bullet that will solve all problems.  Some students will flourish, while others will struggle in this type of program.  She commended the District to sticking with half-day Kindergarten for so long, keeping class sizes in the lower elementary grades down to do more to individualize the attention that students get in those important, early years.  Lastly, she stated that the Response to Intervention (RtI) program implemented by the District is another great thing at Brandon Valley.  
       Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to offer all-day Kindergarten at the Brandon Valley School District beginning with the 2012-13 school year.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Rasmussen, Ullom, Hegland, Ode, Bender; nay:  none.  Motion carried.

Discussion was held on the 2012-13 Agreement between the Brandon Valley School District #49-2 and the Brandon Valley Education Association.  President Bender thanked the BVEA and their negotiation’s team for their professionalism and cooperation in another tight budget year.  Items that were agreed upon for the 2012-13 school year are as follows: restoration of the two days of professional development for all teachers and a 2.5% salary increase.  Also, there is a $4.00/hour premium incentive to the Title I Tutors hourly wage if they obtain a Reading Endorsement.  Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the Master Agreement with the BVEA for the 2012-13 school year as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general business items:
Approve the following Open Enrollments:  13-44, 13-62, 13-64, 13-65, 13-66, and 13-67.
Approve recommendation to approve bid for Floor Covering Removal and Replacement at Valley Springs Elementary from School Specialty - $41,755.00.
Approve Student Teaching agreement with South Dakota State University.
Approve agreement for demolition and removal of abandoned building on 41st street property between Jeff and Tracy Munce and the Brandon Valley School District #49-2.
Motion carried.

            Superintendent Pappone stated that beginning with the 2012-13 school year, the Brandon Valley School District will reassign the HS Librarian position to a MS/HS Librarian position.  An additional two F.T.E.s and a staff transfer will be needed to fill the need for rising class numbers at Brandon Elementary, Robert Bennis Elementary, and Fred Assam Elementary.  Another area that is being “watched” is the ELL program (one F.T.E. at this time).  As that population continues to grow in our District, so do the class sizes.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve general education staffing plan as outlined above for the 2012-13 school year.  Motion carried. 

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation of Kim Bly, FAE Child Nutrition Head Cook, effective April 12, 2012.
Approve recommendation to increase 1.0 FTE BVHS Special Education Educational Assistant, effective with the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement from Bonnie Fjerestad, BE Educational Assistant, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of Dianne Berkner, FAE Special Education Educational Assistant, effective March 30, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Cassie L. Paulsen, FAE Special Education Educational Assistant, $11.00/hour, effective April 16, 2012.
Motion carried.           

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
March, 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from the family of Richard Jacobson for the plant sent in his memory.
Thank you from Louisa Otto for the plant sent in honor of the birth of daughter, Layla Marie.
Thank you from Jesse Miller/Celebration of Music Festival to Gay Anderson and the Brandon Valley High School Food Service team. 

        Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of May, 2012.



March 26, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 26th of March, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Special Service Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

Gay Anderson, Child Nutrition Director, reported to the Board of Education on a new meal pattern change and the impact it will have on the Brandon Valley School District beginning with the 2012-13 school year.  These changes will increase meal costs an estimated 3-6%.  Some changes include larger portions of raw fruits and vegetables, as well as changes to menu planning. 

