Board Minutes of 2004


January 13, 2004

January 26, 2004

February 9, 2004

February 23, 2004

March 8, 2004 March 22, 2004
April 13, 2004 April 26, 2004
May 10, 2004 May 12, 2004
May 24, 2004 June 14, 2004
June 28, 2004 July 12, 2004
August 16, 2004 September 13, 2004
September 27, 2004 October 13, 2004
October 25, 2004 November 9, 2004
November 30, 2004 December 10, 2004

December 13, 2004






























December 13, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th day of December, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent:  none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott,     Assistant High School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of

November 9, 2004 and November 30, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of November, 2004 showed cash receipts of $2,331,255.59 and disbursements of $1,628,378.64, leaving a balance of $2,878,223.09.  General Fund had receipts of $1,495,120.77, received a temporary interfund transfer from the bond fund of $176,407.92 and disbursements of $1,103,444.95, leaving a balance of $2,443,480.70.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $429,781.47 and disbursements of $380,618.11, leaving a balance of $49,163.36.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $240,235.53 and disbursements of $144,315.58, leaving a balance of $298,111.04.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $28,622.17 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $87,467.99.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $137,495.65, sent a temporary interfund transfer to the General Fund of $176,407.92, and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $0.00.

The November, 2004 payroll totaled $865,075.48 of which $453,202.91 was instructional, $280,401.68 was support services, $24,294.85 was co-curricular and $107,176.04 was Special Education. 

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of November, 2004.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on a recent meeting with the District 10 Legislators.  High School Principal, Gregg Talcott, reported that early graduation will take place January 12, 2005.  Presently there are 15 students that are signed up to graduate early.  He also reported that approximately 500 students attended the winter formal.  Assistant High School Principal, Brad Thorson, informed the Board of Education that the High School “Lock Down” went very well last Friday.  He also reported that High School Student Council provided 102 gifts for the Angel Tree.

Special Services Director, Lyn Heidenson, reviewed the 2004-06 Middle School “School Improvement Plan” with the Board of Education.  The following goals were addressed:

·                                             All students will improve their mathematical reasoning skills to solve problems across the curriculum.  54% or more of all students will obtain Advanced or Proficient levels on the Dakota Step test.  15% or more of student with disabilities currently scoring below Basic or Basic will move to Advanced or Proficient levels on the Dakota Step.

·                                             All students will improve their ability to read and comprehend a variety of literary tests in all curricular areas.  71% or more of all students will obtain Advanced or Proficient levels on the Dakota Step Test.  15% or more of all students with disabilities who are currently scoring Below Basic or Basic will move to Advanced or Proficient levels on the Dakota Step Test.

The budgetary requirements of their proposal for Phase I is $24,500 for software and $9,000 for an Educational Assistant (2nd semester cost only).  Phase II included Phase I expenditures plus an additional    10-user software cost of $12,000 and a Reading Specialist at a cost of $40,000.

The Board of Education gave first reading to the following Board Policies:

AA               School District Legal Status

ABA             Community Involvement in Decision-making (Also KC)

ABAA           Parent Involvement Title I                                              

ABAA-R        Parental Involvement Guidelines

ABAB           Parent Involvement Policy

ABAC           Relations with Parents

          AC               Nondiscrimination

AC-R            Brandon Valley Grievance Procedure Required by Title IX

                             And the Office for the Civil Rights Guidelines

AC-R1                   Sample Nondiscrimination Statement

ACAA           Harassment/Sexual Harassment Policy

ACAA-R        Harassment/Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

ACAA-R1      Harassment/Sexual Harassment Formal Complaint Form

ACB             Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability

AD               Educational Philosophy

AE               School District Goals and Objectives

AFA             Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures (Also BK)

AFA-E          Evaluation form of School Board Operational Procedures

AFB                 Evaluation of the Superintendent (Also CBG)

AFB-E          Evaluation of Administrators (Also CBG-E)                

AFB-EE         Evaluation of School Administrators    

AFC             Evaluation of Professional Staff (Also GCN)

AFC-E           Formal/Informal Classroom Observation Forms (Also GCN-E)

AFD             Evaluation of Support Staff (Also GDN)

AFD-E          Evaluation Forms of Support Staff (Also GDN-E)

          AFE/IM          Evaluation of Instructional Programs

          EBC             Emergency Plan

          Motion by Thelen, seconded by Simmons to approve the following general business items:

1.                  Approve open enrollment #06-01.

2.                  Approve public school exemption #33.

3.                  Approve BVEA’s intent to negotiate for the upcoming school year(s).

Motion carried.

          Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the Middle School Improvement Plan as presented by the Administration along with Phase I expenditures.  Motion carried.

            Motion by Duffy, seconded by Thelen to approve the following personnel items:                    

1.      Approve the retirement/resignation of Roxy Kutil, Brandon Elementary, grade 5, effective the end of the 2004-05 school year.

2.      Approve the retirement/resignation of Pam Cool, Brandon Valley High School English Teacher, effective the end of the 2004-05 school year.

3.      Approve the retirement/resignation of Deberah Brown, Brandon Valley High School English & Psychology Teacher, effective the end of the 2004-05 school year.

4.      Approve Resignation of Eric Sammons, Brandon Valley High School Counselor, effective

December 10, 2004 with a $1,500 termination fee.

5.      Approve recommendation to hire Karen Conlon, Brandon Valley High School Child Nutrition Worker, 3.25 hours per day, $8.75/hour.

6.      Approve Kent Foss and Karen Dulka as substitute teachers for 2004-05.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.      Donation from Miller, Sellers, Heroux Architects, Incorporated, to Brandon Elementary Early Childhood Special Education for books, teaching tools, or other equipment.

2.      Thank you from Jenni VanDyke and family for the plant sent for the birth of Kaden.

3.      Thank you from Carol Poppens for the plant honoring her father.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Klumpp reported on the Personnel/Welfare committee’s recent Master Teacher Agreement Analysis Workshop.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                   Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of January, 2005.

                                                Signed ___________________________________


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December 10, 2004

A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 7:00 a.m. on the 10th day of December, 2004 at Fry’n Pan Restaurant in Sioux Falls, SD, with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy and Todd Neuberger.  Absent: None.   Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Senator Gene Abdallah and Representative Roger Hunt.

The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing legislative issues with District 10 legislators.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

          Superintendent Gulson reviewed enrollment, per pupil cost and test score information from Brandon Valley School District 49-2 with legislators.

          The following potential legislative issues were reviewed with Senator Abdallah and Representative Hunt:

1)                 “Other Revenues” – oppose any legislation to change current distribution

2)                 Reinstate education enhancement dollars of $58/student

3)                 Education Coalition’s 3% proposal

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Neuberger to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 a.m. Motion carried.

                                      Signed ____________________________

                                                                   Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of January, 2005.

                                      Signed ____________________________


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November 30, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 30th day of November, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present: Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Operations Manager Todd Williams, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Associate High School Principal Brad Thorson, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried. 

Middle School Science teachers, Donna Juffer-Williams and Rose Mary Christensen presented a new E-Textbook that their classes have been using.  Students are able to access their textbooks via the Internet at home.

Business Manager, Paul Lundberg presented the per pupil cost analysis for the 2003-04 school year as prepared by the State of South Dakota.  Brandon Valley School District 49-2 spends $5,132 per pupil for general fund, special education and pension fund expenditures.  This ranks 168 out of 169 schools districts in efficiency.  President Klumpp commended the administration for their fiscal responsibility in operating the District.

HS Principal, Gregg Talcott presented the results of the parent survey that were given during parent/teacher conferences.  800 surveys were returned.  Survey results were very favorable to the District.  97% of parents gave the district a grade of A or B.  Results of individual questions are available on the District website at

Mr. Talcott informed the Board of Education of different rules that are going into effect at High School dances.  The administration has been concerned about the etiquette at dances.  Therefore, a sexual/suggestive form of dancing referred to a “grinding” has been deemed unacceptable.

The Board of Education reviewed and discussed the following Board Policies:

AA                   School District Legal Status

ABA                 Community Involvement in Decision-making (Also KC)

ABAA               Parent Involvement Title I

ABAA-R           Parental Involvement Guidelines

ABAB               Parent Involvement Policy

ABAC               Relations with Parents

            AC                    Nondiscrimination

AC-R                Brandon Valley Grievance Procedure Required by Title IX

                                    And the Office for the Civil Rights Guidelines

AC-R1              Sample Nondiscrimination Statement

ACAA               Harassment/Sexual Harassment Policy

ACAA-R           Harassment/Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

ACAA-R1         Harassment/Sexual Harassment Formal Complaint Form

ACB                  Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability

AD                   Educational Philosophy

AE                    School District Goals and Objectives

AFA                  Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures (Also BK)

AFA-E              Evaluation form of School Board Operational Procedures

AFB                  Evaluation of the Superintendent (Also CBG)

AFB-E               Evaluation of Administrators (Also CBG-E)            

AFB-EE Evaluation of School Administrators         

AFC                  Evaluation of Professional Staff (Also GCN)

AFC-E               Formal/Informal Classroom Observation Forms (Also GCN-E)

AFD                  Evaluation of Support Staff (Also GDN)

AFD-E               Evaluation Forms of Support Staff (Also GDN-E)

            AFE/IM            Evaluation of Instructional Programs

            EBC                  Emergency Plan

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to eliminate Board Policy ABAA-R, Parental Involvement Guidelines.  Motion carried.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.                   Approve rescinding of Anthony Stomberg’s open enrollment returning to Brandon Elementary.

2.                   Approve change order #1 on Transportation Facility – addition of $17,496.00.

3.                   Approve Title I, Part A Program Comparability Assurances.

4.                   Approve easement on the Fred Assam Memorial Addition for the proposed east side sewer line.

Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following personnel items:

1.         Approve the following substitute teachers for 2004-05:

David Benson

Tobin Bakkendahl

Matthew Kyle

Jill Van Voorst

2.                   Approve recommendation to hire Wesley Jansen, RBE/VSE Custodian @ $9.25/hour with .50 cent/hour night differential.

3.                   Approve recommendation to hire Kathy Emerson, substitute bus driver.

Motion carried.

Travel Reports were reviewed.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Todd Neuberger reported on Transportation.  Mike Klumpp reported on the EDEC.  Bonnie Duffy reported on the Bus Facility.  She reported that the building is scheduled to be completed December 17, 2004.  A curriculum committee meeting was scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on December 7, 2004 at the Administration Center.  Bonnie Duffy also reported on the Legislative meeting put on by ASBSD to review legislative issues.  Kevin Thelen reported on Child Nutrition.  He commended Gay Anderson on her efforts with the food service department.  Patricia Simmons reported on the Safety Committee.  They have been looking into hiring crossing guards through the “Experience Works” program.  All expenses are covered by this program.  The committee did a final review of the Emergency Manual.  They also are reviewing the feasibility of hiring a Resource Officer.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to go into Executive Session at 8:26 p.m. for a personnel matter.

The Board of Education came out of Executive Session at 8:44 p.m.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve additional duty compensation of $4,000 to Karen Heyden for Interim Valley Springs Principal duties and $1,000 to Gregg Talcott for Interim Curriculum duties.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of December, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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November 9, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 5:00 p.m. on the 9th day of November, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent:  Kevin Thelen.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson and Operations Manager Todd Williams.

The regular meeting was preceded at 4:00 p.m. with a demonstration of the new bus scheduling/routing program.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of

October 13, 2004 and October 25, 2004 as well as the minutes of the special meeting of October 13, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of October, 2004 showed cash receipts of $1,238,411.52 and disbursements of $1,566,190.30, leaving a balance of $2,175,346.14.  General Fund had receipts of $985,974.12, sent a temporary interfund transfer to the capital outlay fund of $34,017.13 and disbursements of $1,097,714.14, leaving a balance of $1,875,396.96.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $113,206.77, received a temporary interfund transfer of $34,017.13 from the general fund and disbursements of $332,103.34, leaving a balance of $0.00.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $98,431.78 and disbursements of $136,372.82, leaving a balance of $202,191.09.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $7,039.51 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $58,845.82.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $33,759.34 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $38,912.27.

The October, 2004 payroll totaled $832,430.15 of which $449,314.68 was instructional, $257,480.43 was support services, $23,166.51 was co-curricular and $102,468.53 was Special Education.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of October, 2004.  Motion carried.

Lorraine Osheim, Robert Bennis Elementary 5th grade teacher, spoke to the Board of Education regarding a pilot program called “Accelerated Math”.  The program is similar to the Accelerated Reader program that Brandon Valley has successfully run for several years.

Superintendent Gulson reported the status of the COPS Grant.  The grant for a Resource Officer was not approved but is still under consideration.  If the grant is not approved, Brandon Valley will consider, during the budget process, hiring a Resource Officer in conjunction with the City of Brandon.

Mrs. Simmons departed the meeting at 5:45 p.m.

The Board of Education gave second reading to the following Board Policies:

JECB/JECC               Admission of Nonresident Students

JG                               Student Discipline

JGA                             Prohibition of Corporal Punishment

JGD/JGE               Student Suspension/Expulsion

          JGD-JGE-E (1)         Notice of Hearing

          JGD-JGE-E (2)         SD Codified Laws (SDCL) 13-32-4                                                     

JGD-JGE-E (3)         Hearing Procedure    

JGD-JGE-E (4)         Waiver of Hearing Form

JGD-JGE-E (5)         Opening Statements by Board President

JGD-JGE-E (6)         Findings of Fact

JHC                       Nursing Services

JHCA                          Physical Examination

JHCB                          Immunization Policy

JHCC                          Student Communicable Diseases

JHCC-R                      Student Communicable Diseases Guidelines

JHCD                     Medications

JHCD-R                      Long Term Medication Supervision Form

JHCD-R(1)                Short Term Medication Supervision Form

JHCE                           Handling Blood and Other Body Fluids

JHD                      Student Psychological Services

JHFA                        Supervision of Students

JHFB                     Student Safety Patrol

JHG                             Reporting Child Abuse

JI                              Student Awards and Scholarships

JL                                Student Gifts and Solicitations

JN                         Student Fees, Fines and Charges

JO                               Student Records

JO-R                     Confidentiality

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Duffy to approve the board policies as presented.  Motion carried.

          Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following general business items:

1.                  Approve revised state and out-of-state meal rates:

In State:                           Out-of-State:

$ 5.00 Breakfast                 $ 8.00 Breakfast

$ 9.00 Lunch                     $11.00 Lunch

$12.00 Dinner                    $17.00 Dinner

2.                  Approve hiring an assistant for the Transportation Department.

3.                  Approved continued membership with EDEC for 2005-06.

4.                  Approve lone snow removal quote from Jeremy Scadden Construction, Inc.:

Loader 3.5 yd     1@           $62.50 per hour

Loader 3.75 yd   1@           $62.50 per hour

Pickup w/blade   2@            $45.00 per hour

Backhoe            1@           $55.00 per hour

Motion carried.

            Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Approve the following for substitute teachers for 2004-05:

Erin Sertle

Cheryl Cox

2.        Approve resignation from Donna Jackson, BVHS Child Nutrition effective November 5, 2004.

3.        Approve resignation from Chuck Plummer, BVHS Head Football Coach position effective immediately.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you for plant from Jon & Anne Peters on birth of their son, Isaiah.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Neuberger reported on Transportation.  He reviewed the new routing software and the need for an assistant in the transportation department.  Duffy reported on the progress of the Transportation Facility.

Travel reports were heard.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to adjourn the meeting at 5:59 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                   Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of December, 2004.

                                                Signed ___________________________________


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October 25, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 25th day of  October, 2004 at Valley Springs Elementary with the following members present: Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Operations Manager Todd Williams, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Associate High School Principal Brad Thorson, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Simmons to reopen the agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Valley Springs Elementary 5th Grade Orchestra students, under the direction of Doc Walker, performed for the Board of Education.

Administrative reports were heard.  An update on the progresses of the Safety Committee was given by Operations Manager, Todd Williams.  A preliminary cost estimate to outfit the High School Commons, entrances and parking lot was reviewed as proposed by Midwest Alarm Co.  Mr. Williams will seek a breakdown of costs before the purchasing process will proceed.  The committee has been reviewing crisis and lock down procedures district wide.  One area of concern was the High School classroom doors not being able to be locked from the inside.  Cost estimates are being looked into.

Superintendent Gulson reviewed the 2004-05 fall enrollments of the ESD+6 schools.  Brandon Valley is presently the 6th largest school district in the state of South Dakota at 2,781 students. 

Operations Manager, Todd Williams, reviewed the status of future housing developments in the Brandon Valley School District.

President Klumpp continued discussion on the short and long term goals as proposed by the Board of Education members.

The Board of Education gave first reading to the following Board Policies:

JECB/JECC                     Admission of Nonresident Students

JG                                 Student Discipline

JGA                               Prohibition of Corporal Punishment

JGD/JGE             Student Suspension/Expulsion

            JGD-JGE-E (1)                Notice of Hearing

            JGD-JGE-E (2)                SD Codified Laws (SDCL) 13-32-4                                                           

JGD-JGE-E (3)                Hearing Procedure         

JGD-JGE-E (4)                Waiver of Hearing Form

JGD-JGE-E (5)                Opening Statements by Board President

JGD-JGE-E (6)                Findings of Fact

JHC                               Nursing Services

JHCA                             Physical Examination

JHCB                             Immunization Policy

JHCC                             Student Communicable Diseases

JHCC-R                          Student Communicable Diseases Guidelines

JHCD                             Medications

JHD                              Student Psychological Services

JHFA                            Supervision of Students

JHFB                             Student Safety Patrol

JHG                               Reporting Child Abuse

JI                                  Student Awards and Scholarships

JL                                 Student Gifts and Solicitations

JN                                 Student Fees, Fines and Charges

JO                                 Student Records

JO-R                             Confidentiality

The following Board Policies were given second reading by the Board of Education:

EBCEA                           Automated External Defibrillator

EBCEA-R                        Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Incident Report

EBCEA-R(1)                   Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection Readiness Inventory

EBCEA-R(2)                   AED Post Rescue Protocol

EBCEA-R(3)                   AED Post Rescue Protocol

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the board policies as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the following general business items:

1.                   Approve open enrollment #05-00329.

2.                   Approve Middle School Ski/Snowboarding Exploratory for 2004-05.

3.                   Approve purchase of a Dodge 4X4 Pickup from Wegner-Chrysler for a total of $19,510.00 (State Bid Contract #14371).

Motion carried

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following personnel items:

1.         Approve the following substitute teachers for 2004-05:

Jill Homer

2.                   Approve recommendation to hire Eric Sammons, High School Guidance Counselor at MA+15 Step 9 - $25,684 (145 days).

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          Agenda/Minutes-East Dakota Educational Cooperative.

2.          Lyn Heidenson reviewed the new Medicaid Administrative Cost Reimbursement Program at Brandon Valley.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Bonnie Duffy reported on the progress of the transportation facility.

Travel Reports were reviewed.

Next Board meeting will be November 9, 2004 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Neuberger to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th  day of November, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________


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October 13, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th day of October, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Associate High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Brenda Waterbury’s Gifted Ed students presented their award winning web site productions to the Board of Education.  They received top awards in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of September 13, 2004 and September 27, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of September, 2004 showed cash receipts of $1,054,143.47 and disbursements of $1,601,261.63, leaving a balance of $2,503,124.92.  General Fund had receipts of $986,257.70 and disbursements of $1,117,233.98, leaving a balance of $2,021,154.11.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $8,410.97 and disbursements of $352,943.80, leaving a balance of $184,879.44.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $56,230.97 and disbursements of $131,083.85, leaving a balance of $240,132.13.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $556.52 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $51,806.31.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $2,687.31 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $5,152.93.

The September, 2004 payroll totaled $681,001.34 of which $437,365.73 was instructional, $132,595.48 was support services, $20,391.72 was co-curricular and $90,648.41 was Special Education.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of September, 2004.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson asked the Board if they wanted to televise Board meetings.  The Board of Education will consider this request at a later meeting.  Superintendent Gulson reviewed the student immunization deficiency letters.  He also reviewed the official fall enrollment numbers:  High School – 831, MS – 597,  BE – 641, RBE – 545, VSE – 167.  Total – 2,781.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Neuberger to nominate Jim Heinitz as a representative for the East Dakota Educational Foundation Board.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Duffy, Neuberger, Thelen, Simmons and Klumpp.  Nay:  None.  Motion carried.

          High School Principal, Gregg Talcott, reviewed the latest in-service day held on October 12, 2004.  He also reviewed the drug awareness forum that was held last night.  Assistant High School Principal, Brad Thorson, updated the BOE on the Safety Committee meetings.  The committee has been writing emergency manuals for each building and looking at security cameras to be purchased through a Homeland Security Grant.  Board President Klumpp acknowledged the hard work and continued efforts of this Safety Committee.

The following Board Policies were given first reading by the Board of Education:

EBCEA                             Automated External Defibrillator

EBCEA-R                Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Incident Report

EBCEA-R(1)           Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection Readiness Inventory

EBCEA-R(2)           AED Post Rescue Protocol

EBCEA-R(3)           AED Post Rescue Protocol


The following Board Policies were reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education:

JECB/JECC               Admission of Nonresident Students

JG                               Student Discipline

JGA                             Prohibition of Corporal Punishment

JGD/JGE               Student Suspension/Expulsion

          JGD-JGE-E (1)         Notice of Hearing

          JGD-JGE-E (2)         SD Codified Laws (SDCL) 13-32-4                                                     

JGD-JGE-E (3)         Hearing Procedure    

JGD-JGE-E (4)         Waiver of Hearing Form

JGD-JGE-E (5)         Opening Statements by Board President

JGD-JGE-E (6)         Findings of Fact

JHC                       Nursing Services

JHCA                          Physical Examination

JHCB                          Immunization Policy

JHCC                          Student Communicable Diseases

JHCC-R                      Student Communicable Diseases Guidelines

JHCD                     Medications

JHCE                           Handling Blood and Other Body Fluids

JHD                      Student Psychological Services

JHFA                        Supervision of Students

JHFB                     Student Safety Patrol

JHG                             Reporting Child Abuse

JI                              Student Awards and Scholarships

JL                                Student Gifts and Solicitations

JN                         Student Fees, Fines and Charges

JO                               Student Records

JO-R                     Confidentiality

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to approve Open Enrollment #05-00324 and to approve Public Exemption request #24.  Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to declare 1996 Chevrolet Lumina vehicle as surplus property valued under $500.  Motion carried.

            Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Approve the following for substitute teachers for 2004-05

Leisa Aanenson

Cara Harms

Laurie Nelson

Melissa Murphy

Dennis Miles

Kathy Weber

2.        Approve resignation from Tracy Weidner, VSE/RBE Custodian, effective 10/8/04.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you for flowers from Carol Cook

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  A transportation committee meeting is set for October 28, 2004 at 8:00 a.m.  Alternative education meeting is set for October 20, 2004 at East Dakota Education Cooperative.  The first November board meeting was changed to November 9, 2004 at 5:00 p.m.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                   Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of November, 2004.

                                                Signed ___________________________________



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 Special Board Meeting October 13, 2004

A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 5:00 p.m. on the 13th day of October, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary School with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy and Todd Neuberger.  Absent: None.   Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was held for the purpose of conducting a Board of Education retreat/work session.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

Each individual board member presented 2 – 3 short and long-range goals.  President Klumpp reviewed these goals and grouped them into 3 major themes that were reviewed and discussed.  They are as follows:

1)                 “No Child Left Behind” Issues

2)                 Growth – Administration was instructed to perform analysis and research on potential housing developments in the Brandon Valley School District 49-2.  This will help in planning and charting the growth of the district.

3)                 Utilization of Valley Springs Elementary – Involve the communities as a whole to develop plans to best utilize this facility.  A facilitator could be hired to organize these efforts (McCrel).  The administration will look into costs and feasibility.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Simmons to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried.

                                      Signed ____________________________

                                                                   Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of November, 2004.

                                      Signed ____________________________



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September 27, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 27th day of  September, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present: Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, Operations Manager Todd Williams, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Associate High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst, Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Curt VanOort spoke to the Board of Education concerning communications.  Some of his suggestions included:  publicize the email addresses of PTA and PTSO presidents, further details of the minutes on the district web-site, further promotion of the district web-site, televise Board meetings, web casting of Board meetings.

Administrative reports were heard.  High School Principal Gregg Talcott presented the results of The American Drug/Alcohol Survey that was taken last spring in grades 6-12.  Survey results will be made available on the District web-site.

Joan Frevik from East Dakota Educational Cooperative presented to the Board of Education an overview of the Cooperative’s programs and services.  In addition, Barb Hansen and Lori Stoltenburg presented information on the newly formed Education Service Agency (Region II).  The Region II ESA operates under the direction of the East Dakota Educational Cooperative.  The ESA is a delivery service agency to primarily assist schools in the implementation of the No Child Left Behind legislation.

Superintendent Gulson reviewed the contents of Amendment B which is on the November, 2004 ballot.  Basically, Amendment B proposes that non-public school students be provided transportation and food services by the local public school district.  Superintendent Gulson also reviewed Initiated Measure One which would eliminate sales tax on food.  The Board of Education will write an article for the local newspaper outlining the Associated School Board’s position of opposing both of these issues.

The Board of Education has set a board retreat/work session on October 13, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. preceding the regular school board meeting at Robert Bennis Elementary School.

Dave Swier, City of Brandon, spoke to the Board of Education regarding the interest of the City of Brandon to obtain the old Bus Barn to be used as a parks/maintenance building to be located at McHardy Park.  Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to donate the existing Bus Barn to the City of Brandon at no charge.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Simmons to approve the following general business items:

1.                   Approve the amended 2004-05 budget as presented. (see attached)

2.                   Recommendation to approve lone quote for petroleum – Palisade Oil, Garretson, SD.

Motion carried.

Board Policy EBCEA – Automated External Defibrillator – was reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education.

The following Board Policies were given second and final reading by the Board of Education:

JA                    Student Policies Goals

JB                     Equal Educational Opportunities

JC                     School Attendance Areas

JC-E                 Map of School Attendance Areas

            JC-E 1              Map of City of Brandon

            JC-E 2              Map of Brandon Valley School District                              

JE                     Compulsory Student Attendance

JEAA                Students Alternative Instruction

JEB                   Entrance Age

JEC                   School Admissions

JECA                Admission of Resident Students

JECAA              New Residents

JECAAA           Transfers from Non-accredited Schools

JECBA              Admission of Exchange Students

JECC                 Assignment of Students to School 

JECE                 Student Withdrawal from School  

JED                   Student Absences and Excuses

JED-R               Regulations Pertaining to All Absences

JEDA                Truancy

JEDB                 Student Dismissal Precautions

JEE                   Student Attendance Accounting

JEG                   Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance

JF                     Student Rights and Responsibilities

JFA                   Student Due Process Rights

            JFC                   Student Conduct

JFCA                 Student Dress Code

JFCF                  Hazing

             JFCG                Smoking by Students

             JFCH/JFCI      Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Students

             JFCI                 Student Drug Use

             JFCJ                 Dangerous Weapons in the Schools

             JFE                   Pregnant/Married Students

JFG                   Interrogations and Searches

JFH                   Student Complaints and Grievances

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve these board policies as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.            Recommendation to hire Randy Megard, Assistant MS Football Coach @ 6% BA Step 3 - $1,694.

2.            Approve the following substitute teachers for 2004-05:

Mike Covert

Kelly Jones

Stephanie Knutson

Cynthia Lenz

Sarah Nichols

Travis Schipper

Karla Tschetter

Mike Watson

Vicki Tucek

Jessica Weishaar

3.            Approve the following lane changes:

Kevin Kessler         BA+15 to MA                             

Daycleth Walker     BA to BA+15

4.            Resignation of Kristie Sundell, BVHS counselor effective 11/01/04 with $1,500 termination fee.

5.            Recommendation to hire Sharon Brua, substitute child nutrition @$8/hour.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          Agenda/Minutes-East Dakota Educational Cooperative.

2.          Maternity leave request from Janice Bolcerek on or about January 4, 2005.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Kevin Thelen reported on Transportation.  He reported that the new VersaTran Computer program is up and running.  The committee is looking at additional help in the transportation department.  Next transportation meeting is scheduled for October 28, 2004 at 8:00 a.m.  Patricia Simmons reported on the last meeting of the East Dakota Educational Cooperative.  Bonnie Duffy reported on the progress of the new transportation facility.  The next transportation meeting is scheduled for September 30, 2004 at 7:00 a.m.        Todd Neuberger reported on a recent Child Nutrition meeting.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th  day of October, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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September 13, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th day of September, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, High School Principal Gregg Talcott, Associate High School Principal Brad Thorson, Activities Director Randy Marso, Middle School Principal Dan Pansch, Assistant Middle School Principal Randy Hill, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal Merle Horst and Special Services Director Lyn Heidenson.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 16, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of August, 2004 showed cash receipts of $667,763.34 and disbursements of $1,610,739.84, leaving a balance of $3,050,243.08.  General Fund had receipts of $592,782.12 and disbursements of $1,088,861.35, leaving a balance of $2,152,130.39.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $17,723.56  and disbursements of $397,163.55, leaving a balance of $529,412.27.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $54,290.70 and disbursements of $124,714.94, leaving a balance of $314,985.01.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $501.34 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $51,249.79.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $2,465.62 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $2,465.62.

Patricia Simmons publicly thanked the Valley Springs PTA for their $10,000 donation to the Valley Springs Elementary playground equipment project.

The August, 2004 payroll totaled $668,319.49 of which $309,422.31 was instructional, $206,414.00 was support services, $17,012.35 was co-curricular, $67,830.33 was Special Education, and $67,640.50 was In-Service Payroll.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of August, 2004.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported the city of Brandon’s interest to acquire the present bus facility at no cost.  A decision will be made next board meeting.  The Superintendent asked the Board members if they wanted their pictures, phone numbers, email addresses and biographies on the district website.  The Board of Education agreed to publish this information on the website.

