Board Minutes of 2002
September 9, 2002 September 23, 2002
October 14, 2002 October 28, 2002
November 12, 2002 November 25, 2002












































November 25, 2002

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 25th day of November, 2002 at Brandon Valley Middle School Media Center with the following members present: Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock, and Mike Klumpp.  Absent: None.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration. 

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried. 

Middle School teachers, Richard Henn, Patrick Donelan, and Beth Slowey demonstrated the projects of their Industrial Technology and Life Skills classes to the Board of Education. 

Administrative reports were heard.  They included the following:

1.          Immunization Deficiency Letter, November, 2002.

2.          Request from Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal, to terminate the elementary after school tutoring program and use the money to hire retired teachers to help during the school day.  The matter will be referred to the Curriculum Committee for review. 

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following general business items:

1.        Approve Open Enrollment request #128036.

2.        Approve Public School Exemption #25.

3.        Approve Matthew Merritt for substitute teaching for the 2002-03 school year.

4.        Approve renewal of membership to East Dakota Educational Cooperative for the 2003-04 school year.

Motion carried. 

Motion by Auch, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Approve resignation from Cathy Rogers, Child Nutrition Director.

2.        Recommendation to hire Carol F. Nangle, ESL Long Term Substitute for 2002-03 school year.

3.        Recommendation to hire Terri Whipkey, Brandon Elementary Secretary, 40 hrs/week@ $9.25/hour.

Motion carried. 

The following communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included:

1.     Thank you from Harold Versteeg family.

2.     Thank you from Brandon Elementary 3rd Grade Teachers.

3.     Thank you from Valley Springs Staff. 

Board of Education committee reports were heard.  Board member Duffy reported on Bennis Elementary building project.  Board member Whitelock reported on Curriculum Committee.

Travel reports were reviewed. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.  Motion carried. 

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager 

Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of December, 2002. 

                                                            Signed ___________________________________


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 November 12, 2002

                The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 12th day of November, 2002 at the High School Library with the following members present: Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, and John Whitelock.  Absent: Mike Klumpp.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, and other members of the administration. 

                The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

                Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 

                Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to approve the minutes of the regular board meetings of October 14th and October 28th 2002 as presented.  Motion carried. 

                Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried. 

                The cash report for the month of October, 2002 showed receipts of $1,343,292.68, and disbursements of $1,763,539.03, leaving a balance of $5,904,505.05.  General Fund had receipts of $1,095,091.23 and disbursements of $983,747.73, leaving a balance of $1,394,463.10.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $111,447.75 and disbursements of $99,339.10 leaving a balance of $12,108.65.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $104,925.23 and disbursements of $131,272.41, leaving a balance of $154,417.13.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $23,249.47 and disbursements of 0.00, leaving a balance of $27,469.86.   Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $8,579.00 and disbursements of $549,179.79, leaving a balance of $4,316,046.31. 

                The October, 2002 payroll totaled $749,907.89 of which $407,779.87 was instructional, $229,563.33 was support services, $23,016.03 was co-curricular, and $89,548.66 was Special Education. 

                Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of October, 2002.  Motion carried. 

Administrative reports were heard.                

                Board of Education gave the 2nd and final reading to the following board policies:

1.          JC School Attendance Areas

2.          JECC Assignment of Students to Schools

Motion by Auch, seconded by Duffy to approve the policies as presented.  Motion carried. 

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following General Business items:

1.    Approve the following additional substitute teachers for the 2002-03 school year:

a)      Melissa Heckman

b)      Amber Blume

2.    Approve Open Enrollment requests #128034 and #128035.

3.    Approve change order #1 for Robert Bennis Elementary + $59,116.00.

Motion carried. 

Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following personnel items:

1.     Notice of maternity leave for Lisa Johnson, Brandon Elementary beginning 12/16/2002.

2.     Resignation of Jeramie Olson, Grounds Dept., effective 11/11/02.

Motion carried. 

                Communications received by the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.        Thank you from Kent Anderson and Family. 

Board of Education committee reports were heard. Board member Duffy reported on Buildings and Grounds – Bennis Elementary.  Board member Whitelock reported on Curriculum committee – Kindergarten Surveys.ravel reports and facility use requests were reviewed. 

                Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m.  Motion carried.


                                                                                                                                                Business Manager

                 Approved by the Board of Education this 9th day of December, 2002.




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October 28, 2002

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 28th day of October, 2002 at Valley Springs Elementary with the following members present: Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock, and Mike Klumpp.  Absent: None.   Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Motion by Auch, seconded by Duffy to approve the agenda as revised.   Motion carried.