            This evening’s board meeting included a Public Hearing on an All Day Kindergarten Proposal.  First speaking to the Board tonight was Janelle Zerr, a RBE parent with a 4th grader, a 2nd grader, and an incoming Kindergartner.  She has been disappointed with the rush of the half-day setting for the school day.  She complimented the efforts of the Kindergarten teachers that work in the half-day setting and encouraged the board to visit a classroom to see the difference in the two settings.  She asked the board to “do the right thing” by giving the students all day Kindergarten.
                Stacey Jones also spoke to the board.  Mrs. Jones has a first grader in the Brandon Valley School District who was open enrolled to the Sioux Falls School District for Kindergarten and an incoming Kindergartner (2012-13 school year) that is currently open-enrolled to the Sioux Falls School District to participate in an all-day Kindergarten program.  Her first choice would be for her Kindergartener to attend school in Brandon Valley if an all-day program is offered.  Jones questioned the board:  Of the approximate $5,000 per student allocation that the District receives, what does the Brandon Valley School District do with half of those funds with a half-day student?  Secondly, Jones believes that the District has set a precedent by offering the all-day program in two schools last year and believes that the District is setting the stage for disparity by not offering an equal program at all four elementary schools.  If the Board believes that an all-day program is the best for the students, then Jones feels that is the decision that should be made.  Lastly, Jones asked the board to think of the teachers; she feels there will be disparity between teachers as well when being evaluated on such diverse programs of a half versus full day program.
                  Another mother also spoke regarding her incoming Kindergartener.  As an occupational therapist, she believes students need an all-day program to make developmental and cognitive gains as required by the new state requirements.  She believes it is in Brandon Valley’s best interest to institute an all-day program at all the District Elementary schools.
                Michelle Ternus, Preschool Director at Blessed Redeemer Lutheran Preschool in Brandon, and mother of four Brandon Valley students, spoke to the board about the benefits of an all-day Kindergarten program.  She encouraged the Board to believe in the teachers.  She heard 100% of the kindergarten teachers state at the last board meeting that they can’t meet the core standards in a half-day program.  Ternus also believes that Kindergarten is the foundation to a good education and reminded the board that everything we need to know about life we learned in Kindergarten.
                Jim Lind spoke to the board regarding his Jr. Kindergartner; Lind feels his student spent the first half of the year just learning how to go to school.
                Board President Bender stated that the board has received many written comments as well, and will be reviewing the many valid reasons for and against this decision.  Bender thanked those patrons that did attend tonight’s meeting or that took the time to send in their comments.  Input is welcomed to continue up until the next board meeting where the board will be reviewing/voting on this request.  That meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 9, 2012.

Administrative Reports were heard.  As requested of him at the last regular board of education meeting, Superintendent David Pappone presented a finance plan for an All Day Kindergarten Proposal.   In general numbers, Pappone reported that four sections of all-day kindergarten would cost $230,000 less $54,431 in transportation savings, with a net expense of approximately $175,569.   Some places where we could “fund” All Day Kindergarten from previous five-year plan requests in the 2012-13 school year are as follows:

One budgeted “additional staff” position (most likely a 6th grade teacher)         ($ 50,000)
            Reduce section of fifth grade at VSE & transfer teacher                                       (50,000)
            Use budgeted increase in supplies toward curriculum costs                                  (20,000)
            Add:  Cost for additional PE due to new KG and elementary sections                  +25,000
            Use additional funds allocated by legislature for FY12                                           (80,569)       

In addition, the District has been told by four parents who have been accepted for open enrollment to other Districts, that they would rescind those applications if Brandon Valley would offer All Day Kindergarten, which would be an additional $18,360 in student funding.
            An alternative funding option would be to shift additional qualified expenses from the General Fund to the Capital Outlay Fund.  These expenses could be shifted back to the General Fund in subsequent years as revenues allow.  A combination of this funding source with others mentioned above is also possible.  This is a temporary fix, with the ability to shift those expenses for only two years.
            Pappone reiterated that Brandon Valley will be deficit spending in any of these scenarios to offer this program at this time.  The difference is in which year that deficit occurs as to how we fund the program.  
            Bender wondered if there was anywhere else that the District could cut to make up for the $80,000 deficit that is being proposed in this budget scenario.  Pappone stated, at this point in time, his personal choice would be to deficit spend for this program rather than to make any more budget cuts.

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general business items:
1.      Agreement relating to the use of driving simulator equipment between the Brandon Valley School District and the Sioux Empire Safety Village as presented.
Memorandum of Agreement relating to South Dakota Statewide Longitudinal Data System between the Brandon Valley School District and the South Dakota Department of Education.
Recommendation to approve the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA) School Board Resolution authorizing member in the SDHSAA for the 2012-13 school year as presented.
          4.      Recommendation to approve the Agreement for Professional Services with Stockwell Engineers for the project of replacement of the Brandon Valley High School parking lot at an hourly cost not to exceed $186,005.00 excluding sales or excise tax as presented.
Approve open enrollment #13-62.
Motion carried.

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel item:
Resignation of David A. Hagen, BVMS Science/PE Instructor effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Motion carried.

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
Performing Arts Center March-May Calendar. 

Superintendent Pappone reminded the Board that the next regular Board of Education meeting has been moved to Monday, April 9, 2012. 