Middle School principal, Dan Pansch, reported the new program (Child Safety Net) with the Life Touch School Portrait Co.  All student pictures will be available to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at the parent’s request.  Life Touch is responsible for the Middle School, High School and Valley Springs Elementary.  The Board of Education consensus was to proceed with the program.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to nominate John Whitelock as a replacement for Wayne Kerslake on the EDEC Foundation Board.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Simmons, Duffy.  Voted nay: Neuberger, Thelen, Klumpp.  Motion failed.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Neuberger to open up the nomination process and bring back the possible selections at the next meeting.  Klumpp rescinded this motion.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Neuberger to have President Klumpp contact Wayne Kerslake to see if he will continue in the interim.  Klumpp will also meet with Coop Director, Dan Goodwin to develop criteria for this foundation board member position.  Motion carried. 

Superintendent Gulson discussed changing to one board meeting per month rather than the scheduled two.  The Board of Education decided to leave the schedule at two meetings per month.

Superintendent Gulson also informed the Board of Education of a patron concern of inmates working at the School District grounds.  He assured the Board of Education that these workers are minimum-security people and are closely monitored by District staff.

Special Services Director, Lyn Heidenson, reported that there are presently 302 students on Individual Education Plans in the Brandon Valley School District.

The following Board Policies were given first reading by the Board of Education:

JA                    Student Policies Goals

JB                     Equal Educational Opportunities

JC                     School Attendance Areas

JC-E                 Map of School Attendance Areas

            JC-E 1              Map of City of Brandon

            JC-E 2              Map of Brandon Valley School District                              

JD                    School Census

JE                     Student Attendance

JEA                  Compulsory Attendance Ages

JEAA                Students Alternative Instruction

JEB                   Entrance Age

JEC                   School Admissions

JECA                Admission of Resident Students

JECAA              New Residents

JECAAA           Transfers from Non-accredited Schools

JECBA              Admission of Exchange Students

JECBB               Admission of Inter-district Transfer Students

JECC                 Assignment of Students to School 

JECE                 Student Withdrawal from School  

JED                   Student Absences and Excuses

JED-R               Regulations Pertaining to All Absences

JEDA                Truancy

JEDB                 Student Dismissal Precautions

JEE                   Student Attendance Accounting

JEF                   Released Time for Students

JEG                   Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance

JF                     Student Rights and Responsibilities

JF-R                 Division of Elementary & Secondary Education

JFA                   Student Due Process Rights

JFB                   Crisis Management Team Guidelines

                                     (Also CD, EBCE, GBB, KBCAA)

            JFC                   Student Conduct

JFCA                 Student Dress Code

JFCC                 Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (Also EEACC)

JFCC-R             Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (Also EEACC-R)

JFCF                  Hazing

             JFCG                Smoking by Students

             JFCH/JFCI      Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Students

             JFCI                 Student Drug Use

             JFCJ                 Dangerous Weapons in the Schools

             JFE/JFF           Pregnant/Married Students

JFG                   Interrogations and Searches

JFH                   Student Complaints and Grievances

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve Open Enrollment #05-00318 to #05-00328 and to approve Public Exemption requests #1,3,10-11, 14, 25, 32 and 33.  Motion carried.

            Motion by Thelen, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Resignation from Mary Jo Skalland, BE Food Service, effective August 24, 2004.

2.        Recommendation to hire Adam Bobzien, Assistant MS Track Coach, 6.0% Step Base, $1,638.00.

3.        Recommendation to hire Nancy Pingatore, Community Ed/Theater Secretary, $9.50 per hour.

4.        Recommendation to hire Karen Janssen, BE Food Service, $8.75/hour, 3 hours a day.

5.        Recommendation to hire Kamille Murphy, MS Cheer Coach, 5.5% Step Base, $1,502.00.

6.        Approve increase of EA time for Cindy Murphy from 19 hours per week to 35 hours per week.

7.        Approve the following for substitute teachers for 2004-05:

Ann Anderson

Thomas Bass

Rhonda Begley

Julie Briggs

Richard Coots

Matthew Dreke

Troy Erlandson

Char Fritz

Barb Hansen

Laura Heidebrink

Willis Hoff

Becky Hollaren

John Howd

 Diana Johnson


Theresa Kierzek

Donna Kinnan

Donna Lease

Lorraine Lee

Jolene Murren

Mary Niedringhaus

Marilyn Ode

Laura Peschong

Lehla Pietz

Roberta Pool

John Rothenberger

Sharon Rykhus

Sheila Samsel

Diane Schroeder


Jan Schroeder

Richard Scholle

Jessica Simmons

Gary Stensaas

Ruth Stetinichs

Leigh Thelen

Alma Tonsager

Michele Zoellner

Peggy Eidem

Cynthia Schilf

Debbie Hoffman

Jacqueline Trygstad-Olson

Cynthia Lenz

Karla Tschetter

8.        Approve the following lane-changes:

Rose Mary Christensen              MA+15 to MA+30          

Mary Erickson                           BA to BA+15                 

Tom Grode                               BA+15 to MA                 

Melissa Johnson                        BA to BA+15

Robert Keisacker                       BA to BA+15

Amy Frantzen                           BA to BA+15

Tom Kerr                                 BA+15 to MA

Edward Murtha                         BA+15 to MA

Sue Norberg                             BA+15 to MA

Derek Outland                           BA+15 to MA

Dian Versteeg                           MA to MA+15

Laura Olson                              BA to BA+15

 Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you from Cliff and Mary Gile for this complimentary staff pass for school events.

2.        Thank you from Sue Norberg for the lunch and workshop day gathering.

3.        Thank you from Lorraine Osheim for approving leave without pay to attend daughter’s golf tournament at SCSU.

4.        EDEC Agenda from Tuesday, August 17, 2004

5.        Wendy Tryon maternity leave starting on or about November 8, 2004.

6.        Thank you from the ESA Region 2 staff that was invited to participate in the presentations by Dr. Melmer and Mr. Talcott.

7.        Thank you from Scott and Mark Stadem families for flowers in memory of their father.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Kevin Thelen reported on Transportation.  Patricia Simmons reported on Student Activities and Curriculum.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to move into executive session at 7:59 p.m. for personnel matters.  Motion carried.

The Board of Education came out of executive session into open session at 8:15 p.m.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to offer Tonya Czepull the Valley Springs Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director Position at $55,500/year, 209 day contract (prorated to start date).  Motion carried

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of October, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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August 16, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 16th day of August, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Mike Klumpp, Kevin Thelen, Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, and Todd Neuberger.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Klumpp and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of July, 2004 showed cash receipts of $895,055.00 and disbursements of $2,297,482.95, leaving a balance of $3,993,219.58.  General Fund had receipts of $795,107.90, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $291,367.39 to the Bond Redemption Fund, and disbursements of $824,569.23, leaving a balance of $2,648,209.62.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $26,529.39 and disbursements of $661,201.72, leaving a balance of $908,852.26.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $63,131.55 and disbursements of $326,557.88, leaving a balance of $385,409.25.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $1,678.72 and disbursements of $80,258.37, leaving a balance of $50,748.45.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $8,607.44, received a temporary interfund transfer of $291,367.39 from the General Fund, and disbursements of $404,868.75, leaving a balance of $0.00. 

The July, 2004 payroll totaled $662,363.10 of which $312,702.31 was instructional, $184,934.32 was support services, $16,490.82 was co-curricular, $73,655.65 was Special Services, and $74,580.00 was Early Retirement.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of July, 2004.  Motion carried.

Georgia Bender spoke to the Board of Education concerning the vacated principal job at Valley Springs Elementary.  She requested of the Board of Education to make/keep the principal a full time on-site position.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on the following preliminary enrollment numbers:           Brandon Elementary – 642; Robert Bennis Elementary – 539; Valley Springs Elementary – 157;

             Brandon Valley Middle School – 600; Brandon Valley High School – 830

Testing Coordinator, Randy Hill, reported the results of the Dakota Step Tests.  Brandon Valley scored extremely well in all areas.  President Klumpp congratulated the staff at Brandon Valley for the excellent scores.

Joel Grim thanked the Board of Education, Administration, staff, parents and students for his years of service at Brandon Valley. 

The following Board Policies were reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education:


JA                    Student Policies Goals

JB                     Equal Educational Opportunities

JC                     School Attendance Areas

JC-E                 Map of School Attendance Areas

            JC-E 1              Map of City of Brandon

            JC-E 2              Map of Brandon Valley School District                           

JD                    School Census

JE                     Student Attendance

JEA                  Compulsory Attendance Ages

JEAA                Students Alternative Instruction

JEB                   Entrance Age

JEC                   School Admissions

JECA                Admission of Resident Students

JECAA              New Residents

JECAAA            Transfers from Non-accredited Schools

JECBA              Admission of Exchange Students

JECBB               Admission of Inter-district Transfer Students

JECC                 Assignment of Students to School 

JECE                 Student Withdrawal from School  

JED                   Student Absences and Excuses

JED-R               Regulations Pertaining to All Absences

JEDA                Truancy

JEDB                 Student Dismissal Precautions

JEE                   Student Attendance Accounting

JEF                   Released Time for Students

JEG                   Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance

JF                     Student Rights and Responsibilities

JF-R                 Division of Elementary & Secondary Education

JFA                   Student Due Process Rights

JFB                   Crisis Management Team Guidelines

                                     (Also CD, EBCE, GBB, KBCAA)

            JFC                   Student Conduct

JFCA                 Student Dress Code

JFCC                 Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles(Also EEACC)

JFCC-R             Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles(Also EEACC-R)

JFCF                        Hazing

             JFCG                Smoking by Students

             JFCH/JFCI      Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Students

             JFCI                 Student Drug Use

             JFCJ                 Dangerous Weapons in the Schools

             JFE/JFF           Pregnant/Married Students

JFG                   Interrogations and Searches

JFH                   Student Complaints and Grievances

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to rescind Board Policy JD.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to rescind policy entitled Student Attendance.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to rescind Board Policy JECBB.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to rescind Board Policy JEF.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to rescind Board Policy JF-R.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following general business items:

1.     Approve change order for #1 Transportation Facility, add $2,254.46.

2.     Approve Open Enrollment #05-00313 - #05-00317.

3.     Approve Public Exemption request #4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15-19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30 & 32.

4.     Approve Brandon Valley Booster Club keeping the gate receipts from the home football game scheduled for September 4, 2004, Pigskin Classic.

Motion carried.

            Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to approve the change in the Welfare Committee by adding Patricia Simmons, replacing Bonnie Duffy.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.     Resignation from Nancy Tiffany, MS SpEd EA, effective August 9, 2004.

2.     Resignation from Kathy Sorenson, BE 1st Grade Teacher, effective immediately with termination fee of $1,200.

3.     Resignation from Joel Grim, Principal at VSE, 8/17/2004 with termination fee of $1,200.

4.     Recommendation to hire Donna Jackson, BVHA Child Nutrition, 3.5 hour per day, $8.75 per hour.

5.     Recommendation to hire Michele Dandurand, BVHS Custodian, $9.25 per hour plus $.50 per hour night differential.

6.     Recommendation to hire David Flanagan, BE Custodian, $9.25 per hour.

7.     Recommendation to hire Lisa Lewis, BE 1st Grade, BA Step 10, $30,834.

8.     Recommendation to hire Ashley Matzke, Title I Teacher, Base $10.79 per hour.

9.     Recommendation to hire Sara Carolan, MS SpEd EA, $9.00 per hour, 35 hours a week, plus 7th grade Head Volleyball, 6.5% Step Base, $1,175.00; 8th grade Assistant Girl’s Basketball, 6.0% Step 1, $1,656.00.

10.  Recommendation to hire Missy Johnson, Head Softball Coach, 12.5% Step Base, $3,412.00.

11.  Recommendation to hire Kory Scholten, Assistant Middle School Track and Field, 6% Step Base, $1,638.00.

12.  Recommendation to hire Michelle Stemwedel, Assistant Oral Interpretation, 6.5% Step 2, $1,814.00.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.     Jennifer Van Dyke’s request for maternity leave starting on or about November 11, 2004.

2.     Transfer Barb Langner to Brandon Elementary Building Custodial Supervisor, current hourly rate plus $1.00, effective 8/16/2004.

3.     Transfer Carrie Bakken from Brandon Elementary 1st Grade to 3rd Grade.

4.     Thank you from Billie Taylor for the plant given in memory of her parent.

5.     Building Permit Report.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Curriculum meeting was set for September 8, 2004 at 7:00 pm.  Safety committee meeting was set for September 9, 2004 at 4:00 p.m.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to move into executive session at 8:36 m for personnel matters.  Motion carried.

The Board of Education came out of executive session into open session at 9:24 p.m.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to appoint Karen Heyden as Interim Principal at Valley Springs Elementary School and to advertise for Principal/Curriculum Director Position.  Motion carried.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Simmons to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 13th day of September, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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July 12, 2004

The annual meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 6:40 p.m. on the 12th of July, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Mike Klumpp, Todd Neuberger and Kevin Thelen.  Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, and other members of the administration.

The Annual Budget Hearing preceded the Board of Education regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.

President Simmons called the regular meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Todd Neuberger and Kevin Thelen were sworn in and took the Oath of Office for 3-year terms on the Board of Education for the Brandon Valley School District. 

Superintendent Gulson presided over the meeting for the election of Board Officers.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to nominate Mike Klumpp as Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2004-05 school year.   On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Neuberger, Thelen, Klumpp.   Voted nay: Duffy, Simmons.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Neuberger to nominate Kevin Thelen as Vice Chairperson of the Board of Education for the 2004-05 school year.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Klumpp, Neuberger, Thelen, Simmons, Duffy.  Voted nay:  none.  Motion carried.

Mike Klumpp presided over the meeting as the newly elected president.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Simmons to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to adopt the following regular procedures for 2004-05 Board of Education meetings:

Meeting place: Robert Bennis Elementary Room #C204, Valley Springs Elementary Board Room (4th Monday of October and April).

Name of Official Newspaper: Brandon Valley Challenger – Prairie Publications, Dell Rapids.

Name of Official Depositories: First National Bank, Home Federal Savings Bank, South Dakota F.I.T., and Security Bank.

Board reimbursement rate for 2004-05 - $65.00.

Authorized the Business Manager to:

·               Invest temporary excess funds.

·               Make temporary interfund transfers when necessary.

·               Make debt service payments as due throughout the year.

Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger, seconded by Thelen to adopt the following date and times of meetings:

6:30 P.M. on the second and fourth Monday of each month except July and December there is only one meeting held on the second Monday of the month.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Neuberger, Thelen, Simmons, Klumpp.  Voted nay:  Duffy. Motion Carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to approve Order of Roll Call: Motion, second, and alternating.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the following Committees:

A)                Alternative Education

                 Chairperson – Mike Klumpp

                 Member – Patricia Simmons

B)                Buildings and Grounds

                 Chairperson – Bonnie Duffy

                 Member – Todd Neuberger 

C)                Child Nutrition:

                 Chairperson – Todd Neuberger

                 Member – Kevin Thelen

D)                City Affairs and Legislation

                 Chairperson – Bonnie Duffy

                 Member – Kevin Thelen

E)                Personnel Welfare:

                 Chairperson – Mike Klumpp

                 Member – Bonnie Duffy

F)                Student Activities and Curriculum:

                 Chairperson – Patricia Simmons

                 Member –  Mike Klumpp

G)                Transportation:

                 Chairperson – Kevin Thelen    

                                  Member – Todd Neuberger

            Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Thelen to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 2004 and the special meeting of June 28, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of June, 2004 showed receipts of $3,865,321.81 and disbursements of $1,261,933.65, leaving a balance of $5,395,647.53.  The General Fund had receipts of $2,414,116.63, received a temporary interfund transfer of $141,678.27 from the Bond Fund and disbursements of $1,072,447.70, leaving a balance of $2,969,038.34.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $772,368.20 and disbursements of $59,309.01, leaving a balance of $1,543,524.59.  Pension Fund had receipts of $51,329.86 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $129,355.10.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $380,934.93, and disbursements $124,361.03, leaving a balance of $648,835.58.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $246,572.19, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $141,678.27 to the General Fund and disbursements of $0.00 leaving a balance of $104,893.92.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $5,815.91, leaving a balance of $0.

The June, 2004 payroll totaled $762,273.12, of which $432,750.34 was instructional, $234,866.51 was support services, $19,207.58 was co-curricular, and  $75,448.69 was Special Education.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Neuberger to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of June, 2004.  Motion carried.

Joel Grim, District Curriculum Director, gave a report to the Board of Education on the Brandon Valley K-12 Reading and Communication Arts Standards.   He also outlined the schedules for the District’s in-service meetings starting on 8/23/04.  Dr. Rick Melmer will be the keynote speaker.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson informed he Board of Education of the ASBSD/SASD Convention on 8/11/04 – 8/13/04.  Mike Klumpp was named the delegate and Kevin Thelen was named the alternate for the convention.

High School Principal, Gregg Talcott, reported on the Model Schools Conference that he recently attended in Washington, D.C., as a guest of the state of South Dakota and Dr. Rick Melmer.

Middle School Principal, Dan Pansch, reported on the new 5-year cycle for Brandon Valley’s North Central Accreditation.  Reading and Math have been identified as Brandon Valley’s K-12 Goals.

Operations Manager, Todd Williams, updated the Board of Education on various building projects being completed this summer.

The following board policies were given the second reading by the Board of Education:

A.      Section K

1)    KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

B.       Section I

1)         IIBG – Computer Assisted Instruction

2)         IIBF - Telecommunications   

            C.    Section B

1)         BA – Board Operational Goals

2)         BB – School Board Legal Status

3)         BBA – School Board Powers and Duties

4)         BBAA – Board Member Authority

5)         BBB – School Board Elections

6)         BBBA – Board Member Qualifications

7)         BBBB – Board Member Oath of Office

8)         BBBB-E – Board Member Oath of Office

9)         BBC – Board Member Resignation/Removal From Office

10)      BBE – Unexpired Term Fulfillment

11)      BBF-E – School Board Member Ethics

12)      BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest

13)      BCA – Board Organizational Meeting

14)      BCB – Board Officers

15)      BCC – Appointed Board Officials

16)      BCD – Board-Superintendent Relationship

17)      BCD-E – Board Superintendent Relationship

18)      BCE – Board Committees

19)      BCF – Advisory Committees to the Board

20)      BCG – School Attorney

21)      BD – School Board Meetings

22)      BDC – Executive Sessions

23)      BDDB – Board of Education Agenda Format

24)      BDDB-E – Board of Education Agenda Format

25)      BDDD – Quorum

26)      BDDE – Rules of Order

27)      BDDE-E(1) – Rules of Order

28)      BDDE-E(2) – Rules of Order

29)      BDDF – Voting Method

30)      BDDG – Minutes

31)      BDDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings (Also KD)

32)      BDDI – Board Member Use of E-mail

33)      BF – Board Policy Development

34)      BFB – Preliminary Development of Policies

35)      BFC – Policy Adoption

36)      BFCA/CHB – Board Review and Approval of Regulations

37)      BFD – Policy Dissemination

38)      BFE/CHD – Administration in Policy Absence

39)      BFF – Suspension of Policies

40)      BFG/BFGA – Policy Review and Evaluation

41)      BHA – New Board Member Orientation

42)      BHB – Board Member Development Opportunities

43)      BHD – Board Member Compensation

44)      BJ – School Board Memberships

45)      BK – Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to approve policies as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Thelen, seconded by Simmons to approve the following general business items:

1.         Approve 2004-05 district budgets and associated tax askings.




General Fund                                          $12,550,000

Capital Outlay Fund                                  $  3,293,000

Special Education Fund                             $  1,894,000

Pension Fund                                          $     157,000 

Bond Redemption Fund                            $     599,000

Food Service Fund                                   $  1,097,000




General Fund                                          $12,540,000                             

Capital Outlay Fund                                  $  3,293,000

Special Education Fund                             $  1,922,000

Pension Fund                                          $     192,000

Bond Redemption Fund                            $     706,000

Food Service Fund                                   $  1,087,000




General Fund                              $ 3.32 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

                                                   4.32 per $1,000 of Non AG Z Valuation

5.34 per $1,000 of Owner-Occupied Valuation

 11.45 per $1,000 of Other Valuation

Capital Outlay Fund                      $ 3.00 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

Special Education Fund                 $ 1.25 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

Pension Fund                              $ 0.30 per $1,000 of Total Valuation

Bond Redemption Fund                $700,000

2.         Adopt tuition rate of $4,145 per student.

3.         Authorize 2004-05 travel reimbursement mileage rate - $.32 per mile.

4.         Approve 2004-05 Listing of District Employees salaries for publication (see attached).

5.         Approve Public School Exemption request #6.

6.         Approve the following 2004-05 Federal Grant Programs:

A)          Title I                                                             $63,819.00

B)          Title II, Part A                                                 $92,068.00

C)          Title II, Part D                                                 $  3,498.00                   

D)          Title IV                                                           $15,725.00

E)          Title V                                                            $23,893.00

7.         Approve listing of surplus items for district auction to be held on 7/22/04 at 5:00 p.m.

8.         Authorize $1,000 towards Brandon Valley Chamber of Commerce Leadership Seminar (“LeadershipPlenty”).

Motion carried.

Motion by Neuberger seconded by Thelen to approve the following personnel items:

1.       Resignation from Karen Conlon, Child Nutrition at BVHS effective immediately. 

2.       Recommendation to hire Lanette Thompson, Valley Springs Elementary Secretary @ $9.50/hr, 40 hrs/week/10 months.

3.       Recommendation to hire Jonathan Peters, Brandon Elementary 3rd Grade @ BA Base - $27,294.

4.       Recommendation to transfer the current Community Education/Theater Secretary, Merry Bauer, to Business Office Secretary effective 7/01/04.

Motion carried.

            Communications received by the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following items:

1.       Thank you from Larry Murtha – Jr./Sr. Parents.

2.       Notification of maternity leave from Anne Peters starting on or about October 5, 2004.

Board of Education Committee Reports were heard.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Simmons, seconded by Neuberger to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of August, 2004.

Signed____________________________________                                                                                    Chairperson



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June 28, 2004

A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 28th day of June, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson informed the Board of Education of an effort on the part of the Brandon Valley Chamber of Commerce and their request for Brandon Valley School District to participate in a LeadershipPlenty seminar by committing to a $1,000 sponsorship of the program. 

Superintendent Gulson also informed the Board of Education that the adequacy study survey as proposed by Associated School Boards of South Dakota was probably not going to proceed as planned due to a lack of financial commitment by member school districts.  62 school districts favored doing the adequacy study, 83 opposed, and 25 districts gave no response.

The following board policies were given the first reading by the Board of Education:

A.      Section K

1)    KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

B.       Section I

1)         IIBG – Computer Assisted Instruction

2)         IIBF - Telecommunications   

            C.    Section B

1)         BA – Board Operational Goals

2)         BB – School Board Legal Status

3)         BBA – School Board Powers and Duties

4)         BBAA – Board Member Authority

5)         BBB – School Board Elections

6)         BBBA – Board Member Qualifications

7)         BBBB – Board Member Oath of Office

8)         BBBB-E – Board Member Oath of Office

9)         BBC/BBD – Board Member Resignation/Removal From Office

10)      BBE – Unexpired Term Fulfillment

11)      BBF-E – School Board Member Ethics

12)      BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest

13)      BCA – Board Organizational Meeting

14)      BCB – Board Officers

15)      BCC – Appointed Board Officials

16)      BCD – Board-Superintendent Relationship

17)      BCD-E – Board Superintendent Relationship

18)      BCE – Board Committees

19)      BCF – Advisory Committees to the Board

20)      BCG – School Attorney

21)      BD – School Board Meetings

22)      BDC – Executive Sessions

23)      BDDB – Board of Education Agenda Format

24)      BDDB-E – Board of Education Agenda Format

25)      BDDD – Quorum

26)      BDDE – Rules of Order

27)      BDDE-E(1) – Rules of Order

28)      BDDE-E(2) – Rules of Order

29)      BDDF – Voting Method

30)      BDDG – Minutes

31)      BDDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings (Also KD)

32)      BDDI – Board Member Use of E-mail

33)      BF – Board Policy Development

34)      BFB – Preliminary Development of Policies

35)      BFC – Policy Adoption

36)      BFCA/CHB – Board Review and Approval of Regulations

37)      BFD – Policy Dissemination

38)      BFE/CHD – Administration in Policy Absence

39)      BFF – Suspension of Policies

40)      BFG/BFGA – Policy Review and Evaluation

41)      BHA – New Board Member Orientation

42)      BHB – Board Member Development Opportunities

43)      BHD – Board Member Compensation

44)      BJ – School Board Memberships

45)      BK – Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to suspend/delete board policy BDDA: Notification of Board Meetings.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to suspend/delete board policy BDDC: Agenda Preparation and Dissemination.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve Open Enrollment requests #05-003008, #05-00309, #05-00310, and #05-00311.

2.          Approve membership/dues of $100.00 – Brandon Development Foundation, Inc.

3.          Approve results of the School Board election – June 15, 2004: Thelen – 496, Whitelock – 474, and Neuberger – 555.  Thelen and Neuberger win 3 year terms.

4.          Approve South Dakota High School Activities Association 2004 Official Election Ballot for At-Large Native American Representative:  Stuart Zephier, Flandreau Indian School for term: July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2009.

5.          Approve membership/dues of $3,250.00  - National School Boards Association for the 2004-05 school year.

6.          Approve 2004 Brandon Valley School District 49-2 Technology Plan as presented by the Administration.

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.            Recommendation transfer of Jason Thedens, Grounds to Grounds Supervisor @ $10.80/hr, 40 hrs/week. 

2.            Resignation Jason Larson, Brandon Elementary 3rd Grade effective immediately with the termination fee of $300.

Motion carried.

Board member Klumpp reported on the progress of the transportation routing software.  The staff is working on verifying addresses of district residents. 

Board President Simmons recognized John Whitelock for his 3 years of service and dedication to the Brandon Valley School District 49-2.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to go into executive session at 7:26 p.m. to discuss a personnel issue.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of July, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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June 14, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 6:30 p.m. on the 14th day of June, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of May 10 and May 24, 2004 and  the special meeting of May 12, 2004 as presented. Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of May, 2004 showed cash receipts of $1,567,454.84 and disbursements of $1,323,675.01 leaving a balance of $2,792,259.37.  General Fund had receipts of $1,067,170.52, received a temporary interfund transfer from the Bond Redemption Fund of $113,830.81 and disbursements of $1,092,872.89, leaving a balance of $1,485,691.14.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $254,586.12 and disbursements of $57,872.49, leaving a balance of $830,465.40.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $150,744.67 and disbursements of $154,561.32, leaving a balance of $392,261.68.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $16,228.25 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $78,025.24.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $78,725.28, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $113,830.81 to the General Fund and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $0.00.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $18,368.31, leaving a balance of $5,815.91.

The May, 2004 payroll totaled $833,474.26 of which $429,947.07 was instructional, $280,362.38 was support services, $19,472.87 was co-curricular, and $103,691.94 was Special Services.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of May, 2004.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard. 

Randy Hill, Testing Coordinator, presented the SAT test scores to the Board of Education.  Brandon Valley School District 49-2 scored very well at all levels.

Board member Whitelock commended Randy Marso, Activities Director, for the running of the state track meet at Brandon Valley School District.

Food Service Director, Gay Anderson, reported to the Board of Education her intent to move into a prime vendor program with Food Services of America.

The following board policies were reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education:

A.      Section K

1)    KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

B.       Section I

1)         IIBG – Computer Assisted Instruction

2)         IIBF - Telecommunications   

            C.    Section B

1)         BA – Board Operational Goals

2)         BB – School Board Legal Status

3)         BBA – School Board Powers and Duties

4)         BBAA – Board Member Authority

5)         BBB – School Board Elections

6)         BBBA – Board Member Qualifications

7)         BBBB – Board Member Oath of Office

8)         BBBB-E – Board Member Oath of Office

9)         BBC/BBD – Board Member Resignation/Removal From Office

10)      BBE – Unexpired Term Fulfillment

11)      BBF-E – School Board Member Ethics

12)      BBFA – Board Member Conflict of Interest

13)      BCA – Board Organizational Meeting

14)      BCB – Board Officers

15)      BCC – Appointed Board Officials

16)      BCD – Board-Superintendent Relationship

17)      BCD-E – Board Superintendent Relationship

18)      BCE – Board Committees

19)      BCF – Advisory Committees to the Board

20)      BCG – School Attorney

21)      BD – School Board Meetings

22)      BDC – Executive Sessions

23)      BDDA – Notification of Board Meetings

24)      BDDB – Board of Education Agenda Format

25)      BDDB-E – Board of Education Agenda Format

26)      BDDC – Agenda Preparation and Dissemination

27)      BDDD – Quorum

28)      BDDE – Rules of Order

29)      BDDE-E(1) – Rules of Order

30)      BDDE-E(2) – Rules of Order

31)      BDDF – Voting Method

32)      BDDG – Minutes

33)      BDDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings (Also KD)

34)      BDDI – Board Member Use of E-mail

35)      BF – Board Policy Development

36)      BFB – Preliminary Development of Policies

37)      BFC – Policy Adoption

38)      BFCA/CHB – Board Review and Approval of Regulations

39)      BFD – Policy Dissemination

40)      BFE/CHD – Administration in Policy Absence

41)      BFF – Suspension of Policies

42)      BFG/BFGA – Policy Review and Evaluation

43)      BHA – New Board Member Orientation

44)      BHB – Board Member Development Opportunities

45)      BHD – Board Member Compensation

46)      BJ – School Board Memberships

47)      BK – Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.            Approve changes to the 2004-05 Brandon Valley School District Student Handbook as presented by the Administration.