A group of parents spoke to the Board of Education regarding the possibility of combination classrooms at Valley Springs Elementary for the 2002-03 school year.   The parents posed questions and concerns over combination classes.  The Board of Education assured the parents that the teachers would be properly trained and all children will continue to receive the high quality of education that is expected at Brandon Valley.

·           Carrie Bakken and Linda Heeren gave a report to the Board of Education regarding the newly implemented Guided Reading program at Brandon Valley School District.   There are 2,300 titles/books at Valley Springs Elementary for student use with the program.

 Board of Education gave the first reading to the following board policies:

1.          JC School Attendance Areas

2.          JECC Assignment of Student to Schools
Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following general business items:

1.        Approve Open Enrollment requests #128032 and #128033.

2.        Approve Public School Exemption #23.

3.        Approve the following for substitute teaching for the 2002-03 school year:

a.  Sara Hoffman

b.  Janet Liesinger

c.  Teresa Speiser

4.        Approve Middle School Ski/Snowboarding Exploratory for 2002-03.

5.        Approve changing the meeting for the Board of Education from Monday, November 11, 2002 to Tuesday, November 12, 2002.

6.        Approve Jeremy Scadden quote for snow removal for the 2002-03 school year.

7.        Set the Board of Education retreat for December 18, 2002.

Motion carried.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Resignation Kathy Lind, Brandon Elementary Secretary, effective 10/18/2002.

2.        Recommendation to hire Cathy Rogers, Child Nutrition Director @ $25,000/yr. – 10 months.

3.        Notice of maternity leave from Jami Ray- Special Services beginning approximately March 12, 2003.

Motion carried.

The following communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included:

1.     Thank you Gretchen Anderson & family

2.     Thank you from Amy/Dan Mutschelknaus.

Board of Education committee reports were heard.  Board member Whitelock reported on Alternative Education. Board member Whitelock reported on 3 surveys for the Curriculum Committee to be distributed in the future regarding all day kindergarten.  One survey to be distributed at conferences, one survey to be sent to Kindergarten students that have opened enrolled out of our district, and one survey to be distributed at Kindergarten screening.

Travel reports were reviewed.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.   Motion carried.

                                                            Signed __________________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 12th day of November, 2002.

                                                            Signed ______________________________________


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  October 14, 2002

The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 14th day of October, 2002 at the High School Library with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock, and Mike Klumpp.  Absent: none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Assistant Business Manager James Schobert and other members of the administration.

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock  to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the minutes of the regular board meetings of September 9 and September 23, 2002 as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

The cash report for the month of September, 2002 showed cash receipts of $772,598.28 and disbursements of $2,275,676.51 leaving a balance of $6,324,751.40.  General Fund had receipts of $708,866.51, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $58,849.51 to Capital Outlay Fund and disbursements of $1,023,949.79, leaving a balance of $1,283,119.60.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $10,554.09, received a temporary interfund transfer of $58,849.51 from the General Fund and disbursements of $69,403.60, leaving a balance of 0.00.  The Special Education Fund had receipts of $48,081.74 and disbursements of $121,001.71, leaving a balance of $180,764.31.  The Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $1,664.52 and disbursements of 0.00, leaving a balance of $4,220.39.   The Capital Project Fund had receipts of $3,431.42 and disbursements of $1,055,321.44, leaving a balance of $4,856,647.07.

The September, 2002 payroll totaled $753,821.29  of which $397,912.48 was instructional, $251,203.97 was support services, $19,205.62 was co-curricular, and $85,499.22 was Special Services.

Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of September, 2002.  Motion carried.

Brett Erickson reported to the Board of Education his concerns over combination classrooms, boundary changes, and other issues at Valley Springs Elementary.

Administrative reports were heard.  Superintendent Gulson reported on student immunization deficiency letters for September, 2002 and on the building improvements report for Valley Springs Elementary.  Gregg Talcott, High School Principal reported on the mentoring program training he recently attended in Mitchell.  Brad Thorson, Assistant High School Prinicipal, reported on a 9-day conference on leadership that he is currently attending.   Dan Pansch, Middle School Principal, reported on the new Chinese students currently attending Brandon Valley and on the staff that will be attending a conference on English as a Second Language in Sioux Falls.  Randy Hill, Assistant Middle School Principal, reported on testing changes under the new federal program “No Child Left Behind”.  Joel Grim, Valley Springs Elementary Principal, reported on Laurie Bluch, Artist in Residence and on the October teacher in-service reviewing the 6 Traits of Writing Program.