Board reports were heard:  Personnel Welfare – Jean Bender reported that this committee will be meeting with the Brandon Valley Education Association on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 to begin negotiations.   

Travel Reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed _________________________________
                                        Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of April, 2012.



March 12, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 12th of March, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender (via conference call), Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jay Rasmussen called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of February 13, 2012 and February 27, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

        The cash report for the month of February, 2012 showed receipts of $1,677,083.01 and disbursements of $1,878,662.93, leaving a balance of $8,948,589.75.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,440,256.87, and disbursements of $1,548,771.91 leaving a balance of $4,896,399.05.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $63,286.43, and disbursements of $53,291.46, leaving a balance of $2,146,361.24.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $135,078.33, and disbursements $276,599.56, leaving a balance of $1,105,586.20.  Pension Fund had receipts of $6,282.19, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $496,965.61.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $32,179.19, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $303,277.15.

        The February, 2012 payroll totaled $1,232,143.31, of which $638,319.52 was instructional, $322,910.90 was support services, $32,778.02 was co-curricular, $186,775.44 was Special Education, and $51,359.43 was Food Service. 

        Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of February, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone offered congratulations to the Lady Lynx Basketball team and coaches for their fourth place finish at the state tournament this past weekend along with the prestigious “Spirit of Su” award being presented to Senior Heidi Hoff.  Pappone recognized not only the team and coaches, but the parents and student fans alike for their support and sportsmanship at this year’s event. 

Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg presented an updated 2011-12 Five-year General Fund Projection.  The projected $413,000 deficit for the 2011-12 school year has now been adjusted to include new one-time money just approved by this year’s legislature as well as various unplanned budget savings.  This deficit is now projected to be a positive number of $182,000 for the 2011-12 school year.  With those updates, along with a 0% health insurance increase for next year, the projected deficit for the 2012-13 school year now shows a $118,000 deficit, up from the original $258,000 deficit projected earlier.    

Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull presented All-Day Kindergarten Discussion Points.  A survey was conducted at last week’s Kindergarten screening, surveying 231 parents.  Results show 152 (76%) preferred a full-day program, 23 (12%) preferred a half-day program, and 24 (12%) have no preference.  Czepull reviewed RtI data and also received input from District Reading Specialists, Elementary Principals, and current Brandon Valley Kindergarten Teachers.  Board President Jean Bender requested a financial plan be presented to the Board to include the cost of an all-day every day Kindergarten program in all BV Elementary schools along with some ways we would fund this plan. 

Board Member Renee Ullom reported that the Curriculum committee has had good discussions on how to move forward with an all-day every day Kindergarten program and would also like to approach the financial aspect. 

Board Member Sue Hegland posed several questions on this decision.  Although she believes there is no doubt that an all-day every day program would be a very “good” thing for our students, she continues to question if this is the “best” thing that we can do for our students.  With limited financial resources, we want to do things that help our students long-term.  With strong arguments on both sides of this issue, a concern Hegland has is that past research has shown that all of the good things that we see at BV with the all-day program are significant and meaningful improvements in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade.  However the research also has shown that those improvements have not been shown to last past 3rd grade.  Since there is no evidence that improvement lasts past 3rd grade, Hegland is concerned with the large investment that potentially will be made with our students.  She feels it may be the right thing to do; however, she asks the question “Will it help our kids long-term, or are there better ways to help our kids long-term?”  Other things making this decision more complicated are the new common core standards and the fact that our teachers have legitimate concerns that they will not be able to meet the common core standards in a half-day program.  Also, in trying to understand those common core standards, Hegland stated that we are talking about investing roughly another $200,000 in an all-day every day kindergarten program to make sure those students can achieve those standards in Kindergarten.  But do we feel comfortable that they can continue to achieve those standards in 1st – 12th grade, knowing those standards are getting more rigorous every year.  Hegland believes that if we spend $200,000 on an all-day every day Kindergarten program now, that’s money we don’t have to apply to future needs for common core standards, not even knowing yet what those needs are. 

Hegland believes one other piece of this review is the new piece of legislation, House Bill 1234, which will require us to evaluate our teachers every year, where at least 50% of that evaluation will be to look at student growth.  Student growth is an excellent thing to look at, but Hegland realizes this creates questions for the District with some students in half-day programs and some in all-day programs.  These are some of the many difficult questions to review and evaluate as we look at this issue.