2.            Approve district supplies quote from School Specialty, Inc. @ $16,689.33.

3.            Authorize membership in South Dakota  High School Activities Association for 2004-05 school year.

4.            Approve payment to Associated School Boards of South Dakota 2004-2005 dues @  $1,344.16.

5.            Approve low quote for print cartridges from Tree House, Inc. @ $24,639.00

6.            Approve request to expand breakfast program to all schools at Brandon Valley School District for 2004-05 school year:  Meal prices set at $1.00 for Kindergarten – 5th grade, $1.25 for  6th – 12th grades, and $1.35 for adults.

7.            Approve Open Enrollment requests #05-00306 and #05-00307.

Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following personnel items:

1.            Rescind recommendation to hire Greg Clementson, Custodian.

2.            Recommendation to hire Lori Bruder, Brandon Valley High School Educational Assistant @ $9.00/hr.

3.            Recommendation to hire Pam Gannon, Brandon Valley Middle School Educational Assistant @ $9.00/hr.

4.            Recommendation to hire Marcie Stoltenberg, Child Nutrition Substitute @ $8.00/hr.

5.            Recommendation to hire Julie Kirby, Brandon Valley Middle School Child Nutrition @ $8.75/hr - 3.75 hrs./day.

6.            Recommendation to hire Audrey Snow, Robert Bennis Elementary Child Nutrition @ $8.75/hr - 2.5 hrs./day.

7.            Resignation from Connie Laarsgard, Brandon Valley Middle School Child Nutrition effective 05/21/2004.

8.            Resignation from Ralynn Whitelock, Business Office Secretary, effective 06/30/2004.

9.            Resignation from Larry Beesley, Brandon Valley Middle School Assistant Track Coach, contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.

10.         Resignation from Richard Henn, Brandon Valley Middle School Track Coach, contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.

11.         Transfer Karen Treloar, Brandon Valley Middle School Educational Assistant to Brandon Elementary Educational Assistant. (Information Only)

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.            Minnehaha County building permits, March – 2004.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Klumpp reported on the new transportation software training progress.  The biggest concern at present is standardizing all student addresses.  Board member Klumpp also reported that a bus engine has gone bad and recommended pursuing a remanufactured engine at a cost of $7,000.  Board member Auch reported on East Dakota Educational Cooperative.  Board member Duffy reported on the progress of the bus facility.   Due to some bad soil conditions, additional excavation for footings was needed.  Board member Whitelock reported on the initial Safety Committee meeting.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Board president Simmons presented to Casey Auch a commemorative “School Bell” for her 7 years of dedication to the Brandon Valley School District and Board of Education.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of July, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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May 24, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 24th day of  May, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Gregg Talcott reviewed the Brandon Valley Mentor Program with the Board of Education.  Surveys were done with all the participants and the results were very positive.

High School Principal, Gregg Talcott, presented his Academic Awards presentation.  It was an excellent compilation of the high school year in review.  Board member, John Whitelock, commended the Administration for their hard work during graduation.

Operations Manager, Todd Williams, presented the district’s response to the recent Fire Marshall’s inspection of the facilities.  He also presented information from a meeting that he recently attended concerning indoor air quality.  A grant is being written that would pay for inspection, monitoring, and training of staff with respect to indoor air quality.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to delete Board Policy EBC-R – Emergency Planning Guide.  Motion carried.

The Board of Education gave second and final reading to the following board policies:

1.       EA – Support Services Goals

2.       EB – Safety Program

3.       EBA – Buildings and Grounds Inspections

4.       EBB – Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures

5.       EBBA – First Aid

6.       EBC – Emergency Plans

7.       EBCB – Fire Drills

8.       EBCD – Emergency Closings

9.       EBCE – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (KBCAA, CD, GBB, JFB)

a)         Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)         Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)         Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)         Appendix D:  Guidance Role

e)         Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)          Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

11.    ECA – Buildings and Grounds Security

12.    ECAB – Vandalism

13.    ECB – Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

14.    ECD – Traffic and Parking Controls

15.    ECF – Energy Conservation

16.    EDBA – Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

17.    EEA – Student Transportation and Services

18.    EEAA – District Transportation

19.    EEAB – School Bus Scheduling and Routing

20.    EEAC – School Bus Safety Program

21.    EEACA – Bus Driver Examination and Training

22.    EEACA-R – Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers

23.    EEACAA – Administrative Procedure Policy for Enforcement of Drug and Alcohol for CDL Personnel

24.    EEACC – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC)

25.    EEACC-R – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC-R)

26.    EEAD – Special Use of School Buses/School Vehicles

27.    EEAE – Student Transportation

28.    EEAE-E – Request for Transportation Change Form

29.    EEBA – District Vehicle Usage Policy

30.    EF – Food Services Management

31.    EFB – Free and Reduced Price Food Services

32.    EI – Insurance Management

33.    EIBA – Indemnification of Employees

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the board policies as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.            Approve Election Board workers for June 15, 2004 School Board election:

a)         Ramona Watson

b)         Doreen Allen

c)         Sally Anderson

d)         Jane Nettestad

e)         Laverne Scholten

f)          Sandra Scadden

g)         Lois Bakker

h)         Joan Burns

i)           Ronna Jones

2.            Approve participation in the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), Department of Labor.

3.            Approve open enrollment requests #05-00303 to #05-00305.

4.            Approve Brandon Valley Basketball Association and YMCA “Gra-Y” to share gym usage based upon equal access in proportion to the number of participants in each organization.

Motion carried.

Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following personnel items:

1.          Recommendation to hire Lauren McNamara, summer custodial @ $7.50/hr.

2.          Recommendation to hire Jill Austin, Brandon Elementary 2nd Grade @ BA Step Base - $27,294, 9th grade girls Basketball @ 8.5% Step Base - $2,320 = $29,614.

3.          Recommendation to hire Adam Bobzien, Brandon Elementary 1st Grade @ BA Step Base - $27,294.

4.          Recommendation to hire Jesse Gladis, Brandon Elementary 1st Grade @ BA Step Base - $27,294.

5.          Recommendation to hire Justin Mashlan, Brandon Elementary 5th Grade @ BA Sep 6 - $29,296.

6.          Recommendation to hire Tara Tutt, Brandon Elementary 3rd Grade @ BA Step 2 - $27,908.

7.          Recommendation to hire Kory Scholten, Robert Bennis Elementary 4th Grade @ BA Step Base - $27,294.

8.          Recommendation to hire Tracy South, ½ time Middle School English/Reading @ BA Step Base ($27,294 * 50%) - $13,647.

9.          Resignation from Christina Trygstad, High School English effective at the end of 2003-04 school year.

10.       Recommendation to hire Paul Berg, Assistant 7th grade Football Coach @ 6% Step 2 - $1,675.

11.       Recommendation to hire Troy Sturgeon, Head 7th grade Football Coach @ 6.5% Step 10 - $2,004.

12.       Recommendation to hire Michelle Stemwedel, High School/Middle School English/Reading @ BA Step 5 - $28,934.

13.       Termination of Jim Grace, Brandon Elementary Custodial Supervisor effective 05/25/2004.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          Thank you from Sue Norberg.

2.          Thank you from Peg Reiter.

3.          Thank you from Bennis Sunshine Committee.

4.          Thank you from Rose Mary Christenson.

5.          Thank you from Robert Bennis Kitchen staff.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  A Transportation Committee meeting was schedule for 06/03/2004 at 4:30 p.m. Buildings and Grounds committee scheduled a meeting for 05/26/2004 at 1:30 p.m.  Board member Auch reported on Child Nutrition Committee meeting.  She reported on the trial breakfast program that was implemented this year.  The Food Service Director is also considering going to a prime vendor contract.  Board member Whitelock reported on the Safety Committee, which discussed the reconstruction of Holly Blvd.  The Board of Education discussed changing the times of summer board meetings.  After discussion, it was decided to go to one meeting per month (2nd Monday) at 6:30 p.m. for the months of June, July, and August. 

Testing Coordinator, Randy Hill, gave preliminary results of the statewide testing.  All grades were at or above last year’s levels.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to go into executive session at 8:01 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.  Motion carried.

The Board of Education came out of executive session into open session at 8:20 p.m.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to set the Superintendent’s 3-year contract at the following salaries: 2004-2005 @ $107,000.00, 2005-2006 @ $113,000.00, and 2006-2007 @ 119,000.00.  On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Whitelock, Duffy, Simmons.  Nay: Auch, Klumpp.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Whitelock to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of June, 2004.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________



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May 12, 2004

A special meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 5:00 p.m. on the 12th day of May, 2004 at the Administration Center Conference room with the following members present: Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent: None.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson and Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

District Elementary Principals, Karen Heyden, Merle Horst, and Joel Grim, talked to the Board of Education about present and future elementary enrollments.  They reviewed enrollments, class sizes, and equalization policies.  They presented a future proposal turning the three (3) elementary schools into grade level schools (Early Childhood – 1st Grade at Robert Bennis Elementary, 2nd – 4th grades at Brandon Elementary, and 5th Grade at Valley Springs Elementary).  Pros and cons were reviewed with this proposal.  This elementary facilities utilization study will continue to be reviewed by the Administration and Board of Education during the 2004-05 school year through committees, public meetings, etc.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to approve the following elementary open enrollment requests and rescind two open enrollment requests:

·           Approve:  Misti and Brent Becker, Brook Becker, 3rd grade from Robert Bennis Elementary to Brandon Elementary

·           Approve:  Jon and Connie Bly, Brandee Bly, 3rd grade from Valley Springs Elementary to Robert Bennis Elementary

·           Approve:  Linda Eggum, Samantha Huntimer, 5th grade from Valley Springs Elementary to Brandon Elementary

·           Approve:  Chad Harstad, Chandler Harstad, Kindergarten from Brandon Elementary to Valley Springs Elementary

·           Approve:  Jacob Janssen, Alexandria Janssen, Kindergarten from Valley Springs Elementary to Brandon Elementary

·           Approve:  Rocky Loosbrock, Tucker Loosbrock, Kindergarten from Valley Springs Elementary to Brandon Elementary

·           Approve:  Michael and Ruth Parker, Jacob Parker, 3rd Grade from Valley Springs Elementary to Robert Bennis Elementary

·           Approve:  Michele Peterson, Javaar Peterson, 5th Grade from Robert Bennis Elementary to Brandon Elementary

·           Approve:  Joel Grim, Tyler Grim, 3rd Grade from Brandon Elementary to Robert Bennis Elementary

·           Approve:  Joel Grim, Sarah Grim, Kindergarten from Brandon Elementary to Robert Bennis Elementary

·           Rescind:  Kevin and Jackie Eigenberg, Matthew Eigenberg, Kindergarten from Sioux Falls School District

·           Rescind:  Joel Grim, Tyler Grim, 3rd grade from Valley Springs Elementary

On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Whitelock, Auch, Duffy, Klumpp, and Simmons.  Nay: none.

Motion carried.

The Board of Education reviewed the bids for a transportation facility.  Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to accept the low base bid from Gil Haugen Construction of $1,465,000 plus alternate 1 of $122,000 = $1,587,000 total contract.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the recommendation to hire Cindy Feyereisen for Middle School English @ BA Step 8 - $30,047.00.

The Board of Education discussed changing the elementary secretary position to a 10-month position (199 days – no vacations).  The Superintendent will talk to these secretaries and discuss options. 

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                Signed _____________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of June, 2004.

                                                                                Signed _____________________________




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May 10, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 10th day of May, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of April 13, 2004 and April 26, 2004 as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Whitelock to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of April, 2004 showed cash receipts of $802,845.69 and disbursements of $1,198,398.91 leaving a balance of $2,548,479.54.  General Fund had receipts of $637,066.65 and disbursements of $1,045,157.10 leaving a balance of $1,397,562.70.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $61,096.85 and disbursements of $8,792.54, leaving a balance of $633,751.77.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $81,668.41 and disbursements of $143,444.32, leaving a balance of $396,078.33.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $3,922.34 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $61,796.99.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $19,091.44 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $35,105.53.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $1,004.95, leaving a balance of $24,184.22.

The April, 2004 payroll totaled $800,015.17 of which $422,224.22 was instructional, $254,171.57 was support services, $23,602.69 was co-curricular, and $100,016.69 was Special Services.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of April, 2004.  Motion carried.

Mike Schultz and Dana Nachreiner, on behalf of the newly formed Brandon Valley Basketball Association, presented to the Board of Education their plan to provide a basketball program for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students to replace the program that is presently provided by the YMCA.  Their goal is to register enough athletes to accommodate 6 teams per grade (boys and girls), provide at least 3 hours per week of gym time, and provide a season of 12 - 24 games.  The association requested usage of all gyms from the Board of Education at no cost.  The Board of Education will act upon their request at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on the following:

1.            Student immunization deficiency letters.

2.            Commencement exercises on May 22, 2004 at 6:00 p.m.

3.            Results of transportation facility bids.

Activities Director, Mr. Randy Marso, reported that McGreevy Clinic will again be performing athletic physicals for all Brandon Valley athletes that need physicals.  Proceeds will be donated to the Brandon Valley Booster Club.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to eliminate the following board policies:

·           ECB-R - Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

·           EDC - Authorized Use of School Owned Materials

·           EEACA-E - Drug and Alcohol Testing Information

 Motion carried.

The Board of Education gave first reading to the following policies:

1.       EA – Support Services Goals

2.       EB – Safety Program

3.       EBA – Building and Grounds Inspections

4.       EBB – Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures

5.       EBBA – First Aid

6.       EBC – Emergency Plans

7.       EBC-R – Emergency Planning Guide

8.       EBCB – Fire Drills

9.       EBCD – Emergency Closings

10.    EBCE – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (KBCAA, CD, GBB, JFB)

a)          Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)          Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)          Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)          Appendix D:  Guidance Role

e)          Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)            Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

11.    ECA – Buildings and Grounds Security

12.    ECAB – Vandalism

13.    ECB – Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

14.    ECD – Traffic and Parking Controls

15.    ECF – Energy Conservation

16.    EDBA – Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

17.    EEA – Student Transportation and Services

18.    EEAA – District Transportation

19.    EEAB – School Bus Scheduling and Routing

20.    EEAC – School Bus Safety Program

21.    EEACA – Bus Driver Examination and Training

22.    EEACA-R – Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers

23.    EEACAA – Administrative Procedure Policy for Enforcement of Drug and Alcohol for CDL Personnel

24.    EEACC – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC)

25.    EEACC-R – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC-R)

26.    EEAD – Special Use of School Buses/School Vehicles

27.    EEAE – Student Transportation

28.    EEAE-E – Request for Transportation Change Form

29.    EEBA – District Vehicle Usage Policy

30.    EF – Food Services Management

31.    EFB – Free and Reduced Price Food Services

32.    EI – Insurance Management

33.    EIBA – Indemnification of Employees

Business Manager, Paul J. Lundberg, presented to the Board of Education a presentation on the 2004-05 preliminary budget  (see attached).

The Board of Education deferred the changes to the 2004-05 Brandon Valley Student Handbook.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.            Approve the South Dakota High School Activities Association, 2004 Official Election Ballot vote for James Hienert, Sturgis High School.   Approve South Dakota High School Activities Association, 2004 Official Amendment Ballot: Yes vote for Amendment No. 1and No. 2 and No vote for Amendment  No. 3.