The Board of Education reviewed and discussed the following board policies:

1.     JC School Attendance Areas

2.     JECC Assignment of Students to Schools.

Motion by Auch, seconded by Whitelock to approve the following general business items:

1.     Approve Public School Exemption request #23.

2.     Approve the following for substitute teaching in the 2002-03 school year:

a.       Shelly Hoefs

b.       Stephanie Leinen

3.     Approve school lawyer attendance to the Education Law Association Meeting.

4.     Recommendation to approve petroleum quotes from Palisade Oil Company

5.     Approval of not offering gymnastics due to the lack of students in the program and difficulty in finding coaching.

6.     Approve scenario #1 boundary recommendation for Robert Bennis Elementary, Brandon Elementary, and Valley Springs Elementary.

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.     Recommendation to hire Patrick Murphy, substitute van driver.

Motion carried.

            Communications received in the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.     Thank you from Kyle Babb and family.

2.     Thank you from Carol Dressen and family.

The Board of Education Committee reports were heard.  Board Member Klumpp reported on transportation.  Board President, Simmons, reported on the Legislative Committee.

Travel reports and facility use events schedules were reviewed.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to move into executive session to discuss personnel matters @ 8:25 p.m. Motion carried.

After coming out of executive session it was moved by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.  Motion carried.

                                                            Signed _________________________________

                                                                            Assistant Business Manager

Approved by the Board of Education this 11th day of November, 2002.

                                                            Signed ___________________________________


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September 23, 2002

The regular meeting of Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of September, 2002 at the High School library with the following members present:  Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock, and Mike Klumpp.  Absent: None.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, and other members of the administration. 

The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the pledge of allegiance.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

 Kevin Anderson from the Brandon VFW presented Superintendent Gulson with a U.S. Flag to fly at the Brandon Valley High School.

Dan Pansch, Middle School Principal, gave a presentation on the North Central Accreditation 5 year process at Brandon Valley School District.

Elementary Reading Specialist, Karen Kluin and Educational Assistants Sheri McNamara, Bonnie Fjerestad, and Joan Krueger presented to the Board of Education a new reading system that was implemented this year.  The program is called the “Sonday System”.  It is a phonics based, individualized program to help the struggling readers.

Superintendent Gulson gave a report on the State of South Dakota opt outs.   There have been 80 school districts opt out since 1996.  30 opt outs have been uncontested, 23 opt outs have passed, 21 opt outs have been defeated, and 6 opt outs have yet to be determined.

 Superintendent Gulson presented 2 proposals for setting new elementary school boundaries next year with the opening of Robert Bennis Elementary.  Copies of the proposed boundaries are available at the Central Office, the Brandon Valley Challenger, and the district web site.  The matter will be brought back to the October 14, 2002 board meeting.

Board member Whitelock presented information to review the all day kindergarten issue.  He has suggested committee structure, potential survey questions/participants, issues to explore, and questions to be answered.

Board Policy BDDI – Board Member Use of E-Mail was given the second reading by the Board of Education.  Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to approve the policy as presented.  Motion carried.

 Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Duffy to approve the following general business items:

1.        Approve lane change request – Kevin Kessler BA to BA+15.

2.        Authorize Public School Exemption requests #23.

3.        Approve Open Enrollment request #128031.

4.        Approve the following substitute teachers for the 2002-03 school year:

(a)       Mo Bousseta

(b)       Kevin Schaefbauer

(c)        Paul Watson

(d)       Tara White

(e)       John Sinding

(f) Matthew Skilbred

5.        Approve written agreement between Brandon Valley School District and Sioux Falls Soccer Association.

6.        Approve Amanda Bonander to attend school at Brandon Valley as per South Dakota Department of Education.

Motion carried.

Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.          Resignation from Marcie Kemnitz, Food Service Director, effective 09/30/2002.

2.          Notification from Beth Slowey, Middle School Teacher, maternity leave approximately 04/17/03.

3.          Recommendation to hire George Houtsma, Substitute Bus Driver.

Motion carried.

Communications received by the Central Office were reviewed. They included the following:

1.      Thank you from Brian McMartin and family.

 Board of Education committee reports were heard.   Board member Duffy reported on the Bennis Elementary building project.  President Simmons reported on legislative issues.  She recently met with the Sioux Falls School District to discuss the possibility of renewing the education coalition.

 Travel Reports and Facility Use requests were reviewed.

 Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Klumpp to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.   Motion carried.


                                                              Signed __________________________

                                                                                    Business Manager

 Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of October, 2002.


                                                            Signed __________________________



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 September 9, 2002


            The regular meeting of the Brandon Valley Board of Education, Brandon, SD was held at 7:00 p.m. on the 9th day of September, 2002 at the High School Library with the following members present: Patricia Simmons, Bonnie Duffy, Casey Auch, John Whitelock and Mike Klumpp.  Absent none.  Also present were Superintendent George A. Gulson, Business Manager Paul J. Lundberg, and other members of the administration.