Pappone believes that a reasonable approach for discussion and a decision on this issue would be to present a financial plan on ways in which we could pay for this program at the second meeting in March, including a public hearing.  The next step would be to bring this issue to a vote at the first meeting in April so that if additional staffing is required, we are requesting teachers early in the hiring window. 

Since the last regular Board of Education meeting, the Sioux Falls Equalization Board has requested a Brandon Valley School Board member be present at their meeting.  Because of that request, the following is the updated list of Equalization Meeting dates and times with Board appointees set to attend as follows:
Sioux Falls, date yet to be determined – Jean Bender
Brandon, March 20, 2012, 6:00 p.m. – Susan Hegland   
Splitrock Township, date yet to be determined – Gregg Ode
Valley Springs, March 19, 2012, 6:45 p.m. – Renee Ullom
Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve this updated list of appointments.  Motion carried.

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:
Approve the following Open Enrollments:  13-58, 13-59, 12-180, and 12-181.
Approve recommendation for program purchases from East Dakota Educational Cooperative for the 2012-13 school year as follows:  Occupational Therapy (288 days) - $127,205; Physical Therapy (256 days) - $139,050; Transition Advantage (three slots @$14,600 each) - $43,800; High Impact/Career Academy - $107,160; and Membership Dues - $5,000; Total program purchase of $422,215 for the 2012-13 school year.
Approve Tuition Agreement for Educational Services between the Brandon Valley School District and Summit Oaks/Sioux Falls School District.
Motion carried.

            Motion by Ode, seconded by Ullom to approve the following personnel items:
1.    Approve resignation of Teri Olson, BVMS Child Nutrition Manager, effective March 9, 2012.
Approve Leave of Absence of Matt Mueller from Assistant Freshman Football coach for the 2012-13 school year.
Approve resignation of Jessica Beilke, ELL Instructor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of Brittany Sirovy, 0.5 FTE FAE Elementary Special Education Teacher and 0.5 FTE FAE Title I Tutor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve recommendation to hire Britton Feltman, RBE Full-time Custodian, $11.50/hour plus $.50/hour night differential pay, effective March 19, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Evan Hackett, HS Full-time Custodian, $11.50/hour plus $.50/hour night differential pay, effective March 19, 2012.
Approve resignation of Sara Tiffany, 0.5 FTE FAE Jr. Kindergarten Teacher and .5 FTE FAE Title I Tutor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation of Coty McGuire, BVHS JV Volleyball Coach, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve the following 2011-12 substitute teachers:  Robin Hanson and Angie Plaine.
Approve resignation of John Mulhair, BVMS Language Arts Teacher and Assistant Boys and Girls Tennis Coach, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve 2012-13 Special Education staffing level with an increase of 1.5 FTE Elementary Special Education Teachers.
Approve two days unpaid leave (3/9/2012 and 4/09/2012) for BE Custodian Loralie Aljets.
Approve recommendation to hire Lyn M. Nielson, Transportation-Bus Driver, effective March 13, 2012.
Motion carried.          

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
February, 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Eileen Vielmette for the plant sent in memory of her mother, Patricia Callahan. 

        Board reports were heard: Personnel Welfare – Jean Bender reported that a preliminary meeting was held last week to prepare for upcoming contract negotiations.  

        Travel reports were reviewed. 

        Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ode to go into Executive Session at 7:05 p.m. to prepare for contract negotiations per SDCL 1-25-2(4).  Motion carried. 

        The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 7:36 p.m. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m.  Motion carried.

            Signed __________________________________
Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of April, 2012.



February 27, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th of February, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Assistant Business Manager James Schobert, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

            Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried. 

            This evening’s board meeting included a Public Hearing on boys and girls soccer becoming a school sponsored activity.  Chris Limmer from the Brandon Area Soccer Association spoke to the board regarding progress on their request for a five-year transition period for soccer to move from a sanctioned sport to a school sponsored activity within this transition period.  Also addressing the board was Mark Zangara.  His challenge to the Board was to be the progressive school district that he has known it to be since moving to the area four years ago.  He stressed that the District should not make a decision based on what Sioux Falls or other surrounding school districts are doing.   The board will be reviewing/voting on this request in tonight’s General Business. 