2.            Assign board members John Whitelock and Patricia Simmons to the Board of Education Safety and Security Committee.

3.            Approve 2004-05 professional printing low quote from Alphagraphics - $30,871.33.

4.            Approve low bid for the Scoreboard/Message Display System from Daktronics, Inc. - $33,795.00.

5.            Approve funding for statewide school finance adequacy study to be conducted through ASBSD/SASD - $2,600.

6.            Approve open enrollment requests #05-00301 and #05-00302.

7.            Approve rate increase for school meal prices of $0.10/meal for the 2004-05 school year.

8.            Approve the Valley Springs Elementary playground bid from Miracle Recreation Equipment Co. - $23,275.

Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the following personnel items:

1.            Recommendation to hire Daycleth “Doc” Walker, .5 FTE Orchestra Director @ BA Step 10 (50%) - $15,417, Orchestra 4.5% Step Base @ $694 = $16,111.

2.            Recommendation to hire Katie Haas, High School Special Services @ BA Step Base - $27,294.

3.            Notification of maternity leave from Carol Poppens, Brandon Valley Middle School to begin approximately 9-3-04.

4.            Recommendation to hire Marie Fritz, Speech/Language Clinician @ MA+15 Step 10 - $32,119.

5.            Resignation from Deb Swanson, Brandon Valley High School Yearbook Advisor effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.

6.            Recommendation to hire Chad Nelson, High School Art Teacher @ BA step 5 - $28,934, Regional Art Competition Director @ 2.5% Step Base - $682 = $29,616.

7.            Recommendation to hire Amber Erneste, .5 FTE Kindergarten Teacher/.5 FTE Early Childhood Special Education Teacher @ MA+30 Step 6 - $30,834.

Motion carried.

                Motion by Auch, seconded by Klumpp to approve the recommendation to hire for summer maintenance and grounds workers @ $7.50/hr:  Misti Becker, Kristin Bosch, Ryan Dellman, and Adam Whitelock.   On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Auch, Klumpp, Duffy, Simmons. Voted nay: none.  Abstained: Whitelock.  Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.            Thank you from Sue Norberg.

2.            Thank you from Ann Marie Beesley.

3.            Thank you from Harold Arnott.

4.            Thank you from Peggy Reiter.

5.            Thank you from Shari Sunne.

6.            Thank you from Doreen Allen.

7.            Thank you from Marcie Stoltenberg.

8.            Thank you from Rita Korbal.

9.            Thank you from Deb Rothenberger.

10.         Thank you from Deb Swanson.

11.         Thank you from Linda Heeren.

12.         Thank you from Marcia Petree.

13.         Thank you from Ruthmary Jackson.

14.         Thank you from Tina Feenstra and Jennifer Van Dyke.

15.         Thank you from Kathleen Woodard and her family.

16.         Thank you from Brandon Valley High School staff.

17.         Thank you from Valley Springs Elementary staff.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Duffy reported on the Transportation Building bids that were opened earlier today.  Recommendation will come at the special board meeting scheduled for 05/12/2004. 

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to go into executive session at 10:20 p.m. to discuss student and personnel matters.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of June, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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April 26, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 26th day of April, 2004 at Valley Springs Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent:  Casey Auch.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Brandon Police Chief, Phil Youngdale, informed the Board of Education of COPS in Schools 2004 Grant.  It is a 3-year grant paying 100% the first year, 95% the second year, and 90% the third year.  This program would also require a commitment of approximately $32,000 for Brandon Valley School District in year four and approximately $34,000 in year five.

Linda Heeren’s 2nd and 3rd grade students from Valley Springs Elementary performed a skit entitled “Jack & the Beanstalk” for the Board of Education.

Amy Mutschelknaus, Jennifer Ode, and other parents spoke to the Board of Education about the projected class size in the 3rd grade at Valley Springs Elementary next school year.  The class size is projected at 30 students in 3rd grade.  The board and administration assured the parents that they will continue to work on elementary class sizes district wide.

Administrative reports were heard.  President Simmons requested that the May 10, 2004 school board meeting will be changed to start at 6:00 p.m. so as to have an informational, question and answer session with/for all potential board of education candidates.  A board retreat scheduled for May 5, 2004 was changed to May 12, 2004 at 5:00 p.m.

Structural engineering reports on the 1916 portion of Brandon Elementary were reviewed by the Board of Education.  The report came back satisfactory with recommendations for only minor repairs.

                The following board policies were reviewed and discussed by the Board of Education:

1.       EA – Support Services Goals

2.       EB – Safety Program

3.       EBA – Building and Grounds Inspections

4.       EBB – Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures

5.       EBBA – First Aid

6.       EBC – Emergency Plans

7.       EBC-R – Emergency Planning Guide

8.       EBCB – Fire Drills

9.       EBCD – Emergency Closings

10.    EBCE – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (KBCAA, CD, GBB, JFB)

a)          Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)          Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)          Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)          Appendix D:  Guidance Role

e)          Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)            Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

11.    ECA – Buildings and Grounds Security

12.    ECAB – Vandalism

13.    ECB – Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

14.    ECD – Traffic and Parking Controls

15.    ECF – Energy Conservation

16.    EDBA – Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

17.    EEA – Student Transportation and Services

18.    EEAA – District Transportation

19.    EEAB – School Bus Scheduling and Routing

20.    EEAC – School Bus Safety Program

21.    EEACA – Bus Driver Examination and Training

22.    EEACA-R – Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers

23.    EEACAA – Administrative Procedure Policy for Enforcement of Drug and Alcohol for CDL Personnel

24.    EEACC – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC)

25.    EEACC-R – Student Conduct on School Buses/School Vehicles (JFCC-R)

26.    EEAD – Special Use of School Buses/School Vehicles

27.    EEAE – Student Transportation

28.    EEAE-E – Request for Transportation Change Form

29.    EEBA – District Vehicle Usage Policy

30.    EF – Food Services Management

31.    EFB – Free and Reduced Price Food Services

32.    EI – Insurance Management

33.    EIBA – Indemnification of Employees

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the following general business items:

1.            Approve completion of the application for Resource Officer Grant as presented by Brandon Police Chief, Phil Youngdale.

2.            Approve bid for floor coverings at Brandon Elementary (north classrooms) @ $45,701 from Commercial Interior Dėcor.

3.            Approve bid for commercial lawn equipment @ $29,535.46 from Pfeifer Implement.

4.            Approve a Safety and Security Ad Hoc Committee.

Motion carried.      

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.            Recommendation to hire Tracy Kuhn, Dance Team Coach @ 13% BA Step 6 = $3,808.

2.            Recommendation to hire Audrey Snow, Food Service Substitute.

3.            Recommendation to hire Gregory Clemetson, Custodian @ $9.00/hr. plus $.50/hr. night differential.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you from Bonnie Fjerestad.

2.        Thank you from Nita Madetzke and Family.

3.        Thank you from Brandon Elementary 1st grade teachers; Carrie Bakken, Jeanne Lens, Kathy Sorensen, Jill Nuebel.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to go into executive session at 9:25 p.m. to discuss a student matter.  Motion carried.

The Board of Education came out of executive session and into open session at 10:10 p.m.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 10:11 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of May, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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April 13, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 13th day of April, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock (via conference call) and Mike Klumpp.   Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of March 8, and March 22, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Auch to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of March, 2004 showed cash receipts of $942,571.60 and disbursements of $1,352,528.83 leaving a balance of $2,944,032.76.  General Fund had receipts of $629,011.22 and disbursements of $1,105,784.89 leaving a balance of $1,805,653.15.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $64,590.94 and disbursements of $97,020.96, leaving a balance of $581,447.46.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $235,445.47 and disbursements of $145,662.29, leaving a balance of $457,854.24.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $2,218.71 and disbursement of $0.00, leaving a balance of  $57,874.65.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $11,305.26 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $16,014.09.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $4,060.69, leaving a balance of $25,189.17.

The March, 2004 payroll totaled $790,960.26 which $423,241.81 was instructional, $246,245.10 was support services, $20,987.13 was co-curricular, and $100,489.22 was Special Services.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of March, 2004.  Motion carried.

Dr. Richard Briggs, McGreevy Clinic, and Brad Pfeifle spoke to the Board of Education regarding a sports medicine program offered through Orthopedic Institute.  They would like to provide services to the Brandon Valley School District (full-time trainer, physician coverage at home football games and wrestling matches, etc).  The Board of Education directed the Activities Director to contrast/compare Orthopedic Institutes offer with Brandon Valley’s present trainer services contract from Sioux Valley Hospital.

Business Manager, Paul J. Lundberg, presented to the Board of Education proposed changes in the health insurance plan at Brandon Valley.  The Administration is proposing changing some benefits in the current plan (deductibles, out of pocket maximums, out of network changes).  The plan as proposed is reflecting a 3.3% decrease in premiums.

Randy Marso, Activities Director, complimented the coaching staff of the spring sports and their recruiting efforts.  The numbers in girl’s golf, boy’s tennis, and track are all up dramatically.  Mr. Marso also presented information to the Board of Education on the costs of implementing a girls softball program at Brandon Valley.  He estimated a total first year cost of approximately $18,000.

Board of Education gave second reading to the following board policies:

1)          DA – Fiscal Management Goals

2)          DB – Annual Budget

3)          DBB – Fiscal Year

4)          DBC – Budget Deadlines and Schedules

5)          DBD – Budget Planning

6)          DBH – Budget Adoption Procedures

7)          DBJ – Budget Implementation

8)          DBK – Budget Transfer Authority

9)          DC – Taxing and Borrowing Authority/Limitations

10)        DD – Finding Proposals and Applications

11)        DD-R – Funding Proposals and Applications

12)        DE – Revenues from Tax Sources

13)        DFA – Revenues from Investments

14)        DFB – Revenues from School-owned Real Estate

15)        DFC – Grants

16)        DG – Depository of Funds

17)        DGA – Authorized Signatures

18)        DH – Bonded Employees and Officers

19)        DI – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

20)        DIB – Types of Funds

21)        DIC – Financial Reports and Statements

22)        DID – Inventories

23)        DIE – Audits

24)        DJ – Purchasing

25)        DJB – Petty Cash Accounts

26)        DJBA – Incidental Accounts

27)        DJC – Bidding Equipment

28)        DJD – Local Purchasing

29)        DJF – Purchasing Procedures

30)        DJG – Vendor Relations

31)        DK – Payment Procedures

32)        DLA – Payday Schedules

33)        DLB – Salary Deductions

34)        DLC – Expense Reimbursements

35)        DLC-R – Expense Reimbursements

36)        DM – Cash in School Buildings

37)        DN - School Properties Disposal Procedure

38)        KA – School Community Relations Goals

39)        KB – Public Information Program

40)        KBC – News Media Relations

41)        KBCA – News Releases

42)        KBCAA – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (also CD, EBCE, GBB, JFB)

a)          Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)          Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)          Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)          Appendix D:  Guidance Role

e)          Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)            Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

43)     KBE – Bond Campaigns (also FD)

44)     KC – Community Involvement in Decision Making (also ABA)

45)     KD – Public Participation at Board Meetings

46)     KF – Community Instructional Resources

47)     KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

48)     KG-E-R-E – Facility User Agreement

49)     KGB – Public Conduct on School Property

50)     KGC – Tobacco-Free School Policy

51)     KH – Public Gifts to Schools

52)     KI/KJ – Public Solicitations/Advertising in the School

53)     KK – Visitors to the Schools

54)     KL – Public Complaints

55)     KLB – Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials

56)     KLB-E – Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

57)     KLD – Public Complaints about School Personnel

58)     KMA – Relations with Parent Organizations

59)     KN – Relations with Governmental Authorities

60)     KNE – Parent Involvement Title I

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the board policies as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve resolution to authorize membership in South Dakota High School Activities Association for the 2004-05 school year.

2.          Approve Open Enrollment requests #04-128136.

3.          Approve grant application to Sioux Empire United Way for two automated external defibrillators for Brandon Valley High School.

4.          Approve 4.5 FTE additional elementary teaching staff.

5.          Approve 2002-03 Certified Audit Report as presented by Quam & Berglin, CPA’s.

6.          Approve 2004-05 Classified Personnel Hiring Schedule as presented by the Administration.

7.          Approve 2004-05 classroom furnishings quotes:

a.          Brown & Saenger, Inc. @ $17,877.26

b.          School Specialty @ $19,775.36

c.          Stephenson School Supply Company @ $636.85

8.          Approve 2004-05 school bus bid for two (2) busses from Trucks of Bismark, Bismark, ND @ $139,485.

9.          Approve additional 0.5 FTE Orchestra Instructor .

10.       Approve sanction of Girls Fast Pitch Softball for 2004-05 school year.

Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to approve the following personnel items:

1.          Resignation from Janiece O’Connor, Special Services Educational Assistant, effective immediately.

2.          Resignation from Tara Rosenboom, High School Special Services Educational Assistant, effective May 21, 2004.

3.          Recommendation to hire Jill T. Homer, Special Services Educational Assistant @ $8.75/hr, 18 hrs./week.

4.          Approve transfer Sara Stone, High School Special Education to Brandon Elementary Special Education effective for the 2004-05 school year.

5.          Resignation from Wendy Tryon, 9th Grade Girls Basketball effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.

6.          Approve reduction in staff Cheryl McGreevy, Special Services Speech, from five (5) to two (2) days/week for the 2004-05 school year.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed. 

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Klumpp reported on transportation updates.  Board President Simmons reported on a recent curriculum committee meeting in which they reviewed the staff development schedule for 2004-05 school year and the high school curriculum offerings.  She also reported that the committee decided not to revise 8th grade algebra waivers at the High School.  Board member Whitelock reported on his efforts with working on the school safety issues at Brandon Valley.  A board retreat was scheduled for 05/05/2004 at 5:000 p.m. in the Central Office Conference Room.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                      Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                      Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 10th day of May, 2004.

                                                                      Signed ___________________________________



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March 22, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 22nd day of March, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Paul Gordon, Physical Education Teacher, presented to the Board of Education a brief overview of the Brandon Valley Middle School staff and student wellness program “Steps to Fitness”.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on the following:

1.        Removal of the tanks at transportation building qualifies for the abandoned tank removal program, South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

2.        City of Brandon expressing interest in acquiring the existing transportation building from the school district.