             The meeting was called to order by President Simmons and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

            Motion by Auch, seconded by Klumpp to approve the agenda as revised.  Motion carried.

             Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the minutes of the regular board meetings of August 12, and August 26, 2002 as presented.  Motion carried.

             Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Auch to approve the bills and claims as submitted with the agenda (see attached).  Motion carried.

             The cash report for the month of August, 2002 showed receipts of $692,239.26, and disbursements of $2,528,216.77, leaving a balance of $7,827,829.63.  General Fund had receipts of $555,866.76, sent a temporary interfund transfer of $139,186.09 to Capital Outlay Fund, and disbursements $1,001,929.04 leaving a balance of $1,657,052.39.  Capital Outlay Fund had receipts of $33,273.22 received a temporary interfund transfer of $139,186.09 from General Fund, and disbursements of $172,459.31, leaving a balance of $0.00.  Special Education Fund had receipts of $49,697.52, and disbursements of $106,649.34, leaving a balance of $259,684.28.  Bond Redemption Fund had receipts of $2,555.87 and disbursements of $0.00 leaving a balance of $2,555.87.  Capital Projects Fund had receipts of $50,845.89 and disbursements of $1,247,179.08, leaving a balance of $5,908,537.09.

             The August, 2002 payroll totaled $507,008.31 of which $263,769.43 was instructional, $172,671.30 was support services, $15,456.05 was co-curricular, and $55,111.53 was Special Education.

             Motion by Klumpp, seconded by Auch to approve the financial reports as presented for the month of August, 2002.  Motion carried.

            Margaret Larson and Curt Van Oort spoke to the Board of Education requesting all day kindergarten program at Brandon Valley School District as an “optional” offering.  The matter will be referred to the Curriculum Committee for review.

Administrative reports were heard.  Business Manager, Paul Lundberg, presented preliminary 2003-04 budget information.  Lyn Heidenson, Special Services Director, reported Early Childhood Screenings will be held on 09/17/2002.  Karen Heyden, Brandon Elementary Principal, presented to the Board of Education information on all day kindergarten.  Mrs. Heyden showed test score data, schedules, etc.  Activities Director, Randy Marso, reported to the Board of Education on the great success of the Pigskin Classic.

Board Policy BDDI Board Member Use of E-Mail was given the first reading by the Board of Education.

 Board Policy KG-E-R Facility Use Policy was given the second reading by the Board of Education.  Motion by Whitelock, seconded by Duffy to approve the policy as presented.  Motion carried.

Motion by Auch, seconded by Klumpp to approve the following General Business items:

(1)                Approve Open Enrollments #128029, #128030, & #128031.

(2)                Approve Public Exemption requests #20, #21, & #22.

(3)                Approve the following lane change requests:

·       Lisa Johnson – BA to BA+15

·       Tom Kerr – BA to BA+15

·       Justin Lovrien – BA to BA+15

·       Peggy Reiter – BA to BA+15

·       Jennifer Strand – BA to BA+15

·       Troy Sturgeon – BA to BA+15

·       Kent Anderson – BA+15 to MA

·       Shelly Duke – BA+15 to MA

·       Scott Guse – BA+15 to MA

·       Kathy Hunt – BA+15 to MA

·       Kristin Mulder – BA+15 to MA

·       Jeff Trout – BA+15 to MA

(4) Approve the following for substitute teaching for the 2002-2003 school year:

·         Jessica Hermanson

·         Donna Kinnan

·         Matthew Onnen

·         Jill Van Voorst

·         Robert Donner

Motion carried.

 Motion by Whitelock, seconded Duffy to approve the following personnel items:

1.        Recommendation to hire Sandy Albers, High School Food Service @ $8.50/hr, 3.25 hrs/day starting 09/03/2002.

2.        Recommendation to hire Debbie Bird, Brandon Elementary Educational Assistant @ $8.75/hr, 17.5 hrs/week.

Motion carried.

             Communications received by the Central Office were reviewed.  They included the following:

1.       Thank you from Karn Barth – Staff In-service.

2.       Letter from Curt Van Oort concerning all day kindergarten.

3.       Letter from Deb Paauw concerning all day kindergarten.

4.       Letter from Shawn Smith concerning all day kindergarten.

5.       Email from Mike/Diane Laycock concerning all day kindergarten.

6.       Email from Dan/Chrisann Etrheim concerning all day kindergarten.

Board of Education committee reports were heard. Board member Klumpp reported on Transportation Committee and Board Member Whitelock reported on Curriculum Committee.

 Travel reports and Facility Use requests were reviewed.

Motion by Duffy, seconded by Auch to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried.


                                                                                                            Business Manager


            Approved by the Board of Education this 14th day of October, 2002.






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