Appointments were made to the area Equalization Boards.  Meeting dates and times as listed:
Brandon, March 20, 2012, 6:00 p.m. – Susan Hegland
Splitrock Township, date yet to be determined – Jean Bender
Valley Springs, March 19, 2012, 6:45 p.m. – Renee Ullom 

The Board of Education discussed the Brandon Area Soccer Association’s request for a five-year transition period for soccer to move from a sanctioned to school sponsored sport.  Concerns were raised regarding the Brandon Valley School District’s proposed deficit spending in the next five years.  Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen, that due to the financial restrictions of the District, Brandon Valley does not commit to funding soccer as a school sponsored sport at this time and will review the position again next year.  On a roll call vote, the following board members voted aye:  Hegland, Rasmussen, Ode, Ullom, and Bender; nay: none.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Ode, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the following general business items:
Approve low bid for two Bluebird buses with storage from North Central Bus Sales - $97,699.66 each for a total purchase of $195,399.32.
Approve Open Enrollments as follows:  13-55, 13-56, and 12-179.
Approve recommendation to change Board of Education meeting from Tuesday, April 10, 2012 to Monday, April 9, 2012.
Motion carried.

Motion by Ullom, seconded by Hegland to approve 2011-12 substitutes as follows:  Heather Serck, Noel Bentele, Jennifer Grothe, Kirk Rasmussen, Jessica Schmit, and Tim Stockman.  On a roll call vote, the following board members voted aye:  Ullom, Hegland, Ode, Bender; abstain: Rasmussen; nay: none.  Motion carried.

                Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the resignation of Leisa Aanenson, FAE First Grade Teacher, who will not be returning following a year’s leave of absence.  Motion carried.

             Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following items:
Thank you from Rick and Kim Jacobson and the family of Mel Jacobson for the plant sent in memory of Rick’s father Mel Jacobson.
Thank you from Paula Gordon for the flowers sent in memory of her mother, Marlys Sloat.
Thank you from Cindy VanDeSteeg-American Heart Association, for Brandon Valley student’s participation in a “Red Out” event held recently in Rapid City. 

            Board reports were heard:  Student Activities, Curriculum & Technology - Renee Ullom reported that this committee recently met to discuss the future of all-day Kindergarten.   Another meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2012 to review more financial information after the legislature has adjourned. 
                Personnel Welfare
– Bender reported that a meeting was recently held with preliminary discussion on upcoming negotiations. 
                City Affairs & Legislation
– David Pappone reported that the Senate has passed Bill 1234 (22-12), the Governor’s major legislature for K-12 education.  It has gone through some major changes.  The Senate has added an amendment that provides another layer of study committees to the existing bill, authorizing a task force group including legislators, teachers, and parents to review and make additional recommendations to that bill.  They are approaching over 100 different people that are going to be studying this bill along the way.  No money would be available until the 2013-14 school year, giving plenty of time for review and analysis.  It will now go to the House to allow for possibly more changes as well. 

            Travel Reports were heard. 

            Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to go into Executive Session at 7:13 p.m. to discuss the Superintendent’s annual evaluation and contract negotiation per SDCL 1-25-2(1) and SDCL 1-25-2(4).  Motion carried. 

            The Board of Education came out of Executive Session and into Open Session at 8:36 p.m. 

   Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m.  Motion carried.

  Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of March, 2012.



February 13, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of February, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, and Operations Manager Todd Williams. 

Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Motion by Ode, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of January 9, 2012 and January 23, 2012 as presented.  Motion carried. 

         Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

         The cash report for the month of January, 2012 showed receipts of $1,119,035.88 and disbursements of $1,990,878.52, leaving a balance of $9,150,169.17.  The General Fund had receipts of $952,213.95, and disbursements of $1,637,935.20 leaving a balance of $5,004,914.09.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $17,343.86, and disbursements of $75,358.16, leaving a balance of $2,136,366.27.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $137,965.88, and disbursements $277,385.16, leaving a balance of $1,247,107.43.  Pension Fund had receipts of $1,734.33, and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $490,683.42.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $97,777.86, and disbursements of $88,000.00 leaving a balance of $271,097.96.   

        The January, 2012 payroll totaled $1,249,685.12, of which $635,060.51 was instructional, $333,008.24 was support services, $28,502.85 was co-curricular, $197,431.72 was Special Education, and $55,681.80 was Food Service. 

        Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of January, 2012.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone provided the following legislative update:
High profile education bills being discussed include House Bill 1234, which includes teacher non-renewal and tenure language.  This bill did pass the house; however, there is much work left to be done on this bill.  The Math/Science market based pay is likely to see some additional changes.  A majority of people seem satisfied with the incentive-based changes that have been made, giving local districts options and an opportunity to submit a plan for incentive-based pay or not to participate at all if that is their choice.  The District will continue to be actively engaged in making this the best bill it can be. 
Senate Bill 25, the accountability bill that moves the state away from “No Child Left Behind”, which is supportive of the waiver that was submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, is also trying to exempt the state from some of the requirements of “No Child Left Behind”.  This legislation provides a legal background for the waiver application and it did pass the Senate relatively easily.  During appropriations, a financial accountability measure was added to the bill, using existing financial data that has already been collected to measure how efficient school district’s are. 
Senate Bill 123 did pass out of the Senate.  This is a gross receipts tax bill for rural electrics.  The net effect of this bill will reduce the amount of money that our District would have otherwise collected in gross receipts from the co-ops in electric utilities.
House Bill 1195, allowing fees to be charged for programs held outside the regular school day or school year, has passed the house and is on its way for Senate consideration.       
Another Bill of interest includes Senate Bill 124, which corrects the base per student amount to reflect a 6.6% cut instead of a 8.6% cut.  This would reinstate the one-time money school districts received last year and make it permanent.  It did pass, however as a “vehicle bill” it will most likely be amended before getting through the house in a non-recognizable form from the original bill.
            Pappone also gave an ESD Conference update.  There is consideration of including Harrisburg in the ESD conference in the 2013-14 school year.  There seems to be little opposition of letting Harrisburg into the ESD.

High School Principal Gregg Talcott presented an update on the High School Rising Scholars program registration and the Career and Technical Education registration for the 2012-13 school year. 

A public hearing was held concerning the application for a Waiver from an Administrative Rule to offer Advanced Algebra before ninth grade for High School credit.  Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the application for the Waiver from an Administrative Rule for courses offered before ninth grade offered for High School credit.  Motion carried.

            A summary of Capital Outlay projects for Fiscal Year 2013 was presented.  Early approval for these projects is requested to allow time for design and bidding.  Motion by Ullom, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the preliminary Capital Outlay projects listing as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the following general business items:
Approve the following Open Enrollments:  12-160, 12-161, 12-162, 12-163, 12-164, 12-176, 12-177, and 12-178.
Approve Clinical Placement Affiliation Agreement.
Approve Agreement with the El Riad Shrine of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for leasing the El Riad Shrine for the 2012 High School Prom.
Motion carried.

          Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation/retirement of Jan Bork, BVMS Librarian, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement of Virginia Hanson, FAE/VSE Vocal Music instructor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement of Mary Lee, VSE/BE Art Instructor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement of Julie Reid, Elementary Computer Instructor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve resignation/retirement of Dennis Wrede, BVHS Speech/Language Arts Instructor, effective at the end of the 2011-12 school year.
Approve the following 2011-12 substitutes:  Julie Brummels, Kaylani Mercado.
Approve recommendation to hire Lori Buthe, Transportation Substitute (Van/Suburban) Driver.
Approve recommendation to hire Traci J. Fransen, RBE long-term substitute Special Education Teacher, $85/day for first 15 days; $95/day thereafter.
Motion carried.

          The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Maternity Leave Request from Louisa Otto, BHVS Science Instructor, for approximately 6 weeks during the 2011-12 school year to begin on or about March 23, 2012. 

          Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
January, 2012 Building Permits.
Thank you from Brent and Jessica Kramer for the plant sent on the birth of their daughter, Ava. 

          Board reports were heard:  Personnel Welfare – A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, 2012, planning for the upcoming negotiations with the Brandon Valley Education Association.   

          Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Motion carried.

                            Signed ___________________________________
Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of March, 2012.



January 23, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 23rd of January, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

 Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

 The following club leaders were at tonight’s Board of Education meeting to introduce the Board to the work of each of their clubs along with student involvement numbers:
High School Librarian/SALSA (Serve and Learn Student Association) Teacher Contact Joli Bruggeman.  This association includes 122 members.
High School Art Instructor/Art Club Advisor Chad Nelson and student leaders that includes 35-40 members.
High School English Instructor/Drama Club Advisor Melanie Sittig with 20+ members.  