The following board policies were given first reading by the Board of Education:

1)          DA – Fiscal Management Goals

2)          DB – Annual Budget

3)          DBB – Fiscal Year

4)          DBC – Budget Deadlines and Schedules

5)          DBD – Budget Planning

6)          DBH – Budget Adoption Procedures

7)          DBJ – Budget Implementation

8)          DBK – Budget Transfer Authority

9)          DC – Taxing and Borrowing Authority/Limitations

10)        DD – Finding Proposals and Applications

11)        DD – R – Funding Proposals and Applications

12)        DE – Revenues from Tax Sources

13)        DFA – Revenues from Investments

14)        DFB – Revenues from School-owned Real Estate

15)        DFC – Grants

16)        DG – Depository of Funds

17)        DGA – Authorized Signatures

18)        DH – Bonded Employees and Officers

19)        DI – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

20)        DIB – Types of Funds

21)        DIC – Financial Reports and Statements

22)        DID – Inventories

23)        DIE – Audits

24)        DJ – Purchasing

25)        DJB – Petty Cash Accounts

26)        DJBA – Incidental Accounts

27)        DJC – Bidding Equipment

28)        DJD – Local Purchasing

29)        DJF – Purchasing Procedures

30)        DJG – Vendor Relations

31)        DK – Payment Procedures

32)        DLA – Payday Schedules

33)        DLB – Salary Deductions

34)        DLC – Expense Reimbursements

35)        DLC-R – Expense Reimbursements

36)        DM – Cash in School Buildings

37)        DN - School Properties Disposal Procedure

38)        KA – School Community Relations Goals

39)        KB – Public Information Program

40)        KBC – News Media Relations

41)        KBCA – News Releases

42)        KBCAA – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (also CD, EBCE, GBB, JFB)

a)          Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)          Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)          Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)          Appendix D:  Guidance Role

e)          Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)            Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

43)     KBE – Bond Campaigns (also FD)

44)     KC – Community Involvement in Decision Making (also ABA)

45)     KD – Public Participation at Board Meetings

46)     KF – Community Instructional Resources

47)     KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

48)     KG-E-R-E – Facility User Agreement

49)     KGB – Public Conduct on School Property

50)     KGC – Tobacco-Free School Policy

51)     KH – Public Gifts to Schools

52)     KI/KJ – Public Solicitations/Advertising in the School

53)     KK – Visitors to the Schools

54)     KL – Public Complaints

55)     KLB – Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials

56)     KLB-E – Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

57)     KLD – Public Complaints about School Personnel

58)     KMA – Relations with Parent Organizations

59)     KN – Relations with Governmental Authorities

60)     KNE – Parent Involvement Title I

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following general business items:

1.        Approve Open Enrollment request #04-128135.

2.        Approve administering Hepatitis “B” vaccinations to 7th grade students for the 2004-05 school year.

3.        Approve increase for Brandon Valley High School Dance position to 6.5% Fall Dance Coach, 6.5% Winter Dance Coach.

4.        Approve additional staff request for Special Services for the 2004-05 school year:

a.        .4 FTE Speech/Language Clinician

b.        .5 FTE Early Childhood Special Education Teachers

c.        Additional 30 days School Psychologist, East Dakota Educational Cooperative

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Resignation/retirement from Audrey snow, Robert Bennis Elementary Custodian, effective April 9, 2004.

2.        Resignation/retirement from Marcie Stoltenberg, Valley Springs Elementary Administrative Assistant effective July 30, 2004.

3.        Resignation from Kimberly Moreland, Brandon Elementary 3rd grade, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

4.        Resignation from Carmen Toole, Special Services, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

5.        Resignation from Chirsty Bahnson, Brandon Elementary 5th grade, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

6.        Resignation from Melissa Herman, Brandon Valley High School Dance Coach, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

7.        Resignation from Janiece O’Connor, Special Services Education Assistant, effective March 19, 2004.

8.        Reduction in force of Title I position, Alma Tonsager, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

9.        Approve increase from .5 FTE to 1.0 FTE for Jennifer Ode, Brandon Valley High School, for 2004-05 school year.

10.     Transfer Roxey Kutil Brandon Elementary 3rd grade to Brandon Elementary 5th grade and Kathy Sorenson Brandon Elementary 1st grade to Brandon Elementary 3rd grade for 2004-05 school year (information only).

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed. 

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Auch reported on East Dakota Educational Cooperative.  Board member Whitelock reported that the Valley Springs Elementary P.T.A. received a $2,500 grant from Sioux Valley Energy Round-up Program for the new playground equipment.  He also commended the High School girl’s basketball team on their state tournament performance and their 7th place finish.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to go into executive session at 7:52 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of April, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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March 8, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 8th day of March, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of February 9, 2004 and February 23,  2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of February, 2004 showed cash receipts of $1,137,974.73 and disbursements of $1,255,765.18 leaving a balance of $3,353,989.99.  General Fund had receipts of $1,067,528.28 and disbursements of $1,082,800.44 leaving a balance of $2,282,426.82.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $14,871.33 and disbursements of $36,774.40, leaving a balance of $613,877.48.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $50,033.07 and disbursements of $136,190.34, leaving a balance of $368,071.06.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $833.22 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $55,655.94.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $4,708.83 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $4,708.83.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $29,249.86.

The February, 2004 payroll totaled $810,960.52 of which $422,802.95 was instructional, $266,093.33 was support services, $21,448.41 was co-curricular, and $100,615.83 was Special Services.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of February, 2004.  Motion carried.

Annie Sternburg and Beth Limmer, concerned parents of Brandon Valley School District brought concerns to the Board of Education about class sizes at Brandon Elementary.  They sited several educational studies showing the benefits of small class sizes (15-20 students).  The Board of Education and Administration will work diligently to keep and maintain small class sizes especially in Kindergarten, first, and second grades.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson assigned the following board members to attend the area equalization meetings:

1.          City of Brandon, Brandon City Hall, Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @ 7:30 p.m. – Bonnie Duffy

2.          City of Valley Springs, Valley Springs City Hall, Monday, March 15, 2004 @ 6:30 p.m. – Mike Klumpp

3.          Splitrock Township, Monday, March 15, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. – Casey Auch

4.          Splitrock Township, Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. – Patricia Simmons

5.          Red Rock Township, Taco Johns, Brandon, Monday, March 15, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. – Patricia Simmons

Assistant High School Principal, Brad Thorson, gave an oral report on the national convention that he recently attended in Orlando, FL. 

Middle School Principal, Dan Pansch reported the success of the middle school staff and students for serving over 300 meals at the banquet.  A special thanks was given to Bill Miller for organizing this event.

Activities Director, Randy Marso, reported that the Brandon Valley Booster Club contributed $14,450 to the district’s athletics and club sports programs for the 2004 wish list.

The following board policies were discussed and reviewed by the Board of Education:

1)         DA – Fiscal Management Goals

2)         DB – Annual Budget

3)         DBB – Fiscal Year

4)         DBC – Budget Deadlines and Schedules

5)         DBD – Budget Planning

6)         DBH – Budget Adoption Procedures

7)         DBJ – Budget Implementation

8)         DBK – Budget Transfer Authority

9)         DC – Taxing and Borrowing Authority/Limitations

10)      DD – Finding Proposals and Applications

11)      DD – R – Funding Proposals and Applications

12)      DE – Revenues from Tax Sources

13)      DFA – Revenues from Investments

14)      DFB – Revenues from School-owned Real Estate

15)      DFC – Grants

16)      DG – Depository of Funds

17)      DGA – Authorized Signatures

18)      DH – Bonded Employees and Officers

19)      DI – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

20)      DIB – Types of Funds

21)      DIC – Financial Reports and Statements

22)      DID – Inventories

23)      DIE – Audits

24)      DJ – Purchasing

25)      DJB – Petty Cash Accounts

26)      DJBA – Incidental Accounts

27)      DJC – Bidding Equipment

28)      DJD – Local Purchasing

29)      DJF – Purchasing Procedures

30)      DJG – Vendor Relations

31)      DK – Payment Procedures

32)      DLA – Payday Schedules

33)      DLB – Salary Deductions

34)      DLC – Expense Reimbursements

35)      DLC-R – Expense Reimbursements

36)      DM – Cash in School Buildings

37)      School Properties Disposal Procedure

38)      KA – School Community Relations Goals

39)      KB – Public Information Program

40)      KBC – News Media Relations

41)      KBCA – News Releases

42)      KBCAA – Crisis Management Team Guidelines (also CD, EBCE, GBB, JFB)

a)          Appendix A:  Crisis Situation Media Parameters

b)          Appendix B:  Principal’s Role, Ten Step Plan to Deal with Crisis

c)          Appendix C:  Teacher’s Role

d)          Appendix D:   Guidance Role

e)          Appendix E:  Role of Secretarial Staff

f)            Appendix F:  How to Comfort those who Grieve

43)    KBE – Bond Campaigns (also FD)

44)    KC – Community Involvement in Decision Making (also ABA)

45)    KD – Public Participation at Board Meetings

46)    KF – Community Instructional Resources

47)    KG-E-R – Facility Use Policy

48)    KG-E-R-E – Facility User Agreement

49)    KGB – Public Conduct on School Property

50)    KGC – Tobacco-Free School Policy

51)    KH – Public Gifts to Schools

52)    KI/KJ – Public Solicitations/Advertising in the School

53)    KK – Visitors to the Schools

54)    KL – Public Complaints

55)    KLB – Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials

56)    KLB-E – Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials

57)    KLD – Public Complaints about School Personnel

58)    KMA – Relations with Parent Organizations

59)    KN – Relations with Governmental Authorities

60)    KNE – Parent Involvement Title I

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to eliminate board policy DJC-E.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to table/defer action on open enrollment requests #05-128077 and #05-128074.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve Quam & Berglin, Certified Public Accountants to perform the 2003-04 audit.

2.          Approve Public Exemption requests #32.

3.          Approve the low quote for copier paper from Heartland Paper Company @ $17.80/case * 1,200 cases = $21,360.00 for the 2004-05 school year.

4.          Approve the following East Dakota Educational Cooperative program purchases for 2004-05 school year:

a)          1 F.T.E. Physical Therapy                     $83,382.00

b)          1.2 F.T.E. Occupational Therapy           $81,135.00

c)          Vocational Specialist                               $19,575.00

d)          Psychological Services                          $13,968.00

e)          High Impact/Career Academy                $48,400.00

f)            Dues                                                      $  4,661.00

TOTAL                                  $251,121.00

5.          Approve preliminary proposed Capital Outlay Budget for the 2004-05 school year - $2,856,200.

6.          Approve contract with Architecture, Inc. for transportation facility architectural service @ 6% of construction cost.

Motion carried.      

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Klumpp to approve the following personnel items:

1.       Resignation from Dean Pierson for 7th grade football for the 2004-05 school year contingent upon finding a suitable replacement.

2.       Resignation/retirement from Doreen Allen, Brandon Valley Middle School, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

3.       Resignation/retirement from Sheila Keyman, Brandon Elementary Special Services, effective at the end of the 2003-04 school year.

4.       Recommendation to hire Janiece O’Connor, Special Services Educational Assistant @ $8.75/hour, 18 hrs/week..

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.       Thank you from Sue Norberg regarding Work-to-home computer licensing.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Duffy updated the board on the revised plans and cost estimates of the proposed transportation facility.  Board member Whitelock reported on legislative issues.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to go into executive session at  9:59 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 10:53 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of April, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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February 23, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 23rd of February, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Rachel Langenhorst’s 5th Grade class from Brandon Elementary presented to the Board of Education poems that were entered in a poetry contest. These poems will be published in the “Young Poet’s Collection” to be released in the fall of 2004.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on the following:

1.          Receipt of termination fee from Cheryl Neuberger.

2.          Meeting with Minnehaha County Sheriff Mike Milstead concerning the Homeland Security Grant that is being proposed for security cameras at area high schools.

Karla Johnson, Youth Enrichment Services, presented the results of their Kindergarten Plus survey.  She received 121 surveys back from approximately 180 surveys sent.  There were 26 total children that indicated interest in the program (10 at Robert Bennis Elementary, 13 at Brandon Elementary, and 3 at Valley Springs Elementary)   Ms. Johnson requested that all of these children attend  morning Kindergarten with the Kindergarten Plus program to be held at one school in the afternoon.  Ms. Johnson surveyed the parents this past weekend and all but two were willing to enroll their children in the school districts AM Kindergarten so as they could be enrolled in Kindergarten Plus.  The Board of Education gave Youth Enrichment Services approval to proceed with the Kindergarten Plus program as proposed.

The Board of Education gave second reading to the following board policies:

1.          FA  - Facilities Development Goals

2.          FB - Facilities Planning

3.          FC – Facilities Capitalization Program

4.          FC-E – Facilities Capitalization Program, Capital Outlay Certificate

5.          FD – Bond Campaigns (also KBE)

6.          FEA – Education Specifications

7.          FEB – Selection of Architect

8.          FEC – Facilities Development Plans and Specifications

9.          FECA – Site Plan and Specifications

10.       FED – Construction Cost Estimates and Determinations

11.       FEE – Site Acquisition Procedure

12.       FEFB – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees

13.       FEFB-E – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees, Performance Bond

14.       FEG – Supervision of Construction

15.       FL – Retirement of Facilities

16.       HA – Negotiations Goals

17.       HB – Negotiations Legal Status

18.       HC – Scope of Negotiations

19.       HD – School Board Negotiating Powers and Duties

20.       HE – Board Negotiating Agents

21.       HE-R – Board Negotiating Agents

22.       HG – Staff Negotiating Organizations

23.       HH – Privileges of Staff Negotiating Organizations

24.       HJ – Negotiations Procedures

25.       HL – Preliminary Negotiated Agreement Disposition

26.       HN – Impasse Procedures

27.       HO – Staff Job Actions

28.       LA – Education Agency Relations Goals

29.       LB – Relation with Other Schools and School Districts

30.       LBB – Cooperative Educational Programs

31.       LBD – Relations with Home Schools 

32.       LE – Relations with Colleges and Universities

33.       LEB – Advanced College Placement (also IGCD)

34.       LI – Relations with Education Accreditation Agencies

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve these policies as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve Open Enrollment request #04-128134.

2.          Approve South Dakota High School Activities Association Runoff Election Ballot for Division II Representative vote for Dan Paulson, Lead-Deadwood High School, for the term of April 20 2004 – June 20, 2008.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          Thank you from Sara Stone and family.

2.          East Dakota Educational Cooperative agenda – February 18, 2004.

3.          East Dakota Educational Cooperative minutes – January 21, 2004.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Duffy reported on the Buildings and Grounds committee.  Board member Whitelock reported on Legislative issues.  Board member Auch reported on Food Service.  Food Service Director, Gay Anderson, is piloting a breakfast program in the elementary.  The Board of Education recognized Brandon Valley High School Assistant Principal, Brad Thorson, as Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year.  The Board of Education also recognized Merlyn Bosch as Brandon Valley Chamber of Commerce  school district employee of the year (non-teacher).

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Motion carried.


                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of March, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________


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February 9, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 9th day of February, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary  with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the minutes of the regular meetings of January 13 and January 26, 2004 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of January, 2004  showed cash receipts of $689,508.21 and disbursements of $1,659,554.26 leaving a balance of $3,471,780.44.  General Fund had receipts of $593,728.83, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $14,135.69 to the Bond Redemption Fund, and had disbursements of $975,020.75 leaving a balance of $2,297,698.98.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $23,476.88 and disbursements of $428,538.09, leaving a balance of $635,780.55.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $61,946.10 and disbursements of $127,838.27, leaving a balance of $454,228.33.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $1,434.48 and disbursements of $0.00, leaving a balance of $54,822.72.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $8,921.82, received an interfund transfer of $14,135.69 from the General Fund, and disbursements of $23,057.51, leaving a balance of $0.00.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $105,099.64, leaving a balance of $29,249.86.