Superintendent David Pappone presented a legislative update.  This Wednesday, January 25th, is the final day for legislators to file bills.  Those bills are listed on the state web-site.  The first legislative coffee is scheduled for Saturday, January 28th at 9 a.m. at Bethany Meadows. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Ullom to approve the following general business items:
Approve Open Enrollments as follows:  12-166, 12-167, 12-168, 12-169, 12-170, 12-171, 12-172, 12-173, 12-174, and 12-175.
Approve Open Enrollment-Transfer of Athletic Eligibility Request as recommended by administration.
Motion carried.

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Approve 2011-12 substitutes as follows:  Lex Heathershaw, Chelsey Loney, Lindsey Miller, and Kelsey Sammons.

      2.  Approve half year lane change for Amy Frantzen, MA to MA+15.
Approve half year lane change for Laura Welch, MA to MA+15.
Approve request for full-time long-term substitute special services teacher at Robert Bennis Elementary.
Approve recommendation to hire Amanda Henning, BVHS Child Nutrition full-time cook, $10.25/hour, effective February 6, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Penny Bennett, VSE part-time Child Nutrition, $10.25/hour, effective January 26, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire Katee Lane, Head Competition Cheer Coach, BA Step 4, $4,275.00, effective for the 2012-13 school year.
Motion carried.

Communication received by the Board of Education was reviewed.  They included the following item:
Thank you from Joli Bruggeman for the plant sent to wish her a speedy recovery.

          Travel Reports were heard. 

         Board reports were heard:  Student Activities, Curriculum & Technology - Renee Ullom reported that she and Susan Hegland recently attended the Common Core Math Training.  City Affairs & Legislation – David Pappone reminded the Board that this Wednesday, January 25th, is Brandon Day at the Legislature and there is a bus sponsored by the Brandon Chamber for anyone interested in riding out to Pierre for that event. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to adjourn the meeting at 6:46 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                Signed __________________________________
                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of February, 2012.



January 9, 2012

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 9th of January, 2012 at the Brandon Valley High School Community Room with the following members present: Jean Bender, Jay Rasmussen, Gregg Ode, Renee Ullom, and Sue Hegland.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent David Pappone, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Assistant Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Brandon Elementary Principal Mere Horst, Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Valley Springs Elementary Principal Kristi Nelson, Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull, and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

 Jean Bender called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 2011 as presented.  Motion carried.

           Motion by Ode, seconded by Hegland to approve the bills and claims as submitted (see attached). Motion carried. 

          The cash report for the month of December, 2011 showed receipts of $3,694,524.18 and disbursements of $2,810,346.82, leaving a balance of $10,022,011.81.  The General Fund had receipts of $1,962,898.44, and disbursements of $1,526,652.89 leaving a balance of $5,690,835.34.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $563,020.77, and disbursements of $59,608.75, leaving a balance of $2,194,380.57.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $794,761.56 and disbursements $275,562.56, leaving a balance of $1,386,526.71.  Pension Fund had receipts of $56,302.11 and disbursements of $0 leaving a balance of $488,949.09.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $317,541.30 and disbursements of $948,522.62 leaving a balance of $261,320.10.   

           The December, 2011 payroll totaled $1,218,674.32, of which $650,900.32 was instructional, $294,286.69 was support services, $26,345.82 was co-curricular, $195,250.50 was Special Education, and $51,890.99 was Food Service.

           Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Ullom to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of December, 2011.  Motion carried.

           Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent David Pappone reported on the following:

1)    In a recent “Supes On” article, discussion included the possible expansion of the ESD, inviting Harrisburg and Meade County (Sturgis) into the ESD Conference. After on-line conversations among Superintendents, no expansion to the ESD is planned for now; and neither Harrisburg nor Sturgis have accepted the offer to join the ESD Conference to play football.  At the present time, the ESD will remain as is.  As Harrisburg continues to grow, we do expect that they will be requesting to join the ESD in the future.  But for now, no changes are anticipated for the 2012-13 school year.

2)    We have had an erroneous registration to get ready for the Spring/Summer classes of Driver’s Education.  As discussed in a previous Board Meeting, the attorney general’s opinion does not allow a charge for that any longer and the recent registration materials listed a charge.  Therefore, we are preparing a retraction and an explanation that will go out the early part of this week to help explain the situation.  The District will be moving forward with registration, in hopes that the legislature will allow us to continue to charge for the program; however, if they don’t, it is not likely that we can continue to provide the program.   So, at this time, we will move forward with registration, but will not be collecting any fees.

3)    Governor Dennis Daugaard’s State of the State Address is scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2012, at 1 p.m., which will include a major education initiative revealed during that address.  Pappone encourages all to listen in to what will be proposed for the 2012-13 school year.

4)    School Board Recognition Week is being celebrated this week and certificates have been provided for all our Board Members for their continued service to the community.  Pappone publicly thanked each member personally and publicly for the service they are providing. 

Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson reported on the December Angel Tree project held at the Brandon Valley High School.  A record breaking 131 students within the Brandon Valley School District received gifts this Christmas time through this project.  Thorson thanked all involved with this worthy project.  

Fred Assam Elementary Principal Susan Foster extended an invitation to the Board Members to a “Boost Up” program showcasing the all-day Kindergarten program at Fred Assam Elementary.  Dates to attend this program are either January 17th or 18th, 2012. 

Curriculum Director Tanya Czepull presented the proposed cycle change for the District curriculum rotation.  With the adoption of the common core standards at the state level, a revision to the current rotation will help to meet these common core standards in a more timely matter.  Secondly, Czepull discussed the migrant education program, which now includes four students in the Brandon Valley School District.  Czepull presented this information to the School Board for information purposes at this time. 

Operations Manager Todd Williams discussed temperatures in classrooms around the District.  To save money, the District has set room temperatures at 68° for winter months and 78° for summer months.  Williams stated that these are Federal guidelines for temperature control.  Surveys of all classrooms in all buildings have been conducted, with the High School being the most challenging for heating and cooling issues because of its age and building layout.  All buildings continued to be monitored and adjusted as needed. 

Business Manager Paul Lundberg reviewed the Brandon Valley School District’s 2012-17 Five Year Plan.  This plan can be viewed in its entirety through the District web-site at www.brandonvalleyschools.com on the Business Office tab. 

Motion by Hegland, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the following general business items:
Acknowledge receipt of Brandon Valley Education Association (BVEA) request for collective bargaining.
 2.      Approve the following Open Enrollment:  12-165.
Approve request from David and Carol Galbavy for residency of a minor child per SDCL 13-28-10.
Approve 2012 School Board Election date of June 19, 2012.
Motion carried.

             Motion by Ullom, seconded by Ode to approve the following personnel items:
Approve resignation of Shelly Johansen, Brandon Valley High School Child Nutrition, effective December 9, 2011.
2.    Approve the following 2011-12 substitutes:  Daniel Reed, Lindsey Swier, and Monica Williams.
3.    Approve resignation/retirement from Naomi Ruth Cyr, Valley Springs Elementary Child Nutrition, effective January 27, 2012.
Approve recommendation to hire LaRae K. Swenson, Fred Assam Elementary Special Education Educational Assistant, $11.00/hour, effective November 14, 2011.
Approve recommendation to promote Julie Nelson, Brandon Valley High School Assistant Cook to Brandon Valley High School Head Cook, $10.59/hour, effective December 19, 2011.
Motion carried.

             The following personnel items were reviewed by the Board of Education for information only:
Maternity Leave Request from Melissa Olivier for approximately 12 weeks during the 2011-12 school year to begin on or about March 1, 2012. 

            Communications received by the Central Office and Board of Education were reviewed.  They included the following items:
December 2011 Building Permits.
Thank you from JoAnn Vanderburg for the plant sent in memory of her father, Alfred Johnson.
Thank you from Katie, Jon, Jenna and Brady Jurgensen for the flowers sent on the birth of Brady.
Thank you from Randal Gibbons and family for the card sent in memory of his brother-in-law and friend, David Buysse.
Thank you from Ruth Cyr for the plant sent wishing her a speedy recovery.
Thank you from Sharon Madsen for the cards, plant, and phone calls wishing her a speedy recovery.

        Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Hegland to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.  Motion carried.

 Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of February, 2012.