The January, 2004 payroll totaled $757,219.61 of which $420,404.50 was instructional, $226,162.26 was support services, $20,438.72 was co-curricular, and $90,214.13 was Special Services.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of January, 2004.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.

Business Manager, Paul J. Lundberg, reported the 2002-03 cost per pupil data for ESD+6 schools and various surrounding schools. Brandon Valley School District general fund cost per pupil was $4,400 per student, which ranks 169 out of 171 school districts.

                Superintendent George A. Gulson updated the Board of Education on snow days and possibilities of make up days.  He also informed the Board of Education of the history of elementary class sizes from 1997-98 to 2003-04.

                Middle School Principal, Dan Pansch, reviewed the possibility of counting Algebra taken as a middle school student and replacing the high school algebra requirement.  The Administration and curriculum committee will review this situation and make a recommendation to the Board of Education.

                Assistant Middle School Principal, Randy Hill, gave a 1st semester discipline and attendance report from the Brandon Valley Middle School.  The Middle School had an average daily attendance rate of 95.38% with 54.4% of the Middle School  students being on the A/B honor roll.

The Board of Education gave first reading to the following board policies:

1.          FA  - Facilities Development Goals

2.          FB - Facilities Planning

3.          FC – Facilities Capitalization Program

4.          FC-E – Facilities Capitalization Program, Capital Outlay Certificate

5.          FD – Bond Campaigns (also KBE)

6.          FEA – Education Specifications

7.          FEB – Selection of Architect

8.          FEC – Facilities Development Plans and Specifications

9.          FECA – Site Plan and Specifications

10.       FED – Construction Cost Estimates and Determinations

11.       FEE – Site Acquisition Procedure

12.       FEFB – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees

13.       FEFB-E – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees, Performance Bond

14.       FEG – Supervision of Construction

15.       FL – Retirement of Facilities

16.       HA – Negotiations Goals

17.       HB – Negotiations Legal Status

18.       HC – Scope of Negotiations

19.       HD – School Board Negotiating Powers and Duties

20.       HE – Board Negotiating Agents

21.       HE-R – Board Negotiating Agents

22.       HG – Staff Negotiating Organizations

23.       HH – Privileges of Staff Negotiating Organizations

24.       HJ – Negotiations Procedures

25.       HL – Preliminary Negotiated Agreement Disposition

26.       HN – Impasse Procedures

27.       HO – Staff Job Actions

28.       LA – Education Agency Relations Goals

29.       LB – Relation with Other Schools and School Districts

30.       LBB – Cooperative Educational Programs

31.       LBD – Relations with Home Schools 

32.       LE – Relations with Colleges and Universities

33.       LEB – Advanced College Placement (also IGCD)

34.       LI – Relations with Education Accreditation Agencies

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve Open Enrollment application #04-128134.

2.          Approve Public School Exemption Certificate #31.

3.          Approve Janna Moseman for substitute teacher for 2003-04 school year.

4.          Approve matching funds for Valley Springs Elementary playground - approximately $10,000.

5.          Set graduation date for 2005 – Sunday, May 29th @ 2:00 p.m.

Motion carried. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.          Approve increase in hours for Debbie Bird, Brandon Elementary Educational Assistant  - 19 hrs/week to 33 hrs./week, effective immediately.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          Minnehaha County building permits – January 2004.

2.          Thank you from Lisa Johnson and family.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member, Klumpp reported on transportation.  Board member Duffy reported on Buildings and Grounds related to the proposed new transportation facility.  Board member, Whitelock reported on legislative issues.  He also gave a report on the FRN conference that he recently attended.  A Food Service committee meeting was set for 02/12/2004 @ 9:00 a.m.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 8th day of March, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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January 26, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 26th day of January, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The regular meeting was proceeded by a public hearing to discuss the proposed construction of a transportation facility.  District Architect, Steve Jastram, was present to show a proposed drawing of the building.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Joel Grim, Valley Springs Elementary Principal, spoke on behalf of the Valley Springs Elementary P.T.A. to request matching funds of approximately $10,000 to fund a playground system at Valley Springs Elementary.  The P.T.A. and City of Valley Springs have raised approximately $10,000.  The district contribution ($10,000) will be included in the 2004-05 Capital Outlay Budget and will be considered for approval.

Steve Johnke spoke to the Board of Education requesting that they survey parents again to see the interest in an all day kindergarten program at Brandon Valley School District.  Board member Whitelock reviewed the results of the extensive survey that he performed last year.  The Board of Education stated that Youth Enrichment Services would be present at kindergarten screening to determine a need/interest in a “Kinder Care” program at Brandon Valley School District.

Sue Filler, High School Anatomy teacher, gave a report to the Board of Education concerning a unique opportunity that her students will have.  Her class was one of two in South Dakota that was selected to view a live open-heart surgery via the Digital Dakota Network (DDN) on January 28, 2004.

The Board of Education viewed the Brandon Valley High School Web Page that is being administered by independent study students, Brian Brua and Michael Schelling under the direction of Brandon Valley High School teachers, Dian Versteeg and Melissa Johnson. 

The Board of Education reviewed and discussed the following board policies:

1.          FA  - Facilities Development Goals

2.          FB - Facilities Planning

3.          FC – Facilities Capitalization Program

4.          FC-E – Facilities Capitalization Program, Capital Outlay Certificate

5.          FD – Bond Campaigns (also KBE)

6.          FEA – Education Specifications

7.          FEB – Selection of Architect

8.          FEC – Facilities Development Plans and Specifications

9.          FECA – Site Plan and Specifications

10.       FED – Construction Cost Estimates and Determinations

11.       FEE – Site Acquisition Procedure

12.       FEFB – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees

13.       FEFB-E – Contractor’s Affidavits and Guarantees

14.       FEG – Supervision of Construction

15.       FL – Retirement of Facilities

16.       HA – Negotiations Goals

17.       HB – Negotiations Legal Status

18.       HC – Scope of Negotiations

19.       HD – School Board Negotiating Powers and Duties

20.       HE – Board Negotiating Agents

21.       HE-R – Board Negotiating Agents

22.       HG – Staff Negotiating Organizations

23.       HH – Privileges of Staff Negotiating Organizations

24.       HJ – Negotiations Procedures

25.       HL – Preliminary Negotiated Agreement Disposition

26.       HN – Impasse Procedures

27.       HO – Staff Job Actions

28.       LA – Education Agency Relations Goals

29.       LB – Relation with Other Schools and School Districts

30.       LBB – Cooperative Educational Programs

31.       LBD – Relations with Home Schools  (IGDK – Participation of Alternative Instruction Students)

32.       LE – Relations with Colleges and Universities

33.       LEB – Advanced College Placement (also IGCD)

34.       LI – Relations with Education Accreditation Agencies

Motion by Klumpp,  seconded by Auch to approve the following general business items:

1.          Approve purchase of Versatran Transportation Software @ $22,555.

2.          Authorize the administration to seek bids on a transportation facility.

3.          Approve half year lane change requests:

a)          Paula Hahn from BA to BA+15

b)          Kathy Sorenson from MA to MA+15

4.          Approve Open Enrollment  requests:

a)          04-128094

b)          04-128132

c)          04-128133

5.          Recognize the South Dakota Retirement System Election Notice to be posted for an election to be held in June, 2004 to select a school board representative to the South Dakota Retirement System Board of Trustees.

6.          Approve the 2005-06 Brandon Valley School District calendar as presented by the administration.

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.          Recognize maternity leave for Sue Dekker, Robert Bennis Elementary 3rd Grade, to begin approximately April 12, 2004.

2.          Approve recommendation to hire Connie Larsgaard, Brandon Valley Middle School Child Nutrition @ $8.50/hr., 3.75 hrs./day.

3.          Approve resignation from Marla Top, Special Services Educational Assistant, effective February 12, 2004.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.          East Dakota Educational Cooperative (EDEC) agenda.

2.          Minutes from EDEC of December 13, 2003 and January 14, 2004.

3.          Thank you from Marcia Petree and family.

4.          Thank you letter from Penny Paclik regarding Brandon Valley Middle School teachers.

5.          Transportation data through December, 2003.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Auch reported that EDEC has rehired Dan Goodwin as the director.  Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting is scheduled for January 28, 2004 at 4:00 p.m.  President Simmons reported on Curriculum issues including changes in the High School band program.  Freshmen will be included in marching band beginning with the 2004-05 school year.  Sophomore through seniors will be allowed a choice between marching band and a solo recital.  Graduation for 2004-05 has been scheduled for May 29, 2005 at  2:00 p.m.  Graduation for 2005-06 was set for May 28, 2006 at  2:00 p.m.  Board member Whitelock informed the Board of Education on pertinent legislative issues and bills. 

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of February, 2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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January 13, 2004

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 13th  day of January, 2004 at Robert Bennis Elementary with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none. Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 2003 and special meeting of December 16, 2003 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Whitelock to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of December, 2003 showed cash receipts of $3,421,369.78 and disbursements of $1,446,689.92 leaving a balance of $4,441,826.49.  General Fund had receipts of $2,014,117.89, received an interfund transfer of $147,315.16 from the Bond Redemption Fund and disbursements of $999,552.52 leaving a balance of $2,693,126.49.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $616,633.57 and disbursements of $58,817.47, leaving a balance of $1,040,841.76.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $507,135.20 and disbursements of $130,593.30, leaving a balance of $520,120.50.  The Pension Fund had receipts of $41,059.37 and disbursements $0.00, leaving a balance of $53,388.24.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $242,423.75, sent a interfund transfer of $147,315.16 to the General Fund  and disbursements of $180,663.75, leaving a balance of $0.00.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $0.00 and disbursements of $76,702.88, leaving a balance of $134,349.50.

The December, 2003 payroll totaled $778,417.33 of which $420,087.11 was instructional, $242,969.05 was support services, $19,701.07 was co-curricular, and $95,660.10 was Special Services.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of December, 2003.  Motion carried.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson recognized Tom Grode, High School Social Studies Teacher, on his completion of the National Teacher Certification requirements.  Superintendent Gulson reported that next summer the Brandon Valley High School will provide a marching band for the Valley Springs parade under the direction of Kevin Kessler.

Randy Hill, Assistant Middle School Principal reported the writing scores to the Board of Education.  Brandon Valley 5th and 9th grade students performed exceptionally when compared to the State of South Dakota averages.

Karen Heyden, Robert Bennis Elementary Principal,  recognized the elementary P.T.A. for donating 21 site licenses for the Success maker Program at Robert Bennis Elementary.  The program is designed to assist students with math skills. 

The Board of Education gave second reading to the following board policies:

1.       IA – Instructional Goals

2.       IB – Academic Freedom

3.       IC/ICA – School Year/School Calendar

4.       ID – School Day

5.       IE – Organization of Instruction

6.       IF/IFB/IFD – Curriculum Development and Adoption

7.       IGAA – Citizenship Education

8.       IGAB – Human Relations Education

9.       IGAC – Teaching About Religion

10.    IGAD – Occupational Education

11.    IGAF – Physical Education

12.    IGAG – Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

13.    IGBA – Programs for Disabled Children

14.    IGBB – Programs for Gifted Students

15.    IGBG – Homebound Instruction

16.    IGBH – Alternate School Programs

17.    IGCA – Summer School

18.    IGCD – Advanced College Placement/Dual Enrollment

19.    IGD – Cocurricular and Extracurricular Activities

20.    IGDA – Student Organizations

21.    IGDB – Student Publications

22.    IGDD – Student Performances

23.    IGDF – Student Fund-Raising Activities

24.    IGDG – Student Activities Funds Management

25.    IGDI/IGDJ – Interscholastic Athletics/Intramural Athletics

26.    IGDK – Participation of Alternative Instruction Students

27.    IGE – Community Education Programs

28.    IHA – Grouping for Instruction

29.    IHB – Class Size

30.    IHC – Scheduling for Instruction

31.    IIA – Instructional Materials

32.    IIAA – Textbook Selection and Adoption

33.    IIAA (1)  - Loaning of Textbooks

34.    IIAA-E – Textbook Selection and Adoption

35.    IIAC – Library Materials Selection and Adoption

36.    IIBA – Educational Assistants

37.    IIBD – School Libraries

38.    IIBE – Instructional Television

39.    IIBG – Computer Assisted Instruction

40.    IIBH – Distance Learning Policy and Guidelines

41.    IIBH-E – Distance Learning Student Contract

42.    IIBG-E – Student Access Contract

43.    IIC – Community Instructional Resources (also KF)

44.    IICB – Community Resource Persons

45.    IJ – Guidance Program

46.    IK – Academic Achievement

47.    IKA – Grading Systems

48.    IKAB – Student Progress Reports to Parents

49.    IKB – Homework

50.    IKE – Promotion and Retention of Students

51.    IKE-E – Retention Report

52.    IKE-R – General Guideline for Student Retention

53.    IKF-IKFA – Graduation Requirements

54.    IKFB – Graduation Separation

55.    IL – Testing Programs

56.    IM/AFE – Evaluation of Instructional Programs

57.    INB – Teaching about Controversial Issues

58.    INDA /INDB – Patriotic Exercises/Flag Displays

59.    INH – Class Interruptions

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the policies as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the following general business items:

1.     Approve the following for substitute teachers for 2003-04 school year:

a.          Katie Haas

b.          Sabrina Shotwell

c.           Lanette Thompson

d.          Janna Moseman

e.          Nicolle Voeltz

f.            Tanya Hohn

g.          Kipley McDaniel

h.          Kristin Mulder

2.     Set public hearing for a new Transportation facility on January 26, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at Robert Bennis Elementary.

3.     Approve school board election date for Tuesday, June 15th, 2004.

4.     Approve 2004 SDHSAA ballot – vote for Randy Marso, Brandon Valley Activities Director.

5.     Approve open enrollment requests #04-128130 and #04-128131.

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.     Recommendation to hire Karen Janssen, Substitute for Child Nutrition.

2.     Recommendation hire Devon Dandurand, Substitute Custodian.

3.     Resignation from Sue Mofle, Brandon Valley Middle School Food Service, effective 12-29-03.

4.     Retirement/resignation from Dan Murphy, Brandon Valley Middle School English teacher, effective at the end of 2003-04 school year.

5.     Request for maternity leave for Christy Bahnson, Brandon Elementary 5th Grade teacher, effective approximately 5-2-04.

Motion carried.

Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you from Paula Gordon.

2.        Thank you from Brandon Chamber of Commerce for use of building and support staff for Santa Land on 12-04-03.

3.        December, 2003 Minnehaha County Building permits.

4.        South Dakota School Transportation Association minutes, 12-29-03.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board member Duffy reported on the financing of the proposed transportation facility set for public hearing on 01/26/04.  Board member Whitelock reported on the start of the 2004 legislature.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                                                Signed _________________________________

                                                                                                                Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th  day of February,  2004.

                                                                                Signed ___________________________________



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